rTn -s ?9Bk st ft s i j Vol. 81, No. 20 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, October 18, 1965 SDS Teach-in )T)Hnf) BBBr? ?; Begins Heigo Candy May, a junior ma-: hire of the Homecoming joring in speech, was weekend gives returning crowned 1965 Homecoming i alumni the opportunity to Queen Saturday night at t h e i visit any of the 26 participat Homecoming Dance at Persh-, ing University departments ing Auditorium. :to renew acquaintances and Vicki Cline. last year's ! hear about new developments queen, crowned her at the fes-! in their fields of st jdy tivities during which Bonnie! Homecoming Luncheon Brown and Marcia Melichar ! Queens attend the were selected as court attend- traditional alumni Homecom ents. m luncheon at 11 a.m. Sat- ... , . ! urday in the Lincoln Hotel. Miss May and Miss Meh-j char reside at SeUeck Quad- Miss Mav and Mrs. Morrow rangle and Burr East respec- be presented at the game tively. Miss Brown is a mem-, Saturday afternoon. M r s. ber of Chi Omega sorority. MonWs escort win be Autographed Football George Knight. Nebraska The Queen received a foot-1 a,um 'bo played in the Eose ball with the players' auto-1 Bowl game, graphs as one of her gifts. ; That evening they will at The dance, sponsored by tend the special homecoming Tassels and Corn Cobs, fea- program featuring the tored three combos: tbe Nate George Shearing Quintet. The Branch Combo, the Kopv Other Three and Rustv Rvan Kats and the Starfires. The combos played in continuous shifts to avoid the necessity for intermissions. "A Salute to Nebraska Sports" was tbe theme of the dance which began the week of Homecoming activities. First Appearance Miss May made the first of her appearances as reigning yueen bunaay at me tootoan game m wnicn ine comets.' Lincoln's professional team, ! Blaved at Seacrest Field Todav she will be a truest TEL irff8. at the Extra Point ciuo. She will make guest appearances im VT TV rortin Tnoav a n A KFOR radio Wednesday. Wednesday tbe oueen will eSt atSOTTauband De a guesi ai Laon s uud ana will meet the nlane can-vine the aamialy returning 116 California alumni 19 Pep Queei 1 M"cer empnasizea me im-lTo Explain Programs Friday she will be a guest ? portance of appearing before : at tbe Sertoma dub. Sbe andUh Par(1 a thA time, hH.! Marine Corps Officer -"11. Juun jtiorron, rrp ,?rr8W: "P'uled. F.ach r-rMn should yoeeu w w-dcb ie Ki-ci' Aom nlavMl lit t YM Pe P-nul mill k. nmfiit at the rallv fa Memorial Sta-1 diom at t:3t p.m. Saturday Miss May and J Mrs. Morrow will attend the departments' coffee hours at - 9:30-11:30 a.m. This new fea-j j 1 A V ' , , v- J V " - ' W'"1,'' s .... 11 i. GEORGE SHEARING ... and THE OTHER THREE . . . C1 provide musical entertain ment in concert at Pershing Auditorium Saturday e versing. offiGcoining To frGofure Best&ming the Univer sity's Homecoming show Saturday is worid-famous jazz pianist George Shear ing. Shearing is to appear at Perilling Auditorium with comedian Rusty Ryan and a musical trio called Tbe Otbr Ttxte. Tultlt far tbe sbw, bk-h Is opea U tbe pub lic, are sow on sale at tbe Pershing box office and in tbe Nebraska Union. Block tickets f on sale Utmwrtn in the Union Program Of fice. Tbe show is bdng spoo swed joinUy by the Union, JiUtls and Corn Cobs. in Pershing Auditorium. Parking Board To Hold Ticket Appeals Session j The Parking Appeals Board meet Wednesday night ; at 7:30. Anyone who feels he , was unjustly ticketed ma contact the University Police ana register to appear t fore the Appeals Board. . . . . . . ' ! Tbe b Dave ; ! Snvdpr. rhairman nf t h ri j ASUX parking committee, i, j fu u . i COmp0sed f tbe mcmbers of , m;. j r,t ' 1 Masters of the University j Police Dept. ithf Pjard at the tim Krhftd.: j . ... . . , . ... so be well acquainted with rammis trsffir rpinilations ho fore appearing to appeal his ! ticket. I He noted that improper, parking often leads to more than one person violating the same regulation. The campus f police must ticket all c a r s 9 1 Shearing tegan hit jazz career at IS as a piano player in a pub in his na tive London. Within ten years lie had formed his own trio and was leading England's jazz popularity polls. Later be came to dominate tbe country's jazz movement. la IM7 Shearing came t tbe United States but failed to ail recognitJiw, He re turned to Englan&T record ing at this time one of bis most popular pieces, "I Only Have Eyes For Von." Within a sbfrt time, how ever, Skauing vat hack in F - CAXDY MAY . . . Crowned that are not properly parked " between stall markers. Students should also re mem ber that the Area F lot. northeast of the librarv. is reservea ior iacniiy memoers at a nmes f ' Monday nntil noon Saturday, c. ,i " ,; j ' Snder said. ' ern'ihe SLlSd elmcfnZ tne Appeals Board shou,d ntact Snyder. Bruce Rk Jchn Miliar Tm v;r-i. " - i nnS. or K1 ' nompson j Marine Corps Team vuips w...t:i selection leam Wlil DC at tne University Tuesday and Wed- Desdav to expla.n Marine Corps programs to interested students. students mav contact the in thp v. " lu" e oincers m we Ne braska Union from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. )i uy l "V; i .. J"'1"Jf . , 'iiiirmMimiM'iiimiT mmnm m , i! esiiviries eaTtiii America to stay. He begin recording his music for sev eral companies aid made apiaranccs acroys the na tion. In V he took citizen ship here. Shearing, who Lai been blind from birth, composes much of his own music and personally arranges tbe majority of bis albums. He spent the past year study ing classical music, elimi nating all professional ac tivities to concentrate on that subject Between coneerti and re cjr&'mi sessions. Shearing mates frequent pjar ances at schools and hos pital far blind ciildrcn. , as 1965 Homecoming Queen. Builders Seek New Name For Foundation Committee ByJanltkin Junior Staff Writer A new committee, which is working under Build- ers to promote the Nebraska foundation and to sponsor a students scholarship fund, needs a name. "We thought of the Student Committee for Coordinating Student Gifts to the Nebraska fFoundf ion ' SCCSGNT . hut tms doesn t quite hit the mark." commented Jon Ker- t-uer .u. ;'. i"e Viu- ijeet. "We think the- studems j can do better and now they have the chance." The chance he referred to is a contest to choose a name tor ine committee. The prize fft ,n :: nam, -ill h a dat with ithir fanrfv Mav 1965 Homecoming Queen, or a footlaI' P,a-Ver l the Kosmet fciuosijDw on.yo.zu. Tbe contest is open to every- one and a student may enter as often as he likes. Sugges- tions for the name will be ac- ;cepted from Oct. 19 to Nov. 12 and may be left in the special- ' ly marked boxes in the Nebr- effect." ' aska and East Unions. Kerkhoff explained that at Judging the contest will be: many large institutions. Kan Dr. Robert Narveson, profes- sas for instance, it is consM ;sor of English; Mr. Joyce ered common practice to "f Ares. president of Ayres and i make a gift to the University IF acuity Altets Matation1 By Wayne Kreuscher Senior Staff Writer University classes will be held this year the Wednesday before "Thanksgiving. but there will be no class on the j following Monday according to a resolution pas sed la it ,week by the Faculty Senate. ! The five-day Thanksgiving vacation usually t tarts -m Wednesday, the day before ; Thanksgiving. This year, ho--ever, because of the Oklahoma Nebraska football game on Thanksgiving day, classes will be held until the holiday and vacation will be exief!ld 'until the following Tuesday, ; StdenU Stajing Dr. Hery Holtzclaw. tecrc- tary of the Faculty Senate. i saw tnat since many students ;woull be staying lor the " Thanksghing game anyway,. it was decided that t b e r e might as well be school on j Wednesday and vacation the ' next Monday. He pointed out that tbe Calendar and Examinations Committee of tbe Facility Senate makes up tbe school's schedule separately for eaeh Sen. Andy Taube was pot in year and tbat this change in charge of investigating exactly tbe holiday would not necrs- what tbe rules were and the sarily set a precedent. possibility of recommending Holtzclaw said that be be-, that permission be given for lieved next year s Thank- thanksgiving night parties fol giving holiday was planned at j low ing the game. this time to start as usual on I Wednesday. N Problems Found G. Robert Ross, vice cha.i- cellor and dean of student a.r- fairs, said that the athletic 1 j department the administra- ;ticm and Kent Neumeister, housing, ftid the plans now j president of tbe Association of called Uir all dorms to bf Students of the University 'if fidally closed Thursday anvi ' .Nebraska, bad discussed the, noon. Doves and hawks, pacifism ;and power politics, the dom ! ino theory and spheres of in fluence were all included in the teach-in on Viet Nam sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Sunday night in the Love Li brary Auditorium. A standing-room-only crowd filled the auditorium to hear various opinions on the war in Southeast Asia during Ne braska's first teach-in. Larry Clawson. organizer : of the teach-in, explained the success as follows: "The phe- nomenal success was due to ka Wesleyan University dis the active audience participa- agreed. As a pacifist, he said, tion and the fact that t h e r e he believed violence was evil was no personal vilification of for man and that nations are the speakers but a discussion not above the standards of 1 of the issues. It was a smash-, man. : Associates Advertising Corn - pany; Albert Book, assistant professor of journalism; Buzz Madsen. vice-president of In- nocents: Shirley Voss. pres - ident of Mortar Board : and Jon Kerkhoff. committee chairman. Three Goals The new committee has three main goals: To inform students of the aims and purposes of the Nebraska Foundation. -To increase the numlx , of students who contribute to the Foundation before they leave school. . And to make money through unusual projects tor a scholarship fund. !.' fat. it " k'orth..rr cirf "THp VohracLa FnnnA tion does much for the sto dents and it's about time the siuaenis ao someining tor ine Foundation. This project has northwhfle objectives and has already gathered some good people campus-wide but it requires participation to put them (the objectives) into Senate ,game and possible holiday change earlier in the year. He i said no serious problems in (changing the schedules were found. Ross explained that tbe Oklahoma-Nebraska football game a originally planned i nanitsgiving aay oecanse me nationwide TV networks could broadcast tbe game on that day. In Student Senate last week the change in the holiday was brougnt up and tbe possibility of recommending to adminis tration that living units be al- lowed to hold parties Thank giving night was discussed. Units Want Parties Mark Plattw;r. a student who suggested the idea to l.-ie Senate, said that many living units wanted to hold parties Thursday night after the game and that they couldn't without permksion from the adminis- tration. He said that according to University rules co-educa?- j ional functions in living unils j cannot he held during 'vacations. Dean Ross said he thought I any living units which wanted to have parties could them on Wednesday since there would be no the next dav. have Edward Bryan director of ! Aroused , ing success and the place was nuea. i htical science department tie- Speakers were divided into scribed himself as a "chick three panels which contained ! en hawk" and went on to de- individuals of opposing views. Each speaker spoke, partici pated in a panel rebuttal and then was open to questions from the floor. Dr. Steven Ross of the his tory department described ine name oi me same as one of power politics. If our interests are being helped there, we should stay; if they aren't, we should leave, noss commented. Dr. Victor Lane of Nebras- (during one's senior year. j At Nebraska, however, it takes approximately five j years to get one dollar from lan alum and it costs about, S1.2o to process that dollar. 1 nusual Projects f Dr. Willard Hogan oi the The unusual projects men-; political science deoartment tioned in the objectives in- said withdrawal without ne clude events like a computer 1 gotiation Woll!a be -disaster-dance to be held m the spring us- wnere Individuals will take psychological tests prior to the dance and then get matcn ed up by computer for a date for the dance. : A computer dance of this nature is held at Iowa Univer- sity to raise money for their "Old Gold" scholarship. It is planned to use the proceeds t,f this Aunro. in 0.-toKi;c, - "Big Red" scholarship if pos- sible. The committee is comprised of Kerkhoff. Curt Bromm. Irma Winterer. Kathy Weber, Maureen Fitzgerald. Liz Ait ken. Jim O'Keefe. Jav Lefko and Dick Campbell. 'Grandfather' To Address 4-H Meeting By Jane Palmer Col. Charles Anderson, uho is called "Harabuji," mean ing grandfather, by over half a million Korean youngsters, witl speak at the University H meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m. Peoole were ttaninp in the winter of 19j-56 when Col Anderson. "Andy," arrived as tbe military governor of Seoul. Korea. He found a baby girl half frozen in a ditch, took her io his quar- revKed her. and pro- How An you cow with star vation? Anderson wondered. "Why not through 4-H Clubs?" the former Nebraska farm'T said. Futile as that mav sound, it worked. Todav. Korea has 42.000 4-H Clubs with a membership of d'A.IM. Even where in Korea are 4-H boss from America. There mpn'. ar fields of pepoer- " cnieny out oi assagrec-frwo-et potatoes, hybrid''15 'ith the national SDS corn - ail new crow ntro- duced bv 4-H. U over the coun'r 'reoy encouraging conscientious clover leaves markin? 4-H clubs, some -;hise1ed onto granit" blocks as tall as a man. There are even bridges and bath houe built by 4-H cbbs: nanv famil'e ne W to move out of nf '-tnd er;f n?o earth-Woek homes buiJi with 4-II ma eh''i"s. Aid imm the American Korean Foundation and United States H have Sejiwd Andersfin in bis work. Tlw be aconii.bes II he 4e ls - ??UMnee n f vlo- nigit' Koreans ha;1 minted out school ;'ba 'he 4-H -mbol was a ; bad one for Krea. since the number fmtr also 'be word i. n1' reol::?; "F'rie. our 4-H dub wifi hf'ln get rid of th?'. superstition." View; i Dr. Albert Winter of the po- ' fend the administration's ap proach to the war and denied imperialistic motives bv the U.S. Jack Kittredge. Mid-western coordinator of SDS. main tained that U.S. participation n vict Vam ac imnrt;i He attacked the arguments of , participation in the war on moral. legal and strategic j grounds. Kittredge also attacked the ' domino theory" of Commu nism spreading because of proximity by stating "Na tions don't change because of their neighbors but because of their internal affairs." Karl Shapiro, Pnlitzer-Prize winning poet and English pro fessor, drew laughs with a humorous talk and a mwm I entitled "Life in a Garrison I State" deriding war in gen ! eral. i The domino theory was ad j vocated by Dr. Lawrence Ber ger. associate professor -t law. "I think." he added, "that it is necessary to the internal security of the coun- try to stop Communism in i Asia." "The world is too small for human conflict to be resohed by violence." commented Dr. Albert Schrekinger of the Graduate School of Social Work. He advocated Unked Na tions sponsorship of negotia tions. He said the United States should reduce their war efforts and invite U.N. intervension for negotiations. Ixionard Tinker, of the Peace Education Center nf the Me hodist Church, s a w the war as being between "some political organization and chaos." The chaos in Viet Nam is not. he said, good for their country or ours and a type j of "personal pacifism" is ne icessary to "shift gears if we : don't have the ability to e ' ercise effective power." ; In a rebuttal, Berger said ' he thought "We're starting to win the war. It's difficult to advocate war but a greater good is involved in defeating Communism." "We can win this b r u s n war." he added, "but in so doing we may lose the war for men's souls." ClaWSOn Resigns; 13 ' ProtACtc Art inn rroreSTS MaiOP Larry Clawson. vice presi dent of the Students for a Democratic Society iSDSi on the University campus, re signed his office and member ship in SDS Sunday night after protesting SDS's encourage ment of conscientious objec tors and its participation in weekend riots. Clawson. who was one of the main organizers of Ine teach-in on Viet Nam Sunday night, said that he is resign- organization s moves to in- terfere with the military draft objector. "I am displeased with the announcement by the nation al ""Tetary of a projected anti - conscription campaign without waitine for tt)e re ults of a vote of th" mem U'rsh'p." he said. "This is fxacflv the sort of thing f joined ;DS to oppose." "There are serioo areue rr.en!.. for a chanw in Viet Nam po'icv. bu these were ob!cured xn injured by the rwent na-ionwide d"monstra- i tions viich onlv crved to d!fTed:t this ooint of view." He aid be wou!4 like to form on the University earo 'ius 'n American Ovii Liber tie Union which has broad er bae of "ew!e M aii1 he "iiM ts!- ab'n1 this new "wo hi Wednesday's Hyde Paik Forum. S j..- si ?! i . k r: f f I ' r