The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1965, Image 1
7 ARCUIVtS Vol. 81, No. 10 The Doily Nebraskan Thursday, September 30, 1965 J Miss Brown Student Receives Call From 'Uncle' "Greetings from Uncle Sam" the phrase that makes male University students shudder and one in particu lar. That student is Mark Plan ner, a University junior in good standing and carrying 15 hours. Why the shudder? Because Mark has received formal "greetings" and h notice that he must report for in duction Oct. 2". When Plattner received the induction notice, he checked with Registrar Floyd Hoover. Hoover gave Plattner a note saying he is a student in good standing to take to his Selec tive Service Board in Oma ha. Plattner was told in Oma ha that the board may be drafting students, and that they would review his draft notice. Until he hears from the Omaha board, Plattner will Interview Times Set For Royalty ALT has announced the in-; 8:40; J. Steve Davis, 8:45; terview times for candidates Don Bankev, 8:50; and Bill for Activities Queen and BigJoh Man On Campus. ... , , L ' Michael Grasham. 9 d m Activities Queen interviews i . p will begin at 8:30 p.m. in 332 ;Klaus Hartman, 9:05; Jim Nebraska Union today. Buntz, 9:10; Louis Burgher, The candidates and their S:15: Buzz Brashear, 9:20; times are: Jennifer M a r -: Roger Brodd, 9:25; Rich Mil shall. 8:30; Carol Kramer. Her, 9:30; Ron Xeel, 9:35; 8:35; Julie Amsler. 8:40; Gail Roger Housley, 9:40; Larry Meitzner. 8:45; Susie Diffen- jWatzke, 9:45; John Dzerk. derfer, 8:50; Lauri Olenber- 9;50; Rk-k au, 9:55; and ger, 8:55; and Diane McDon- i Roger Xuman, at 10 p.m. aid, 9 p.m. 1 Larry Foster. 10:05; James Georgia Steven. 9:05; Max-jSpecht 10:10; Daniel Denny, ine Matousek, 9:10: Jo Chris-! 10:15; Robert Schanou, 10:20; tensen. 9:15; Susan Sitorius. : a n d Dwayne Harrison, at 9:20; Kent Oates 9:2t; Lynn Grosscup. 9:30; Ann Windle. 9:35; Steph Tinan. 9:40; Ruthdidate and e Farmhouse Ann Kassmussan. :ia liz Aitken. 9:50; Peggy B 1 u e . j 9:55; and Ann wcuougn, w p.m. Bos 10 :10 and Ann Van : Steenberg at 10:15 will con elude the Activities Queen interviews. ' Big Man On Campus (BMOC) interviews will be i.iiiuuv-i-t.u Union today, beginning at 8:15 p.m. ThnP 'f.nriidatfs and their, times are- Frank McClana- j'n on 16th Street north of ham, 8:15; F. C. Green II, j Vine. 8:20; Dan Gartner, 8:25; The house and other pro Steve Curry, 8:30; Frankie perty on that block have been Solich, 8:35; Janis Cindins. Freshmen May Apply for Unicorns Board All freshmen off-campus in dependent students are We to apply for membership on the Unicorns Freshman ard- . Unicorns is an organization for all off-campus independ- ent students. It sponsors so- dal events and serves as a means of communication be- tween the University and in-! dependent students. ! Two freshmen from each: Lincoln high school and two from apartments or other residences will be selected as members on the Freshman ' Board. Annlication forms will be;"1 available Friday outside 345. Nebraska Union, or at the Unicorn meeting Monday at 7 p.m. in the Xorth Conference Room. r xN-x V f V xHx W V xx x x Miss Focht not be idle. "I wrote the Pres ident, explaining my situa tion," Partner said. 'I wanted o start mv let ter to Johnson with "Greet ings, this is from Mark Platt ner, a professional student ; who wishes to remain so. I But I decided to take a more formal approach," j Plattner added. ' Until he gets the final de cision, it's a matter of cross- ed fingers for Plattner. 1 Rumors thai students are being drafted have circulated over the campus from time to time. But Col. Edwin Scott, who is chief of the manpower di vision of the State Selective Service, said that currently! "we are not processing regis-; trants who are full-time stu dents in good standing." j He added that the proper j information may not h a v e j ! gotten to the local Selective1 Service boards. I 10:25. Thp 5ioma ilnha TLTn nan. candidate will be interviewed at iq:30 and 10:35. Each of the seven finalists for BMOC and for Activities Qf be presented at the Wisconsin football game. , No Comment Offered Qn Hoyse De$ffMcf;on A j:.,:,..,i.: , r : : . i have refused to comment on the nouse lnat had been torn condemned for University use, but no plans have been announced. "It will probably be used for classroom build ing," wa-s the only explana tion. Appeal date for the con- to eligi-;demnation of tne additional : property has been set for Oct. ;14 and untfl then no addj. Itional information will be re- ieased ' ' pep Groups Sponsor . r r. , Yell Contest Friday Tassels and Corn Cobs are sponsoring a "Yell Like Hell" contest to be held Friday. u t lth flnBotner unit to t houge . . ",c c"- A trophy will be awarded to the group who shows the most originality, yells loud est and displays the most over-all spirit. I x - x V! I " -i I I vxv I if x V if I -.XT v I it v ' x t i xx xxx x x tmgF Xs I LAI jl Miss Pflasterer II QlTD L Ten coeds have been select ed as finalists for University Homecoming Queen. The Queen will be crowned Oct. 15 at students dance at Pershing Auditorium. She will then reign for a week of Homecoming festivities Oct. 15-23. The finalists were chosen by an interview ing board com posed of the ASUX president, vice president, and a senator from each college, in addi tion to the ASUX faculty ad viser. They were selected on the basis of poise, personality and overall appearance, with con sideration to scholarship and activities. The Homecoming Queen will be selected by an all-University vote Oct. 12 and 13. The finalists are Bonnie Brown, Diana Focht, Kathie Glade, Kathy Knight, Joan. McClymont. Candance M a y, M a r c i a Melichar, Barbara Pflasterer, Candy Sasso and Diane Smith. Miss Brown is vice presi dent of Angel Flight, and a member of Tassels. UXSEA, and Little Sisters of Minerva. A member of Chi Omega, Miss Brown is currently a dorm counselor. She received t h e Builders Outstanding Workers Award, was Delta Sigma Pi Rose Queen finalist. Miss Superior 1964 and Miss Nebraska semi-finalist, 1964. Miss Focht, a speech ther apy major, is a University cheerleader, Builders First Glance chairman, and was 1 assistant rush chairman for! Pi Beta Phi. She was Delta' ASUN To Name j Three To Cabinet Association of Students of the University of Xebraska (ASUX) interviews for three cabinet positions and for the executive member of the Electoral Commission will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The three cabinet positions include: the secretary of or ganizations for honoraries and professional fraternities, bo rorities and societies; the sec retary of regulatory organiza tions such as IFC, Panhellenic and AWS; and the secretary of organizations for all other activities. Application blankB for these positions are due in the Stu dent Senate by 5 p.m. Friday. At next week's Student Sen ate meeting interviews will be held for the Senate's electoral commission member. x XXX xx xx xs , , x & X x Avv s W:Vx x V x VV k A h v " IX y I 1 21 Miss Glade Miss Knight fss' rJ"""11'" - 1 ' x I x - x I t-t t I 1 if r I , I -A jF' - i Miss Sasso ! Sigma Pi Rose Queen, Pi Kap pa Phi Rose Queen, and a fi nalist for Junior IFC Queen i and N-Club Sweetheart. ! Miss Glade, an art major, was rush chairman tor DeKa Gamma. She was a Cornhus ker Beautv Queen finalist, Mis T iiy Day 1963. Delta Sigma Pi Rose Queen runner up. Junior IFC Queen candi date. Miss E-Week 1965 and first runner-up for Miss XE BRASKAland. Miss Knight, a sociology major, is president of Aqua quettes and a member of YWCA. She is activities chair man for Kappa Kappa Gam ma, and was Spring Day sec retary. Miss McClymont, an Eng lish major, is a member of ASUX executive board. She is ALT faculty and organiza tions chairman, and was president of Student Council Associates. She was a sopho more member of Ivy Day Peace Corps Tests Set For Next Week Peace Corps placement : tests will be given Oct. 9 at 9 a.m. in the Lincoln Post Office building. I Applicants must fill out a Peace Corps questionnaire, : available at all Post Offices, and take it to the test or sub- j mit it to the Peace Corps, j Washington, D C. Any citizen of the United 1 States. 18 or over, with no de- j pendents under 18, is eligible ; to take the test. The test re-: veals how the applicant best 1 can help the people of devel- oping countries around the ; world. I Bullet Hits Wall; Misses Employee Lincoln police are investi-: gating the origin of a bullet ! which was fired into Nebras- j ka Hall Tuesday. ! The bullet went through the i window of Room 125, passed through a wall and hit a book, j narrowly missing Miss Lu- cille Stephens, a clerk for the Federal Geological Survey. I "At first it made me mad, j but afterward it sort of scared me," Miss Stevens said. Miss Stephens had been crossing the room at the time the bullet came through the wall, and it landed about two feet from her. Campus police said that the bullet was of long range ve locity and could have been fired from as far as two miles to the north. i oeds SeeBi I f xxx x '-xxit'vw xx"; x Xv ixxv xxxAxvxhxjx x x mxxxss.,KVv a,MljjWWimw9iWMft'lx-f,wwywl'llM8 J' Iff J JS fSR jsA$ hi v J j xA v x j1 t x - i I I I f , rr j s xxxxx xH '"": " x xxsa x . s . Miss McClvmont , xV I Miss Smith Court and is on the standards board of Kappa Alpha Theta. Miss May is a speech major representing Selleck Quadran gle. She is a residence hall, student assistant and a Mas quer's worker. She w as a Stu dent Council Associate and re ceived the Dallas Award as outstanding actress in Univer-; sify experimental theater. I Miss Melichar is a home economics major represent ing Burr East. She is a Bun East student assistant and a member of. Phi Upsilon Omi cron. She served as Burr vice president and standards board chairman. , Miss Pflasterer. a speech therapy major, is Angel Flight 1 pledge trainer. She is ALT sorority drive chairman, Gamma Phi Beta rush chair man, and a member of Sigma Alpha Eta. She was a candi date for Miss Rush Week and a finalist for Miss E-Week. Miss Sasso. an English ma jor, was Builders advertising chairman. She served as An gel Flight treasurer and a delegate to Panbellenic. She was a Student Council Asso ciate, a sophomore member of the Ivy Day Court, and a fi nalist for AIT Activities Queen. A Regents scholar, she was Lincoln rush chair man for Alpha Omieron Pi. Miss Smith, an art major, is a member of AWS junior board. She is Alpha Phi as sistant pledge trainer. She was a finalist for Miss Rush week, and a candidate for IFC Queen, Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweetheart and Cornhusker Beauty Queen. Kenagy Is IFC John Kenagy was selected Rush Chairman for the Inter fraternity Council at the or ganization's weekly meeting, Wednesday night. "I firmly believe that Rush is the most important of all Greek activities, simply be cause it is the means by which the system perpetuates itself," commented Kenagy. In his address to the IFC, Kenagy staled that he be lieved that "the practice of spook iatrols is just as detri mental, if not more so, than dirty rush." "I feel that if any house is guilty oi spooking a rushee. it should be subject to the same penalties as prescribed for dirty rush." he added. Kenagy is a junior in Pre Med, a past Student Council Miss May AS UN Discusses Scheduling Right By Wayne Kreuscher Senior Staff Writer Student Senate's power over other activities on campus, mainly the sched uling of events, was dis cussed at Wednesday's Sen ate meeting. The discussion resulted because of a request from Barb Beekman. ALT pres ident, that AUF-A-Go-Go. a charity carnival to be held Oct. 9, be scheduled as the only campus event for that night. Xo motion was made on AUF's request. Discussion on the Senate floor s u g -gested that the Senate did not want to set a prece dent by giving an activity this exclusive schednling right and it was pointed out that AIT actually doesn't have to worry about many conflicts. Sen. Terry Schaaf firm ly explained that the Sen ate and the Association of Students of the University ff Xetirasfca' tASUNl does have the right to tell ac tivities if they can have an event or not. Schaaf stressed that this power included only cam pus organizations and not living units. Sen. Sally Morrow said she thought ASUX would hav e "gone beyond our pow er" if it did" start telling activities when they could have events. In discussion of AUF's re quest, ASUX Vice President Larry Frolik said that the University's activities office in the past has refused to Hatchery Houses Science Classes By Jan Itkin Junior Staff Writer Classes in a converted chicken hatchery? Yes. the 501 Buiiding on Xorth 10th Street, formerly Hill Hatchery, has been ren ovated for classroom use. Freshman chemistry classes and the Graduate School of Social Work com jiose the bulk of classes held there. Quiz sections in phys ics, sociology, mathematics, and history and classes in 1 architecture, zoology, and ! Orrnan also meet there. i The building is composed oi j six classrooms and ten chem listry laboratories which con- Rush Leader representative and assistant rush chairman for Phi Gam ma Delta. Also announced at the meeting was that Oct. 7 is the end of the 30 day waiting period and at this time open rush may begin. 'Hyde Park' Forums To Begin October 13 It was announced yesterday that "Hyde Park" type for ums, where anyone may dis cuss anything he may choose, will begin in the Nebraska Union Oct. 13 at 3:30 p.m. Liz Aitken, chairman of the Union Talks and Topics Com mittee, said that more infor mation would be given on the , forums later. Miss Melichar schedule any night exclus ively for one activity. Sen. Liz Aitken explained that ALT might be consid ered an exception to other activities and given this exclusive right because of its charitable purposes. A motion was made by Sen. Kelley Baker suggest ing that the Student Senate Activities Committee work with the University's activ ity office to insure smooth scheduling of activities so there would be no conflicts. But after discussions on this motion, it was defeated. Many senators said that this motion wasn't needed and would accomplish no useful purpose. Mrs. Jean Regester, stu dent activities adviser, said that if any exclusive sched uling or controls over ac tivities' scheduling of events were to be made, it would have to come from ASUX. The Student Senate in oth er business approved a ju dicial code for the Student Court and the appointment of Keith Mclntyre as chief justice of the Student Court. ASUX President Kent Xeumeister announced that Dick Xewton had been ap pointed chairman of the Foundation-Alumni Associ ation. Sen. Kelley Baker was appointed as chairman of the special Homecoming finalist procedure investi gating committee. Senators Kris Bitner and Jan Binger were named the Student Senate candidates for the ALT Activities Queen. tain a total of 256 lab sta tions. Mrs. Miriam Hurst, room assignments clerk, said "it was a good thing the regis trar was far-sighted enough to realize almost two years ago that the number of students would necessitate another building. The University acquired the red-brick building in 13 and remodeled it last summer. In addition to constructing class rooms in the structure, the chemistry labs were added. Because of the acids used in chemistry experiments, acid resistant floors and glass pipes were used in the build ing. The move to the building alleviates crowded conditions in the departments and al lows them room lor expan sion. The Graduate School of Social Work, for instance, now has an enrollment of 62 full time students compared to 55 last year. "The 501 Building as ab solutely essential to b a n d 1 e the increased numbers of stu dents," Dr. Henry Holtzelaw, professor of chemistry, said. Some students feel, how ever, that it is too long a walk from the rest of the campus. ! II. 1 . A - M on tne distance proDiem. "The only problem we have encountered is having stu- ' dents accustom themselves to racing around classes and crossing 10th Street. We have tried, however, to keep classes close 1o where they I would otherwise be," she said.