Thursday, October 14, 1965 ine Da'riy . Nebraskan Page 3 Surf Trip Scheduled for Break A surfing trip to Daytona Beach, Fla., during spring vacation is being planned by the Nebraska Union Trips and Tours Committee. Florida surfing is the new est idea of the committee, which also plans a weekend trip to Chicago next month and the annual ski trip to Colorado during semester break, according to Jeannine Hoyard, assistant committee chairman. "Daytona Is 'the place to go for college kids," Miss Howard said. "There's really great surf, land people our ages are going there." The seven-day trip will be during spring vacation and will include a plane ride down and back, rooms and meals at the Daytona Plaza and possibly a trip to nearby Cape Kennedy. "The hotel is right on the beach," Miss Howard said, "There's also lots of night t y p e entertainment there, too." The maximum cost of the trip would be $150, and only one planeload of students could go, she said. "If the trip costs any more than that, we won't plan to go," Miss Howard said. The first trip this year will be Nov. 12-14, the weekend of the Oklahoma State game, when a train will take Uni versity students on a trip to Chicago. "The trio is set ud bv Bur lington Railroad, and will in clude sightseeing and night clubbing or a party Saturday night," Miss Hoyard said. There will be no limit to the number of students that can go on the tour, which will cost $40. : .. The annual ski trip to Win-1 ter Park, Col. will feature something new this year: an other group of college stu dents visiting at the same time. "We don't know who they are," Miss Howard said, "but we'll find out and begin planning things with them." The trip will cost $75 and will begin as soon as finals are over, she said. About 100 students will be able to go. Dates for signing up for the trips have not been deter mined. Questions should be di rected to the Programs Office at the Nebraska Union. Parents Day Program Rescheduled for Spring Plans were unveiled today for changing the date of Par ents Day from fall to spring. The Innocents Society, prin cipal sponsors of Parents Day, said tentative plans for the new program would allow time for each college to ar range programs for the par ents. In addition, all parents would be invited to a special convocation. "This would allow parents a chance to see the academic side of their children's college lives," said Frank Partsch, public relations chairman of the Innocents. "This is what most of them are interested in, anyway." Although Parents Day was originally scheduled for the day of the Kansas football game, Nov. 6, plans for the change started last spring, Partsch said, with the result that Parents Day was elim inated from football schedules. The Innocents do'not plan any activities for parents in con junction with the game, he added. "Many parents are prob ably planning to visit the cam pus on that weekend, anyway, and some living units have coffee hours planned for them. These will undoubtedly come off as usual," he said. The Innocents' announce ment means that the parents of freshmen will not receive until spring an official greet ing from the University, the Innocents and the student government inviting them to visit the campus on a certain day. It also means that the Innocents will no longer assist the parents of freshmen in finding football tickets for the Parents Day game. , SEEMS rSYCHIATRUOPELESS. HELP DOCTOR Qi I'M COMPLETELY" DEPRESSED., TH DOCTOR jA ft is In r' SO HOME. AND EAT A JELLY-BREAD SANDWICH flXDED OVR...flV CENTS, PLEASE 1SW flBrm Mr i TH6005T0P, E2fl There are some cures w; DON'T LEARN IN MEDICAL SCHOOL p 1 , the doctor 1 0 Pizza & Dark or light Beverages Are Now Featured At The Little Bohemia Tavern 2630 Cornhusker Hy. In Addition Sing Along With the Rag Time Piano & Banjo of Gary & Bob Snook NOW OPEN A 1 Myron s nap izza 15th & P Streets 432-1271 Call In-Carry Out Pizza" 1 , hw IDUN I HAVl 1U Bt "21"; I j -sJ PRESENTING DON LIGHT AND HIS GUITAR TUE. AND THURS. NIGHTS Aft in Manhattan stop in at the """"NO nn pa PUBSm LaJQQlI 1121 Moro, Aggicvillo This week featuring: "The Pizza Hut Smorgasbord" All you can eat, only $1.25 And your favorite beverage NEBRASKAN APPLAUDS Alpha Omicron Pi pledge class officers are: Lynn Ral ston, president; Maggi Even ston, secretary-treasurer; Shari Wiemann, Junior Pan hellenic representative; Peg gy Pohlenz, philanthropic; Mary Crofford, doorkeeper, and Ellie Peterson, song lead er. Sigma Nu pledge class of ficers John Pershing, pres ident; Dave Wallin, vice president; George Shadbolt, treasurer; and Doug Nelson, social chairman. Norlin Rueschhoff, a Uni versity doctoral student and teaching assistant, has been awarded a $1,000 fellowship by the American Accounting Assn. Rueschhoff received his bachelor's degree from Creighton University and a master's from the University. New Cadence Countess pledges are: Bonnie Roberts, Dottie Dering, Sue Dort. Sudie Holman, Sherene RalhJ Shir ley Wentink, Nancy j 6'Don nell, Dana Strecker, lunette Suder, Jan Buehl, TdVf Abel, Mary Alberding, Gleniee Bar rows, Nancy Converse, Jane Frear, Susie Highland, Jackie Jay, Frances Ogde, Ann Peithman, Christine Schwartz, Linda Shaw, Judy Winkle and Lani Blacker. '. Abel Hall officers Jim Lisec, president; Dennis Matta, vice president; Bob Bussmann, secretary; Ken Meier, treasurer; Fred Claus sen, social chairman; Ray Norris, publicity chairman; Gerald Mischke, scholastic chairman; Dennis Raetz, in tramurals chairman. CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY WESTERN ELKCTRIC ! br!LkAa Vvlw AUF, 6:30 p.m., 334 Ne- luncheon, noon, Pawnee room Nebraska Union. INTER-VARSITY CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP, 12:30 p.m., 235 Nebraska Union. SEUMS, 12:30 p.m., Pan American room, Nebraska Union. NORMAN THOMAS lunch eon, 12:30 p.m., 240 Nebras ka Union. PLACEMENT OFFICE luncheon, 12:30 p.m., 241 Ne braska Union. EMERITI ASSN., 1:15 p.m.,!. 234 Nebraska Union. i YWCA Christmas Bazaar, I 3:30 p.m., 232 Nebraska Un-i ion. AWS Workers, 3:30 p.m., 235 Nebraska Union. NORMAN THOMAS, 3:30 p.m., Ballroom, Nebraska Un ion. UNION Contemporary Arts, 3:30 p.m., 332 Nebraska Un ion. PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE So cial Committee, 4:30 p.m., South party room, Nebraska Union. AUF Special Events, 4:30 p.m., North conference room, Nebraska Union. UNION Music Committee, 4:30 p.m., South conference room, Nebraska Union. BUILDERS, Calendar and Directory, 4:30 p.m., 232 Ne braska Union. BUILDERS, First Glance, 4:30 p.m., 234 Nebraska Un ion. AWS Court, 4:30 p.m., 332 Nebraska Union. YWCA Senior Cabinet, 4:30 p.m., 334 Nebraska Union. TEACHERS COLLEGE Faculty Dinner Seminar, 6 p.m., Pawnee Room, Nebras ka Union. PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE, 6:30 p.m., 332 Nebraska Union. ETA KAPPA NU, 7 p.m., South party room, Nebraska Union. QUIZ HOWL. 7:30 p.m., au ditorium, Nebrpska Union. YWCA, 7:30 -p.m.. North conference . room, .Nebraska Union. GERMAN CLUB. 7:30 p.m., 232-234 Nebraska Union. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Round Table, 7:30 p.m., 235 Nebraska Union. MATH COUNSELOR PRO GRAM, 7:30 p.m., 349 Nebras ka Union. Friends Offer Posts To Faculty, Students A representative of the American Friend Service Committee, a world-wide ser vice branch of Quakers, will be at the University Monday to interview faculty and stu dents interested in staff positions. Sigma Delta Tau pledge class officers are Susie Lin coln, president; Sandy Scha piro, vice-president: L y n n e Saunders, secretary; Joan Carter, .treasurer; and Renee j Rubin, junior Panhellenic rep- I resentative. Pound Hall officers are Claudia Mears, president; Jo ; an Spivey, vice president; Janet Moseman, secretary- treasurer; Judy Christopher, AWS representative; K e o Boreson, activities; Sandra Frazier, intramurals; Kristi Rapp, publicity; Pamela Moore, scholarship; and Mary Patterson, social. II I- minniniiTng - ' C""l StRflVR WOT ?nr DEBORQH D60N tlfgRMOflfiO LOPEZ Rent or Buy SUZUKI $ t Haas OK Tire Store t 500 West O fc 435-3211 PER DAY AND 10c A MILE For a new Chevrolet (or a 24-hour period. HERTZ WEEKEND SPECIAL on campus call Jim Ganser DAY: 435-2957 NIGHT 423-2420 hertz I BENT A CAR I let HERTZ put ygu in the driver's seat! A Breathtaking Breakthrough of thejlertroni 4 7v K t f ' v..- L . nify 1 AC't" 11 , If J Ji .K .V- i- I . .1. & L m f w if m u mms&Bfc hi hi M Hi hi U HbU Direction Bnkhr HERBERT VON KARAjUl Oirectra and Set Oesip FRICfl IEFHREIU ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT VARSITY OR RECORD DISCOUNT CENTER