The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1965, Image 1

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Vol. 81, No. 27
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, October 29, 1965
If I
.' y i ;' J.
J A r
Hll nub
MENT, a 2.0 grade average j
for fraternity activation, and'
a request by Tail Kappa Ep-;
silon for colonization at the
University were approved by
the Interfraternity Council.
Eighteen IFC members voted
for the amendment dealing
with alcoholic beverages, with
four abstentions.
ENCE, which celebrated the
700th anniversary of the birth
of Dante, Italian poet-philosopher,
was held at the Uni
versity. Nine leading scholars
from American universities
spoke at the two-day confer
ence, possibly setting a tradi
tion for similar conferences.
A MOTION that Student
Senate organize a committee
to study drinking on the Uni
versity campus and the state
liquor laws was tabled until
next week's Senate meeting.
The motion was tabled after
several senators suggested
that it is too early for the
Senate to decide what should
be done about the drinking
situation on campus.
will be put into operation by
Jan. 1, on East Campus ac
cording to Sam Trussell, ef
ficiency engineer for the Uni
versity's physical plant Sim
ilar plans for outdoor lighting
on the city campus are plan
ned, according to George
Miller, administrator of the
physical plant
ward liquor-by-the-drink in
Lincoln may be studied by a
Chamber of Commerce-sponsored
professional survey
team. If realized, the survey
would be an outgrowth of the
Chamber's city-wide survey
a ways to improve the city.
Norman Vincent Peale, in a
keynote address before 5.000
Lincoln area teachers at a
district convention here, urg
ed "positive thinking and
positive results."
MENTS Office of Economic
Adjustment announced the of
fice director, Don Bradford,
would meet with city officials
Sunday and Monday over the
future of the Lincoln Air
Force Base. The base will be
deactivated by June, 1906.
ER Wayne Swanson filed as
a Republican candidate for
ttale treasurer for the 1956
AL to use federal funds in a
remedial reading and speech
project involving parochial
fchools will be studied by the
State Dept. of Justice at State
Education Commission
er Floyd Miller's request.
nounced plans for a federally
sponsored program beginning
early m 1906 to improve the
skills of service station em
officials at Kearney said they
would sell the school's prize
w inning Holsttin dairy herd
because most of the boys are
from cities and later return
to cities.
NATION . . .
volving manned Gemini 6 and
Gemini 7 spacecraft each
with two-man crews were
announced by the White
House. The planned Decem
ber or January meeting in
fpace between the two vehic
les would be the first Ear
lier, the scheduled linkup be
tween a Gemini 6 and target
satellite was scrubbed when
the satellite was lost in space.
SQUADS backed by mortar
fire destroyed 21 United
Slates aircraft at Da Nang,
site of a Marine air and in
fantry complex. It was he
thirl Viet Cong attack on the
from Cuba was halted at
midnight Thursday as a pre-1-jde
to a U.S.-Cuban agree
ment to bring 3,000 to 4,000
Cuban refugees into the Unit
ed States by air each month.
was used in a lMm theft
at the Brink's oilke in Syra
cuse, N.Y.
! 1
' !
Sander Vanocur
TVs Vcairaocur
By Julie Morris
Junior Staff Writer
Television news commenta
tor and correspondent Sander
Vanocur held a question-answer
session with students at
the University School of Jour
nalism late Thursday after
noon. Vanocur, NBC's Washington
correspondent, told the group
that a television newsman
needs "an understanding of
the English language" and
"some intelligent skepticism"
to succeed in the television
news world.
The veteran newsman dis
cussed problems in interview
ing people before the cameras
and said, "I think it is diffi
cult to interview the President
of the United States because
he is a symbol, not a man."
Vanocur said that "the trou-
ible with most interviewers is
.i . . j - - .
uiai iney aon i usien. -
Kennedy s Impact
When questioned about the
late President Kennedy's his-
covered the White House dur-l
, vo,,
sponded, "He had a tremen-
dous impact on young people.
He made it possible for a
young man to be listened to."
He added, "We're getting
very rapidly into the area
when we don't know Jobn F.
Kennedy, the man, from John
F. Kennedy, the myth."
Vanocur said the weekend
of Kennedy's assassination
was "one of the weekends
when you are very proud of
television. In the space of
three or four days we had to
assemble all the equipment
needed to cover an enormous
event (Kennedy's funeral)."
Press Relations
Comparing Kennedy's rela
tions with the press and Pres
ident Johnson's in this same
area, Vanocur commented,
"President Kennedy was very
shrewd. The basic difference
is that he knew when to leave
them (the press S alone."
"President Johnson is bard
for the press t cover," Van
ocur said. "President John
son's problem with the press
is that be sees the press too
often. He bas a tendency to
see the press as an extension
of the White House. I think
newsman feel used above and
beyond the call of duty (by
The one-time reporter for
4V- v v,.v Tmot cail that .
UJC icw ivil ..ova
protest movements, whether
for civil rights or against the
war in Viet Nam, are "of gen-
ENGLISH Department, 12
noon. Pawnee room, Nebras- a
ka Union.
INTERVARSITY, 12:30 p.m.
232 Nebraska Union.
12:30 p.m., 241 Nebraska Un
ion. A.PILA-, 1:30 p.m., Nebras
ka Union auditorium.
PUB BOARD, 3 p.m., 235
Nebraska Union.
J.U.D.O., 7 p.m.. conference
rooms. Nebraska Union.
CIATION, 7 p m 334 Nebras
ka Union.
NIA Turkish Independ
ence Day, 7:30 p.m., 232 Ne
braska Union.
PALLADIAN Literary Soci
ety, 8 p.m., 332 Nebraska Un
ion. MOVIE 'The Haunting," 7
p.m. and 9 p.m., Nebraska
Union auditorium.
LIBERALS, 7:15 p.m., 339 Ne
braska Union.
talks with J-school students.
uine concern to the country."
He said the degree of cover
age of such movements was
"up to the editorl' and noted
that demonstrators "love to
be martyrs. If you ignore
them they hate it."
Beame Winner
Vanocur told the students '
mat ne expects Abraham
Beame to win the mayoral
elections in New York City
next week. He said Beame
was "a nice guy" and that it
was difficult to run against j
a nice guy.
Vanocur got his
start in
journalism on the staff of the
London Manchester Guardian.
He was hired at NBC in 1937
w hen he said the network was
"slowlv starting to overtake
CBS with the Huntley-Brink-ley
A 1950 graduate of North
western University. Vanocur
attended the London School of '
Economics and served two;
years in the Army. He was
floor man for the NBC net-:
work d"g
can and Democratic National
Conventions and currently
manages the portion of the
"Today" program on NBC
that is concerned with Wash
ington. Vanocur is scheduled to ad
dress a meeting of the Ne
braska State Education Asso-
elation today.
Professors Discuss
Using Metric System
By Jan Itkin
Junior Staff Writer
The United States and other
English - speaking countries
are unique at least in their j
system of measurement.
In most parts of the world,
the metric system is the ac
cepted form of measurement.
An inch is comparable to 2.54
centimeters. The feasibility of
the United States changing
to the metric system is a ques
tion that comes up perennially.
Professors of mathematics,
chemistry and engineering at
the University all depart-
ments which use the metric
system were asked what
they thought of the system and
iter or not they thought
u cniieu aiaies wtuia even-
, A .
iuauy auujJi u lur common
Dr. Edwin Halfar, chairman
of the department of mathe
matics, said that the metric
system is preferable to the
English system because it is
more unified. He said U would
eliminate confusion because
"the rest of the world is al
ready using It."
'It (the metric system)
much simpler svstem to
use," Halfar commented.
"Difficulty arises, however,
Sn that it would require the re
educating of almost an entire
population (the United States)
which does make a change
somewhat impractical.
"The change," be continued,
"may come, though. Aus
tralia, for instance, is current
ly changing their monetary
system and the changes are
Dr. Turgut Sarpkaya, pro
fessor of engineering mechaD-
Down Slips Due
Scholastic progress reports
are due at the Office of Stu
dent Affairs tomorrow.
According to Lewis Fowles,
assistant dean of student af
fairs, the reports then will be
processed by computer and
mailed to students during the
week of Nov. 8.
Quiz Bowl
Quick recall of specific in-
1 formation meant the winning
j answer at the first Quiz
.Bowl matches of the 1965-66
season last night,
i "We're really encouraged to
see campus interest in Q n t z
, Bowl and are looking forward
to a good season," commented
Larry Johnson, chairman.
Johnson explained that this
year's Quiz Bowl differed from
last's in several respects.
There are approximately 100
teams competing this year,
for instance, which necessi
tated adding two matches
more an evening to bring the
total of matches a session to
eight. The large number of
teams means that the Univer
sity has the biggest student
participation in the Big Eight.
Also this year there will be
questions on music and art
using records of musical selec
tions and pictures of works
of art. In addition matches will
I be taped so that they can be
! rpvipu'Mt in rata n( Hierrpnnn.
The tournament will con-
: tinue to be double elimination
with teams matched with oth
er teams having the same
record as themselves.
Questions cover
1 rni;.u u;A.
mathematics, science, fine
1.111:113:1. uitridiuie. uiAiuiv.
arts and current events. They
are composed the week be
fore by the question commit-j
tee headed by Dave Cummins
and Margie Nutzman.
Cummins explained t h a t
about 140 toss-ups and 70 boil -
uses are turned in each week
but that only about a third
of them are used.
Results of t h e year's first j
Quiz Bowl matches were: Sig-
Wv 1a rw T A.
ma ueiia lau, iv ana ouraeij
Hall, 50: Love Hall. 80. a n d
Acacia, 65; Old Guard, 115. J
and Chi Phi B, 100; Alpha Tau
Omega actives, 80, and Score
seekers, 55; Ag Men. 160, and
m 1 a. il.L. nr ;
uovc Memorial, zu; .-jpua x au
Omega pledges. 160, and
OS TknrM,, Bo,,,.. ,
Delta Tau Delta, 160, and
ics. explained the setting up
of the metric system in 1760
by the French Academy of
Science to erase the confusion
created by the more awkward
systems of measurement.
"There are, however, two
main disadvantages encount
ered in changing from one
system to another," he ex
plained. "One is the psycholo
gical disadvantage people
are used to thinking in terms
of inches and pounds not cent-
ana Kilograms.
Sarpkaya did believe that
eventually the United States
would use the metric system.
"It will slowly evolve," he
said. "It will take at least
a century.
"Tbe other disadvantage,"
be continued, "is industrial.
It would cost multi-millions
of dollars to change quickly."
Dr. Robert Larson, assist
ant professor of chemistry,
also mentioned the simplicity
of the metric system and the
problem of re-educating the
people if It would be adopted.
j Dr. Henry Holtzclaw, pro
fessor of chemistry, agreed
tS that th jficasliranf affo nf Vi au.
tern was a temporary one be
cause the metric system is a
much easier system to learn."
Larson said, "It is a fairly
set thing, however, a change
with the arguments in favor
f the metric system and said
to the metric system will de
finitely come about"
Campus AUF Drive
Reaches End Today
The major part of the All
University Fund (AUF) Drive
ends today, according to Barb
Beckman, chairman.
The drive began with the
ALT A -Go-Go dance on Oct 9
and was continued ai indi
vidual living units until today.
Since fraternity members
are being contacted individ
ually, the fraternity section
of the drive will continue un
til each fraternity is contacted.
By Steve Jordon
Junior Staff Writer
Alpha Tau Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, Cather Hall, Kap
pa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi and
Theta Xi were chosen Thurs
day night for the Kosmet
Klub Fall Revue.
The final selections were:
released after the tryouts for
we traveler s Acts. The Hen
ry Brisque Trio, Mike Douth
it and Jeff Sayre, and Ross
Graham were chosen for the
entertainment whicL will ap-
pear between the men's liv
ing unit skits,
the Nov. 20
show, entitled
Sen. Bowen Predicts
Of State Income Tax
Speaker of the 1965 Legis
lature. Sen. Kenneth Bowen
of Red Cloud, told a meeting
of the University Young Re
publicans, that he foresees
LB797. the state income tax
bill, being "repealed by a
very large vote."
Bowen said most people
think th innAma for Ic qn
additional tax.
"I don't think people are ed
ucated about it yet," he said.
"If We repeal the income
tax. we will have nothing to
iwork with," he said. He said
further that he thought that
made to the nt in
come tax biU a f
j real wno, bm
i Bowen said that Gov. Frank
A tiny, dynamic, 84-year-old
i StOOd Oil the Stage 10
Union Ballroom
i Thursday
and read an origin-
al poem. "The Death of Crazy
J Horse," in a deep, melodious
i : T J -! 14 1
voce, joniieindrui, .eordS-isecond
kas poet laureate, was mak-
,ing one of his last stops on a
month-long tour of the state .j
Neihardt, who is a bare five
j feet tall read four poems, and
; made some comments on life,
poetic creation and the Indian
"The Death of Crazy Horse"
, was taken from Neihardt's
work "A Cycle of the West."
a collection of five epic poems
telling the story of the devel
opment of the West. As be.
read, Neihardt inserted ex
planatory notes, freely quot
ing dates and places concern
ing the historical chronicle
and adding personal informa
tion about Crazy Horse.
Another selection the poet
read was "April Theology."
Before he began, Neihardt
told his audience the exact
circumstances under which he
had written the poem, includ
ing the type of weather on that
day in April in the late 1920's
He said the poem, "expresses
what I feel about my relation
ship to God and to living
things in general."
'The signifiant thing about
a mystical experience is the
loss of the sense of self." He
said this was how he felt w hen
he wrote "April Theology."
Neihardt described how be
wrote an Eaer poem by
combining lines be bad beard
in a dream. "I'm not even
sure I wrote it, but as far
as htis world is concerned I
guess I did," be said.
"I think of death now as one i
of the great adventures of life j
Semester Graduates
To File For Degrees
Applications by all candi
dates for degrees and certifi
cates in January, 1966, must
be filed by Monday, Nov. 1.
The Office of the Registrar
announces this deadline to all
students who expect to re
ceive bachelor degrees, ad
vanced degrees or certificates
at the close of first semester.
Registrar's office hours are
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mon
day through Friday and from
8 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday.
The office is located in Room
208, window 2. of the Admin
istration Building.
"Historical Hysteria," is bas-
ed on history with a college ,
twist, spoofing campus life in
general and fraternities and
dormitories in particular.
Awards will be
the show to the
made after
skits and Traveler's Acts
! The Henry Brisque Trio,
with piano, bass and drums.
was the only all-instrumental ; Beta Theta Pi spoofs Amer
act out of the 15 that audi- ican history with a "revised"
tioned last night. j Battle of Yorktown that ends
Mike Douthit and Jeff up in a house party instead of
Sayre, a folk-singing d u e t, j a war. The skit-master is Jef-
showed their harmony and
guitar strumming to the pan-
Morrison's failure to veto or
sign the income tax bill show
a "lack of leadership."
"I would rather have seen
the governor veto the income
tax bill than let it become
law without his signature,"
Bowen said.
Noting that it took $15.6 mil
lion from the property tax to
operate the state government
in 1950. $27 million in 1960
and $40 million in 1965. Bowen
said "Our property valuations
have not gone up in accord
ance with the money required
from the property tax."
Bowen, two years ago, in
troduced an income tax bill.
LB612, w hich he said "did not
receive as much sincere con-
and as being very beautiful."
Neihardt said before he read
"Let Me Live Out My Years."
Neihardt seemed reluctant
to leave the podium and re-
turned twice to give his au-
dience another readin?. The
Ume he presented
what he cal)ed ..Jut a little
one that T ote .. It was A
Cnild-S Praver a poem that
had never been published.
.. .
tff fill Mi
' i n - 7 ,.
"THE GREAT PUMPKIN STOMP" starts early as
pumpkin while five Selleck girls defend the Halloween
f p
An all-university "pumpkin stomping"
Halloween party leads the list of events
on campus this weekend.
'The Great Pumpkin Stomp" is being
sponsored by RAM Council and will be
held in the Selleck cafeteria tonight from
8 p.m. until midnight. The Nate Branch
Trio will be playing at the dance.
This evening there will also be a house
partv, a Unicorn Halloween party and a
hayrack ride. Earlier today there will be
two pledge hour dances and an exchange
Theta Chi Fraternity will have a house
partv from 9 p m. until midnight and Abel
Half 4th Floor will sponsor a hayrack ride
Irom 7 p.m. until midnight. Unicorns will
j el of six Kosmet Klub judges.
Ross Graham is a vocal so
loist, who auditioned with pi
ano accompaniment.
"The Great Bustle Builder,"
a look at student pranks, will
be presented by Alpha Tau
Omega in the Fall Review.
Bruce McMullen is the skit
i frey Poley.
Know-It-Ail and his ark will
sideration as the dove bill
(outlawing the dove as a game
In reviewing the 1965 session
of the Nebraska Legislature,
Bowen said it "will go down
in history as one of the most
productive sessions."
More bills were introduced
937. he said, more passed,
and "we faced up to prob
lems that we have been look
ing back over our shoulder
at." .
Noting the switch to the Re
publican Party by Sen. Terry
Carpenter, Bowen said "Don't
ever undersell Terrv
Carpen -
' He introduced 10 per cent Dr. Joseph Baldwin, profes
of the bills, one-third of the sor 0f speech and dramatic
amendments ana usea up one-
of the time, he quip-
' I'm sure he will have a
voice and not an echo." Bow
en added.
Sneaking on his own political
I future. Bowen said with Lieu
Governor Sorensen
! leaving the state while Gov. '
Morrison is in Europe, be j
ould assume the duties ofj
Governor Friday morning.
When asked whether he!
j w0"ld seek the position for a
more permanent period, he
said. "I very much doubt it."
When asked whether he in
tended to file for any other
state office. Bowen replied
that he "does not have any
plans at the present."
have a Halloween party from 7:30
until midnight
appear in "Ode to a Horned
Toad," presented by Cather
Hall. The boat is deserted by
its occupants when the "'Ten
Commandments" are read.
Don Chamberlain is the di
rector. Kappa Sigma has its - fun
with the Civil War, and asks
"Will Ceases Never Wonder."
The student director is Bill
Phi Kappa Psi tells the- -
j side dope about Al Capone In
"Th Truth ik..i ir: DJ
"t IIU11I .-IIJVUI .1111c. ItUU
Romig is the skit director.
Theta Xi rounds out the list
of performers with "Once a
King, .Always a King, But
Once a Knight Is Enough."
The skit reveals that King Ar
thur's Roundtable is actually
a fraternity. Dave Ewing is
the director.
The judges were Larry
Kuck and Kermit Brashear of
; Kosmet Klub. show director
jMrs. Lou Hall. Terry Boyes,
j University High School music
director: show chairman
George Schloter and Ron Hull,
program director for KUON
TV and master of ceremonies
for the show.
Baldwin Comedy
To Be Published
A play which was produced
for the first time last spring
by the Norfolk Senior High
: School will be published by a
New York firm this vear.
art at the University, wrote
tne whimsical one-act come-
dy, "I Married Irene Because
She Has Eyes Like Abraham
Members of the Norfolk
Senior High School Thespian
Troupe presented the p 1 a y
under the direction of Rich
ard Cross, drama instructor.
The play was one of a pro
gram of three plays written
by Baldwin. He is pursuing
full-time play writing and
study of the New York stage
in New Jersey with a grant
from the Woods Charitble
Fund of Lincoln and Chicago.
He will return to teaching du
ties at the University next
Brian Watkins dives for a
at Bethany Cabin.
Delta Upsilon and Alpha Chi Omega,
and Phi Gamma Delta and Chi Omega will
have pledge hour dances this afternoon
from 4 to 5 p.m.
Saturday night the social calendar
includes a costume party sponsored by the
University Dames at Liebers Cabin which
begins at 9 p.m.
A Sigma Alpha Mu pledge hour dance
irom 4 to 5:30 p.m. and a Acacia and Phi
Mu pizza party from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m..
will also be held Saturday.
Earlier Saturday Selleck and Avery
will have an afternoon open house. Sun
day there will be a Tau Uho party at 6:30
p m.