The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 08, 1965, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesdoy, July 8, 1965
Poge 2
Enrollment Increase Creates Dormitory Demand
The Summer Nebraskan
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EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the third in a series of articles
exploring the expansion going on at the University.
By Beth Robbins
Wilh University enrollment on the up
swing, there is a constant demand for addi
tional housing. "Planners are responding to
the need," according to Carl Donaldson,
University business manager.
According to University plans, one new
dormitory will be finished each year for the
next three years.
Abel Hall, named for ;
Oportre B. Abel. Lincoln con-1 son of Lincoln.
tractor, is the first of these j
dormitories. "Finished for all j
nractical purposes," workers
are pouring sidewalks and i ...
j 17th Street, a second new
dormitory is also rising. Al
i though, as Donaldson said,
;the new dormitories "can be
shifted either way as the pop
ulation changes," the Univer-
the total cost
of the dormitory will reach
between 4.25 and 4.5 million
dollars, Donaldson said.
ng details, according
to Donaldson. They are also
moving the furniture into the
building he said.
The massive dormitory,
"like Pound and Cather Halls,
jammed together," will house
88 people on each floor. This
will include two counselors.
The floors will be divided into
two sections for activities and
dorm government, according
to Donaldson.
To speed transportation in
the building, two of its four
elevators will serve floors one
through six, the other two
floors seven through twelve.
Designed by Davis and Wil-
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sity presently plans to house
440 women there in the fall of
1966. The Board of Regents:
has not yet named the build-1
ing. i
The third new dormitory is
planned for a site on North i
14th Street, to be finished in i
1967. It will house between 12
and 14 hundred students, Don
aldson said. j
The University is also con
sidering building a housing
complex to be leased by so
rorities and fraternities. This
idea is "widely accepted"
among the various houses as
one possible solution to the
land and housing shortage,
according to Mike Oottschalk,
expansion chairman of Inter
fraternity Council.
Gottschalk and Donaldson
agreed that the confined posi
tion of the campus will pose
Abel Hall Windows, windows, everywhere, and many, many students to fill them
. problems for future expan-1 hellenic advisor.
"Were adequate housing
available," Gottschalk said,
"at least two more fraterni- j
ties would colonize the Ne- j
braska campus next year, and
as many as five in the next
five years."
A similar situation exists
among sororities, according
to Miss Madeline Girard, Pan- j
According to Miss Girard
and Gottschalk, one sorority,
Gamma Phi Beta, and two
fraternities, Phi Gamma Del
ta and Alpha Tau Omega, are
building additions this sum
mer. The ATO Annex has
been leased by the Alpha Del
ta Pi sorority. They are ren
ovating the house and will
move in next fall, Miss Gi
rard said.
Criminals Not 'Coddled'
(Continued from page 1)
' '' ' '.."1
.Vi-r-l Vl,. t, . . t f'z 'Ji iZx
is scheduled for
"You can go to our files and
pull out the case histories
and they'll show that mental
illness is not what makes a
man a convict." he said.
He said the files would show
inai somemmg iiKe u per ceni jnvolved,"
oi an inmates are unsKinea,
lacking in education, lacking
in spiritual training. They
have low-to-normal IQs and
alcohol somewhere in their
background, involving either!
In compliance with the
Board of Regents' housing
code, which goes into effect
this fall, Phi Delta Theta,
Theta Xi and Sigma Chi fra
ternities are being remodeled.
Several others will be re
paired extensively or remod
eled in the next few years,
Gottschalk said.
The main causes for expan.
a parent or themselves, and sion or remodeling are a iacK
an almost complete lack of an ! of space, the University hous
interest that would let them j ing code and a need to meet
their leisure time con- city tire regulations, uous-
chalk said.
"So other sociological prob
lems, not mental illness, are
Sigler said.
ine new trirls dorm now under construction Desiue Aoei Mau,
use in the fall of
Twenty-six Journalists
Completing Internships
Being Held
Thirty secondary school
teachers have been selected to
attend an Institute for Educa
tional Media Specialists at the
University this summer.
The Institute is designed to
train teachers as coordinators
of instructional materials in
school buildings, according to
jDr. Robert Stepp. member of
the University staff and Insti
1 tute director.
i Participants will be intro
duced to and given experience j
in all phases of the operation i
of audio-v i s u a 1 equipment, I
production, of materials and
administration of an instruc
tional materials center.
And, he added, it is doubt
ful if psychiatric treatment
could have helped Starkweath
er. "He killed once and it didn't
bother him. Then he killed
some more. And then he was
killing to cover up evidence.
There was never any remorse.
"Sure, circumstances of en
vironment were involved. And
maybe a psychiatrist could
have helped him at an early
age. But when he came here
he was a vicious animal,"
Sigler said.
Twenty-six School of Jour- Johnson,
nalism students are complet-, HERALD
ing professional internships
this summer, according to Dr.
William E. Hall, director of
the School of Journalism.
Twenty-one are employed
on the editorial staffs of news
papers, two in broadcasting Partsch,
Lincoln. Ml AM 1 1
A town & campus
1229 R St.
and three in advertisine. All WORLD
but five are working in Schultz, Lincoln. LINCOLN
Nebraska STAR; Diane Steffenscn, Om-
The Institute is financed by
a $44,000 grant from the U.S.
Office of Education under the
National Defense Education
U'ullic I .nnrippn I .incnln I ACT.
ROCHESTER, N.Y. TIMES-1 Participants include: Mel vin
UNION;' Mona Morris, Grand! Abrahamzon, Ralston; Alva
Island. SIOUX CITY, I A., Cavett, Lincoln; Dorothy
JOURNAL: Prlscilla Mullins, Coleman, Pineville, La.; Rich
Lincoln. EDITOR, SUMMER ard Corwtne. Millard; Thom
NEBRASKAN; Frank as Crockett, Lincoln; Richard
St. Paul, OMAHA : Cronin, Hastings; Elizabeth
HERALD; Tranda Dillion, Grand Island; Glen
Dockins, Farmington, Mo.
The summer internship
signments include:
Newspapor: Mike Baxter.
Don Beman. Lincoln. LIN
Elinor Bemun. Lincoln. LIN
Bob Besom. Bellevue. PINE
CIAL; Arlene Chester. Mc
DEPENDENT; Richard Cote,
Nelson. British Columbia,
INE; Gwendolvn Drake,
NAL; Jean Grotcluschen, Co
Marilvn Hoegcmeypr, Hooper,
Mary Douglass, Lincoln;
ALI); Diana Stover, Fairfield, Darlene Goldammer, Seward;
OMAHA WORLD HERALD; ftovle Gump, Lincoln; Myr
P.ill Tillinghast, Lincoln, LIN-! tie Hall, Sargent; Leo Hal
COLN JOURNAL: Kenneth ahaIli wilcox, Ariz.; John Ku
Bouc, Wahoo. OAKLAND IN-Cer jr Bellevue; Jerry
MT..MIWI; ,';"Ke"V a";iLudwig. Bellevue; William
die, Stanton. N O R FOLK
DAILY NEWS; Myrna Tegt
meier, Borehard, LINCOLN
Broadcasting: Di Kosman,
Scottsbluff. STATION KRLA
LOS ANGELES; LvnnMorian,
Lincoln, UPI, OMAHA.
Advertising: Tim Brown,
U-xington, OMAHA WORLD
HERALD; Richard Whitnev,
HERALD; Jan Slaughter, Lin
5727 Baldwin
Sailboats or Canoes
for inl or tal
new and used
make your reservation! now
Dave Hutchinson
Mos, Bellevue; Marjorie Nee
land, Chadron; Gary Nickels,
Beatrice; John Potter, Ot-
tumwa, la.;
La Jean Price. Lincoln; Don
; aid Reiner, Fremont; Ha-zel
Rolston, Wakefield; Alice
;Ross, Ainsworth; Sister Mary
Virginia, Omaha; Doris Stahl
necker, Lincoln; Robert
Sullivan, Omaha; George
Swartz, Grand Island; Marie
Trachta, Cedar Rapids, la.;
George Wlldrick, Omaha;
Marjorie Yost, Sutton.
Want Ads
Library Institute
In Session Now
A four-day conference on the
"Creative Instructional Uses
of Reference Materials" is be
ing held at the Nebraska Cen
ter this week, ending tomor
row. More than 100 elementary
teachers, librarians and a
group of authorities on early
childhood teaching are attend
ing. The program, sponsored by
Teachers College and coordi
nated by Dr. O. W. Kopp,
chairman of the department of
elemntary education, gives
the teachers a chance to ob
serve reference material les
sons in the Clare McPhee Lab
oratory School.
Each participant is given
the opportunity to develop a
project involving the use of
instructional materiarls with
the hope that unique ap
proaches will be developed.
Public Heallli
Job Interviews
Set For July 15
August graduates from the
University will have the op
portunity to talk to John An
drews, Public Health Advisor,
with the Venereal Disease
Branch of the U.S. Public
Health Service.
Andrews will be at the cam-
pus July 15 to interview grad
uates for positions as Pro
gram Representatives (VD.
He will be interested in hav
ing interviews with B.A. or
B.S. majors in the biological
sciences, English, language,
journalism, public health, phi
losophy, public administra
tion, psychology, the s o c i a 1
sciences, speech, communica
tion arts, math or the humani
ties. Interested students should
come to the Placement Office
in 340 Nebraska Union as soon
as possible to make individual
appointments with Andrews.
University W omen
Offered Opportunity
For Rec. Swimming
Women students and faculty
members have the opportuni
ty for recreational swimming
in the Coliseum swimming
pool from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Mon
day through Friday.
A ten cent fee for launder
ing of suits and towels is
charged to those not in a
swimming class.
Swimmers are asked to
bring their own caps, although
suits and towels are furnished.
These new paperback titles now on display
Gandhi: An Autobiography by Beacon Press, Golden Ages of the Theater by Kenneth MacGowan
History of Modern Music by Paul Collaer, The Venetian Affair by Helen Maclnnes
Also a wide selection of study aids and criticisms.
University Bookstore
Nebraska Union, lower level
If v
" s
are set side by tide In thf engagement ring tht
grace and glitter of the marquiw a foil for tht
brilliant round-cut. Unuiuai and charming,
it definitely ha the aura of the conuc nilonaf.
Charge or budget
Illustration ilightly tnlttgti