The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1965, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, October 25, 1 965
ante Presentation
Today and Tuesday the University pre
sents confereraue honoring Dante, the
14th Century Italian writer scholar
Speakers from nine first-rate American
universities will present the many phases
of Dante's personality, his contributions
and knowledge.
The plans and preparations for the con
ference were made by several University
professors, in particular, Dr. .William
Bowsky, and Dr. Roberto Esquenazi-Mayo.
Dear Editor,
I am appreciative of
your interest and concern
over the parking problem
on campus. However I dis
agree with many of the
facts you presented.
The main problem is not
that there is not enough
room for cars in the lots,
but that the lots are so far
from the main part of cam
pus. The area S lots for
Lincoln and off-campus stu
dents always have some
empty stalls. In a continu
ous check by the university
police, during the time pe
riod between 9:30 and 11:30
on MWF there have con
sistently been approximate
ly 100 empty stalls. The lots
are the fullest during' this
period. The problem may
be not knowing where the
areas are or not finding
parking places in the closer
areas. An additional area 2
lot has been made to alie
"Promise her anything"
"But give her a Pizza Hut pizzaF
4601 "O" 489-4601
Problems Missed
nate the crowded con
ditions in the former area
2 lot. A lot has been made
in the south Selleck lot for
40 motorcycles. This lot
has seldom been used so
there must not be a motor
cycle parking problem.
The paragraph concern
ing the five dollar fine was
not made clear. A five dol
lar fine is imposed only on
a car that has no permit at
all and is parked on univer
sity property, not to a car
just parked in the w r o n g
area. The first "no permit
ticket" can either be paid
or the money can go for a
The discussion in your
editorial about the in
creased dilligence of the
campus and city police left
me with the impression
that you thought this prac
tice was bad because it ne
cessitated more students
walking to the Geo building
Students and faculty members should
take advantage of the opportunity to at
tend the lecture. Wisely the program in
cludes something for everyone from
Dante's discussion of empires to his
philosophy of love.
The Daily Nebraskan salutes those who
have organized the conference, and those
participating, and urges student and
faculty support of this scholarly presenta
and paying fines. I feel
that you believe that there
should be a degree of leni
encey in ticket giving. In
other words, ticket some
and let a few get by. I do
not agree with this interpre
tation of the law.
Your suggested solution
to the parking problem is
not for me to argue. But I
wouldn't suggest that it be
voted on by the student
body unless you exclude he
freshmen and sohpomores.
I definitely agree that
there are many problems
concerning parking on
campus, but I do not f e e 1
you brought the real prob
lems out in your editorial.
Dave Snyder
Parking Committee,
"Got a
CALL 432-3412
tor an appointment
119 No.
"no wait
"no waste
y y
'Macbeth' Termed Victory
Editor's note: Tom Craw- pnmmanii ho fills tho etntrn
Editor's note: Tom Craw
ley, the author of this re
view, is a student graduate
assistant in English. He re
ceived his B.A. at Provi
dence College, Providence
Rhode Ishnd, and his M.A
here at the university. He is
now working for his Ph.D.
Crawley has played lead
roles in "Hamlet" and "Peer
Gynt" here and played In
the Dartmouth repretory
theater this past summer,
with roles in "Richard II,"
"Doctor's Diliemma," and
"Giants' Dance." He will
also review "Who's Afraid
of Virginia Wolfe" the other
repertory theatre play, for
the Daily Nebraskan.
A warrior-king caught in
his own dfstructive impulses
appeared on Howell stage
Saturday night, and, in a set
ting of smoke and darkness
and murderous implements,
hacked his way to power,
isolation, and death. The
tragedy of Macbeth as play
ed by Jerry Mayer is the
story of a man who never
really decides to become a
villain we never hear him
swear to kill the king but
once in the grip of the forces
embodied in the witches, em
bedded in himself, and en
couraged by his wife, he
obeys them, like a soldier,
without question. He is not
the '"liberate monster Rich
ard III is, for Macbeth is
often horrified by the tide of
blood that rises on his bank
and shoal of time, but the
logic of evil forbids him to
sacrifice the power which he
has committed such abom
ations to achieve.
And Mayer plays these
values very well: with
understanding, with energy,
and with obvious technical
skill. He performs his Mac
beth with a nervous intensity
and a sense of the char
acter's confused but deter
mined march into the sea
that finally drowns him. Too
often, though, Mayer's
understanding and skill are
more evident than Mac
beth's suffocating sou, and
he constructs his role al
most entirely on an elocu
tionary plane rather than
on a "human" plane. He is
just too aware of the Shake- -spearean-ness
of his part.
Then, too, his jolting use
of pauses, and his affection
for tense, uncomfortable
body positions (which often
leads him into awkward or
artificial poses) call atten
tion from the character to
the actor. Still, it is a strong
Janet Jensen's Lady Mac
beth is very convincing after
she goes mad, but in her
"sanity" she has the de
tached quality of a little girl
or an old lady, someone
school-teacherish conducting
affairs of blood with a senile
air. Her speech, though,
seems that of a foreign
princess; her goading of
Macbeth becomes enjoyably
sultry when she talks of his
being a man; and her mad
ness displays an admirable
control of gesture and in
flection. Malcolm, played by Bob
Hall, comes off as a man
of secret moods and hidden
motives. The deviousness of
which he is capable appears
very excitingly in the best
scene of this production-
Malcolm s testing of Mac
duff's mettle by claiming to
be worse than Macbeth.
Hall is better at "pos
ing" than Mayer Is, and his
gestures tend toward the
more relaxed and more ex
pressive. When he takes
12th St.
in line"
of time'
command, he fills the stage
very well.
Certainly the most whole
some and char ing man of
this Scottish crew is John
Gu'ity's B?"quo. Eypt for
some strained footwork, his
manner, his readings, his
expressions, his bMy posi
tions are unaffected, com
lr 'able, and expssive'y
Dean Tschetter's Macduff
is best when reaching for
high emotional registers, as
in his response to the slaugh
ter of his f"- " or in his
decision to destroy Macbeth.
There are vo nearly flaw
less performances: Gary
Anderson's Bloody Captain,
played with quiet power;
and ' Vybiral's norter.
performed as restrained
farce with gusto and wit.
Larry Schnieder plays the
tiny role of the Scottish doc
tor with an intelligent con
trol that is delightful amid
all the sound and fury. Steve
Bradford's Duncan is too
youthful and reedy in voice
and movement for a father
image king, but has an easy
and pleasant manner.
The witch- - are more for
midable in repose than in
chanting or moving but
Carol Klingman, Barbara
Holms, and Norma Wilcox
make them very imposing
personages. The murderers,
played by Keith Willis and
Everett Lawton, need to be
more substantial and ag
gressive. The two boys, Joe
Kes-' -r and nm Weymouth,
are convincingly young and
winning when their lines
permit. Steve Mcintosh's
Lennox could be defined
more firmly, David Peter
son's Donaldbain could be a
little less dubious; Seyton
(Kerry Hooskstra) should
bounce a little less, and Old
Siward (John Holms) should
look much less like Genghis
Stephen Cole's direction,
evident in timing, blocking,
and a feeling of urgency
that never fails even when
the actors do, is expert.
Charles Howard's set, with
its aspiring stone arches and
tortourous stairways, effect
ively suggests the central
issue of the play. The mag
nificent props and Robert
Devereaux's rough-1 i n e d
r u d e-patterned, muffled
colored custumes also com
municate much of the play's
spirit. The production ele
ments tend to outstrip the
acting side of this Macbeth,
and much polishing needs
to be done, but the vigorous
players have achieved a
solid victory they have a
Daily Nebraskan
TELEPHONE: 477-8711. Extensions 2588, 2589 and 2590.
Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Ad
vertising Service, Incorporated. Published at Room 51.
Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
.,.h VD'' Nhrm. la published
.nT ourmi in, ,rboo riCfpt
Mimben of (tat Nebrartaa ara re.poo.lbla for kat tber cauta U to vrintel
. . HolEl; 11 "" Monday throutk frMar.
JB "" "..! r M lor Iba ac.femle rear.
The Waters of "Little Big Horn'
Still Run Red . . .
With Indian Blood . . . And
White Men's Infamy!
j " i
a filter r. i
Wat Custer'
Last Stand
A Tst of
Valor or
A Rout
Of Shame!
I U .S 1 I VI E 1 t
m fcM IK'0"" tTOASCOlf
' '
Pity the poor professor.
At least, pity those who have
.classes starting before 10
a.m. The next time you need
a desparate measure to keep
awake in your eight or nine
thirty, when your eyeballs
are scratch, with sleep, take
a look around at your (?)
fellow students, as the pro
fessor 'ias to all class long.
Start with those seated at
the back of the room, the
instinctive habitat of the
classroom napper. If the
chairs are right against the
wall, there will be at least
two or three peonlr propped
up in their seats in such a
manner and with such an
expression that they look as
if they'd been shot by a
firing squad and suspended
animation had caught them
halfway down.
To determi; the statistics
of classroom attention, you
would first have to exclude
Monday and Friday. Mon
day, because all those there
look as if they were chloro
formed; young ladies who
on other days have chic hair
dos and half-inch eyelashes
are completely unrecogniz
able on Monday without
their faces on. Friday, be
cause you then have an over
prepresentation of those
bright, creative, thinking in
dividuals who are revolting
ly wide awake at 7:30 a.m.;
the others are resting up to
go Friday Afternoon Club
bing. So, on a typical Wed
nesday, one might ascertain
68.7 per cent of the student
have their heads propped up
on one or the other arm,
dependent mainly on
whether they are right or
left-handed; 30.9 per cent
are outright asleep; and the
remaining .4 per cent are
those previously mentioned
traitors to the human race
who have a smile upon aris
ing and greet you with a
musical "good morning!"
while you're trying to open
your eyes wide enought to
see to get the toothpaste on
the brush.
It is fascinating, however,
to watch someone falling
asleep in class. The subject
sits there with his arms fold
ed, his eyes glazing into a
cross-eyed stare, his eyelids
creeping slowly, slowly
down, his jaw dropping to
the point where with the
head overbalanced, the
neck jerks and the subject
starts up, still glassy-eyed
but trying to assemble a
look of diligent attention.
Even when the people are
awake, it can't be very
conspiring to look out over
a class. People look so stu-
Monday. Miih1. iw.,1.. ....
during racalloni anj mm hI
(gf mr
pid, you wonder what
they're doing in college.
One Is gnawing on a ball
point pen; another is chew
ing gum with a rhythmic
chomp; a boy is trying to
perfect his smoke-ring
blowing; a -girl is nervous
ly twisting a lock of hair.
There are only a few
things that will really
rouse the group, other than
a new dirty joke. First is
when the instructor says,
"Next Friday we're going
to have an hour exam." The
instantaneous reactions is
that kind of hurt, animal
moan as if to say "How
could any human being pos
sibly be so cruel." It
doesn't matter whether the
exam was scheduled in the
syllabus from the first day
of class or whether it's the
first word of it on the
Wednesday before the test;
the difference is in inten
sity. In the first case, it
is a kind of hope-springs-eternal
moan (maybe we
can bluff him into putting
it off a week); In the sec
ond, it's a righteous-indignation
moan (you can't do
that to us students can
you?), but in any case it
may be observed as a man
ifestation of the Old Col
lege Try.
There Is one time every
day, of course, when the
classroom shows life just
as the bell rings. Someone
ought to get up a little
chart on the professors in
dicating their length. There
are 15-after professors for
whom you can start putting
your coat on and your
books away at a quarter af
ter; bell professors, which
you can shut off like turn
ing a switch simply by ris
ing when the bell rings;
"just a minute" professors,
who are always still giving
the assignment at 20 after,
and then there are those
nerve-wracking fiends who
look up in surprise when
the next class starts to
barge in at 29 after, but
are almost impossible to
walk out on even when
you're on third-floor Bur
nett and your next class is
in Nebraska Hall. I have
always had a deep susr
cion that these people aie
just trying to get back at
all those discourteous stu
dents who snored during
m. m.
OCT. 30th
AT 8:30 P.M.
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