Marilyn Hoegemeyer, Mike Jeffrey, business inanager Page 2 Monday, October 4, 1965 For Better, Worse We have become a dif ficult crowd to please. The football team must play a perfect game or spirit in the stadium iizzcls. When the Iluskerg blast ed through Iowa State's line, when Duda connected lor a long pass, when Wach holtz Intercepted the pass, the crowd was right with the team, But, when Big Red fum bled or made the yard-by-yard ground gains Die crowd groaned or even worse Saturday was too hot. Everyone got sunburned. Even the colorful Band Day hali'time show was not en thusiastically received. Have the fans lo t their taste for football and t h e stadium spectacle that ac companies the Ilusker game? Have the Ilusker fans lost their loyalty for Big Red? No. We think the loyalty of the students and alumni is shown in the color red that is seen in larger blotches every year in the stadium. As Lindsey Nelson said in On Education Education does nut mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave. It is not teaching the youth the shapes of letters and the tricks of numbers, and then leaving them to turn their arithmetic to roguery, and their literature to lust. It means, on the contrary, training them into the perfect exer cise and kingly continence of their bodies and souls. It is a painful, continual and difficult work to be done by kind ness, by watching, by warning, by respect, and by praise, but above all by example. John Ruskin """' - Education Not "Hogwash" Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the letter by Franz 11. Penncr criticizing the curriculum wherein he questioned: "Why, for example, must 1 spend time struggling through chemistry when I am working for a law degree?" He also stated: "This business about a 'well rounded education' is pure hogwash." Being a senior in law school, I feel that Mr. Penncr has a completely erroneous conception of both legal train ing and college education, This is a University, not a trade school. Education is 'hogwash' only to those who do not have it. For Mr. Penner's personal benefit, being interested in the law, I might provide him with a quote from Roscoe Pound, former Dean of Nebraska Law School and rec ognized, before his recent death, as one of the most noted men in the lega-1 profession. Dean Pound said: "But to know the law and nothing else is not to know that law . .... To lose sight of and touch with men and live only in t&s. law must be-lrr the end to produce a pedant, not a lawyer." This statement was made in 1904. Dean Pound has subsequently been reinforced by the bar requiring a college and legal education, rather than the old method of apprenticeship in a law office. Good luck, Mr. Penner. Harvey Pertman To Deepen Dimensions Dear Editor: rrr Concerning the letter of Steve Green questioning the academic direction in which our university is headed, we would like to enjoin these remarks. Our premise is that the university is primarily set up to deepen human dimen sions by fostering intellectual community. It is not an impersonal Leviathan we helpless students must submit to passively, nor ought it be a tool of special interest groups (i.e. governmental agencies, big business, et al.). Universities were founded not only for students but by students, and administrators were responsible to students. We educate our whole person by putting into practice what we learn. Part of democracy is learning how we the people can ameliorate the status quo. Obviously our private complaints are ineffectual if not carried to their public dimension. Therefore . we must first unite to deter mine the basis of our common objectives and by legal means insure their accomplishment. Even if we do not agree with every detail of such new political groups as SNCC, SAGE, and SDS, we must choose to involve our selves with that group which can best articulate and promulgate our aims. Secondly we have the right of petition. Some students are currently engaged, in marshalling support for under grad discussion rooms in each department. They are rounding up support from faculty and students by this method. The age of apathy and isolated malcontents is dead. It is square man. America vibrates with a new breed. Stephen Abbott Daniel Ortiz Jere Jones Marsha Read Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Ad vertising Service, Incorporated. Published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Extensions 2588, 2589 and 2590. SabMrintio rat are $4 nr nrmemer ar $ for the arademir mr, Entrred as aecond class matter at the post office la Linroln, Nebraska, nar the act of A u rust 4, Wt. The Daily Nebraskan la published Monday, Wedneiday, Thuridar and Friday during the achool year, except durlnt vacations and exam periods, hy students of the University of Nebraska under the Jurisdiction t the Faculty Subcommittee on student Publications. Publications shall be tree from censorship by toe Subcommittee or any person outside the University. Members of the Nebraska are responsible for what they cause to be printed. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor, MARILYN HOEGKMEYKRi manarinc editor. CAROLE RENO t ews editor. JOANNE STOHLMANt sports editor, JIM SWARTZt night news editor, BOB WKTHEKELLl senior Staff writers. WAYNE KRKUSOHER, STEVE JORDAN i Junior stall writers, JAN ITKIN, BRUCE GILES, DIANE LINI). OUIST, TONY MYERSi East Campus reporter, JANE PALMER: sports assistant, JAMES PEARSEi copy editors. POLLY RHYNOLDS. CAROLYN GRIFFIN, SPENCER DAVIS. BUSINESS STAFF Buslarsa manager. MIKE JEFFERYt business assistants, CONNIE RAH MIISSEN, BRUCE WRIUHT, MIKE KIRKMAN. SHIRLEY WENTINKi circulation Muter, LYNN RATHJEN subscription managers. Jim Rants, Johsj Rasmussen. BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: 34 p.m. Monday throurb Friday. editor his article about college football, "They (the fans) will not be for one team this week and another next week. This, for better or worse, is their team. This is loyalty, a -quality much . to be desired." The Ilusker team i.s this sort of loyalty. There is lit tle chance that there would be an empty seat in Mem orial Stadium, And the team has the crowd's en thusiasm ?- when they are playing their best. But, the ten point victory over the academy was not enough. The 44-0 Iowa State smear was not e n o u g h. What do you want fans? What you want is a sea son of wins, the Big Eight title, and an invitation to a bowl game not just any bowl game either. We think you will get all three of your wishes. Why not relax a little, get rid of some of that tension in one long, loud yell for Big Redwhen they are not at their best? MARILYN IIOEGEMEYER Insight Elsewhere What's that you're read ing I'nclc Thnnt. . .? Hy Kenneth Tabor We are again facing the proposition of admitting Communist China to the United Nations, and the clamor, the general hue and cry on both sides promises to be at least loud if n o t long. We are facing the deci sion again principally be cause the question has nev er been settle-' aye or nay. There can be little doubt, if one considers the varied opinions on the matter, that the question is a diffi cult one. Is it because we listen to this hue and cry that the problem appears difficult? This question runs the risk of offending any and all intellectually sophis ticated minds. For the rec ord, it is a temptation for me to add my opinion to the matter but I think there have already been too many opinions voiced on an issue which is basically not a matter of anybody's opin ion. I wonder if those who have expressed opin ion on the matter have both ered recently to read what the U.N. Charter has to say. Reading that document might enlighten both sides in this controversy. If too many opinions is the prob lem, the charter should be of some help since its con cern is not with opinions or parties. . . its concern is with people. With this in mind what follows will be a few brief excerpts from the charter which might have merit in the light of today's predic ament. The preamble states in part that the peoples of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding genera November 1st deadline for Subscriptions DALY $4 Semester t;,vm i tions from the scourge of war, and for this end to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, have resolved to combine their efforts to accomplish these aims, Article four of the charter states that membership is open to any and all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations of the charter and are able to car ry out these obligations. It also states that if a mem ber persistently violates the charter, it may be expelled. So the matter does seem simpler. If the record of its deeds indicates that Com munist China is determined to stop wars, to live in peace as a good neighbor, that it is respectful of the equal rights and equal self determination of people, that it will fulfill its obliga tions in good faith, settle disputes peacefully, and will not use force then it is en titled to membership. If not, membership should be de nied. We can look to today's dis putes in such places as Viet Nam and India-Pakistan and determine China's attitude by her action and words. This it seems would be much easier than deter mining whether China is a big country representing hundreds of millions of people, much more to t h e point than trying to deter mine whether China is a big military power, much more honest than trying to deter mine whether or not it would be good for business. The United Nations chart er was written to help make such decisions. Those who are interested and the of ficials in charge ought to put aside their reams of opinion and read it. SOMETHING NEW is coming to the . . , PIZZA HUT 4601 "O" St. is the "Rag" LET YOUR PARENTS READ ALL ABOUT YOUR UNIVERSITY IN THE STUDENT'S Dear Editor: I commend J e a n n i e Langford lor speaking out on an issue, but 1 challenge her views. Firs t. The Innocents aren't the only thinking students on campus; they merely had some courage and the opportunity to act. They expressed a rapidly growing opinion on this campus: that there are far belter ways to spend time, money, and energy than building paper fantasies. That opinion was already there. Innocents didn't force It onto anyone. Second. Coach Devancy's hardplaying teams of t h e last few years put Nebras ka on the map NOT Sports Illustrated. Third. Let's be realistic. Students are willing to spend that much time build ing displays because 1. it can be one hell of a lot of fun and 2. winning means great publicity and wouldnt hurt one bit during Rush Week. Fourth, Homecoming dis- Troubles Too Dear Editor: I agree with I won Jus tice (Monday, Sept. 27, Cam pus Opinion). How ever, if she thinks she's got troubles, I would suggest she listen to mine. I am a mother trying to obtain my degree in education. There fore, four semesters of phy sical education are requir ed. Since no evening classes in physical education are offered, I must attend dur ing the day. This necessi tates my paying a b a b y sitter $3 a week while 1 am at class. I registered for a full m mester of bowling, there fore the cost is $17.50 for 16 weeks instead of t h e $7.25 charged for the usual eight week course. (Why more than double the cost? I have no answer for this.) Since I must park on campus, I was forced to buya parking permit. By the way. the only available parking spaces during my class time are more than six blocks from the Union. The figures are these: course registration . . . $13.75; baby sitter ... $48; bowling fee ... $1750; parking permit . . .$5. You see therefore, I am paying $84.25 for one credit hour. (This does not include gas and oil and other inci dentals of which only esti mates can be given.) And you say you want justice. So do I! BASE-r According to a story in to day's Rag, a sixty piece marching band was lost Saturday at band day. Since no mention was made of its ever being found, we assume that it has not been. Have you seen it? 439-4601 av w www i vai a Ijl Balloons, Not Paper Fantasies plays most definitely are NOT the only "real" pub lic relations NU has with Lincoln and the state. Very few people who have pot at tended Nebraska k' ow about or have any contact with, that annual one-night traf fic jam. But, Miss Langford, how many people have direct contact, or hear about, or read about All-State, Girls State, Boys' State, Sheldon Gallery, Morrill Hall, the University Extension Divi sion, which is one of the very largest in the nation and has high school and college students all around the world, the Community Playhouse productions, near ly every one of which has at least one faculty mem ber or student in the cast, Union Film society, whose 1400 members Include many, many non-University patrons, or Howell Theatre productions? Then there are some service projects which in volve direct student parti cip ation: the fraternity Beau Brummel Writes Dear Editor: In reply to your request for a second worthy item for insertion on page two, to supplement "Peanuts," I give you a newphyte's views of NU. Being a recent initiate in to that institution of blissful pauperism, marriage, I bashfully made my debut on the NU campus with my old diagonally-striped ties and my equally ancient um brella only to be proclaimed the Beau Brummel of t h e Rolling Plains. "Aha," I thought, "the friendly Mid west." But it must be hall ucinations; the midwester ners don't speak. Then I saw my first NU coed in her individualittic w a r drobe from 007 coat to shoulder holster and my day bright ened. At last I knew why LINCOLN BROADWAY LEAGUE PRESENTS FOUR TOP BROADWAY KITS Oct. 20 "LOVE IS A BALL" A wacky musical comedy starring Alice Ghostley (Jackie Glea snn's TV "girl friend") A Follies Bcrg'crc! Nov. 13 "THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES" An impressive drama starring Dennis O'Kecfe, Betty Field and Peter Duryea. A long-run Broadway Hit! Dec. 6 "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK" Broadway's biggest smash! An irresistible funny comedy about amiably idiotic newly weds, starring Lyn Bari as the mother-in-law. Jan. 27 "ABSENCE OF A CELLO" Bright, impertinent comedy starring Hans Conreid. Droll and bouncy entertainment. On Stage at the Stuart Theatre Cast and Dates Subject to Change Sponsored by Junior Woman's Club SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Season 1965-66 MEZZANINE $15.00 SECOND BALCONY $900 Reservations Orchestra ft Loge 489-1739 : i CLIP AND MAIL DAILY NEBRASKAN ROOM 51 NEBRASKA UNION UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Fbd Enclosed Thank You! which annually donates time and labor to the tnildren s Zoo and the campus YW CA's many programs Includ ing a tutoring service for local high school students and NU students who give their time to help young people who need friends, have been through Juvenile courts, or 8re culturally de prived, as well as all the Junior high girls In Y-Teens programs throughout Lin coln. Need I continue? I could for some time. You want spirit and in volvement from the n o n campus community? Then give those people the oppor tunity to express their en thuslasm not spectators to ours. Offer them bal loons, feathers, carnations, hats and, of course, nig Red clothes (even umbrel las). And if you still c a n't think of a constructive way to use your time or spend your money, call me. Respectfully, JoEllen Williams it lakes fourteen hours to get into the Coliseum. It takes time to comb hair, view makeup, and gig gle in a crowded lobby. The hallucinations persist I sea the same coed everywhere, except in Love of course. To collect my senses I read Tuesday evening's paper, Wednesday morning's pa per, and Thursday's DN: but to no avail. They a 1 1 have the same words. Just how quiet can 1000 freshman dancing to t h e "Bleach Boys" be? How quiet can 56,000 fans cheer ing the nation's first team be? Please show me a friend ly greeting, a different wardrobe, a lady, a student, a happy dancer, and some damn noise in that swaying stadium. Schizz ORCHESTRA & LOGE $18.00 FIRST BALCONY $12.oo through Oct. 9 Mezzanine & Balcony 488-4267 urn a)