Hiiimiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimni(itgYfjY qF NEBR. WEEK IN LIP Vol. 81, No. 19 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, October 15, 1965 CAMPUS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS spoke out on various topics at the first Hyde Park forum, while the Students fora De mocratic Society (SDS) plan ned a teach-in in connection with International Protest Days this weekend. ASUN PASSED a motion clarifying the constitution and explaining that student gov ernment's powers are In con nection with campus organi zations. The resolution was a result of the controversy ov- er student work with the Ne- cellor and dean of student af braska Foundation between fairs. ASUN and Builders. j "it is important for these UNIVERSITY ADMINIS-, people to have facts and TRATION announced that ef- i knowledge and then an accur fective Sept., 1966, students' j ate analysis of the facts and Social Security numbers will knowledge, before they resort serve as siuaem. laenuiica- tion numbers. STUDENT LEADERS met with Dave Evans, adminis trative assistant to Gov. Frank Morrison, in an effort to improve student-faculty-Statehouse communication on problems of the University. THE BOARD OF RE- GENTS named the east1 Campus library after Charles Yoder Thompson. Thompson was a five-time president of the Board. The new women's dormitory was named after Mari Sandoz, Nebraska auth - or. CITY ONE-WAY STREET plans for Lincoln were recommend ed for City Council approval by the City-County Planning Commission, at the same time recommending a Coun ' cil veto of downtown mall plans. UNITED APPEAL funds amounted to $133,610 in the first week of the Red Cross Community Chest annual drive, which is 16 per cent of we goai. LAND PARCELS of the 1,350-a ere NU agronomy farm in . northeast Lincoln were reportedly being sched uled for sale, with the mon ey expected to go for capital improvements at the Univer sity Mead Experiment Sta tion. STATE THREE-TERM GOV. Val Peterson opened his campaign for another term as governor with a Norfolk speech to the Northeast Nebraska County Officials Association. MARRIED MEN with no children and no prior service experience will be drafted beginning in December or January if they are classi fied 1-A, the Nebraska selec tive Service System announc ed. FIVE HUNDRED teen agers will soon be employed in a new $259,810 Neighbor . hood Youth Corps project in Omaha, sponsored by the Omaha Public Schools. NATION . . . DESPITE WARNINGS to avoid a Dunkirk-style evacu ation, Cuban refugees in Mi ami, Fla., were reported buy ing "anything that floats" to bring relatives from Cuba to the United States. THE DISCOVERY of a new type of regulatory gene that helps other genes survive, won the Nobel award for me dicine and a $56,400 prize for three French scientists. U.S. AND SOVIET OFFI CIALS agreed to jointly pub lish Information on the ef fects of space flight on men and other live creatures as! well as weather satellite in formation, i BRITAIN SHOULD use force if necessary against) Rhodesia if that African na tion's white minority govern-i ment issues a declaration of independence, the United Na tions General Assembly re solved. ATO's Housemother Wins Second Place Mrs. Nancy Schneider, housemother for Alpha Tau Omega, has been selected as runnerup In the national "Out standing Alpha Tau Omega Housemother of the Century" contest. First place of 122 entries went to . the chapter house mother at Southern Methodist University. Mrs. Schneider has been the fraternity's housemother for eight years. She is past president of the Housemothers Club, and is formerly of Lexington. fCOS By Bruce Giles Junior Staff Writer Student action, a source of criticism from the various ac tion groups on the University campus, drew some comment by G. Robert Ross, vice chan to action," Ross said. In reply to charges of ad ministration apathy by Dr. David Trask, associate pro fessor of history, Ross said that it was a subject which he hadn't discussed with ! Trask and was not clear about i what Trask meant. 'We have keDt the student as the prime concern, even with problems that have come ! up," r0ss said, j ; ross also said he was not : sure "what indicators of apathy Trask was using." Ross also said he thought that Trask was leveling t h e charges of apathy "at the to tal institution administra- tion, tacuity ana students. i Greater Attention "I think attention given stu dents is greater this year than it has been in several years and Trask is a good indica tion of this," Ross pointed out. In response to Trask's state ment that he thought the ad- mlnistration and faculty should work with student ac tion groups rather than against them, Ross said, "I agree with him wholehearted ly and I think that if Trask would check, he would find that this is currently being done." SDS Teach-in OlQflCS By Jan Itkin Junior Staff Writer A balanced forum, not a protest that is how Students ' for a Democratic Society i (SDS) describe the teach-in about Viet Nam that they are sponsoring from 6 to 11 p.m. Sunday night in Love T .ihrarv auditorium According tO Uan UavlU-, n , . " .1 i i son SDS president, it won i uiscuss ur mauc uuuui wiiai, oramaior 01 mj? irom cni !be like twelve speakers giv-'they have heard in the lobby i cago; Dr. Victor Lane and in twplve different general if they so desire," Larry j Dr. William Mahel from Wes- views. Each speaker will er a specific factor in depth.' The speakers will Include people with opposing posi tions; for Instance, there will be a pacifist and an advocat or of the bombing of Hanoi on the program. The speakers will be divid ed into three panels. Each panel will discuss the war in Viet Nam. Each individual speaker will pivp a five to ten min tnTjSS ute speech. After has spoken they will have a rebuttal among themselves and then the floor will be op- Ticket Office Tc Fill All Student Requests Sen. Bob Samuelson, who in vestigarted student football tickets for the Student Sen ate, has reported that all ap plications for Missouri foot ball tickets will be fulfilled. lie said that the ticket of fice was origlnaly expecting several thousand applications, but that since there were only 807. all students who requested tickets would receive them in the mail. The ticket office planned to hold a drawing, sponsored by the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, If the applications exceeded the available tickets. Samuelson said the tickets were for seats in a stadium comparable to the Univer sity's South stadium. Ic ChcsircpG Ross said he found charges of rule and regulation vague ness by Carl Davidson, pres ident of the Students for & Democratic Society (SDS) "rather amusing." He said Davidson "seems to be clamoring for more rules." "We don't have a lot of spe cific regulations regarding the specific freedom of students. "No one has found a need for these (specific rules and reg ulations)," Ross said. Ross said that no one has "entered into a discussion about this with either me or my staff." Student Opinion Student opinion concerning student action groups found many approving the actions with certain reservations. However, there were more wrho had no idea of the ac tions or even existence of the groups. Opinions included; J Jim Baer: "I think it's a good thing for the campus and people to approach these problems and try to reach so lutions." He further added I that if the groups were uniting j arouncj a cause for rabble- rousing or to form an imita-i tion of other campuses, was not in favor. he Bruce Marron: In speaking nf ihp tpaoh-ln srhpritilpri for Siinrinv. "I think it's finp If it is informative and if it doesn't present a biased opinion." Leona Vanieek: "I think discussion is always good, as you can always see more sides to an issue." Carol Hill: Noting that stu dents cannot vote but are sent to fight in Viet Nam, "Maybe this would give young people a little bit more voice in their democracy." OFMfH Diff QFQH ened for an extensive tion-answer period. ques- The audience may come and go as they please but are asked to refrain from "shout ing, booing, hissing, whistl ing and Interrupting." Also no placards or banners will be allowed. "We urge the people to lnmrn nmA rfntKn. i MUnt mr n icavc auu fcauici in fci uuo w cov-.Clauson. vice president of j aua saiu. Speakers include Winter, Karl Shapiro, Ross, Robert Sakai, Schrekinger, C. A. Albert Evans, Mordecai Marcus, and Will ard Hogan from the Univer sity. Winter and Hogan are members of the political sci- Campus To Host Information Day Seniors from 20 central and western Nebraska high schools will find out first hand about University student life and study when they at tend the University's Senior Information Day Saturday. The all-day program Includ ing face-to-face sessions with University faculty members in classes, is under the gen eral direction of John Aron son, director of admissions. The program Includes a general session In the coli seum, a luncheon, class ses sions In history, science, jour nalism, languages, mathema tics, speech, and music, and a tour of student residence halls. Students from the following schools will attend: Ains worth, Alliance, Broken Bow, Columbus, Cozad, Emerson, Gothenburg Grand Island, Grand Island St. Patrick's, Hastings, Holdrege, Kearney, Lexington, Loup City, Mc Cook, Mlnden, North Platte, O'Neill, Ord, and ScotWbluff. I k mmm- v; t 1 Will - W.W Norman Thomas Student Senate Picks 64 Associate Members Sixty-four students were se - lected as ASUN Associates i leCted aS ! from 262 students who inter- j viewed for the positions. The Associates were picked ac - cording to college representa - tion. The new Associates will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Associates from the College of Arts and Sciences are James Arundel. Kathy Augus- lews ence department; Ross and Sakai are from the history department; Shuniro and Marcus are from the English department; and Schrecking er and Evans are from the Graduate School of Social Work and the philosophy de partment respectively. Also on the program will be T .. 1 . T ' I i . I HU i jaCK MIlieuyB. miuwesi cu- eyan University: and a rep reseniauve 01 me reacp VjO- Plans Arthur ucation Center of the Metho Steven dist Church from Des Moines. The University of Michigan helped the first such teach- i in on March 24, 1965. with , more than 5,000 people par j ticipating. It was Fnonsored I by a faculty committee and lasted for 24 hours. "If this is successful." Da vidson said, "we plan to hold another one maybe over "What is a free soc'"t"?" or "What is a university?" r THE HOMECOMING DANCE NEA RS n !!oh Kelley. h Corn Cob, 'iclpii Dorothy Yost, Tassels assistant Homvi-omlng chairman, with final preparations for diice deco rations. The Homecoming Queen will be rcvi-uled at the dunce tonight ut Pershing. V speaks at Union 1 tin, Walter Baumann, Phillip Bowen, Thomas Briggs, Mar-i garet Brown, Phil Bristol, Nancy Coufal, Susan Duncan, i Julie Fern, Darryl Gless, ! John James, Carol Johnson, Douglas Johnson, and Mary , Keim. Other Associates from Arts and Sciences are Ronald the Chinese will enter and ' be problems. Longsdorf, Lorraine Loomis, 1 then the warhawks in this' With the third problem, civ Jim McClymont, Margo Mc- country would lead the nation : il rights, he said extraordi Master, Wayne Moles, Nesha in bombing China, possibly j nary progress had been made, Neumeister, Lynn Overholt, eliminating the Chinese or a but that there was still a great Linda Parker, Roger Pum- few million of them, and hurt phrey, Bill Riley, Peggy, fog ourselves badly at the Schmidt, Mark Schreiber, ; same time. Richard Sherman and Jon; Vanderhoof. The College oi Engineering1 and Architecture is repre-' sented by nine associates. They are Scott riehnken. Hob ert Dawson, Michael Grash am, Ken Jones, Lloyd Meyer, i Glenn Nees, Bill Origer, Rog-; er Psota, and Ron Reece. Five students were selected, from Business Administra tion. They are Cheryl Adams, Douglas Ehrlich, George Knight, Michael Naeve, and David Piestcr. From the College oi Agri culture and Home Economics five Associates were chosen. The include Dottie Bering, Di anne Kucera. Minnie Lusset to, Gene Selk, and Gail Skin-' - ner. Fifteen students will repre sent Teachers College as As sociates. They are Mary Baker, Jackie Barber, Caro lyn Bedient, Cindy Cherry, Kathleen Costello, Karen Dotson, Kathy Eichhorn, Ann Marie Evans, Kathy Kelley, Sheila Kelly, Kathy Kuester, Elizabeth Madole, Vickey Thayer, Nan Webster and Dave Wilcox. ; Th omas By Wayne Kreuscher Senior Staff Writer All youth of this generation were challenged to "somehow find a solution to the world's greatest problems of any time" Thursday in a convoca tion at the Nebraska Union. The challenger, Norman Thomas, is an old 81-year-old man who has crusaded all his life for what he thinks is right, who has run for the presidency of the U n i t e d States six times on the So-1 cialist ticket and who has seen some of his once radical ideas I become a reality. j The problems he presented j which "have to be solved" ! included civil rights, the war against poverty and the w ar j against war itself. Thomas stressed that more ! important than fighting Com- munism, that more important i than trvfriP to takp nursplvps strong through force, that more important than trying to make democracy with war, "we have to fight war itself." j He said some type of world police force was needed to! keep peace in the world, but j he challenged the whole issue j nf t.hP United St.at.ps trviner to act alone "as the will of God" in fighting other people's civil i wars. i "The United States," he j said, "is fighting for no type j of liberty or democracy in ; Viet Nam unless liberty is de fined as non-Communism." He said that the Viet Nam war was primarily a civil war and that the present Viet- j namese government is defi- j nitely no image of liberty or ; democracy nor had it ever ! been. He stressed that the war there is with the Viet Cong and not with the Red Chinese. ! Thomas explained that if we ' continue fighting in Viet Nam, He stressed that Commu nism grows out of wars and Students Tuition By Julie Morris Junior Staff Writer Approximately 300 to 400 students, recipients of schol arships or loans, or those with other overpayments of tuition, are awaiting refunds from the University, accord ing to James Wickless, bur sar. The students who are en titled to refunds are those whose notices of reward were received by the Univer sity too late for the amount of the award to be included on the tuition statement and deducted from the tuition as sessment total. "Any Information that was not in we uaia ,.L,..g ..,i.liw. hv A hit 19 wile not i.innj.Mt ,jj " - - - indicated on the tuition state ment," Wickless said. He explained that such students would normally have been able to pick up their money when they arrived an .... w IF i rss Cfhoiicricfc that some way other than fighting has to be found to fight Communsim. He pointed out that we would be far bet ter off if negotiations could result in a kind of Yugoslavia in Southeast Asia. Johnson should announce right now that he wants to negotiate with the Viet Cong, and that he wants to end the war in Viet Nam, Thomas said. He i couldn't explained that he prove this would work, but that the chances are great that it would, that the war would end, and that Southeast Asia could be made neutral. "The chance for most peo ple in your generation to live in anything like decency is very slim," he said "unless radical changes are made in our foreign policy." Another problem that young i people Will nave to tace IS the nation's present welfare state which is giving benefits to the poor and unemployed, but actually has not changed the nation's economy, he said, He explained that Johnson had been successful in setting P system similar to t h e Romans' "bread and cir- cuses" where the poor are be ing doled out an existence and the unemployed are being compensated. But he stressed that the economy itself has not been changed any and that this "doling out an existence and keeping the poor happy" would become harder and more complex as long as the economy itself wasn't changed. He stressed that he wasn't against the welfare state be cause after all it does support many of his ideas and those of his Socialist companions but nevertheless there would ! deal to be done as far as mak ing the civil rights reality, educating the Negroes and improving their economic lev el. campus, but that a number of factors compounded the usual amount of red tape In volved in processing tuition statements. Among these factors is that a new procedure for the pro cessing of fund requests be tween the University and the Nebraska Statehouse has been established. Wickless de clined to explain the exact nature of the changes made, but said that some of the de tails of the procedure have not been straightened out and that this is causing a delay in processing of current re quests. The University does have a revojvJng fund deposit for - . - emercencv navment oi re- funds, but the fund has been empty since Sept. 26. Wick less said, however, that mon ey for the fund is now forth coming from the State Treas ury office. Also involved in the delay is what Wickless called an "in ability to get stuff through da ta processing." He said the procedure was somewhat time consuming and notd that it took 12 hours for the tuition record: of all the stu dents on the University'6 Lin coln campuses to be process ed. Equally time consuming Is the necessity to have every tuition record checked bv a staff member to assure that students will receive be tiro per refund. TV staff is about one-thlrrt of th way toward completion of this nroiert. Another complication that Wickless noted was that his staff, like other Ur' -rsitv departments, is too small for the job they must do, TTe said his office was next expect ing the tremendous increase in enrollment thli fall. Wi"kipsR Rented h of fice hopes to have everything cipurH and the funds ready by Nov. 1. JkWQlt Refunds