The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1965, Image 1

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    ,i.iH '-iiiri'i-iniiiiWiritiiiiiiw,,iWM,l,t LL jt lL,,, in w 'n iM-(----iimin imu u.i ijii in hii-iwimii imui mm i mmmmm,if,'i''i0 nmn
Q0T 251965
Vol. 81, No. 24
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, October 25, 1965
( u
6 ff mm
CU cheerleaders
Susie Kunc . .
Little Fan
By Lorrie Loomis
Not many seven-year-old
boys are escorted to Nebras
ka's football games by head
coach Bob Devaney but
one youngster had this exper
ience at t h e
H o m e -coming
Mike Law
rence, whose
aunt, Geri,
is a junior
at the Uni
versity, was
to go to the
game with
flpri's nar-
ents. Problem: he had no
When Geri heard that Mike
had no ticket, she called Pat
Pat could not be reached, !
however, so Geri talked to
Coach Devaney.
Upon hearing that the lit-;..
J S " J
tie fan had no ticket, the;",c s
coach offered to take Mikej Alpha Tau Omega, 7 p.m.
to the game with him. The j 7: 15; Beta Sigrna Psi, 7:15
lad was no excited the morn- 7:30: Beta Thpta Pi 7-30
ing oi the game tnai ne wone
... ....
up uens parenis ai a am. ueiia upsuon, o p.m. 6:lo;
with a "let's get going!"! Kappa Sigma, 8:15 8:30; Phi
request. j Delta: Tiieta, 8:308:45; Phi
Just before the game, Carlj Kappa Psi, 8:459 p.m.; Sig
took Mike to the bus behind : ma Alpha Epsilon, 9 p.m.
the stadium to meet Coach 9:15, and Theta Xi, 9:159:30
Devaney. The Husker mentor; p.m.
escorted Mike through the
locker room with the team,
and into the stadium.
Mike was almost speechless
with excitement When asked
w hat he thought of Coach De
vaney, be beamed, "He's
Lt. Governor To Talk
To Young Democrats
Lt Governor Philip Soren
8on will speak ait a meeting of
the Young Democrats Tues
day night at 7:30 in the Ne
braska Union.
Sorenson, a graduate of the
University's Law School, was
elected lieutenant governor
two years ago. lie is con
sidered by some to be a pos
sible Democratic nominee for
Governor in
take a moment's rest
. twirls fire baton
To Game
During the game, Mike
stood on the bleachers clap
ping his hands and guess
ing the plays.
tu i i i ;
r A 1
lu WUJI8bier IldU ueen ""irarfn. fr a V9r.v
Lincoln two weeks before, and, test Saturday morning. The
the coach at that time had cccasicn, a rifle mairksmar-
autographed his program: ship match, didn't receive
"Hope to see you at NU quite the attention of the foot
fnnthii crmiav baU &ame- 1x11 11 had one
piaying iooio aii someaayfeature the foo;ball game
Best wishes, Coach Devan-: lacked female participanis.
ey." j Two girls were part of the
The Lawrences plan to eight-member Nebraska team
bring Mike to Lincoln again ! that competed with the all-1
for the Thanksgiving d a y! male Colorado team. '
game with Oklahoma. and1 When the smoke cleared af-
'Mike will probably be one of
I the Cornhusker's most enthus
iastic rooters.
KK To Hold Tryouts
Skit tryouts lor the Kosmet
KJub fall revue wili hed
I this Wednesday evening at
4. .
7:45; catner, 7:45- p.m.; ;
Living units are requested
to be a few minute-s early and that there has been no notic
ready to perform at the indi- j able increase in the number
cated times
Skit winners will be an
nounced in Thursday's Daily
Peter, Paul And Mary
To Perform Saturday
Peter Yarrow, Parul Stookey
and Mary Travers, better
known at Peter, Paul and
Mary, will appear in Lincoln
Saturday night at the Persh
ing Auditorium.
The folk-singing group has
appeared in Lincoln the past
two years.
All seats for the 8:30 per
formance are reserved. Tick
ets are available at the audi
torium for $2, $2.75 and $3.50.
from cheering
I )
1 ' '
Nebraska cheerleaders
1 - 'I
If if-' aiSr ,V T TO
Colorado Men Outslwot Comhuskers
In Coeducational Rille Jem Contest
By Julie Morris ,
junior aiau riwr i
Two Big Eight Conference
ivcuiio, -cui ajAd cjjjj v-ujr-,
ter the match. Colorado was
declared the winner by a 20 .
pomt margin. - Naval Science Building one -,,ss leenage Nebraska con- laws of Nebraska. In the past, ministration Functions." in-
afternoon and told someone t'st Jac3. said she w as enforcement has been rather eludes the Board of Regents,
Clieryl Chapman's score that I wan&ed to join a rifle P-'anning to spend more time lax and things got out of tfie chancellor, ttie vice chan
was 196, "about the lowest club." practicing in the next two-hand. Now a crackdown is cellors, the deans of men and
she has ever shot," according j Girls Team Formin" weeks so that she could go Ut taking place. women, the business man
to Cpt. Wesley Wool worth, Th ifl , . . f the khooting mak-h with Okla- "Just thinking and talking : ager. the deans of colleges
Slv ilfr5U0r Uni" girls team which will com- homa State in about it has already accom- 'and the heads of schools.
Wwarth dSS-'rihwl Mite wilh girls' teams r rnale members of the pllshed something. ThU gf: Included in these categories
ChSmaTls "th S Ibis area. Wooiworth men- Club don't seem dis-ave been going very hII In . are the heads of such busi-
est E "we have " Thted six different schools Phased that the coeds have , the past two months," he i ness offices as accounting,
2E2tL4l b teams including! beaded to join their ranks, j commented. 1 chfsW ti filiiT?'
ai , .;u, it: I nev r.TP nrrmrl n( ln ut a v ! IfldSins, OUllUlnes and
v fm - mm .b
aClMST bentlRient
Misses Nebraska
Nebraska is apparently not
feeling some of the effects ol
a rash of pacifist sentiment
which has been crossing the
nation within recent weeks.
The state draft board reported
of men claiming status as con
scientious objectors.
The office also noted that
there had been no reports
made of men deliberately de
stroying their draft cards,
Students in some areas of the
country have destroyed their
cards as a protesi to the war
in Viet Nam. Such destruction
tan bring legal action which
could include a fine up to
Deadline For Tickets
Extended To Tuesday
Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. is the
deadline for picking up stu
dent Missouri tickets.
All remaining tickets will
be 60ld to the general public.
By Wayne Kreuschcr
Senior Staff Writer
Jan It kin
Junior Staff Writer
The issue of student drink
ing and the University's in
terest and enforcement of al
coholic laws has recently be
come a live and relevant is
'sue on the University cam-
' , , , . , ,
One fraternity alumni club
describes m a letter to par-
tration's present attitude as
. -""-"y,
(ino of "lnfrpflspn notivitv
I and pressure on the part of
the administration concerning !
arrive at rally
proximately 40 male mem-
uers oi ine ciuo in snooting
ifa.. it
i iiwcii iiiiia it:iu 11 "
Fifteen Girls Belong
'sole female member of the
rifle team, however. Fifteen
girls belong to the club.
1 This is the second vear that
the club has had coeds in the
group. Woolworth said, "We
! didn't try to attract girls, but
j 1284 year several came to us
and w anted to join."
Barbara Thomas, club
treasurer, said. "1 just me-
andered down to the ba:-
ment of the Military and
Mi r.m.n ; wr1 )s -nxJ"us 10 nave
vicigijLuu jxjivejiiv in villa-
ha, Kansas State and Okla-:!
noma State
"There is a big trend for
fri. JifJL.f iT- f '
L .j h. t fh. v.;
.Z ..rZZ. ZSZt
K J IT -1' " It j Si' iAi ,
kiimg S
t h e use of alcoholic bev
eraves by students and par
ticularly those students asso
ciated with organized houses
on campus."
The letter continues,
"Through our alumni and ac
tive members who are in as
sociation with the adminis
tration of the University of
Whrnskn wo arc hi'fmiiini'
' n
' increasingly aware of the nos-
, g,biHUc8 of sovere sanctions
bej im d studen(s
; anH organizations involved in
. . " L"
, , this area contain the elements
'Such sanctions can an difor improvement or for de
yery likely will, include the struction of the frat8rnity
lifting of a fraternity s char- svstem -
house on this campus," it
The Interfraternity Council
will vote Wednesday night on
an amendment to the by-
laws of the council concern-
ing drinking. The amendment
Section 1. No alcoholic bev-
erage whatsoever shall be
present in the charter house
on the property of any fra-
Section 2. No funds or ac-
counts controlled by the chap-
ter shall be used for the pur
chase, directly or indirectly,
of snv alcoholic beverage.
Section 3. The fraternity
organizat;on shall
used in any manner
not oe
for the
formation of house functions
involving alcoholic beverages.
A statement to the iW
from the IFC executive com-
mittpp rforJin. rirint
mmee regarding drink-
ing said. "Resnonsible fra-
t-rnitv Iparfprs finH liftio rfif
t may leaders find little dif-
but thev don't ha i-mmoh
for a g;rjg jtam "
JT uf'u W11"
Vh x h l saif . g
in ine eDraska club, "have
Jomes to hS "
' snooung.
-Nancy Wolf, a club mem-
ber' said tnat fle joined be-
tause "J think a person ought
f be in something that he is
interested in. I'm interested
in archery and shooting fol-
lcws ii'cm that."
,IJI, nm w"w Mwn the
j ' " " .'
g'rl Ieriorm and note
mat tne giris team last year
defeated the previously un -
beaten Oklahoma State girls
rw wk h,!medium. where liquor is con.firaska Lnion. the placement
T. " """"
University of Nebraska's Rille
ft i ; :riM ry H t I
ficulty in accepting the rea
sonableness of the Universi
ty's concern yet they are
hampered as elected officers
by the attitude of their mem
bers stemming from illegal
and irresponsible high school
drinking, alumni indifference
and example, and the tradi
itonal attitude that no adult
social function can be satis
fying without alcoholic bever
ges." The statement points out
tliat ever-V traternity mem-
should recognize that
their attiutde and action in
Under 'alcoholic bever-
(a,ca ,'ti, i, ! eet m e Umon- the
I says; "The Purcnase, pes-, deans of the colleges, maybe
s"s,,?n-or consumption of al-even the museum and librarv
j coh"llc by minors. directtors-all of these might
r the possession of alcohlicibe included in the ambiguous
j beverages on State property : term "administration."
isT a V1latl" of ; and the; Newspapers, teachers, stu-
University code. The posses- dems and th Nebraska ub.
flu" u "l m
holic beverages in student
"hkm' au ai
i of University
fT ? Tt "U??f 'S V "
lation of the University code.
residences and at all social
,'' "' .i ... ::
Icar'ers seemed to indis'e
thi't must fraternities wor" in
a?remrrt wifi he Pend-
ment and resolu'ion -o-m-
ing (rinkinr hl t'-a' olhrrs
. .. rr
questioned the eUectn ?n"ss
!, .. , .
P... Marfan mHm of
the C Sid'taat7Brlnk;n?
as a ol ir'
ues 1S a problem and fie
n, .,,-,11
me-s's 4W 1 "
something to correct the er-
"We have sppnt much time administrators, he said,
discussing the mattr v i t h Ross explained that Uni
Administra'ion and the Board versity policy- :s made by the
of Control and have read pol- "Beard of Regents, the Facul
ty statements from several Sonste and the Student Sen
national fraternities. Then ate" nnd that the administra
we came to our decision." tors include a great group of
Madsen explained. people who carry out these
'"As far as the nrooosals
stnte," he explained, "frater
nities cannot be the organs to
bUy alcoholic beverages or
omanize a nartv involving
them- n"e ar simP'y tr-vi"S
to dcal lhis problem
r , . ,
One traternity president ex-
pressed surprise that t h e
matter was brought up at all.
"I thought that it was aken
care of in the IFC constitu-
sion." he said.
John Baldwin, president of
Alpha Tau Omega, said. "The
Administration has no choice
but to enlorce the existing
I . , , .. .
'The IPC resolution is an
JCS"") JC UJ l"c iimniuuci
! wowing "'e mailer oy uiern -
selves b-V stating that the
i house cannot be used as a
cerned," he said
Stan Miller, president of
Beta Sigma Psi and vice
president of IFC described
the purpose of the proposals
as "one of trying to educate
the individual as to the ef
fects and causes of the drink
(continued on p. 3)
y Many'
By Wayne Kreuscher
Senior Staff Writer
Ten or maybe a thousand
people, the building across the
;lic either compliment or criti-
cize the University adminis-
tration. but most don't know
just ;vhat they are criticizing.
No nescriptive Meaning
G Robert Ro
cel101' rnd s'ean cf student af-
fairs, saii that he personally
ne'.-cr uses the word "adnvn-
- i : i
':" " 1,u
descriptive meaning.
, ,
I nevi
reon'c ar
er know what office
arc referring to when
they av 'administration,' "
hc explained.
- f
v be' sc Deonle don1
tat'ea sc people don t
rea:IV understand who makes
rnjvpri)v noMv
ine university policy, it is
not made necessar v bv the
"The term "administration"
might mean anyone with ad
ministrative functions such as
the director of the librarv. the
museum directors the a r t
gallery director," he said,
The easiest definition seems
to be "people who adminis-
. ter" but here again there are
many people "who adminis-
ter"" who usually are not in-
tended to be included in this
description when it means
praise or blame,
Handbook Definition
the term, according to the
campus handbook under "Ad-
. , , " ,
grounds planning and con-
""i"-" oj ivmhiki.
tnder the deans of students
, he heads of bousing, the Ne-
service, the exam service.
scholarships and financial aid,
student health, admissions,
the junior division and regis
tration and records, all could
be included under "adminis
tration." The term would also apolv
to the directors of public re
lations, the alumni associa
tion, institutional research, the
University Foundation, the re
, search council, the medical
j center,' the agriculture and
j home extension services and
stations, the library, the mu
seum, ROTC and general ex-'
Ross explained that in an
insitution as large as the Uni
veKUy with so many admin
ist'.itors and offices, people
just do not know exactly who
is responsible for what and
that the term "administra
tion' is often the easy way
out when speaking about th
I Lmversily. - -
;l(ljwvrtiff ifli