The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1965, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    , 4
13th (!)f Jftwrr-
AWiJyrt Hoegemeyrer, editor
Mike Jeffrey, business monoger
Poge 2 Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1965
Abel Hall Fire
THE LAST in & series of fires at Abel Hall Sunday
night ignited a roaring blaze of controversy and sharp
There is nothing humorous about the situation.
No one 'would like to see the newest residence hall on
campus in smoking shambles not the Lincoln fire de
partment. University officials, tax paying citizens or even
the residents of Abel Hall .
TO INSINUATE that all 1056 residents of Abel enjoy
running Outside at 11 p.m. to cheer firemen fighting a
blaze in their university home is riduculous. The majority
are just as disturbed probably more so than the
firemen who answered the call.
Yet, we hear reports of students booing the firemen
who were king their job, we get letters from students who
concoct a satire on the Abel Hall fire escapades. We won
der if these students realize the impression they create.
THE SMARTTES who think they are being cute are
ruining their chance to be accepted as intelligent adults.
The attitude of the students toward the firemen could
influence their respect for all Abel residents.
The possibility that the fire was started intentionally
by an Abel resident should not be overlooked. Who would
know better than the Abel residents if there is reason to
believe this possibility.
STUDENTS SHOULD not be afraid to provide any
clues which would help officials solve the mystery fire
problem. Students should show their eagerness to help
solve the problem rather than hindering a liason be
tween them and fire and University officials.
There is also the possibility that an "outsider" set
the loaded trash chute on fire. Trying to regulate the
coming and going of visitors in Abel Hall is like trying to
regulate the citizens of many of Nebraska's small towns.
This fact is often overlooked.
There is also the possibility that the fire was accidental.
THE INVESTIGATION by Abel Hall residence direc
tors, the Campus Police, the Lincoln Fire Department and
the State Fire Marshall should reveal exactly what did
cause the Sunday night fire.
Residents of Abel Hall should help in the investigation
and the "clowns" should conduct themselves in a manner
more befitting University of Nebraska students.
An Intellectual Mature
Today we present a discussion of an intellectual na
ture. The topic: history and science, their inter-relation
and their differences. A similar essay will appear weekly
in the Daily Nebraskan.
The purpose is to provide a vehicle for academic
thought on this campus.
This week's contributor is Lloyd Lee. a graduate stu
dent in chemical engineering from the Republic of hina.
Future articles will deal with political, historical, cul
tural, scientific and social questions though they may
not be answered. Rather the emphasis will be on the
exploration of thoughts and ideas.
History, Science
Differ in Method
FEW PEOPLE understand
Oswald Spengler when he
says that while science deals
with the become, das Ge
wordne, history deals with
the becoming, das Werden.
History is in no sense a
collection of facts pending
scientific treatment. History
is localized in space and
time, stamped with a cer
tain place and a particular
But science, as R. G. Coll
ingwood puts it." lives in a
world of abstract universals,
which are in one sense ev
erywhere and in another no
where in one sense at all
times and in another at no
watched sunset that eve
ning," is in this sense his
torical; but when we assert
that "The sun rises in the
east," the statement is true,
irrespective of whether it
was yesterday, today, or to
morrow, and thus it bears a
scientific sense. It is by the
particularity that we recog
nize history, and by univer
sality, science.
Facts observed In the "be
coming world" can be uti
lized as raw materials in
constructing theories in sci
ence. This has actur ''y been
practiced in all scientific
studies. But when events are
under this perspective, their
meaning in the living his
tory has already been de
prived. NAPOLEON ATE a b a d
pear on the eve nf the Wat
erloo campaign, thus he lost
the war the next day. We
call this form of statement
historical. But when we pur
port to extract the formula
tion, "If X has a rotten pear
such that it upsets him, then
Tie will lose the war the fol
lowing day," we do not call
this form of statement his
torical, we can call it, at
'most, sociological, and so
ciology is a form of science.
It is Napoleon himself
who bears the import in his
tory; not X, a thing non
existential. THE ARGUMENT is true
that science can assist the
"tudy" of history; b u t we
ihould be aware that science
1s not the substitute for his
tory. The theory of homeo
itssis may shed light on the
understanding of the tides of
history, but the existence of
history is not to glorify
the theory of homeostasis.
History immanently de
mands a methodology of its
own, the Physiognomic, nod
the Systematic. It is from
the domain of becoming
that history springs. And
it is one who can differenti
ate Life from Nature really
who appreciates the de
marcation of history from
Lloyd Lee
Notes from: Oswald Spen
gler: Dcr Untergang des
Abendlandes, and R. G. Col
lingwood: The Idea of History.
f o a Ktt
Ad Parade At Halftime
Communism Restores
Chinese Minorities
Dear Editor:
Regarding Lloyd L. Lee's
attempted refutation of Drs.
Trask and Sakai on Chinese
history, it would seem that
Lee himself has furnished
faulty reasoning and infor
mation. Most likely, in the von-
text of political discussion
and debate, Trask and Sakai
were not implying a continu
ity of culture and religion
from olden times into the
Chinese -Communist Tegime,
but wcTe only concerned
with the imperialistic com
parison. As Lee says, "the
Mongol and Manchurian in
vaders of China were for
eigners; but they came to
stay, and their history
merged with Chinese
history. Those invaders
made a great contribution
to the growth of China as a
nation. The restoration of
Chinese power in modern
times began under Sun Yat
Sen and Chiang Kai-Shek,
but the Communists have
well nigh completed t h e
In writing of the over
seas Chinese in Southeast
Asia, Lee is apparently un
aware that many millions of
these large racial minorities
are proud of the rebirth of
China's power and influence
in the world. Observers in
Singapore, Malaysia, Thai
land., etc. have found this
new pride only partly off
set by doubts about Com
munist ideology and tactics.
The Chinese minorities,
largely excluded from politi
cal power by the native gov
ernments of Southeast Asia
(except Singapore) and see
ing that these anti-Chinese
governments are generously
aided by the U.S.A., are
forced to look to Communist
China as their champion.
F.S. La Croix
Daily Nebraskan
TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Extensions 2588, 2589 and 2530.
Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Ad
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mw i h ''mi
mm Wk gr"yf aX
I've just thought up an excellent part
time profession for someone harking about
the campus with n ingenious mind and
little cash. It's organizing the balftime
advertising at football games. Anyway, I
suppose advertising is the most descrip
tive term for those banners and assorted
demonstrations that clutter the track at
each game.
For tnstanoe, tfte Fiji fc-e m occa
sion paraded around in app-triate Fijian
semi-attire usually in November, for
some obscure reason. At the last game,
there was the ATO's Sir Lancelot (Sir
Galahad? I always get them confused, but
there's one whose heart was pure) on
horseback, which woke everyone up, al
though I've forgotten the point of the
whole forav. Last year, even the Milford
Trade School had a banner; just think,
some ambitious young man might even
organize some national advertisers just
like the detergent people on TV,
Look at all the golden opportunities
for our organizer. For Abel, he can ex-en-tually
have a demonstration of firebugs
for their alums and visiting arsonists. The
Phi Psis could feature Duchess, although
the poor dog couldn't tarry enough kep
to even slightly dent the thirst of a crowd
like the one we get at games. Our man
could really outdo himself and got an ele
phant for the YR's some election war.
For those with martyr complexes, he
can arrange for pairs to carry 10-foot pa
per banners in 28-mile-an-hour breezes.
For those djing to picket, he can have
demonstrations on anything from the
war in Vie? Nam to the Union Ski Trip-
which will satisfy their piwims
without getting anybody mad for the sim
ple reason that five minutes later no one
will be able to say whether the pickets
were for or against. .
U our young professional really does
his wk well; H I m ctx?
on the effects of banners on the voting
babits of poop lm
attention of the candied apple seller any.
ww if he prows that signs are an in
valuable asset to those running for van
us exalted campus positions, he can ex
pand his operation. Rather than Uniting
it to the intermission, when it is sensibly
not allow ed to interrupt the viewing of the
show the signs can go around al during
the second half, when this Apparently is
allowed to interrupt the viewing of the
SMTn'stad of seeing a Dud to W h i te
pass, w will be delightfully entertained
with a poster saying, "Vote Smarts i Ms
Gillicuddy for Campus Hero. Right in
front of us, during a Wachholtz field
goal trv, will be a cleverly done banner,
complete with chorus line, extolling t b e
charms of Hermione Van Schmacklebow
er, candidate for Harvest Honey.
If our budding entrepreneur worked it
right he could do all the signs and get a
discount on materials. The business would
get so big he'd have to hire assistants,
thus strengthening the local economy. How
could anvone be against such a plan,
Campus Opinion-
Honorary Causes Abel Fire
Dear Editor:
We feel that the Nebras
Van has not been giving
proper coverage to one of
the top social events on
campus, the weekly Abel
Hall fires. We realize that,
being outsiders, your re
porters cannot get the whole
story, and we have taken it
upon ourselves to see that
they get the lull amount of
publicity due them.
Sunday night's fire was
sponsored lay Pi Rho
pledges, freshman arson
honorary, Abel chapter. The
alarm was turned in "by the
Abel IV publicity chairman.
This week's guest firemen
were from Engine Company
No. 13. Abel II poured and
a record attendance was re
ported, topping last Friday 's
event by 500 participants.
A pre-fire rally w-as held
prior to Sunday's -event
with the State Fire Mar
shall leading cheers of
H'Glow Big Red" and "X)n
To The Cinder Bowl V
Tickets for next week's
exchange fire with Pound
Hall are on sale now out
side the Abel TV trash chute.
It will be a date affair, with
Nero and the Fiddlers play
ing in the west parking lot.
Heavy attendance is pre
dicted, despite rumors of
student assistant brutality.
There have also been ru
mors that the Innocents will
revoke sponsorship of the
fires, claiming that students
spend too much time in par
ticipation and preparation
of the events, de-emphasizing
scholastic achievement.
Fire Queen candidates for
the coming week will be in
terviewed in the North
lounge Wednesday after
noon. A contest sponsored
by Pi Rho actives will
award a date with Abel
Residence Director Mr,
Richard Fowler to the per
son most closely predicting
the time of the alarm.
Abel Hall is currently
ranked number one not spot
on campus, by both the AP
and ITI, hotly pursued by
the Pillars.
Ceorge Kaufman
Mickey Brazeal
DeLayne Peck
01im Barjenihruclh
Poignant Message
IF n - WW
our uuarreis
Editor's Note: the following docu
ment presents the feelings of the people
f South Viet Nam about the war the
' United States Is waging there.
THEIR POSITION contradicts what
the Johnson Administration has been say
ingthat the Vietnamese people desire
U.S. participation in the war.
This message was written by an offi
cial of the United States economic aid
program, Richard S. Browne who lived
for six vears In Indo-China in Cambodia
from 1955 to 1958, then in South Viet
Nam from 1858 to 19fil.
again this summer and returned with this
plea from the people. It should be read
by every student interested and con
cerned with the realities of our foreign
The article Is reprinted from the
November issue of Ramparts which is
published monthly by Ramparts Maga
zine Inc.
SHORTLY BEFORE I left Viet Nam in
1961 to return to the United States 1 sol
emnly promised a group of my Vietna
mese friends that I would devote great
effort to informing the American people
of the widely and passionately held de
sire of the Vietnamese people to be free
of the oppressive Diem government which
the United States was imposing upon
them in the name of freedom and democ
racy. Like many foreigners, the Vietna
mese people felt certain that once the
American people understood what Diem
and his government were really like.
America would withdraw her support and
the "Vietnamese people would be free to
form a government of their own choice.
EVENTS PROVED otherwise, how
ever, and "Washington was able to perpe
tuate the myth of Diem as a popular lead
er and of South Viet Nam as a great de
mocracy until a few Buddhist monks,
whose devotion to liberty and to their re
ligion was sufficient to overcome the hu
man instinct for self-preservation, chose
to cremate themselves In the streets of
Saigon. With the horrified attention of the
world then focused on South Viet Nam,
Washington was obliged to withdraw its
support from Diem, and the wish of the
Vietnamese people for this removal was
Immediately demonstrated.
I HAVE RECENTLY returned from
making a brief revisit to South Viet Nam.
Once again I find myself commissioned
to bring a message back to the American
people from the people of Vietnam and
once again it is a message which directly
contradicts the official view Viet Nam
which Washington propagates. This time
I found the popular spokesmen for vir
tually all elements of the population (ex
cept for the refugees and the military of
icer class )not only reflecting vigorous op
position to American policy in Viet Nam
but also voicing a great deal more skep
ticism concerning the ability oi the Amer
ican public either to gain access to truth
or to exert Influence over their (United
States) government.
THE 1SG5 MESSAGE which the -people
iet Plea
I'kvt Nam (religious and intellectual
spokesmen except for Northern Catho
lic refugees now residenlt in tine South
working class people, students and, from
secondary sources, peasants) wish me to
transmit to the American people is a plea
that the United States immediately cease
the wanton destruction of their country
and people and permit the Vietnamese
people to work out their own internal dis
putes free from the unsettling effects of
foreign interference.
POINTING TO the modem aircraft,
heavy weaponry, bombs, napalm, etc,,
which the United States has introduced
into the Vietnamese dispute and which
have transformed it from a mild, all-Vietnamese
ground action with rifles and gre
nades into a full scale international war,
they ask: "To what avail all this destruc
tion? It has served only to make the oth
er side stronger."
DESPITE THE TACT that the vast ma
jority of South Vietnamese do not seem
to be particularly enamored of the Com
munist ideology, there is great indication
that the affront to Vietnamese independ
ence and national pride which the Ameri
can takeover has occasioned has pushed
many non-Communist Vietnamese into
the ranks of the National Liberation
Front (NLF), concerning whose fierce na
tional pride there is no question. The
spectacle of tall, wealthy, white Ameri
cans ordering the Vietnamese around,
either overtly or through United States
approved stooges, is too much of a throw
back to the hated colonial period to be
stomached by many Vietnamese, and
those who don't openly join the rebels are
likely to be at least as helpful to them as
they are to the government. In the Viet
namese army this attitude is increasing
ly displayed by a rising rate of -defections
?r by what the American troops call
cowardice," lack of incentive, or p o o r
morale. y
DEMORALIZATION IS, of c o u r s e,
widespread in all echelons of the Viet Nam
populace, for although it is generally ac
cepted by the South Vietnamese that the
NLF will ultimately be the victors
whether on the battlefield or at the .con
ference able-the people find themselves
unable to prevent their country from
being destroyed in a futile military con
fron latum whi ,cn insists on being acted
rTfrede,ermined conclusion.
m.mV i ,At,LR t0 fiee his county com-
nevprtl'i thp HVeaee VetnSe would
nevertheless greatly prefer this fate to a
continuance oi the unimaginable destruc
United States which feels that stonpinc
Vienn 11 hf Unhmited sacrifice Most
sen fih fh d "0t Share this E
J ?' th(y wish we would go and
fight our quarrels elsewhere.
thJ? HAT IS EVL,! niore "Arming to
&h an Seeine Us ,ush tneir country
c" is seeing us pusn J
further mto the clutches of ig neighbor