The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1965, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, October 4, 1965
The Daily Nebraskon
Page 3
Ws Table
Ity Diane Llndqulst
Junior Staff Writer
The state executives of the
Nebraska Federation of
Young Republicans unani
mously endorsed a statement
on human rights and tabled
a resolution to make a for
mal statement on the John
Birch Society at a meeting
The human rights state
ment condemned the failure
of administration in the let
ter and spirit of existing civ-
,11 rights legislation and do
manded full enforcement of
civil rights laws.
"Republicans deeply believe
that every American citizen
must be afforded full oppor
tunity to reallao the goals he
shares with all men," the
resolution read.
A resolution to make a for
mal statement on the con
nection of the John Birch
society was tabled indefinite
ly after discussion.
In a statement on the con
demnation of the John Birch
Society by Senators Thurston
Morton and Everett Dirksen
and House Minority Leader
Gerald Ford, which was the
basis of the presented reso
lution, John W. Reiser, pres
ident of the University Young
Republicans, said, "I am
pleased to note that Senators
Morton and Dirksen and Con
gressman Ford have joined in
the criticism of the John
Birch Society, its tactics, its
aims and its leadership. The
University Young Republican
took similar action in a res
olution passed over a year
The Republican party
has been, and must again be
come, the home of the re
sponsible middle-ground poli
tical thinkers in our society.
We cannot do this if our ef
forts are to be subverted at
every turn by representatives
of the Birch Society, an ex
tremist organization far-removed
from the moderate
mainstream of American Po
litical thought."
The executive committee
chose Beatrice as the site of
the 1966 Young Republicans
ASUN To Select
Senate Associates
Interviews for the Associa
tion of the Students of the
University of Nebraska
(ASUN) associates will be
"held Sunday in the Nebraska
Union. Selection will be made
according to college repre
sentation. The following numbers will
be selected from the colleges :
Arts and Sciences, nine;
Teachers, seven; Graduate,
seven; Engineering and Ar
chitecture, five; Business Ad
ministration, four; and Agri
culture and Home Economics,
Twenty associates will also
be chosen at large, making a
total of 55. If the qualifica
tions of applicants do not com
ply to the numbers outlined,
the interviewing board re
serves the right to make ap
propriate changes.
Each associate is assigned
to a senator, in a sort of
"protege p r o g r a m." As
sociates also participate on
ASUN committees.
Applications will be avail
able Tuesday at the ASUN of
fice in the Union. They must
be returned by 5 p.m. Friday.
Problems Plague
Kappa Alpha Psi
"Because the Interfrater
nity Council by - laws state
that a house must have a
minimum of 30 members, we
are finding it difficult to meet
the requirements to become
a colony here," staled Langs
ton Coleman, president of
Kappa Alpha Psi.
Kappa Alpha Psi is a pre
dominately Negro fraternity
which has been on the Ne
braska campus for a number
of years.
"We have no discriminatory
clauses in our fraternity,"
Coleman said, "but I doubt if
any white independent stu
dents would want to join.
"Another of our problems
is that there are not many
alumni in the Lincoln area to
assist us," he added.
"Kappa Alpha Psi is allow
ed to sit in on the IFC meet
ings as a non-voting mem
ber," stated Mrs. Jeanette
Mason, assistant to the Inter
fraternity Council.
"We have many functions
planned for the year includ
ing a smoker for freshmen
men to acquaint them with
the ideals and purposes of
Kappa Alpha Psi," Coleman
Problems Fail To Dim
Band Day Activities
When did the 1965 Band
Day begin?
For band Instructors Don
ald Lcntz and Jack Snider,
It began months ago, with in
vitations to seventy high
school bands and the plan
ning of a halftlmc program
and morning parade.
For University stadium of
ficials, It began this summer
with the solution to seating
3,500 bandsmen in the already-packed
Memorial Sta
dium. For the bands planning to
attend the annual event, it
began with the start of school
and rehearsals of required
music and parade routines.
For University bandsmen
It began two weeks ago, when
and new prc-gamc, halftime
and post-game Instructions
outlined the duties of each
band member.
And for 54,000 Cornhusker
rooters, it began with the
9 a.m. parade through Lin
coln streets and the halftime
show saluting football bowl
games that have featured col
lege teams including the Uni
versity. Problems arose on every
side of the carefully planned
Jeanette Coufal Receives
Home Economics Award
Jeanette Coufal received
the $400 Borden Scholarship
for the senior in home eco
nomics having the highest
scholastic average.
Dean Virginia Trotter pre
sented the award to her at
Home Economics Chapter's
dessert in honor of Ellen II.
Richards, founder of home
A tribute to Ellen 11. Rich
ards was given by V i c k i
C 1 i n e, and Mrs. Jere Van
Steeniberg, president of tire
Nebraska Home Economncs
Assn. spoke on "New Dirc
tions in Home Economics."
Mrs. Van Steeniberg said
money back. Wear 'em,
wash 'em, dry 'em . . .
then wear 'em again. Caper Casuals
LOCK-prest Koratron
finish are permanently
pressed. And
rich and
t.l ADOUtJ7.V5
Please don't press our
UUlnl l in UrtOKUl
o.Mibs.T.1. koratron
1134 O
Field conditions made foot
ball officials wary of having
the ground hardened by so
many marching fwt, so Di
rector of Bands Lcntz was
limited tolo on practice ses
sion and two of the planned
four formutlons.
Several bandsmen and their
"Nebraska Ladies," incharge
of seating and moving t h e
bands suffered from a lack
of coordination, causing the
loss of a 60-piece band at a
crucial time.
The University band, which
brought up the rear in a par
ade that was originated by
University station KUON and
televised by station KOLN,
failed to reach the camera
positions before the program
was off the air.
But after it was ail over,
Professor Lentz remarked,
"The kids really did a re
markable job, both in play
ing the music and quickly
learning their parts."
In looking back on a nine
hour day of playing and
marching, one University bass
player shifted the weight of
his sousaphone to the other
shoulder and said, "I hope
I don't see this thing for a
that today there is a special
need for home economists to
develop new ways of helping
the handicapped homemakcr.
"New directions depend on
your own creativity. Your job
is to be prepared to project
yourself into new situations,"
said Mrs. Van Steenberg,
speaking to over 250 home ec
majors and faculty members.
Georgia Stevens narrated a
fashion review of clothes made
and styled by home econom
ics majors. Sixty-three new
members were Initiated and
outstanding members of the
chapter were presented with
silver spoons.
Romp in "Dacron"
This time it's true!
Cross our heart. Caper
Casuals slacks of easy
care 65 Dacron poly
ester, 35 combed cot
ton are guaranteed in
writing never to need
ironing ... or your
LIANCE, 1 p.m., 240 Nebras
ka Union.
ASUN Senators Committee,
3:30 p.m., 345 Nebraska
tains, 4 p.m., south party
room, Nebraska Union.
332-334 Nebraska Union.
UNION special events, 4:30
p.m., north conference room,
Nebraska Union.
YWCA junior cabinet, 4:30
p.m., south conference room,
Nebraska Union.
TASSELS, 4:30 p.m., 232 Ne
braska Union.
UNION films, 4:30 p.m.,
234 Nebraska Union.
UNION talks and topics,
4:30 p.m., 235 Nebraska
PHI MU, 5:45 p.m., 240 Ne
braska Union.
UNICORNS, 7 p.m., north
conference room, Nebraska
FLYING club, 7:30 p.m.,
332 Nebraska Union.
gram, 7:30 p.m., 349 Nebras
ka Union.
ACE, 4 p.m., 200 Teachers
FRENCH CLUB, 7:30 p.m.,
334 Nebraska Union.
Mum Sales To Begin
Today In Living Units
Mortar Board representa
tives will take orders for
Homecoming mums at all liv
ing units starting today until
Oct. 20, and at the Nebraska
Union beginning Oct. 18 until
Oct. 22.
The mums, which sell for
one dollar, will be delivered
Saturday morning, Oct. 23, to
the living units and at the
city campus union.
Mums will be sold this year
at downtown Lincoln and the
stadium the day of Home
coming. Come to
Important responsibilities come to
you early at G.E.
You could find yourself on the
team responsible for marketing a
new appliance. Or you could be in
India, installing a nuclear power
plant. Or in a laboratory, looking
for applications for a remarkable
Newly elected officers of
Spanish Club are Barb lias
kins, president; Kent Oates,
vice president; Chad Mar
low, treasurer; Pamela Kot,
programs chairman; and
Pam Wallace, publicity chair
man. Delta Upsilon has an
nounced its pledge class of
ficers. They are: Mike Wiese,
president; Lee Friend, vice
president; Theron Williams,
secretary ; Jim Durham,
treasurer; Edd Erickson,
social chairman; and Gene
Hohelnsee, Junior IFC representative.
Business Administration
Graduate Students
Excellent Opportunity For Valuable
Management Experience
At The Nebraska Union
Weekend Assistant Night Manager Position Available
For Interview, Contact: Mr. Barnes, Ass't. Director, Nebraska
Union, Administrative Office 111
' 71
,rtwlyx::::::::::::r SxWwS
General Electric,where
new "artificial gill" that lets mam
mals breathe under water.
This is a worldwide company that
makes over 200,000 different prod
ucts, from jet engines and weather
satellites to computers and color
TV. In this kind of company, you
have to be very good to get very far.
Tfogress U Our Most-
... And friends.
Kappa Delta, Chi Phi
Win Yell Competition
Cornflakes, balloons and
yells filled the air Friday
night as Kappa Delta sorority
and Chi Phi fraternity won
the "Yell Like Hell" contest.
The second annual event
was co-sponsored by Tassels
and Corn Cobs.
Pairs of living units com
posed and presented 30 sec
ond yells udgod on originality
of the cheer, spirit anl loud
ness of the group.
The cheers were judged by
Linda Muff, Tassels presi
dent; Bob Wilburn, Corn Cobs
president; F. C. Green, yell
king, and J a n e 1 1 Quaring,
chairman of last year's contest.
the young men are important mea
Robert Short
To Lecture
On Peanuts
Robert Short, author of
best-seller, "The Gospel Ac
cording to Peanuts," will
speak at the Nebraska Uniofl
Wednesday evening.
Short will speak on ,'Th
Religious Significance of Pea
nuts." His tall, is sponsored
by the University Council on
Short's book was published
early in 1965, and the paper
back is now in iu tenth print
ing. It has been translated
into seven foreign languages.
Short is the author of sev
eral articles relating to the
ology, the field in which he
is working toward his doc
torate degree. He has earned
degrees from the University
of Oklahoma, Southern Meth
odist and North Texas Uni
versity. He served as director of
radio and television for the
Dallas Council of Churches.
Short uses the Peanuts car
toons as a type of modern
day parable, as a means of
communicating religious
Nearly Nu Shop Open
To University Students
The Nearly-Nu Shop, spon
sored by the Faculty Women's
Club, will sell only to custo
mers who show University
identification .cards this se
mester. Proceeds from all sales go
for the support of scholarship
aid, matched $9 to $1, under
the National Defense Educa
tion Act.
The shop, open from 7 to 9
p.m. on Wednesdays, is lo
cated at 1610 R Street.
If you are good, youH be rewarded.
With money, of course. But with
responsibility, too.
The most important job youH
ever have is your first job.
And tho most important Job
interview you may ever have is with,
the man from GJB.