PNlVSJtsiTY OP Nsr Vol. 80, No. 131 The Daily Nebraskan Thursday, May 20, 1965 Parking Expansion Requested Student Association passed a motion yesterday recom mending the administration to consider constructing a park ing lot south of the football field. Bill Potts, who introduced the motion, said that this lot could be used s a faculty lot or if the Selleck lot was made into a faculty lot, the new lot could be used by the students. Bill Poppert, who was chair man of this year's Student Council Parking Committee, announced last week that ad ministration was considering making the Selleck lot a fac ulty parking lot. "Next year there will be both more faculty and stu dent cars and in order to cheat no one, we need anoth er lot for the faculty and the students," he said. At the meeting Bill Coufal was elected president pro tempore of the Senate. He will take the vice president's place when he is absent and is third in line for the presi ency if anything should hap pen to the president or vice president. Andy Taube, Joan McCly mont and Terry Schaaf were elected members , of the Stu dent Association executive board. Thev will work with President Kent Neumcister and Vice President Larry Frolik on executive matters and discuss legislation before It is brought before the Sen ate. Neumeister announced that there will be a Senate meet ing next week during Dead Week. He said that they will have a meeting to discuss the grade average that should be used next year with the new grad ing system in order for a stu dent to be eligible for extra curricular activities. He said a Senate committee will in vestigate the grade average matter before the meeting. Gary Larsen, wh is the new chairman of the Service Day Committee, announced that the University's first Service Day will be Saturday. He said that various cam pus religious and s er v i c e groups will work in nursing homes and oter places in Lin coln. Another group of 60 stu dents will help the Lincoln Lancaster County Health De partment in a cleanup drive. Reasoner To Talk To Alum College Harry Reasoner, newscast er for the Columbia Broad casting System, will deliver a telelecture during the fourth annual University Alumni College, June 10 and 11, at the Nebraska Center for Contin uing Education. Reasoner will speak by tele phone hook-up through the cooperation of A. James Ebel of Lincoln and station KOLN TV. Other sessions of the pro gram will include "The Argu ment of the Arts," "Educa tional Television," "T h e Teaching Environment of the 70's," "The Far East," and How Conservative is Nebras ka?" These sessions will be presented by University fac ulty members. The Alumni College, which Is open to public participation, is sponsored by the Nebraska Alumni Association. Total fee for this year's program, in cluding four meals, is $16. Placement Office Asks Registration For Jobs All students who plan to seek employment after graduation in 1966 were urged to leave their names in the Placement Division Office in the Student Union. Division Director Frank Hallgren said placement in terviews will begin in early October, and that it is import ant that students planning to work through the division in finding employment contact him as soon as possible. ft Si tlgd32fi& ' - it v, , :jp6 J A LOOKS LIKE THE END OF THE SEMESTER . . . With only one more week of classes left, this scene will be a familiar one as students search through one semester's accum ulation of "work" to find the answers for final exams. IK Adopts Hew Pledge Average, But Sets Required Initiation Number A 2.300 grade average was subjects on which they are set by the Interfraternity qualified, as well as inform Council, last night as the ing them about the campus pledge average required for in general, initiation into fraternities. j App0mting 'big brother' to The new ruling, which neip the pledges become a cnanges ine pyiaws ior ir was suggesieu uy juiin rosier, scholarship chairman for IFC. The measure also calls for a minimum of 60 per cent of the , j picugco iu uc iiiiiiaicu, cvwi Having me picugc mm. possiuiiiiy oi naving a iiuu though this many pledges had a theme on what he wants , voting Parliamentarian f o r not met the requirement of and expects of the University council meetings next year. 2.3. i Cosier read a list of grade vusici imu a not. i giauc averages and percentages of i initiation from other Big Eight schools, and pointed out that a 2.3 average s the most quirements. Having housemothers give He said that midwest a talk Hf"" schools where fraternities set ners and the social graces. the average at 2.0 are actual- i The Council informally ap ly saying "Be reasonably sta- proved an idea calling for a ble and we'll initiate you." $30 salary for house health v,,n 4 thinb- that tva phniritian. .Tohn Luckasen told X U UAC tV tlllim LUUL TTrm;prcitv ran h hptter than this," Cosier said, "and I'd talked with Dr. Fuenning from like to see a higher require- Student Health, and learned ment for initiation." that there is a strong possi- Earl Watkins, Pi Kappa Wty that such a salary can Alpha fraternity national rep- be secured by Stud e n t rescntative appeared before Health through a work scho -the Council, saying that his arship program of the Fed fraternity is interested in co- eral Government. Ionizing at the University, be- such a salary for the chair ginning in the fall if possible. man WOuld obligate them to Watkins said that the fra- be responsible for all corres- ternity would provide three pondence and coordination be- scholarships for students next tween the house and Student fall if they did colonize here. Health, as well as attending The University chapter,! training sessions at Student which would be called Gam- Health. mPela;v,WTTSiPreVifUSf:: "This would obligate the safari at tno TTniworctTV nAfnro . . . wtt '"Voih the War, Watkins said. Asked bv President Buzz Madsen if the national group has any 'clauses' in their con-1 c...: nrn,i m that! BMLUlluii, ainiiis Baiu fr 11 a i while Pi Kappa Alpha does not discriminate on the basis of race or religion, it does "if that person doesn't have enough money to belong to a fraternity, or is not morally acceptable." , Watkins said that the na- tional group was interested in participating in Rush Week in the fall. ! Watkins was scheduled to adding that he didn't think meet with IFC representatives that they "understand entire and Board of Control mem- lv the savings which can be bers after last night's meet-j ing to discuss the possible co- lOnizatiOn. A program to assist in the sity which was scheduled to orientation of pledges to the be shown at last night's meet fraternity system and the Uni- g was not completed by an versity was suggested by Dan jowa firm working on it, ac Isman, pledge education cording to Gary Larsen, but it chairman. I should be done by this week- Isman's program included end. Those Council members several points, indlucing: iintersted in seing it were in- A project of having the vited to come to the IFC of pledges fill out a list with the, fice the first three days of names of the other pledges as well as familiarizing them selves with the actives. Having the pledge train or ho vo n Mnforonno with each pledge so he can get been completed yet. He re to know all the pledges bet-, minded delegates that fratcr tcr, and know their interests nities cannot contact possible and feelings. high school pledges until af- -Having fraternity officers ; or professors or administra- tors talk to the pledges onjtion to have house managers M - xl SSF J part of the fraternity -Having such activities as P functions with sorori- ues- and the fraternity system and what his goals are. u. ... K-p0nin.T the ntedPes or - cu - pied during New Student w k they will not become bored and disiliusioned. , the Council that he has ; healtn chairman to do a net . . T llptacpn eaiH aHH : vn n't i-rw-t m. jWU, UUVUUkJVll www. ey Fraternity Managers As- - - sociation chairman Sam Baird wmu wie uum w-i " tee members will be talking tn Individual houses this week or next week about the services ior next y cai. Baird had quoted some prices to the Council, Mad- sen urged the delegates to talk to their housemothers and Alum advisers about the sav ings which could be made, made." The drawing of the bill- WrH nrnmntina thA ITnivpr. next week Rush chairman Bill Poppert toid the Council that the ltusti list which was scheduled to hp readv mis week nag not ter Pm 011 June The Council carried a mo take a training session in;the Communists by sending house janitorial work two or j soldiers into the Dominican three days before Rush Week Republic, in the fall. The training course ! Before the marines went to ft k o woi 1 the island, he said, there were offer was made by a local ; some CommunistS) but they firm and will not cost train- were not connected with the ees. j At the close of the meet ing, John Cosier suggested Student Artists To Sell that the Council looK into me Ll I C( L U1C iw. ...vw ' ' - Cosier Dointed out that Par namentary procedure nas nut: 'hopn too mire this vear be- liamentary procedure has not j cause the officers could not 1 devote their full attention to: this matter. Seniors To Obtain Degrees June 12 Commencement exercises will be held in two sessions JmlSn a-- they will gradu ate Sss they have been notified to the contrary by the mVeTJSTr-grade changes affecting graduation 1S5K'JmUonrn!n0g session will begin at 10 a.m. and the afternoon session at 3:15. . , In the morning session those candidates from the fol lowing colleges will graduate. Agriculture and Home Eco norS; Business Administration, Teachers Teachers Ad vanced Professional (masters and doctors), Graduate masters and doctors from all departments m Agncultu e and Home Economics, Business Administration and Edu- C3tl All' candidates for degrees to be granted at the morn ing session are asked to report to the auditorium lobby promptly at 9:15 a.m. . The afternoon session will be made up of those candi dates from Arts and Science, Engineering and Architec ture, Dentistry, Law, Pharmacy, Graduate (masters and doctors from all departments in Arts and Sciences, En gineering and Architecture, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and the Medical Sciences). f All candidates for degrees to be granted at the af ternoon session are asked to report to the auditorium loh by at 2:30 p.m. Each candidate is required to participate in Uie ses sion at which his college graduates. All candidates are urged to notify the Registrar s Office by June 4 if they do not expect to be present at com mencement. All must pay an in absentia fee of ten dollars at the Registrar's Office. All candidates wear caps and gowns at the com mencement exercises. Candidates for doctor's (including DDS and JD) ana master's degrees must have hoods also. Caps, gowns, and hoods should be ordered at the local bookstore at the student's earliest convenience. Candidates for Doctor of Education or of Philosophy degrees will be hooded on the stage duirng Commence ment so they should take their hoods or ask to have them delivered to Miss Shirley Thomsen, 209 Administration Building, by June 10, so that they can be assembled for hooding ceremonies. Commencement Marshals are authorized to remove from the processional anyone not In proper academic at tire. Admission tickets are not needed for attending the Commencement exercises. Candidate's families and friends are invited to come and may sit any place in the Audi torium except in the space reserved for the graduating cIhss. Diplomas will be distributed in the auditorium base ment immediately following the commencement exercises. A diploma receipt card must be presented at this time. In Absentia graduates and doctorial candidates who are given their diplomas during the hooding ceremonies must return the card to the Registrar's Office. The two-dollar fee for candidates for Teaching Certifi cates must be filed in the Registrar's office by May 27. Any change in graduation plans must be reported to the Registrar's Office at once. U.S. Ac ommunist By Wayne Kreuscher Junior Staff Writer The United States help ing Communism in Latin America? Dr. Michael Meyer, assist ant professor of Latin Ameri can history at the University, told the Daily Nebraskan Tuesday in an interview about present conditions in the Do minican Republic that we are helping Communism to spread. "President Johnson's deci sion to send marines into the Dominican Republic," he said, "was very ill-advised and con trary to the best interests of the United States." He said that sending ma rines into Latin American was against the philosophy under lying the Organization of American States and adds to the bad legacy that the United States has been trying to live down in Latin America since the 1930's. Meyer pointed out that the only real reason that we sent marines to the island was be cause Johnson thought that Communists had infiltrated the junior officer movement that is now trying to over throw the junta in power and restore the old president. Meyer said that rather than stop Communist infiltration ha ITnifall Statpe ntllv hpltlpH Work At Sale Today Student art work will go on sale in the Pan American room of the Nebraska Union , The sale will begin at noon and continue through 8 p.m. Art work will also he ; on saie 1 tomorrow irom noon io o j...... Hon FiarSlhiefs junior officers who are now trying to change and reform the present government. "The marines pushed the two anti groups, the Commu nists and the junior officers, together," he said. He explained that by choos ing to militantly support the present status quo, conserva tive government, the Ameri cans are forcing those who want to reform the govern ment to join with the com munists. "The United States is in danger," he said, "of failing to support reform-minded gov ernments, government on the democratic left." Meyer pointed out that if the United States somehow helped these people who are only seeking to reform their government, the United States "would steal the thunder from Communism and decrease the Communistic threat in coun tries seeking reform." "News dispatches," he said, "indicate that Communist ac tivity is stronger now in the Republic than what it was, but they still haven't taken over leadership. The Communists seem content to let the ma rines make converts for them to Communism." He stressed the fact that by fighting against these people who want to reform the gov ernment, we are only pushing Students To Manage Outstate Mass Media Five teams of University journalism students will pub lish daily newspapers, pro duce picture pages and oper ate a radio station on field trip assignments next week. Students involved in the project will assume complete responsbility for the May 24 and 25 editions of the Holdrege Citizen News, Kearney Hub and McCook Daily Gazette, produce a picture page for the The Cambridge Clarion, and operate facilities at radio sta tion KNCY in Nebraska City. Since the journalism field trips were instituted in 1957 by Dr. William Hall, director of the School of Journalism, University students have pub lished every Nebraska out state daily newspaper at least once, as well as producing ad vertising sections and picture pages for numerous daily and weekly publications. More than 55 teams have been sent out on the field trip assign ments since 1957. Dr. Robert Cranford, profes sor of journalism at the Uni versity, will accompany the publishing team going to Kearney. The Kearney II u b will be published by Marilyn Hoegemeyer, managing edi tor; Sue Leonard, city editor; Judy Koepke, telegraph edi tor; Jan Curtis, sports editor, and Sally Jackson, society edi tor. Reporters will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beman, Karen Johnson, Jim Patten, and Glenda Woltemath. Bonnie Brown, Lois Quinnett, and Jim Swartz will serve as pho tographers. Marvin McNeff will serve as managing editor of t h e McCook Daily Gazette, with Mona Morris as city editor; Planning Institute Being Held Today Workshops designed to an swer questions on commun ity planning, including coun ty planning, will be an after noon feature of the Third Nebraska Planning Institute at the Nebraska Center today. Consultants for the annual institute include members of city planning and zoning com missions, professional firms and state officials. The luncheon address will be delivered by Lewis Debo, chairman of the Ottumwa. Ia., City Plan and Zoning Commission. Afternoon workshops will be conducted for those with a city i aster plan completed, those with planning programs beginning or contemplated, and for those Interested in county planning. A late after noon session will be held for discussion of the proposed Ne braska Planning and Zoning Association. Cause them further to the left, but that if we didn't interfere they would stay at a moderate left and democracy would grow as it is suppossed to. He explained that by send ing approximately 22,000 ma rines to the Dominican Repub lic we are not only confusing the civil war there, hurting our image and helping the communists, but we are ig noring the basic concept of the Organization ofAmerican States. Johnson, he pointed out. made the decision to send In marines before consulting the OAS. "If we had sent no soldiers in at all," he said, "the mod erate left reformers would have succeeded and the gov ernment would have become more democratic." He pointed out that the de mocratic left in Latin Ameri ca is one of the most anti Communist groups in the hemisphere. He said that the marines were going to have to be in there for a long time unless we can strike accord with the rebels. "We will continue with ma rines in the Dominican Repub lic and our present policies if we are not concerned about our image in Latin America ' and if we don't want to stop i Communism," he said. na Morris as city editor; Priscilla Mulllns, telegraph editor; and Tranda Schultz, society editor. Reporters for the McCook team will be Ken Bouc, Rich ard Cote, Jean Groteluschen, Gwen Drake and Wallis Lun deen. Photographers will be Vicki Winslow, Cheryl Parks, and Chester Gaddie. The group's faculty advisor is R. Neale Copple, professor of journalism at the University. Evelyn Rust will serve as managing editor for the Hold rege Citizen-News, with Vivi an Witte as city editor; Mike ! Woods, sports; and Diane Steffensen, society and wire editor. Reporters will be Ar lene Chester, Frank Partsch, Mark Plattner, Myrna Tegt meier, and Hall Foster. Photographers for the Hold rege staff will be Merlyn Kruse, Lana Walker and Jo ann Stohlman. Mrs. Gordon Young, instructor in journal ism, will supervise the staff. The picture page in Cam bridge will be produced by Lana Bredemeier, Anna Yo cum and Virginia Rybin, with Frank O'Neill, instructor in journalism, directing produc tion. Radio broadcasting students will be selected to accompany Robert Spearman, assistant professor of journalism, when the field trip takes over oper ations of KNCY in Nebraska City, May 26. French Lit Professor To Speak Tonite A University of C h 1 c a g o French literature professor, Bruce Archer Morrissette, will present a public lecture on "The French New Cinema," at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Ne braska Union. The lecture will be delivered in English, in room 232 of the Union. Professor Morrissette also will give a lecture in French on "The New Novel in Relation to the New Cine ma" tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. In room 320 Burnett Hall. Morrissette's visit is spon sored by the department of romance languages. Time will be made available for stu dents to consult with this professor, who has received an award from the French government for his studies. A native Virginian, Morris sette has a degree from the French university Clermont Ferrand. He received his doc torate In 1938 from John Hopkins University. In 1959 60, he was a Guggenheim re search fellow. He has been at the University of Chicago since 19C2.