The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1965, Image 1

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    y y ' S23
Drinking, Grade Average
.J$yvte,ve Jordon
Junior Staff Writer
A drinking amendment, a
2.0 grade average for activa
tion and a request by Tau
Kappa Epsilon for coloniza
tion at the University were
all approved by the Interfra
ternity Council last night.
In their weekly session at
the Nebraska Union, 18 IFC
members voted for the
amendment dealing with al
coholic beverages, with four
The amendment provides
that no alcoholic beverages
be present in chapter houses,
that no funds controlled by
the chapter would be used for
the purchase of any alcoholic
beverage and that "fraternity
organizations shall not be
used in any manner for the
formation of house functions
involving alcoholic bev
erages." The responsibility for the
enforcing of the regulation
lies with the house president,
according to IFC President
Buzz Madsen.
Views expressed by other
IFC members included:
"The amendment would en
courage fraternities to uphold
University regulations."
"The bill will prevent 'fra
ternity' and 'drinking' from
becoming more synonymous
than they already are."
"The IFC must divorce fra
ternities from drinking to per
petuate our survival."
me rule will put the re
sponsibiUty of upholding state
law on the individual.
Members of the Council
questioned just what the
amendment prohibited. The
definition of a "house party"
came under discussion.
"The criterion for judging
if an activity is a house func
tion is 'could this have been
done without a fraternity or
ganization?' If so, it is not a
house function," one of the
members said.
"You have, as fraternity
leaders, assumed a responsi
bility to convey an attitude in
your house toward drinking,"
Madsen said. "This measure
Is a beneficial step in the
right direction."
IFC followed Panhellenic in
setting up a 2.0 requirement
for activation of fraternity
pledges in other action last
The Council voted 21-1 with
one abstention to require
future fraternity members to
nave a 2.0 grade average on
the newly instituted four-point
Tau Kappa Epsilon re
New Committee
To Poll Students
Students may express their
opinions about the cultural op
portunities offered to them on
the University campus in a
poll being taken by the newly
founded ASUN Cultural Af
fairs Committee.
Gary Larsen, chairman of
the committee, said that the
committee will investigate the
areas that show lack of par
ticipation and try to offer sug
gestions to strengthen these
In addition, he said his com
mittee will assist any organi
zation with a new project idea
relating to student welfare, d
the organization finds the pro
ject too large to handle alone.
The committee will handle
any project they find desir
able for students providing no
other organization is assigned
to that function.
A special area that the com
mittee will work in is church
student relations. A cultural
calendar listing all campus
and city cultural events for
each month is being printed
and distributed by the com
mittee. Kosmet Klub Tryouts . .
(riht) art up In the air upon
"' - m. f
l If
ceived perijiission to colonize .University from t Ij e
IFC, after" members watched
a film given by TKE field
superviser Dwayne R. Woer-
Woerpell met this week with
ir u representatives ana re
quested permission to estab
lish Phi Chapter of "Teke" in
an effort to reactivate the
chapter at the University
Tau Kappa Epsilon had been
on the campus from 1925 to
1935 and from 1947 to 1S57.
A TKE alumni board
headed by Floyd R. More-
head, of 823 S. 55th St. in
Omaha, has invested approxi
mately $13,000 in funds from
past "Teke" chapters. The
colony is expected to be estab
lished in 12 to 18 months, ac
cording to Woerpell.
The Council reserved the
"power to discontinue or sus
pend the colony if the require
ments set down are not being
met," Madsen said. '
Requirements set for the
colony by IFC include a field
adviser to remain with the
colony until it "is capable of
perpetuating itself," the loca
tion of a TKE active under
graduate, and the require
ment of two undergraduates
and three alumni advisers,
one of whom will serve as the
chapter adviser.
YWCA Plans
Study Groups
The YWCA is interested in
starting groups to discuss and
research problems relating to
current issues. Interested stu
dents may obtain information
at the YWCA office in the Ne
braska Union. Groups under
consideration include:
A group on Viet Nam to
help students to become bet
ter informed of the situation
in Viet Nam and investigate
the possibility of adopting war
orphans via long distance
A college chapter of t h e
League of Women Voters to
study local, state and nation
al issues and to become bet
ter informed voters.
An investigative group to
study labor unions in the
state, arbitration witn man
agement and legislative atti
tudes toward the repeal of the
Taft-Hartley law. The - pro
gram could be implemented
with visits with labor leaders,
management and members of
legislative committees deal
ing with this area.
A study group on the signi
ficance of modern literature,
art and music in its applica
tion to the Christian faith.
A committee dealing with
the problems of Appalachia
and the "War on Poverty"
with a consideration of aiding
families of this region.
A committee to explore
housing codes, zoning and
city planning in relationship
to the University's part in as
sisting the urban area.
A service group for fresh
men to help with the Child
Play Center, a program of the
city YWCA for children of
different backgrounds.
A study group exploring
work being done by other
campus YWCA groups and
forming a description of
membership for the Univer
sity campus.
A publicity and recruitment
team for the National Student
Assembly in December, 195b.
A study group to investigate
the economic and social prob
lems of South America.
A group to visit high
schools to encourage local
Negro student to attend the
University and assis them in
finding scholarship aid if
needed. The committee could
also study the number of Ne
gro teachers in local and
state school systems and per
haps take a course in Negro
. Revealed (left) Delta I'dhIIoii u they score a touchdown
the arrival of their Civil War general. Skits chosen lor the
Vol. 81, No. 26
Hyde Park Today
Hyde Park forum, which'
has been held on Wednesdays,
will be held at 3:30 p.m. to
day in the main lounge of the
Nebraska Union.
Liz Aitken, chairman of
Union Talks and Topics com
mittee which is sponsoring the
forum, explained that the
committee is attempting to
find a day and time when
most students could attend,
"The forums are still flex
ible," she said. "The forum
next week will probably also
be held on Thursday because
of speaker conflicts."
'Virginia Woolf
O I flfCS
By Bruce Giles
Junior Staff Writer
The time barrier from 965
A.D. to 1965 is crossed in
just 45 minutes by the Univ
ersity Theatre stage crew.
That is the amount of time
required for the stage crew
to change the set from
"Macbeth" to "Who's Afraid
of Virginia Woolf?"
Last Sunday was the first
time the characters from
"Virginia Woolf" were able
to rehearse on the Howell
Theatre stage.
Broadway Run
Opening for the first time
in the repertory season,
"Virginia Woolf" ran for 19
months on Broadway and
was called "one of the truly
big dramatic successes of
the century."
Cast members for the
University production are
Andy Backer as George,
Lita Powell Drake as Mar
tha, Sue Reynolds as Honey
and Ross Graham as Nick.
The entire play consists of
the events in the course of
one night on a New England
campus. George and
Martha, an older college
professor and his wife,
Yearbook Sales End
Wednesday. Nov. 3, is the
last day for Cornhusker year
book sales. Cornhuskers can
be bought until then from Tas
sels and in booths located in
Pound Hall, Women's Resi
dence Hall, Selleck Quadran
gle and the Nebraska Union.
Skits presented at the try-
out session for the Kosmet
Klub Fall Revue last night.
included snoofs on college I
life, American history, the
football team and fraternity
Ten men's living units pre
sented skits before a panel
of six judges, who were to
choose four to six skits for
use in the show, which is to
be presented Nov. 20. T h e
judges, who will see a var
iety of traveler's acts try out
tonight for the show, were
Larry Kuck, Kosmet Klub,
Kermit Brashear, Kosmet
Klub president, Mrs. Lou Hall,
director of the show, Terry
Boyes, music director at Uni
versity 'High School, George
Schloter, chairman of t h e
show and Ron Hull, orogram
director of KUON-TV and
- i ,.
'f ..
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ASUN Senators Table
roinikoinig-Stwchf AAo
By Wayne Kreuscher
Senior Staff Writer
A motion recommending
that Student Senate organize
a committee to study drinking
on the University campus and
the state drinking laws was
entertain Nick, a young col
lege professor and his wife
Represent Society
"None of the characters
have a last iiame, lending
support to the theory that
the characters represent
society as a whole," Rich
Maulsby, publicity director
for the Howell Theatre, said.
Described as a "blood
sport" by Time Magazine
in a review, Time added,
"The weapons are words
vicious, cruel, unspeakably
hilarious the language of
personal annihilation."
The contemporary play
won all major awards while
playing on Broadway with
the exception of the Pul
itzer Prize, including the
New York Drama Critic's
Circle Award, the ANTA
Award, the Oi.ter Circle
Award, the Foreign Press
Association Award, the an
nual Variety Poll and five
Tony awards.
Fun And Fury
Dr. William Morgan, dir
ector of the play, noted it
is "a play for adults. It is
cruel, devastating, fun and
fury. It is long. Its language
is rough and abusive. It is
cruel to actors and
audiences alike."
Technical phases of the
play are receiving finishing
touches, according to Char
les Howard, technical direc
tor for the play.
Good seats are still avail
able for Friday and Satur
day's 8 p.m. performances,
according to Maulsby.
master of ceremonies for the
Two skits centered on
ferent eras of American
eras of American his
tory. The Beta Theta Pi's
presented their version of the
Battle of Yorktown, built
around the idea that the bat
tle never really needed to be
fought. Mr. Peabody, a his
tory scholar and Sherman, an
inquisitive young boy, journey
back through time and arrive
to find the British and Amer
ican forces facing each oth
er on the battlefield. Peabody
convinces the men not to
fight by throwing a party on
the house and the men end up
singing a Beta version of a
song from "Half a Sixpence"
and Peabody and Sherman i
consider their job well done. 1
Skit master Is Jeffrey Polcy.
Kappa Sigma presented i
Sf ocfo
for statehood while (center) Cather Men wpoof I niversity life
show will be announced Friday morning.
The Daily Nebraskon
tabled until next week's Sen
ate meeting.
The motion introduced by
Sen. Ron Pfeifer, was tabled
after several senators sug
gested that it is too early for
the Senate to decide what
should be done about the
drinking situation on campus.
Pfeifer said that this com
mittee should not only study
the drinking problem, if there
is a problem, but that it
should consider the drinking
laws themselves.
He stressed that he was not
sanctioning illegal alcoholic
consumption, but that he was
wondering if the drinking
laws are suitable.
"Rather than investigate
the students we need to also
re-examine the drinking laws
and see if -they are suitable
and realistic. I'm not saying
we could change the laws, but
we could find out exactly
what the problem is," he said.
Pfeifer pointed out that if
there is a drinking problem on
iast Campus To Finish
Area Lighting By Jan. 1
A new outdoor lighting sys
' tern should be in operation on
' the East campus by Jan. 1,
according to Sam Trussell. ef
: ficiency engineer with the
i University's physical plant.
! Requests for bids for the
work have been sent to ap
! proximately eight firms and
! are expected back within the
! next two weeks, Trussell said.
TT !J1 . i i
ne saio. pians now are 10 ereci
ca l;; : u ...:u
250-watt vapor lights. Trussell
said the lights would be placed
throughout the total academic
ana nousmg area or tne fcast
Similar plans for outdoor
lighting on the city campus
are being made, according to
George Miller, administrator
of the physical plant. Miller
said of the citv campus proj
ect, "We're still in the process
of planning it," and he
stressed the tentative nature
of current plans.
"Will Ceases Never W o n -der,"
the story of the end of
the Civil War, under the di
rection of Bill Oltman. j
Cather Hall's skit. "Ode to!
a Horned Toad." spoofed Uni
versity life through a Know-1
It-All and his "ark" theme.
Don Chamberlain directed the !
skit in which the men se-!
lected to go on the "ark"
for a semester rebel at the!
announcement of the "Ten
Commandments" and desert !
"The Wall or Oh Dad, Poor
Dad, Get Out of the Bathtub
My Gin's Turning Bad" was
Phi Delta Theta's skit. The
skit dealt with the conflict he-
tween different generations
centering on the parents' '
plead, "Why Can't They be!
Like We Were" and the chil-
drcn'i reply,
'You Weren't ;
this campus, it is not an IFC
or fraternity problem, but ra
ther a University problem and
that if Student Senate actually
represents the students it
should study the problem.
He said that this commit
tee should be composed of
both fraternity and indepen
dent members' and that it
should talk to the University
administration, the Nebraska
Legislature and lawyers
throughout Nebraska. He sug
gested talking to the Nebras
ka public throughout the
Sen. Andy Taube said that
the Senate executive commit
tee was aware of the possible
drinking problem and contro
versy, but that besides just
studying the liquor laws the
committee is considering a
study of the overall picture of
University regulations and
Taube said that the com
mittee has talked about find-
i ing out exactly what the Uni-
"We should have some of
the work done by the end of
; November and it should be
1 completed this school year,"
; Miller noted.
The project on the city cam
pus will be directed at "sup
plementing present lighting."
' On the East campus the light
ing will be a completely new
Trussell said there is
th Fa,t pflmc " b
Tne projPct fs being
rjed out on the East famm.s
first because "there is more
need for it out there," Trus
sell explained.
Projected cost for lighting
on the city campus is not
yet available because the pro
ject has not progressed far
enough. Trussell said the ex
pected cost of the East cam
pus system is $25,000.
In Fall
Really That Good." Larry Ol
son and Tom Lewis collabor
ated on the direction.
Football entered the picture
the Beta Sigma Psi skit as
the men presented "The Bat
tle of Llabtoff" built around
the idea that "You Gotta Be
a Llabtoff Hero". Keith Krue-
ger directed the skit during
which two football
teams" 1
demolish each other on t h e
Delta Upsilon also dealt
with football, assuming "All
That is Important to a Uni
versity is Football", as a del
egation of Nebraskans travel
to Washington. D.C. to peti
tion for statehood. Roger
Brodd directed the skit.
Sigma Alpha Epilson and
phi Kappa Psi presented skits
by living on an "ark" for
Thursday, October 28, 1965
versity policies are and pos
sibly trying to see if they
could get a clear and better
defined code worked out in
all areas not only student
Sen. Terry Schaaf suggested
that it is too early to decide
exactly what should be done
as far as the drinking prob
lems go. He said they need
to wait and see first what
IFC, does and maybe they
should not limit the study just
to drinking.
Schaaf said that the Senate
already had enough commit
tees and that there are al
ready other committees which
could handle a possible drink
ing investigation.
"Perhaps we should study
the code in general as well as
the drinking, but this problem
has such great magnitude and
importance that one commit
tee could easily keep busy on
this all year long," Pfeifer
In other business at the
meeting, Sen. Bob Samuelson
explained that Nebraskans
need some type of yell to
show support for their foot
ball team. He said that Ne
braskans look rather funny
when they try to answer an
other team's "imaginative"
yell with "Go Big Red."
Sen. Skip Sorieff suggested
that this yell problem be men
tioned to Corn Cobs and Tas
sels and that they be given a
chance to do something about
it before Senate considers it
The chairman of the Elec
toral Commission, P a m
Hedgecock. recommend
ed that Homecoming can
d i d a t e nominations be
; changed next year, hhe said
that the Lniversitv has pos
sibly ougtrown the system of
., -.11 j ,," it,..r.
living units and that this is the
main reason for block voting.
If we can stop putting up
girls according to living units,
we can stop competition be
, tween units and between
Greeks and Independ
' ents. This way candidates
I will be judged more as per
; sons and not as members of
' some group, she said.
Revue Tryouis
centered around crime stor-
ies. Bob Hatcher directed a
j version of "Westside Story"
; called "Woodsidc Story". .
"The Truth About Alfie,"
the "real" story of AI Ca
'pone was the Phi Psi's skit,
j under the direction of Rod
: Romig.
! Theta Xi presented t h e
i story of a young man's at-
ter"Pt to be admitted to King
Arthur's Roundtable in reality
a modern day fraternity, us
ing music from the musi
cal "Camelot." The skit was
under the direction of Dave
Alpha Tau Omega looked
back into the University's
past to present an episode of
student pranks. The skit, call
ed "The Great Bustle Build
er", was directed by Bruce
'flL. d
a semester. Kappa Sigma
'' - - ,..