Friday, October 29, 1965 Page 2 The Daily Nebraskan 1 - i 4 t -5 , . ' t ' '"I ' v.? -I . i . .. J '-if i Editorial- Time For Change Today the pages of the Daily Nebraskan are filled with advertising. We did not like shoveling this paper into the little, brown, pick-up boxes any more than you liked grab bing it, scanning it and throwing it aside. It is time for a change. The members of the Ne braskan staff realize more than anyone else that 15. 000 students at the Univer sity of Nebraska rate a higher quality campus newspaper. An eight page edition will appear next Wednesday. The extra space should lower the amount of adver tising necessary in the Mon day, Thursday and Friday editions. If the venture is fi nancially successful it will become a weekly feature. This procedure will not alleviate all the problems but it is a start. And we hope that this beginning will be an impetus to the type of collegiate newspap er that you, the readers, de serve. MARILYN HOEGEMEYER n Ml 4P JV Pacifist's Attitude Unrealistic In Today's World Want Ads Nebraskan These lw-rMt rati mwviy to all rlaa Hlra' advertlalac la Ike Dan? Nebraska!: standard rate at Se er word aae) mlal aim chart al 5c aer elaittflrd laser. Hon. Parmral far tkeee als win fan Mia rm ratotwrtea: (11 aaa raantat leas Ikaa aae ekta aaeeenlaa mat ea ami lar eefere tasertfam. t ada ntnning lor mere Ikaa ana week wlB ka (aid weekly. FOJt RENT 31 R main floor, choice 1 bed room apart ment, lame rooms, ample Karaite, mod ern bath and kitchen. Nicely decorated nd clean. Stove, refriiterator. launrirv room, garage. S77. Nov. 1. CouDle. in. I fant. Tomek 434-67W. HELP WANTED Part time salesman tor record --phone-telephone answering service. W1U funrisk all training necessary. Pay Is excellent. 414 So. 11. 432-3930. Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Advertising Service, Incorporated. Pub lished at Room SI, Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONE: 477-8711. Ex tensions 2588. 2589 and 2590. Suharrlattaa rates are (4 aer semes if r a- M tor Ik academic year. Entered as aecand class matter at lac aost attire la Llacala, Nebraska, andrr the act af Hind 4, I9U. The Dally Nebraskan is tmbllsked Monday. Wednesday. Tbnrsday and Friday daring the eekeol year, reM duriag vaults and exam eerlads, by students af the lalrersltr of Ne braska a ne'er the Jniisdietten el the Faralty Sakrommlttee aa Student Pab liratiou. Publication shall be tree from eeasarakla ky the Sakcammlttee ar any aersen eoiside the t Diversity. Meta bers af the Nebraskan are responsible lar what they eansa to be artated. Where would this country be, and what would it be like if Eisenhower, or JFK, had burned their draft cards? If George Washington had cold feet at Valley Forge? If Paul Revere had fallen off his horse? If John Hancock couldn't spell his name? It is ironic, and pathetically amusing that the SDS, which claims to be an educational organization, for stu dents, cannot spell the word sponsored. The SDS also seems to claim a monopoly on moral values, but is it really im moral to want to fight communism? And is it moral to abandon all the small, but free nations to the scourge of international communist expansion? Many of the Teach-In speakers advocated turning the whole Viet Nam problem over to the UN, which sounds like a good idea, at least on the surface. In fact, how ever, the UN has only been able to achieve a temporary solution, when it has been called on to intervene, and then, even that solution came at a terrible cost in terms of human lives and money. The UN is most effective when there is complete cooperation and willingness to negoti- F0R SALE Fender Stratocaster Guitar. Hi years old. in excellent condition. Contact: Steve Smith 477-9995. 1962 HG top shape. 25.0(10 miles. Phone 477-7945. RCA orUiophonic hi-fidelity tape record er, SS5. Hand operated letter size mime ograph, M0. 488-7830. Enlisted in Navy, will sell blue-meta!-plate Triumph Tiger Cub. 200cc. Excel lent condition. See at 1659 Nemaha evenings or weekends. Two reserved tickets for Missouri game, call 477-9587 or 432-5385. TEKES TEKES: If you are a f rater and now at-; lending NX", please contact Mrs. Mason, : 1FC Office. Room 330. Union. 477-8711, Ext. 2582. Need to know name, address, phone and chapter. Thanks. j Thm 7WV Story of f muster ... ? SB nil L"",' CjkltMSWt icountaiai icoiowl JOSEPH COTTON DARREN McGAVIN PHILIP CAREY REMEMBER BUY YOUR NEW NOW! DEADLINE IS NOV. 1st ffr LOST Billfold belonging to Ronald M Peterson, i Return to 715 North 16 Street. Call' 432-5949. Reward. i T0MW WITE8:30 ! look for the golden arches ff f' MCDONALD'S MENU 100 Pure Beef Hamburgers Tempting Cheeseburgers Old-fashioned Shakes Crisp Golden French Fries Thirst-Quenching Coke Delightful Root Beer Coffee As You Like It Full-Flavored Orange Drink Refreshing Cold Milk 5305 "O" 865 N. 27th f ft !'A "4: f 7 vf l'-f Q u You can spot Van Heusen's Agent 417. He has that mysterious, casual air women just adore. The secret to this sleek, trim appearance his "V-Taper" button-down collar shirt. There's a "417" sport or dress shirt, sweater, pajama, for every assignment. Cut a caper and try one. No telling what you'll uncover. PUDCHAte wttCKVED TICK ITS today at pcrshino (oxofficb M 17J IJ.4S On tot in CwisHi THntl The adventures of a frontier boy ana t a wonderful, r-r ;j t-f adventures ot S s IP f&. afrontierboy HLA 1 Mi ' 1 ffr, awonderrul,y )j Wf 'W&S fin -.: homelyold-r;-i VV'-A L 1 I ' ' II rv ill" :j- - u0-t: r 't . v , , r If r . Ill, , I. 5 las 'I , ' T J, yellerdog!- Walt Disney PRESENTS DOROTHY FESS , 'cGUIREandPARKER' CHUCK CONNORS TECHNICOLOR0 TOMMY KIRK CHILDREN 50c UNDER 12 14 TH AND 0" CHILDREN 50c UNDER 12 ate, on both sides, and this does not seem to be forthcoming in this case. The UN is virtually broke at present, and cannot afford any more blunders in the course of trying to help this world in chaos. A few other questions need to be asked about the "Stu dents for a Democratic Society." They admit that they are leftist, but how far left? They admit to a number of leftist radicals in their midst, but how many of these radicals are there, and how radical? Are their organizers on this campus merely misguided pacifist intellectuals, or are they commies? How much do we really know about them? Judging on appearances at the Teach-in, the SDS seems to be composed largely of a bunch of long-haired, wild eyed, bearded beatniks, who ought to know better. Any 100 red-blooded American will give them just about as much attention as they deserve, and see to it that they are laughed off the Nebraska campus. Sincerely, Little Abner LET YOURSELF GO!! to the FRI. 1126 "P" Street SAT. () JalI nn uufl 2 'Mine Barnetfs Scarcity & Growth V Chapanis Research Techniques In Human Engineering V Dietze's The Federalist V Camus' The Rebel UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Lower Level Nebraska Union REGISTER NOW WIN A 1966 CHEVY IMPALA AT AOTfl-IFHOIMI I gal. cMr I . t j fi 16th & P Sts Just South of Campus WE NEVER CLOSE l EVERY GAL. The slacks you know never need ironing! S X fit a," "r ? 'V J I. MEN'S I98 IVY TRIMS In Marlin Cloth 50 FORTREL Polyester 50 Combed Cotton These are the ?0-oj slacks in the washing machines of America's housewives on the legs of America's active young men! LEVI'S STA-PREST Slacks never lose their press-wwr lose their maze-never lose their crisp, fresh "like new" look! Get a couple of pairs now! jsr. Out of the dryer. . . ready to wear! lme tit ho. 2S744'i2 f Mix LEVI'S im STA PPEST ( m IH U . jnri 0(. ind wl rnr,.i,' wl lv lr 5v.m, I. C-j, , n ,,.,, r,,, k i5iiy BJVIS At Wells & Frost 1 131 "O" 432-6637 4. TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8 FM. "Good teats fttill atailahle' UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS DUO'S APEAD P DEdDKIDA K7ILI?? 477 Box office room 108 Temple Phone 477-8711 Extension 2072-2073