(aMaaiwlliWMsV.WSI 1T ff V J : "i 3 1 "I V. .1 f 'I Marilyn Hoegemeyer, editor Mike Jeffrey, business manager Page 2 Thursday, October 14, 1965 Wings Of Action Volatility of words is carelessness in actions; words are the wings of actions. Lavater. In the last few days, words have been used both care lessly and beneficially by members ,of both the Builders organization and the Association of the Students of the University of Nebraska. We have heard many views concerning the dispute. We have heard petty complaints, meaningless hate words, and UNCONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Last Thursday night's discussion served only one pur poseto air publicly the complaints and fears of ASUN that we had heard in private all semester. In the ensuing discussions between the executive groups of Builders and ASUN one fact was evident: neith er wanted to malign or destroy the other's organization. The intentions of both had been misinterpreted. We believe there is more to the dispute than that. We believe both groups backed down a bit, cooled their heejs and examined the situation rationally. Obviously there could be no gain for either group if antagonism and bickering is a pre-requisite to action. Words were spouted in some cases carelessly by both sides in the power dispute. Fortunately some words expressed by both groups have been meaningful, have clarified the situation for all concerned. These are the words to be remembered. They can be the wings for the future successful action between the ASUN and other University organizations. But No Park The Hyde Park forum was successful as successful as any such venture could be in the lounge of a student union. But for its central location there are no advantages to the Nebraska Union. Perhaps an outdoor forum ought to be tried before Nebraska's weather prohibits such a venture. It is obvious many students have ideas, proposals, fears and they enjoy presenting them for a crowd. But what's a Hyde Park forum without a park? MARILYN HOEGEMEYER BULA. Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Ad vertisin g Service, Incorporated. Pub lished at Room 51, Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Ex tensions 2588, 2589 and 2590. SebtcrlpUea rate are (4 per earnae. tut er M for (fee exadeeaJe Tear. Entered at hch dm euuer at Ik poet ri ta UnraU, Nebraska, aaaer the a ef Aatraet 4. lilt. The DaJlr Kebraekaa h published Meadar, Wednesday, Tearadar ead Friday amrts the edaeel rear, mm etarbif eaeaUaaa aad exaaa pertede, fcr Uuaralt af the I'aaeersstr ef breeka aaator (ha Javtsdacttea af ha ratshr SabeenunlUea aa Btaaeat rb KriUoM. rabttcaUaa afcaB be free fram mwnkla ay ta HabmnmlttM ar aar aereee aatoMe the tJatversliy. Mm hare af the Nehraahaa are maaasihte tor what tney caaaa ta he areeted. EDITORIAL STAFF fcdtter, MAaULTX aKEOtETF.i aaaaxta ednar. CAROLE BtENOi am tattler, JOA.VKE uroHLNANi awerla edMer, JIM SWAKTZi alrM aeaa altar, BOB H'ETrTFHKLLl eraler atari writer. WATVE UKrrM'HM. RTCVE JORDAN: Jaatar staff writers. JAM ITKIN, aVUOE GfLEH. DUNE UNIV lIHT. TOST Nt'EMi Eaal Censae repartee, JANE FALM EBi apart pe el sta4. JANE rKHWUKi roar rdt aare. POU.T KflTWAUrft. CABOLVN siirrxi. srENCEB davis. BUSINESS STAFF MIKE JfcK- TBTi haabMM aaeiataate. tOVNIE AIalCJR.K). B S V C E BIGHT. IKE KJMMAN. SHIBJ.ET ULNTI.NUl atrralaOoa aoaaaser, irsw BATBENi aalin1atta maaacm, Jlia Baata. H a.m. Maaaar tferaach Tritrnj. Jaa EaauMMMVL Bl SVR MTH t HIM B; IN A CHINIA SHOP piiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiniiaii . am i '1126 "?" Street "M'ultvealH Finest Young Adult Club" i WHERE AIL THE TOP COMBOS PLAY g VRivartity ait Friday mutt Brmnt ID'i DANCE TO: 1 FRI. CHESSMEN REBOUNDS SAT. iiiniiiDiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiMiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiii ieiifti fix:) guarantee. $2.95 each or only J5, THE ARNO CO. Dept. C By Roger A. Elm The first major crisis faced by our fledgling stu dent government has been averted rather than decided and both Builders and ASUN have come away from the conference table feeling they've won the first round but not a victory. On closet observation the dispute bore a close resemb lance to a children's game of 'king on the mountain' with the -contestants finally claiming they were arguing over two different moun tains. This policy of 'ignorance by the right hand of what the left hand is doing seems to be a carry over from the student govern ments of last year. The poli cy has fostered some problems ; some unfortun ate, some comical. One of the prime exam ples of this lack of gov ernmental coordination is the fiasco involving the Stu dent Discount Cards. As events have revealed them selves, an Omaha man now has a patent on the cards and stated that his firm operated with knowledge and approval of last years Student Council. This con nection has been denied and legal briefs are now under study. Amid these charges and counter-charges it is now rather doubtful that the cards will be issued at all. An event viewed with mixed emotions. A rather absurd example of administrative inefficien cy is the disappearance of 1 ft ai ki mn. POSTERS Showinf tha: Freddie, Jerk. Bug Swim, Monkey, Surf, Wyati Erp, Esther Williams, Harry James, Popeye, Hitchhiker, Mouse, These go go posters are Pop, ! Op and Art Nouveau the fab look to dress up your walls! Hang these bright, j arty posters in playroom, ! den, bedroom and even the I walls will dance! In glowing colors on double-thick pa per, 21"x28"-a great size.. Order todav. Monev-baek. the pair ppd. Sorry no C.O.D.'s. 44 Court St., Bklyn .N.Y. 11201 the key to the filing cabinet in the Senate office. No one knows where the key is and until iCj found the invalu able depth reports of t h e Senate's investigatory com mittees are unavailable. A loss also viewed with mixed emotions. ASUN and the S t u d e n t Senate received a slap at their 'supreme power' with the announcement by t h e Administration of the change in student numbers from those presently as signed to a student's Social Security number. This may seem to be a worthy change to the Administration but it should have been a decision made by the Student Senate after a debate on the ad visability of the idea. We urge that ASUN call the matter to the Senate floor and take action as they feel would be in the student body's best interest. In the future we hope the Adminis tration won't completely bypass the Student Govern ment in quite so blatantly a manner.' Welcome Dear Editor: Nebraska Chapter of C.L. A.M.S. (Culturally Limited Apathy Minded Students) welcomes fellow Clamsmen who may 'have drifted onto campus since last year, and extends an invitation to new students who are mildly in terested in joining an easy activity which requires no time or money. C.L.A.M.S. has no pur pose, does not count toward Innocents or Mortar Boards and therefore has a rather serious lag in membership however, no one is worried about this at the present time. Membership is easy. You should partially agree with us on some of the things we propose, although this is not mandatory; and you should do one of the following, if you have time: a. If you are a Greek, read for comprehension the prize winning comedy sketch on page 42 of this year's rush book;. " b. If you are a sorority pledge, don't attend the for eign film, "Aren't We Won derful"; c. If you are a Freshman (male) try dating a sopho more (female); d. If you are an Inde pendent, fail to have pur chased youn GDI sticker be fore Oct. 10, thereby losing your last chance for iden tity; e. If you belong to YR's, YD's or SNCC, cut a rally; f. If you belong to the fac ulty, don't publish; g. If you are a pusher, look up "sincerety" in Web ster's NEW INTERNATION AL (we aren't sure about the spelling, either, so check that); h. If you are a senior, graduate iour space will be filled. C.L.A.M.S. f ! j i. Two Dear Editor: Although Mr. Penner in his last letter disclaimed his statement that "educa tion is hogwash," he still asserts that "our cur riculum should have a di rect practical application to the profession for which we are preparing ourselves." He has previously espoused a desire to become a law yer. His position, although possibly modified from two weeks ago, still needs examination from two dif ferent levels. We can either assume that he is right and that a potential attorney should only study directly related subjects. This will require a definition of what is and what is not so related. We can. on the other hand as sume that he is wrong and present arguments for edu cation for the purpose of education. In either case, Mr. Penner has an indefen sible position. , 1 Let us evaluate the bene fit of a college chemistry course to an attorney who and THE HOUSE OF ORIGINALS 1133 NORTH COTNER BLVD. LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA nvt?k-;.'W It V'' AC!f&5 The Boys Town Music Department Presents The Incomparable ROGER WAGNER CHORALE i With Chamber Orchestra and Duo-Pianists Roger Wagner, Conductor "27ie Epitome of Superhitive Singing" BOYS TOWN MUSIC HALL Saturday, Oct. 16 8:30 p.m. All Tickets, $3.00' Tickets available from Boy Town Music Department .'or at Box Office rn LaJ'nj ii A Oct. 15, 1965 8:30 Pershing Auditorium Featuring D DBt)Lb8 Nate Branch Combo Kopi Katx Starfires Informal $2.00 Per Couple QUEEN & ATTENDANTS ANNOUNCED - Level Exam Needed must advocate a patent in fringement case for DuPont Corporation or even closer to home, an attorney who must try a malpractice case against the local pharma ceutist. Or perhaps, Mr. Penner, evaluate a college German course for the at torney who must advise his client on a contract subject tb German law, a situation which is not as infrequent as you may think. Where do we draw the line, Mr. Penner? The law in particular, is a well in tegrated field. I doubt very much if you can name a subject which at some time may not have a "direct practical application" to your desired profession. On the other hand, educa tion for education's sake, cannot lightly be dismissed. Again the distinction be tween a trade school and a University if obvious. You are now, Mr. Penner, pro vided with the opportunity to better yourself as a man. This may be your last chal lenge in educational pur- FLOWERS or cordages (jiffo and house decorations lor -Homecoming ! 434-6361 o suits. A University would be sorely lacking if It did not provide this challenge. If you 'must look at edu cation as a burden if n o t directly related to your field of endeavor, look at it as a burden the University places upon you for the benefit of society in return for which you receive a benefit for your own indi vidual pursuits. Harvey Perlman . 17 - 4 Hi, Va" ' Vi - 1 li-i.! When you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with NoDozTM NODOZ Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of mental sluggishness. NODOZ helps restora your natural mental vitality... helps quicken physical reactions. You be come more naturally alert to people and conditions around you. Yet NODOZ is as safe as coffee. Anytime . . .when you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with NoDOZ. SAFE AS COFFEE Nebraskan Want Ads ThfM low-ram racra am4r ta all ! airira dvrrlllnit In (he Dallr Nfbrankan: tindard rata af So arr ward an4 mini mum rharta ef 50c per elaiilfled Inser tion. Parment for these ads win fan lata Iwa ratrrorlra: 111 ada ronnlnt kin lhaa aae werk la incrmslnn must be Mid lor brfore tnirrtlon. (21 adt ranninf for mora than ant week will be paid weekly. FOR RENT ECONOMY EFFICIENCY APARTMENT one or two upperclamiman, near Uni versity, only Ho a month, rail Glenn Van Dcr Schaaf or Mark Gllderbua daya 477-8711 ext. 2332: or evening! 43S-4044. Furnished House, atudenta or quiet couple pirlerred. Owner fumlshea the neat. 2-3 bedrooms. Walking dlatanca I'i39 S,. 14th. Infurnlthed 3 bed room bouse Inlversity Place. 4S8-58S9 after NSU CONTEST FREE reprint "How to pick a new car or below f2,nno - a factual com pari Jin of 18 Imported automobiles." FREE ?'n " NSU uKmoblle. Writ b . rCK ra-pr-lnt and contest blank to; u"" U,S '""orter: Tranncontinental Vwk City 10028. Tel.! f212) TR -701. WANTED Men and Women part-time and full tuna oTaTe V0e'1 Work VtC: Z, k I- lrtlii aalary $I.2f K AaPP," iJLPt"ma irom Oct. 4 to Oct. 15th. on MT.rh. "3"- corpora. man J"rt""bly uZ t,r "''. Call 477-8,S Tueaday apa Tnurada, morniaw. Ttlm 'I"" Vning """. "rlnf i: or call 475-1220. HELP WANTED DlUnf nnom anil Mrh Help. Apply rooTTno",8'."1' Pna"- wSS tlirouth Friday. Eve,jn and weekend ""ra can ha adiueted waeaeoa FOR SALE 'dwl rS "r.r-- od con at 4ra v. pm or a, a 'V.rr .lean. Reb-a. Th'."!!" J80 ,?c CT'"hlr w mllaa. JTJ?'U? C,B " "clni ca trade lor car. Bl fcavlnr 477-WM. 'S.bert.0 ,l"0l CU - Ivl4 il 4 bulla 2W. 4K 3J1. LTT- ,m Mfw br farmer - fZ. """led. May be aeen alley or op Weekend, at 2 frxitb SWru SPEAKER Hear Norman Thooiaa-t'nJUrtan Churck lonibU-a:(a) p.m., uoo A atreet. SHARE LIVING QUARTERS ISW Ni11i 24Ui Street Prtvata hour, weed an or more student. Private man, daak, Ulchea facilitlea, 432-U24 avetunta. SALESMEN NEEDED Part-time taleamea aaaded, work ta ymar pr" llm d eara to aitreas of 3 o aa bour. Anyone may quality. Tor aa tail, wrte: nm c. Taylor, Taylor. I Im aorta. eVn tui, Jhanawed. rlorida Hu m. f ,,a,anvy. ty' . eitw.))i ! f