The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1965, Image 1

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    " w ' lw;t
Vol. 81, No. 8
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, September 27, 1965
a hi.3i i r i . r r -
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en's Support
Sigma Chi's have chosen
. . . A Derby Day, that is. The
another Miss Lovelist.
Vicki Hawkinson Wins
Miss Derby Day Title
Four hours of continuous
screaming, mud-drenched co
eds, bathing beauties, color
ful costumes and sleeping
bags. That was Sigma C h i
Derby Day 1965.
Sigma Chi fraternity spon
sed it eleventh annual
Derby Day on Saturday at
which sorority pledge classes
vied in relay races and other
contests for the over-a 1 1
award and for the spirit
Vicki Hawkinson, Alpha
Omicron Pi, was awarded the
title of Miss Derby Day by
a panel of five on the basis
of face, figure and poise in
a swim suit competition.
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
won the over-all trophy with
a total of 23 points and was
closely followed by Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Delta
The points were amassed
during such events as t h e
whipped-cream special when
blind-f o 1 d e d girls squirted
whipped cream into cups held
in the mouths of their pledge
sisters, and the mystery event
when girls took mud baths
trying to find golf balls with
their houses' name on them.
Spirit seemed high to the
almost 700 people who at
tended and Delta Delta Del
ta sorority won laurels for
the most spirited pledge
Tassels and Corn Cobs
have decided not to sponsor
competition of the Homecom
ing displays this year.
In a statement to the Daily
Nebraskan, the groups said
that results of a roll call vote
indicated that the support was
not justified.
"Although almost all wom
en's living units indicated that
they desired to build (dis
plays)." the statement said,
"15 of the 27 men's living
units said they wanted neither
to build nor to consider an
other plan."
The pep organizations had
agreed to consider accepting
sponsorship of the Home
coming display contest follow
ing the Innocents Society de
cision not to sponsor the
In order to determine stu
dent support, each living unit
was asked if they wanted to
build as they had in the past,
not to build at all. or support
a new idea.
It was the feeling of Tassels i
and Corn Cobs, according to
the statement, that "at least
a majority of both men's and
women s living units would be
necessary to insure adequate
interest for continuation of
the contest."
The statement stressed that
the decision not to sponsor the
displays does not rule out in
dividual action by the houses.
"Rather it simply removed
the highly competitive atmos
phere surrounding them." the
statement said. The statement
urged that each house con
sider ways in which it can
best welcome its returning
alumni. J
Suggested possibilities were
small banners, non-competitive
displays, alumni lunch
eons and open houses. ,
The statement said that if j
student opinion in future
years dictates competitive
Homecoming displays, ' Corn
Cobs and Tassels will consider
again sponsoring the program."
Homecoming . . .
ASUN Changes
Queen Selection
Bv Wayne Kreuscher
Senior Staff Writer
A special Student Senate
meeting Saturday passed a
new bill which changed the
composition of the Homecom
ing interviewing board.
Following the bill s changes,
of having the senators from
the different colleges select
candidates was more repre
sentative of the students.
The presidents of Tassels,
corn Cobs, and N Club; the
senior officer of Tassels; two
faculty members and a foot-
the board, which interviewed ' ball player formerly made
candidates to select Home-i up the interviewing board.
Other parts of the special
bill concerning the Homecom
ing finalist interviews said
that ten finalists would be
chosen, that in the general
election students would vote
for only one candidate, that
Tassels would continue to han-
Sen. Skip Sorief pointed out
that making students vote
for three instead of one would
not stop block voting and
would only complicate things.
Discussion o n the amend
ment pertaining to considera
tion of activities and scholar
ship centered around wheth
er beauty, personality and
poise were the major qualifi
cations for Homecoming queen
or scholarship and activities
were the major factors.
Big Snake
Stirs Camp
Home Ec Group
To Hold Desserts
By Jane Palmer
New Directions in Home
A four-foot bull snake added ! Economics" will be the theme
unexpected excitement to the
1965 YMCA-YWCA Freshman
Held Friday. Saturday and
Sunday, at Camp Kitaki on
the Platte River the camp
was "designed to give an op
portunity to formulate and
evaluate thoughts and ideas."
Speeches on topics from "A
Burglar - proof Religion" to
"From Grant to Abel Your
Heritage" were presented by
University professors and re
ligious leaders at the camp.
Principal speakers were Dr.
Don Clifton, associate profes
sor of history and philosophy
of education; Dr. Clarence
Forsberg, minister of St.
Paul's Methodist Church in
Lincoln; Dr. Robert Manley,
assistant professor of history;
Dr. Robert Narveson, assist
ant professor of English; and
Dr. Alan Pickering, director
of the United Christian
Church Fellowship at the Uni
versity. "We just had a ball," said
Nancy Howland, who was on
the steering committee for
the camp. "What the camp
needed was storm windows
on the dining hall."
During a conference in the
camp chapel, a bull snake
entered the building.
"When I picked him up to
here," said Cindy Graske, ex
tending her arm straight out,
"he still touched the ground."
Fourteen boys and twelve
girls attended the camp.
The play "Impromptu" by
Mozelle was given Friday
night, just an hour after the
campers arrived with their
sleeping bags.
A campfire dance, skits,
hikes and indivilual discus
sion and evaluation periods
rounded out the weekend activities.
of the Ellen H. Richard's Des
sert Thursday at 7 p.m.
All Home Ec majors, facul
ty members, and others in
terested in Home Economics
are invited. The dessert is
sponsored by the Nebraska
College Chapter of the Amer
ica Home Economics Assn.
and is in honor of Ellen H.
Richards, the founder of
Home Economics.
The dessert is an annual
event of the Home Econom
ics Chapter, and the new
freshman members will be
initiated into the Chapter in a
candle ceremony. The Bordan
Scholarship will be awarded
to the senior maiorine in
Home Economics with the
highest scholarship average.
Guest speaker will be Mrs.
E. M. Van Steenberg from
Scottsbluff who is president
of the Nebraska Home Eco
nomics Assn.
Tickets for the dessert are
;75 cents and must be pur
chased by today in the Home
Economics Building.
Mrs. Elliot Becomes
New Theta Xi 'Mom'
Mrs. Mary Elliott, 45, of Au
burn, is the new Theta Xi
She formerly taught school
In Auburn for eleven years.
Mrs. Eula Harmon, Theta
Xi housemother for e 1 e v e n
years, died this last summer.
Visitors Confused
By 'Go Big Red'
Those "Go Big Red" signs
around Lincoln are confusing
some visitors from foreign
Take last week. Dr. C. Ber
trand Schultz, director of the
University State Museum and
Thompson Stout, associ
ate professor of geology, had
several guests from behind
the iron curtain who attended
an international meeting here
and at Boulder, Colo.
"We don't understand 'Go
Big Red," said the scientists.
They were intrigued with
the explanation by Schultz,
but not enough to attend the
football game. Instead they
visited Morrill Hall, the capi
tol building, and the Sheldon
Memorial Art Gallery.
They did, however, take
pictures of the "Go Big Red"
signs to show their home
'Cuties' Seek
iBMOC Title
By Tony Myers
Junior Staff Writer
All right men, it is now
time to prove to yourself and
to the whole world just how
much of a man you really
Every year the men on
campus are slighted in favor
of a Homecoming Queen, Miss
E Week or a multiude of
other feminine monarchs.
Now is your chance. At this
year's AUF A Go-Go Dance
on Oct. 9, the "studliest" man
on campus will be presented.
The main requirements for
the title of BMOC (Big Man
On Campus) will be over-all
appearance, sex appeal, and
ability to 'snow' a panel of
girls. The only other require
ments are that contestants
have sophomore or above
standing and have a 5.0 grade
Interviews will begin at 8:30
p.m. Thursday. At this time
seven finalists will be chosen
to appear during the intermis
sion of the AUF A Go-Go
Dance. The BMOC will then
be chosen by popular vote.
Application blanks may be
picked up in room 345 of the
Nebraska Union and should be
filitd out and returned by
AUF Voting
Set Tonight
AUF has announced the ten
charities to be voted on by
the students to select those
that will receive money from
the All University Fund.
Voting will take place today
in house meetings, floor meet
ings and. for Lincoln students, i
in the Nebraska Union.
Call Load
Busy signals are often a
source of aggravation to col
lege students, but what would
happen if all the Mnes con
necting phones on campus
were busy at the same time?
This problem has arisen re
peatedly on the University
campus and sends switch
board operators as well as
students into a frenzy.
"We just keep dialing,"
one operator said. 'It happens
whenever there is a heavy
overload of calls. We can
hear all the calls eoming in,
and people can talk over the
busy signals."
Talking over the busy sig
nals has made for some in
teresting situations. One co
ed told of calling Selleck and !
"ending up talking to three :
boys at Abel." j
Other interesting situations
included the boy who found
himself talking to a house
mother instead of his girl
friend, and the many people
who announced that they
"had a blind date out of the
A Lincoln phone company
official explained the problem
by saying, "The tie-up is the
result of many, many people
calling within the concentrat
ed area of the University and
utilizing all the possible lines.
"It is simply a case of peo
ple making more calls than
there are available lines."
coming queen tinaiists Sun
day, was composed of one
senator from each college,
ASUN president and vice
president and the ASUN facul
ty advisor.
The special session, called
by ASUN President Kent Neu
meister, came as a result of
a petition drive circulated by
a group of girls who felt a
new procedure was needed tion procedure for next year,
for selecting the Homecoming The bill also said that the
queen finalists. i interviewing board would
I judge the candidates primari
Original Petition ly on beauty, personality,
Tho notitinn whirh w a s and nnisp with fnnciHoratinn
signed by more than 1,100 stu-!for activities and scholarship. 'r100 a mandatory ten final
Muff, president of
said she thought the
new bill was a "fair
die the popular election a n d decision based on the discus
t h a t a special committee sion Saturday."
would be set up to investigate j
ways of changing the elec-
She said that Tassels earlier
had tried to find a way of
selecting a candidate repre
sentative of the whole school.
She said that under Dean
Helen Snyder's suggestion.
Tassels had decided not to
dents and presented to Stu
dent Senate, originally called
for a general primary elec
tion of the Homecoming can
didates. ! Saturday the girls made no
' mention of a general primary
! election, but Sen. Richard
i nree amendments were
suggested to the present bill,
but all three were defeated.
The amendments called for
more consideration of activi
ties and scholarship, for a re
quired vote of three in the
general election and for the
finalists to be selected bv col-
Thompson, representing the
petition, introduced the bill leges instead of living units
which was passed.
Sen. Thompson noted after
reading the bill that Student
Senate congratulated Tassels
and Corn Cobs for conduct
ing the finalist selections in
the past. He praised them
for their cooperation in help
ing set up a new procedure.
He said that the reason the
finalist selection had been
changed was that the system
She explained that this de
cision was presented to all the
Tassels and they had tried to
change their constitution to
say that from five to ten can
didates would be selected as
finalists. She said that later
Tassels realized that this
change was unconstitutional
because a group must wait a
week after announcing a pro
i posed change.
Sen. Pam Wood, who intro
duced the amendment which
suggested students be required
to vote for three instead of one Laurie Clouse and Linda
candidate in the general elec- Schlcchte. two of the girls
tion, said that with just one who circulated the original
vote per student members of petition, said they "were sat-
each Greek house or living isfied with the Senate's deci-
unit could vote only for their sion."
candidate. , . , .. . . .
They also said that they
Sen. Kelley Baker argued would like to see a thorough
that many persons only want investigation of the procedure
to vote for one and not three, for next year.
Firms Feel
New Stadium
Safe, Sturdy
fascinates a crowd of 4,000.
Certificates Arrive
Certificates of membership
in Phi Eta Sigma have ar
rived. All men initiated last
spring may pick them up in
Dr. Leslie Hews' office. Room
104, Geography Building.
Two engineering firms
have declared the north addi-
The ten charities are dived-1 tion to Memorial Stadium at'
ed into four different areas: the University safe,
international, national, state j Their investigations re
and local. vealed there has been no sig-!
. . . , L 'nificant lateral movement of
The four international char- jtne structure and no cracking1
ltf,S arLien?a YUth ,C04Un' ! of the supporting columns. ,
c i 1, Orphan's Foundation ! v ...,c. r h ni !
i uj.u, iiaum l ICC IUlinrc, ..!, firm Ilonninffenn
-"O O '
Durham and Richardson of
Omaha, said tests showed the
stadium addition "will carry
more than the proof load of
four times normal live load
ing with complete safety
and the
Thomas A. Dooley
The National Multiple Scler
osis Society and the March
of Dimes are the two national
service groups to be voted on.
The two state charities are
the Nebraska Division of the
American Cancer Society and
the Nebraska Heart Ass'n.
Local charities to be voted
on are LARC School and the
University Speech and Hear
ing Clinic.
The proceeds of the AUF
A Go-Go Dance on Oct. 9,
will be distributed to the five
charities chosen by the students.
Unicorns To Interview
Coeds For Candidate
Off-campus independent wo
men interested in being a can
didate for Homecoming Queen
will be interviewed by Uni
corns. Interested coeds may
sign up in the Nebraska Union.
Study of the new addition
was ordered by the Universi
ty after reports of stadium
sway came after its initial
use during the game with
Texas Christian University.
Coincident with the an
nouncement from the engi
neering firms came word
from the University athletic
department that persons hold
ing reserved seats in the new
addition may return their
tickets to the Coliseum ticket
ottice and get tneir money!
back for remaining home1
games if they do not wish toj
occupy the north addition.
E . Vernon Konkel, presi
dent of the Denver consulting
engineering firm of Ketchum,
Konkel, Ryan and Fleming,
also pronounced the addition
entirely safe after inspection
of plans, specifications and
examination of the structure.
Social Security
Increases Aids
For Students
Monthly cash payments can
now be paid to students who
qualify under a change in the
Social Security law.
Students up to age 22 may
be eligible for benefits on the
account of a parent who has
retired, become disabled or
Students whose benefits
were stopped when they
reached 18 will have to file a
new application in order to
have their payments started
again. Benefit payments can
be retroactive to January,
1965, and may be made for a
vacation period of up to four
continuous months.
Students should check with
their Social Security office if:
Your are a full-time student.
You are not yet 22 or
tained that age in 1965.
unmarried or
after January,
1965. :
Are a son or daughter of
a parent who worked under
Social Security but is now re
tired, disabled, or deceased.
rubeck Four
ock Sheldon
By Jan Ilkin
Junior Staff Writer
Cool jazz on a mild fall day on the west lawn of Sheldon
Art Gallery may not have solved many problems for the
more than 4.000 people who were there, but it may have
made some of them more observant.
The Dave Brubeck Quartet created an atmosphere Fri
day that will long remain in the minds of most who heard
The audience will remember the people drifting to the
lawn singly, in couples, and in clumps of three, five, and
They'll remember the colors masses of colors which
the jazz intensified. Golds, reds, browns, blues, and greens
splashed vividly to form a background for the music.
Under the musical influence the Nebraska sky never
seemed so blue, nor the trees so green, nor Sheldon so
People moved their feet in time with the music. And
the feet themselves were reflective of the diversity of the
crowd who were shoeless, or clad in tennis shoes, loafers,
boots, wing tips, flats or sandals.
And they listened.
Their eyes were not turned to the same thing. Some
watched the quartet, others the ground or sky, still more
scanned the crowd for familiar faces, and others simply
gazed off into the world of Brubeck and his music.
And they listened.
Toward the end of the performance, more comments
could be heard. Things like "Take Five" sounds like the
record only better" and "That part sounds like the night
mare I had last night."
Selections from "Dave Digs Disney" were presented.
The general opinion seemed to be "Nebraska Digs