i! Vol. 81, No. 28 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, Nov. 1, 1965 - '7-; r THE REV. WILLIAM MILLER ... a life of diverse occupations and acquaintances. 'cuirclh lev. iRAiileir By Diane Lindquist Junior Starr Writer "Chicken Charlie," "Nig ger Joe," "Old Man Miller," "Reverend William Miller" these are some of the names used for the frail-looking Ne gro man who lived in the house surrounded by the parking lots south of Nebras ka Hall. A probe in the worn clap board houses of a low-rent Belmont district found a teen aged Negro girl who remark ed, "Oh, Old Man Miller? Ev erybody knows hun." An elderly Negro woman whose eyes twinkled said he refused to buy one of her houses because "his guests were too grand." The search for his where abouts ended at Sheridan Boulevard where Mrs. George Abel, Rev. Miller's benfici ery, lives. The Rev. Miller was found on his new pro perty, feeding his estimated 700 chickens. Remains Of Campus Home There were piles of bricks, boards, building blocks, brok en plaster and the other re mains of his campus home strewn about his new proper ty. He turned and looked at the refuse and said that he had hoped to build anew home from the material but didn't think that would be pos sible now. He explained be had to nove from his home where he said he had lived for "60 some odd years" because the Uni versity bought the property from him. The University has this right by the law of em inent domain. Rev. Miller's gold false teeth blended with the brown hue of his creased face when he grinned and spoke of the University students. 'Students Passin By' "There were Just thousands of them passin' by the door. Some have been more friend ly in the last two or three years," he said, commenting on the growing number of students at the University. He mentioned that students had often taken tools, espec ially snow shovels, when their cars were snowed in the park ing lot. He said be imagined it was easier for them to put the shovel into the back seat than to return it. Occasion ally students stole a chicken from him, he added. Many people didn't recall the little, old Negro man when they were asked for in formation on Rev. William . Miller until further descrip tion was given. They were surprised to learn he was a minister. Ordained Pastor Rev. Miller is an ordained pastor of the Methodist church. He took his theologi cal training by correspon dence. He was a pastor on Sunday and worked with a construction firm during the week. "It's been about 30 or 35 years since I got my charge," the Rev. Miller said. He ex plained further about driving between Lincoln and Grand Island to preach as a supply SAE Pledges, Sisters Plan Orphanage Party The pledge class of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the Little Sisters of Minerva will have a Halloween party for about 35 children from White Hall Orphanage on Sunday, Oct. 31. "Party plans include games, dinner and "trick or treating." - ?" ':- V'' jf f IFdoti pastor before preaching at the Newman Methodist Church in Lincoln. While the Rev. Miller worked on the construction crew he met and became ac quainted with Mrs. Abel. He said Mr. Abel had worked together, and he recalled with a broad smile Mrs. Abel bring ing her husband's lunch in a paper sack. He glanced at his chickens and said, "If you take care of them and they lay good, it's a right-good occupation." The Rev. Miller picked up a chicken and made his body as straight and tall as he could. The stance he assumed momentarily seemed justified by a life of diverse occupa tions and acquaintances. oi3 even Faculty Members Write Great Plains Book By Jan Itkin Junior Staff Writer "A Time of Decision for People in the Great Plains," a recently published book dealing with changes in life in the plains states, contains the work of seven university faculty members. The book is composed of papers presented at a Re gional Conference for the Northern Great Plains last November and lists its pur poses as follows: To develop a deeper un derstanding of our town and country communities. To keep the needs of peo ple in focus so that the church can fulfill its minis try in a changing society. Great Plains Background "We mainly pointed out how the Great Plains needs a critical look at the areas comprising its background," Bert Evans, assistant p r o -fessor of agricultural eco nomics explained. J -Council To Hold Elections Elections for positions on lhe School of Journalism Council will be held Nov. 1 and 2, according to Hal Fos ter, treasurer. The J-School Council con sists of two journalism ma jors elected at large from the freshman, sophomore, jun ior and senior classes and the presidents of each of the hon orary organizations in the School of Journalism. Foster said the council, which was organized last year, co-ordinates activities in the School of Journalism. Tentative plans for the new ly elected J-Council include sponsoring a J-Scbool mixer just before Thanksgiving va cation and a Christmas par ty. Dean Davis Visiting Ohio Air Force Base Dr. John Davis, dean of the University College of Engi neering and Architecture, is taking part in a tour and dis cussion of research programs at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, O, Each year the Air Force invites selected educators across the nation to partici pate in the program. Clergymen To Attend Albee Play More than 300 clergym&n from throughout the United States will attend a f.pecial performance of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" by the University Repertory Theater during the last week of No vember in Howell Memorial Theater. The special performance is a part of the program of the Association of College and University Ministers of the Methodist Church. The group will meet at the University Center from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. Dr. William Morgan, direc tor of the University Theater, said the ministers are aware of the power of this critically acclaimed play and of the moral, ethical and philosophi cal problems raised by its author, Edward Albee. "We are most happy to have the opportunity of meeting this request and are greatly encouraged by the clergy men's attitude toward this controversial author and play," Morgan said. Albee's play, which won every significant award for drama when it first appeared on Broadway in 1962, will be performed on the weekends of Nev. 12-13; Dec. 3-4; and Jan. 7-8. Fred Waring Tickets On Sale At Pershing Tickets for "The Magic Mu sic of Fred Waring" are on sale at the Pershing Munici pal Auditorium box office. Waring and his "Pennsylvan ians" will appear at Pershing on Saturday, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m. The other University facul ty members involved with the book include: Dr. Otto Hoi- berg, head of the extension division's community devel opment department; Dr. Garnet Larson, associate pro fessor in the graduate school of social wrk; John Muehl bcier, professor of agricultur al economics; Dr. Howard Ottoson, chairman of agricul tural economics; Dr. Everett Peterson, extension agricul tural economist, and Jack Timmons, extension public affairs specialist. Ottoson explained his role in the book, "as summariz ing the conference. The basic subject matter concerns eco nomic and soial matters and their implications on reli gion." Major Conclusion The major conclusions of the study, according to Otto son, were that family farms are becoming larger and more commercialized, the rural areas are generally be coming more urbanized and that the days of the small, isolated country church are numbered. Peterson cited his section of the book as "dealing with characteristics and problems of the Great Plains with em phasis on the northern plains. I dealt mainly with the cli mate and Its effect on eco nomic development, the re source situation and the im pact of national events on the area. His section, Peterson said, also suggested ways to en courage area development based on the suggestions of a Montana State University professor which include re sources, flexibility and mobil ity of the economy and re sources. According to Peterson, peo ple of the northern plains should also examine the prob lems of the multitude of lo cal governments and inspect the tax structures of their areas. Governmental Stndy Evans and Timmons worked together in a study of the governmental units and organizations of the plains. Among the things they noticed were the decrease and increase in areas of cost in county governments and the consolidations and reor ganizations taking place. They also studied the ade Sag By Wanye Kreuscher Senior Staff Writer There was no indifference at Saturday's football game in Columbia, Mo., the Tigers were out to beat "Big Red" and "Big Red" was deter mined to stay on top. Before the game started, the over .58,000 football fans, including an estimated 7,000 Nebraskans, couldn't help but feel the tension. Missourians, with both a mixture of Hopecoming en thusiasm and traditional ri- J-7. Th 4 HAGGARD STUDENTS Carl Smith return from the recuperation. quacy of government serv ices for example educa tion in areas where public and private schools were in competition with one another. The problems of youth find ing a meaningful life were discussed in Hoiberg's part of the book. He dealt with universal problems to youth such as finding a system of sound values, training youth for the future, giving them an opportunity to serve and helping them find construc tive and purposeful personal relationships with their peers and elders. Youth Resource Hoiberg stated that two problems he was concerned with were "tapping the re source of youth when deal ing with these problems" and training rural youth for ur ban life, as most youths do not remain in rural areas. Dr. Larson described her section of the book as dealing with the problems of the aged and juveniles of the Great Plains. She was concerned primar ily with living arrangements and the purpose of life for these two groups and their family relationships. Prepar ing the youth to leave the rural environment and the purpose of the aged in dwind ling communities were major areas of her concern. I1 11 1 TV I"" rK i , g rdH f l 'w P 1 H ' XT Contributions To AUF Top Last Year's Pace The All University Fund (AUF) Drive is doing better than last year as it stands now, according to Barb Beck man, chairman. As of Friday, Miss Beck- man reported, there is a bal ance of over $2,000 or 31 per cent of the $6,400 goal. "Things actually are better than they would seem," Miss Beckman explained. "It takes a while for the receipts to come in, and they really bave just started coming in." One factor in this year's success, she said, is the ad dition of two new committees Ag Solicitations and Ag Publicity which emphasiz ed the drive to East cam pus students who contributed more than in past years and "are showing quite an inter est in AUF." rd Mum valry with Nebraska, packed the stadium. The Nebraskans, who turn ed out in record numbers from every part of the state and the University, were in four main portions of the stadium in their red hats, coats, suits and socks. "I have never seen so many ou of state fans at a home game supporting their team," Ann Murphy, a M i s so u ir 1 sophomore, said. "Those damn red hats they look great actually but a " r" 1MB - ' : -rM! m -v.mmww'mi &m hum "ir RETURN . . . University students Roy Blazek (left), and Missouri migration probably headed for a long nap of Horticulture Of City, East To work with the Universi ty administration in improv ing the landscaping on the University campuses will be one of the objectives of t h e newly organized Horticulture Club. The forestry and horticul ture department is sponsor ing the club which is con cerned with keeping the inter est of those majoring in for estry or horticulture. The University offers only a two year program in these fields, according to Karen Axthelm, secretary-treasurer of the or ganization. Plan Field Trips The club is interested in j studying examples of good! landscaping and has taken ! several field trips. One such trip was to Wabonsie Park in i Union International To Feature German This week through Friday the Nebraska Union is spon soring International Week, an annual event that focuses attention on other countries through special events, films, displays, speakers and spec ial food served in the Union Cafeteria and Crib. Another area in which contributions have improved is the fraternities, whose sec tion of the drive is "doing better than ever before" ac cording to Miss Beckman. Total receipts, as of Fri day, were $3,398.37, consist ing of: East campus, $120.89; faculty, $109.00; independent men, $177.28; independent women, $322.26; Lincoln drive, $28.59; sororities, $713. 23; special events duch as the AUF Dance,) $1,668.60; and cash on band, $257.52. Total expenditures were $1,376.85. Included in the ex penditures were art, $17.77; office supplies, $20.63; print ing, $23.70; special events, events. $1,287.15; and public ity, $27.60. you see them everywhere," another Missouri student said. The game started. During the first quarter Nebraskans pulled their hats down tighter and sang louder but their un happiness with the 14-0 score was apparent. But along with the team, the yell squad, the band and the Nebraska fans all played and yelled harder. The Ne braska band, which had pick ed Missouri for its migration, not only played but stood on their seats and yelled. Club Seeks Improvement Campus landscaping Iowa. A trip in the near fu ture will be to Columbus where the interiors of caves have been extensively land scaped. Temporary officers of the club are Lyle Shaughnessey, president; Dave Doeschot, vice president; and Karen Axthelm, secretary-treasurer. Officers will be elected in January after a .constitution has been written and ap proved by ASUN. Temporary advisers for the group are Dr. Harold Pellett and Gary Long. Need Good Landscaping "Nebraska should have good landscaping since it is an agricultural school with a horticulture department," she said. "We are especially con Emphasis this year is on Germany. Activities keyed to familiarize students with Germany are scheduled throughout the week. Berlin Bureau Chief Daniel Schorr, CBS news Bureau Chief in Bonn-Berlin, will speak in the Union ball room at 3:30 p.m. Wednes day. An expert on the Iron Curtain countries and direc tor of the CBS bureau in Mos cow from 1955-57, Schoor is noted for his report on life under the East German Com munists presented on CBS Re ports as "The Land Beyond the Wall." He is also responsible for the first television appearance of former Soviet Premier Ni kita Khrushchev. Schorr will speak on "Ger- m r. n ar Ttuanfti Vaai.iI f n(n. ft I itiail . s T.ii.j itaio uu.li . The public is invited to the speech, which Is being spon sored by the Union Talks and Topics Committee. A "Deutschland Markt platz," featuring a variety of items from Germany for sale, 'will be held in the Un ion Conference Rooms from 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wed nesday. German Films Two films keyed to Ger many are scheduled during the week. Tuesday at 7 p.m. IF 1 flow By the half Nebraska fans felt better with the score 14-13, but the tension lasted until the last few seconds. "I wouldn't have missed this game for anything," Ne braska student Bill Minier said. "It wasn't like when we are out ahead two or three touchdowns every game it was a real fight." After the game many Ne braska fans had another more personal fight on their hands to keep their red hats on top of their heads. Many young Missouri stu dents seemed determined to have one of the red status symbols and every Nebraskan was fair game. Some Missour ians did succeed, but many a young and old Nebraskan was observed putting a Missourian in his place while he struggled to keep his hat. "The game was unbeliev able, the campus at Columbia is beautiful and the parties afterwards at various living units were great," Candy Reil ing said. "Everything except their football teams makes us look little the fraternity and soro rity houses, the dorms, the classrooms, the new buildings, the overall size and landscap ing," stressed NU student .Kelley Baker. Some students especially agreed, that the parties were bigger and more fun. "I had a smashing good time, and we need more of their kind of fun," Rick Nau said. cerned with East campus. With all the building that will be going on there we want the University to con- l sider landscaping in their planning too," she added. She said that when the new home-management houses were built on the East cam pus two of the four ginko trees, a rare Oriental species, were removed. Remove Female Trees "It wouldn't have been so bad, except that two of t h e trees were male and the oth er two were female. The two that were removed were fe male, leaving only male jtrees. Thus, the species will become extinct on the cam pus because of no possibility of reproduction," Miss Ax thelm explained. Week Culture DANIEL SCHORR . . . T speak on Germany Wednes day. a German travel film will be shown in the Union auditor ium. Door prizes will be giv en away. Thursday at 7:30 o.m. a German film entitled "The Bridge" Is scheduled for the Union Ballroom. "The Bridge is the story of seven teen age German boys thrown In to a last desperate fighting battle against the advancing Allied Armies in the closing days of World War II. Ad mission to both films is free. German food will be fea tured in the Union Cafeteria and runzas will be served in the Crib. There will be dis plays on International Week in the Union Lounge all week. r i I a j- "k L