v Marilyn Hoegemeyer, editor Mike Jeffrey, business manager Page 2 Thursday, September 23, 1965 Commended Student Senators passed resolutions, the ASUN budget, and several amendments without a dissenting vote at Wednesday's meeting. Though every measure passed unanimously, there was some discussion. There were a few high spots. For the resolution involving the student football ticket mix-up, we say congratulations. Something in the way of concrete suggestions for improvement of ticket handling will now be passed through the proper channels we trust. We certainly endorse the proposal that football tickets not be issued to band members, athletes and others who have free passes for the games. Access to extra tickets is a privilege they have retained for too long a time. That the East stadium be reserved only for students and faculty also meets our approval and commendation. It is unfortunate that Senator Bob Samuelson was not able to disclose some of his discussion with Ticket Man ager James Pittenger and other officials. But, we believe in compromise to a degree. Sometimes it is the only way forward. The amendment to the ticket resolution, approved by the Student Senate, stipulating that students be able to purchase a ticket "sometime in August" apears to be a way of insuring pre-registered students a stadium seat. We hope that it is. We also hope the resolution finds its way to the source of the continuing ticket problem, that the suggestions off ered by the Student Senate be read and considered not slightly. It is the analysis and aproval of the Student Senate's proposals or modifications of the roposals which will de termine the power of our new student government. Their effectiveness in promoting actions beneficial to the University student is essential, for in their power lies ours. Something Wrong The Campus Opinion column provides you, the reader, an oportunity to sound off either in a pleasant or dis gusted way about your life here at the University. Something seems to be wrong. Perhaps nothing has happened yet this fall to make your heart beat a little faster or your temper flare. Maybe nothing has even aroused your interest or made a noticeable impression on your brain. We deny all those assumptions. Perhaps you believe in leaving all the decisions and discussions to others. We know some of you don't have that attitude. What's the problem? It could be a break down in communications. Maybe you aren't aware of the proeed Daily Nebraskan, Room 51, Nebraska Union. Typed let ters are better. There will be less chance that your pen ers are better. There will be less chance that your pen manship fouls up our communication cycle. All letters must be signed, but you may request a "nom de plume," and your wish will be granted. The e d i t o r re serves the right to shorten and delte letters to the editor. That's the procedure. Now there should be no prob lem. Come on reader, we krlow you're out there. MARILYN HOEGEMEYER Poison Ivy If you are diligently searching your fine little conscience (at NU?) won dering what sin God dredged up that would prompt this column from me as apt punishment fear not. We (He and I) still do not know your se cret sin (exempt juniors in Arts and Sciences, you will receive your blackmail let ters Tuesday), but anyway this is not punishment; pain, yes, but not out and out punishment. Besides you must admit it is better than listening to your history lecture, isn't it? Found out a very inter esting fact the other day when I stumbled into class in 1650, 50 gallons of rum was being manufactured per person in New England and that was before Coke. Good grief, no wonder those pilgrims were always giving thanks! Heard that several of our Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, National Ad vertising Service, Incorporated. Published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONE: 477-8711, Extensions 2588, 2589 and 2590. IMianrripMaa rate arc $4 acr aenwttar ar 14 imr ae araaVmle rear. T.alrrti at rront rl matter at Uw at afflec la Untala, Naaraaka, aaVr Uw art at Auimt 112- Tbc Railr Nerka It aaMUh.a' Mana'ar, ttxtneadar. Thur.aar tni Friday during the h'l rear, eir.pt daring aaratlana and nam twiada, ay alaoVnla ol the lalveraltr at Wrkraafca aader the jurlaoVltaa af Ue farnJIr Habrvinmittar aa Ntadent ranllrallaaa. PuMlratfam ana II free ram eenawrahln a the ftvaeammittee ar anr aaraaa atltaide ta I'adTeraHr. Member af tba Kebraafcaa are reanwaifnle far want tbr eaaae ta be printed. KDITORIAL STAFF Hilar. MARILYN HoKOr MRVr Bi manarinf edilar. f'ARttl.K EKNOi aeara cditar. WAVSK HTIHI,H1i apart edilar, JIM KWAKT.l altkt arwa editor, BOB Wfcl HrKF.LI.i aaniar Mall vrltera, WAYNE HUM KTHr K. TrVE JORDAN: nniar atafl writera, JAN ITKIN, BKI.'CE i.H.t.H. IHANK I.INI. ll IHT, TON? Mvmi Mat Catnnaa reavrler, JANK PAl.MEB; aaerta aaaiatant. tSKVS ffcAKHP; cap? etfltar. FOLLY EHYNOLD, CAftOLYM OKIfTIN. KPKNCF.R DA VIM, BUSINESS STAFF Hnaira manager, MIKE tr.rrvU.Yt kualaeaa a.alatanta. CONNIE A Ml Hhe.V, BKI fc HRH.HT, MIKE KIMKMAN, HHIKLF.Y Vf'.NTINKl etrralatlaa auger, LYNN RATHJEN' anbaerlptlaa manager, JIM DICK. BCMXfEfW OFTICB WOl'ftft: - :m. Masdar (hraagk Friday. THE PANCAKE MAN 1300 NO. 66th Hot Vt off oil Pancoko nUrs For oil ftvdtrJts fii, tot. 1 Sun. Jvst tN yen or o itvtW t U f N to f et tkt iptclol prim Alt try oor sftaks, sandwiches mi submarines at prices yen will enjoy. THE PANCAKE MAN South f 4 ftsr 0r 6th i Dudley gilded houses of repute got their hands slapped lately for various insidious tactics during Rush Week. Yes, Virginia, there are some houses who dirty rush. Now, all together now, one-two-three, shame, shame. However, justice once again triumphs. As such, these groups will not be al lowed to participate in so cial functions for two months. But never fear, they will rise to the occa sion and participate in Der by Day. So, you find yourself ask ing, ''then just what the heck is considered a social function?" I'm rather wondering too, but rest assured the guilty houses will not, ab solutely will not be allowed to go to the bathroom as a group. That is certainly a function. p.b. By Frank Partsch I don't often do book re views ,but the 1965 issue of F E S T E R by J. G. Grapevine deserves some mention before the student body. FESTER (Functional Evaluation of Students Try ing to Enter Robe) is nothing more than a series of percentages rating the depth, sincerity and com petence of so-called student leaders. The results are ironic in some cases we find that some students lack all three virtues. To me, this is inconsis tent with the term leader ship. It's moreover incon sistent with the term fol lowership, which is just as important. Someday soon I hope to be able to put some concrete dressing on this abstract feeling. But, to get into specifics, let us take for example the predecessor of our student body government, the old Student Council. FESTER ratings are as follows: depth, 30 per cent; sincer ity, five per cent; compe tence 17 per cent. And yet I fully agreed with last year's President John Lydick that it was the most capable Student Council in recent times. This is one reason for a new type of student gov ernment here. It also ex plains the concern still felt by many students and administrators that all is not as it should be. Before delving more deeply into the supreme as pects of student govern ment, I probably should hastily and parenthetically add that the ratings for IFC, dorm governments, and most campus groups I ij It tl bi rJ n'nfl liH brograins A bumpy new breed of brogans: light as wing tips. Black and hand stained ivy wood or hickory leather inside and out. Budget lot up to J. C. Roberts, young man? Ask tor Kingsway Shoes $8.85 to $10.95. Wouldn't you Ilka teM In our ihoT Most of Amtrici It. International Shot Co.,Stloul,Mo. Available at these fine stores: f CAN'T SEE? THEN TRY THE: ci ipper 119 N. 12th Street Appointments Available Call: 432-3412 Student Memberships $5.00 Adult Memberships $8.50 Closet Case were similar to the Student Council rating. (National PanHellen ic regulations prohibit the release of such information about PanHel officers, but FESTER rated the perform ance of those responsible for making and upholding this rule as an even three per cent in all three cate gories.) Now the question probab ly arises: "How, out of 15. 000 students can we fail to find representatives that are able to score a higher rating on the FESTER scale?" Several qualifications should be pointed out at this point: Perhaps those who compile the information ex pect too much quality, sin cerity and depth. I think not. Perhaps too many per sonal interests are taking precedence over too many University interests. I think so. Perhaps there is too much political and social patronage. Just look at the death of the senator's pro gram, the dying of the master's program, the mon strous losses suffered by the Greek system in recent years. These are the fruits of patronage. But finally and most important, perhaps the rea sons for many students' en tering "positions of lead ship" are totally and im morally debased. Thoughts of glory as implied in the very name of FESTER are the prime motiva tions behind many of our "student leaders." One FESTER rating stood out. The Constitu tional Convention that is responsible for our new BARBER SHOP LINCOLN COMMUNITY CONCERT Now Available From Student Salesman. Or at the Nebr. Union Booth Sept. 27-Oct. 1 government rated: depth 65 per cent; sincerity 80 per cent; competence 45 p e r cent. Delegates to the conven tion were chosen, however, by college deans. Our new student body government is fortunate to have among its member ship some of the real lead ers who served on the con vention. It is also plagued with some of those respon sible for the miserable rat ings received by other or ganizations last year. By way of prediction, I would think that Kent Neu meister could call his year a success if he can get his body up to these ratings: depth 35 per cent; sincer ity 100 per cent. Base-r According to "rumors," the new North stadium was felt to sway by several spectators. Perhaps the structure was weakened by big Freeman White's leap into it after catching his touch down pass. It would be a spectacular finale to the next game to have the structure fall, and we object to the contractor's investigating it. The fire alarm system at Abel hall does not work. This is probably comforting to the residents, in that they do not have to worry about being awakened at night by a fire alarm. The system soon will be repaired, though, and we wish them luck till then in case of a fire. When You Don'f n n n n sa J CLASSICAL f OUR "SPECIAL PURCHASE" GIVES YOU FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON CLASSICAL RECORDS! r UMj at uUtfiacfrMzrafrrT I Fox's By Gale Pokorny The season, this year, was better than ever be fore, so instead of merely redecorating the forty-nine rooms on the first floor as they had originally planned, the campus magnates de cided to have the whole palace redone. TI.e three-quarter acre marble patio in the back yard would simply have to go, for that was the only logical location for the ninety-foot, jade -lined, swimming pool strictly for the use of college students. The pool was to be exactly twenty feet deep and would fulfill a special dream in the heart of its owner who has seen many a student go into deep water. Something also would simply have to be done with the crushed mother of pearl driveway. Those gems sim ply didn't hold up the way the salesman said they would. Whenever a breeze came up, pearl dust was everywhere. The salesman hadn't really misled them though. He said the crushed pearl would stand up to the weight of a Rolls Royce or two and it had. But all those armored trucks going back and forth from the house had proved to be just too much. The fifteenth century tap estry carpet in the recep tion hall was also scheduled to be replaced. All those college students who en tered that vast room usual ly wound up breaking down and all those tears had ruined the color scheme. The red was beginning to blur the white and it looked pretty bad. Whose house are we talk ing about anyway? Could it be the Rothchild villa Are In Colo. Miss The Nations Largest College Haunt IN Boulder, Colo. Where The Action Is! warn m 98k m um Facts somewhere in France, you say. No, but it was a good guess. Well then, you say, maybe it's Lady Bird's week-end resort. Wrong again but you're getting warm. Actually this hum ble abode belongs to a text book merchant who preys on unsuspecting Cornhus kers. Thev strike from deadly ambush, a sales counter and hit right where it hurts, the genuine bleed ing Madras wallet. As I stood in line one day last week with a "selection of textbooks in one hand and a forty-eight dollar check in the other, to pay for my expensive tastes (like going to school), I could not help but envy the business the store was en joying and the money it must make. Let's see now, 14,000 stu dents at about 35 or 40 dol lars apiece . . . Why with that kind of business, the store wouldn't even have to be greedy to make a mint. There wouldn't be any rea son to charge prices like ten and twelve dollars for a single book. There wouldn't be any reason to say that a text book won't be used on this campus anymore and there fore it's only worth a dime or a quarter, when the bookstore buys it back, only to ship it else where, and have the whole cycle start again. There would be no reason to claim a three or four dollar depreciation on a book that was hardly touched. But then why be envious, after all this is what makes Capitalism click. Like they say there's a sucker born every minute and around here it figures out to be roughly 14.000 a semester. "Presenting 5 CONCERTS"