The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 03, 1965, Page Page 4, Image 4
i i i I ! Poge 4 The Summer Nebraskan Tuesday, August 3, 1965 it 6Post Office Kissing' Can Be Dangerous EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol lowing article was written in 1938 under the Federal Writ ers' Project. The project was created during the depression TIME CLOCK Varsity: 'Lord Jim", 1:00, 3:39, 6:21, 9:03. Stuart: The Siimlpiper', 1 :00, 3:05, 5:10, 7:20, 9:25. Nebraska: 'I Snw What You Did', 1:30, 3:30, 7:30, 9:30. 84th & O: Cartoon, 8:15. 'Xiyht Of The iKtmnn', 8:22. 'Moll Flan ders', 10:15. 'Fun In Aciiimlco', 12:20. to keep more persons doing work, rather than going in the relief lines. Articles such as this were sent to editors around the state to use in their publications. Although the activities in cluded in the once popular kissing game called "Post Office" are undoubtedly as well liked as ever, the game itself is no longer known. Research workers of the! Federal Writers' Project, j WPA, have found, related in ! Nebraska newspapers, inci- ! dents of a kind which probab ly had much to do with the game's decline in favor A Beatrice young man, for instance, claimed that he was enticed into a game of Post Office on evening in 1894, with the result that he went about for several days after wards with his lips so sore he could hardly talk or eat. This would seem to be legitimate j cause for complaint, since' nearly everyone likes to talk Land few care to go without eating. Even worse, however, was the sad case of the young fellow whose carefully tend ed mustache was his great est pride. He, too, got into a kissing party one night, and after a thrilling session found his mustache so full of chew ing gum that he had to cut it off. NEBRASKA WANT ADS lost Ldlf wrist witch, on I'nlvemlty cm- I pus. Reward. 423.5046. DOORS OPEN AT 12:45 STARTS FRIDAY r He winned her . . . Dined her . . i4o no 13 th st. . then tried to unwind her . . ' - 4321465. , LESLIE CARDN j CHARLES B OYER m nittMiittai MUM m m ii iiB WALTER SLEZAK DICK SHAWN - larry storch nita talbot A UNIVERSAL -LANKtRSHIM PRODUCTION TECHNICOLOR II u i Wtl PAKKINl, tor Stuart and Nebraika latter p.m. at: Rampart !21h 1 " Auto Peril. 13th I O State Securities Self rark 1)10 N Car Part Garaqe, 1 )tk I M. t!44"P"ST. 4333I2S DOORS OPEN 12:45 PARAMOUNT PlCWttS PRfSFNJS CTABTC tDIMAV " jiHni j rniuH i ,j HODS' ir XW onYER DANA ANDREWS ricHHicoLon" 2 LOCATIONS 865 NO. 27th 5305 "O" ST. Look For The Golden Arches Pore Beef Hamburger 15c Tasty Cheeseburger 20c Triple-Thick Shakes 20c Golden French Friei 10c Thirst-Quenching Coke 10c Delightful Root Beer 10c Steaming Hot Coffee 10c Delicious Orange Drink 10c Refreshing Cold Milk 12c OPEN ALL YEAR OPEN 7:30 SHOW 8:15 DRIVE-IN THEATRE FIRST LINCOLN SHOWING If Blondes have more fiui-then Sweden's got to be the funniest place on earth!!! where natural wonders await you... where the exhilarating air gives you a i lift... 4 where you join in quaint local customs.. z . . : -1 " L MiAarn mo LUVVaiU Ul I lull presents B0B1PE-I1YII IN COLOR HI, fnqhsh translation' r Jeah...Teab...Yeabt!t A I S 0 FIRST SHOWING LINCOLN CUFF ROBERTSON I JACK HAWKINS ! MARISA MELL -x:; MASQUERADE W Prairie Paradox CSEld iis Beauty Mov$ ei Sale! This magazine is a "must" for every Nebraskan. Produced by the School of Journalism Depth Reporting FrojccL it tells the story of Nebraska's beauty. Fifteen pages of full color. Twelve excitinc stories about the magnificent beauty of Nebraska. A treasure chest in stories and pictures. Read it. enjoy it. Fill fill Send lo: ......... Dcpih Report No. 3 '' "md m c,",ie" "f "FM dx" School of Joutwlitm ' b ,0 c,,ver c'"t' ! ni. i... i Ni',,; : SPECIAL DISCOUNT -TO- STUDEiTS-FACULT KAUFMAN'S Jewelers 1332 O ONE OF THE GREAT AOVrUTIIPF FHMt OF AU TIKE! I - fasti, y JT A rem 1 ntm T atrr X HTftOIT ft iN .III? VVallach Hamns Lukas "Peter OToole is fascinating!" yr fftnltf Tribvn LjJU " 'I'T F.Y CHANG C r r I i ii In Li,r,M -S-l f ' , .- LI 13 (2 A S. Cl. A 1135 'R' STREET ONLY $1.01) I'l'H CCM'V Addr "" mnnnimii , ' ... ), .