The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 19, 1965, Image 1

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1865 w
Ten new nominations for
the Outstanding Nebraskan
award have been received.
The nominations include Dr.
Lawrence Crowe, Mrs. Dor
cas Cavett, Dr. Robert Man
ley, John Lonnquist, John
Klein, Betsy Nore, James
Levy, Glenn Korff, D u a n e
Francis and Peggy King.
This brings the total nomi
nations to sixteen. Previous
ly nominated were Dr. Rob
erto Esquenazi-Mayo, Dr.
Keale Copple, Jim DeMars,
JoAnne Strateman, Suzi
Walburn and Joan Skinner.
The award will be pre
sented to one student and
one professor at a luncheon
this Friday.
In three letters nominat
ing John Lonnquist, all
three writers stressed Lonn
quist's service and sacri
fice for his friends, h i s
school, his fraternity, cam
pus organizations and h 1 s
"Always he enjoyed help
ing and more often than not
he did far more than he was
asked." one writer said.
Another writer said that
Lonnquist "should be given
this award not because of
his impressive scholastic
and activity record, but be
cause he is THE outstanding
Nebraskan on this cam
pus." The letter said that Lonn
quist "is well known as the
past president of the Inno
cents Society, past president
of his fraternity, past presi
dent of A.U.F., past senior
advisor for Phi Eta Sigma,
etc, but to those who know
John, be is much more.
"John is the one whose
dynamic enthusiasm per
meates everything he
touches," the letter said.
"He is the one who ac
cepts responsibility and
challenge readily, the one
who is not afraid to do the
small task, the one who
gives credit where credit is
due. John's friendly smile
adds incentive to all those
who associate with him."
The letter said that a
"most unique facet concern
ing John's whole record is
the diversity of his talents:
scholarship, activities, in
tramurals, fraternity,
"John exemplifies all of
those qualities that make a
person truly outstanding,'"
the letter said.
The letter concluded that
Lonnquist the "the logical
choice, if the Outstanding
Nebraskan Award is to be
awarded, as the name im
plies, to THE outstanding
The letter nominating
John Klein said he "de
serves the honor of being
named Outstanding Nebras
kan because he has taken
a specific interest in this
University, has discovered
its needs and potentials.
While being a regular part
of the institution, as a stu
dent, be also has deliberate
ly and conscienciously set
out to create a permanent
improvement therein."
According to the letter,
Klein has received an upper-class
scholarship aid
several other financial
grants, and currently car
ries a 7.4 average ia the
Graduate College.
While at the Universily be
has been vice president and
president of his bouse, has
i-erved on RAM Council aid
the RAM Judiciary Com
mittee, and has served as
a representative from the
Graduate College to Stu
dent Council and to the Con
stitutional Convention, the
letter said.
At present, be is a mem
ber of Ibe Dean's Commit
tee on Racial Discrimina
tion and is an Associate
Justice of the Student Court
under the new Constitution.
He has been a Student As
sistant in Cather HaH for
the past two years, accord
ing to the letter.
Ib tbe letter, the writer
said Klein "deserves this
award as pub-He recognition
for the intelligent and com
prehensive part be bas tak
en is tbe mainstream of ad
vance at tbe Univ ersity.
He "always mates up Ids
own mind after careful con
sideration of all the evi
dence, and impartially d oes
what he things is best for
the long-range, overall good
of the student body," tie
letter said.
Kkin "has devised and
worked forcefully for a per
manent, Bgnificant con
tribution to the University
in form, the new Consti
tution and its concept of
The letter concluded that
Klein has measured up to
the scale of success, "be
coming, through his lasting
contribution of a new Con
stituion, an Outstanding Ne
braskan." Miss Nore
In the letter of nomina
tion for Betsy Nore, the
writer praised her "s 1 n
cere interest in others."
"Her concern for the
rights and feelings of her
fellow man led to active
participation in the Univer
sity charity organization,
All University Fund. Peo
ple to People and work as
a dorm counselor gave her
the opportunity for further,
contact with University stu
dents," according to the
The writer said that "a
solid example of her good
will toward others is tbe
lasting friendship she initi
ated with a French family
through the People to Peo
ple Brother-Sister Program.
Such contact is a small but
vital agent in promoting bet
ter understanding between
ethnic groups."
The letter concluded that
"with a proper balance be
tween academic endeavors
and outside activities and
with conduct proceeding
from good will, she has set
a fine example for fellow
students and is worthy of
consideration for the Out
standing Nebraskan
The letter nominating Jim
Levy said "he has proven
himself worthy of this hon
or because of his participa
tion in the furthering of
student activities on cam
pus with the effect of im
proving the student body
and the University commu
nity as a whole."
According to the letter,
Levy has served as past
president and vice presi
dent of his fraternity.
"Through his efforts as an
active member of tbe Inter
fraternity Council, be was
cbosen to Gamma Gamma,
a Greek honorary."
Levy "presented the ini
tial idea and helped to or
ganize the "Get-Out and
Vote" campaign concerning
the national election last
"Jim also furthered the
Jewish concern not only on
campus but also in the Lin
coln community by helping
to re-establish the Sigma
Delta Tau sorority and also
by helping to initiate the
advancement of the Hillel
Foundation on campus," ac
cording to the letter.
Tbe letter concluded that
"through these activities
and his scholastic attitude,
Jim bas definitely been aa
asset to tbe University and
a strong supporter of its
ideals and goals.
According to tbe letter of
nomination for Glenn Korff,
he "has asserted positive
leadership in his activities
and has shown great inter
est in tbe welfare of tbe
Korff was elected as pres
ident of his bouse in bis
sophomore year, according
to the letter, and "learned
to accept a great deal of
responsibility long before
most of bis classmates."
He has served as a rep
resentative to the Iaterfra-
f Cu"ca.?I,d.tb! .St" Nebraska University ha. ex
dent Council the letter Lv i t-.-- 1
said. He bas also bees a
member ef Kesmet Klub.
"In spile of bis many
e x t r a-cxirricular accom
plishments, Glenn has also
excelled in academic life
and bas been cbosen as a
member of both Phi Lamb
da Upsilon chemistry hon
orary, and Tbeta No, pre
medical honorary. accord
ing to tbe letter. He served
as vice president of Tbeta
Na and was a finalist for
tbe IFC sophomore scholar
snip. Tbe letter said that "in
recognition of bis outstand
ing work in all areas of
campus life, Glenn was
tackled as a member of In
nocents Society last
"It is apparent tbriObe
letter concluded, "that
Glenn Korff has served Ms
University cnselfishly, as
suming responsibility and
leadership whenever seed
ed. Fronds
Tbe letter of nomination
for Dwaine Francis said
that be "has contributed a
great deal to Lis college
and to engineering on cam
pus." Francis has been business
manager of Blue Print and
treasurer of this magazine,
has been on the Engineering
Publications Board for two
years and on the engineer
ing magazine, according to
the letter. He was co-chairman
of Program, an engi
neering magazine, and held
"numerous house offices"
in his fraternity.
"Dwaine has helped to
give engineering activities
on the University campus
Vol. 80, No. 130
The 1965 Cornhusker will be
distributed beginning Monday,
May 24 in the south party
room of the Nebraska Union,
Students mav pick up their
I copies of the book from 8:30
to 5:Jt) p.m.
University students who pur-!
chased a book during the fall
sales campaign should get
their book from May 24 1
through June 4. After June 4.
the Cornhusker staff re
serves the right to release
their book, as stipulated on
the student's receipt.
j Any student who has not
I been contracted and who wish
es to obtain a Cornhusker,
j may come to the south party
room for the purchase. A lim
ited number of books will be
sold from May 21 through
June 4. with additional copies
available after June 4. The
price to students purchasing
books from the spring dis
tribution sales will be 57.00.
AlB's Seek
Aid For
Book Drive
What does Ataturk Univer
sity in Turkey need from you?
Books, according to the Uni
versity's Mortar Boards, and
they're helping to collect
books of all kinds for the
Ataturk library.
Collection boxes are placed
in tbe faculty coffee rooms of
all major buildings on both
City and East Campuses, and
Mortar Boards will be coileet
ing books from faculty mem
bers during tbe two weeks be
fore the final examination pe
According to Harold Allen.
Chief Advisor of tbe United
States Operations Mission in
Turkey, tbe Ataturk Univer
sity library has a pressing
need for text and reference
books covering a broad range
of subjects, including (but not
limited to) all the agricultural
sciences, physical sciences
and social sciences including
"In addition," Allen said,
"books dealing with literature
and tbe arts would be most
welcome, along with fiction,
particularly tbe not-so-diffi-cull-to-read
"A high percentage of the
Turkish staff at Ataturk Uni
versity, and many of the stu
dents, are quite proficient in
English, and tbeir interests
are broad," be said.
turk since Tbe Univer
sity is located CO miles away
j from tbe searest library, and
so ute stuoenis most reiy en
tbeir unhemty's facilities.
Donors should attach a
slip of paper with tbeir name
aod department (if faculty),
and tbe book will be donated
in tbeir same.
Raymond To Head
Discussion Tonight
Dr. Robert Raymond win
be tbe fuest speaker at tbe
Economics and Business
Round table tonight. Tbe
rcmndiabte will be gin at 7:30
p.m. in room 22-234 of tbe
Nebraska Union.
Tbe topic under discussion
will be "Valuation Versus Ac
countabnily In Fi a a n c i a 1
Statements. Affl graduates,
nadergradaates, and faculty
are invited to attend.
Raymond received his Ph.
D. from Michigan State Uni
versity and has been a mem
ber of tbe facuUty here since
Vili. Prior to joining tbe Uni
versity be practiced as a
Cerliiied Public Accountant,
and bas taugbt at Dana and
Midland College.
an important place and has
probably contributed more
in this way than any other
The writer said that "this
year's Cornhusker would
never have been completed
without his patient guid
ance, level headedness and
hard work as the book's editor-in-chief.
He took this job
"as a fifth-year student with
no other purpose in mind
than completing one of the
best yearbooks in the
school's history."
... .r, . - imi.ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiwi.i
ml Q 'v
i i XY Vt 4
STUDENT ART 0 DISPLAY.. University coeds Anne Tudor and Diane Smith take advantage of the student art show
now on display in Sheldon Art Gallery. Both undergraduate and graduate students are represented in the exhibition
which will continue through June 27.
The University of Nebraska's 1965 student art show
began Sunday on the second anniversary of the opening
of the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery.
The Gallery, which is credited with enhancing interest
in art among students as well as the general public, has
attracted 190.003 viewers since the formal opening May
16, 1963.
Duard Laging. chairman of the University's depart
ment of art. terms the 1965 student art show and a simi
lar one a year ago "the best in several years."
Tbe exhibition includes some 200 pieces of sculpture
Choral Union To
Honnegger's 'King
The last major music per-,
formance of the school year
u i,unuy, "i"" s
Choral Union Concert, will
be held at 8 p.m. Sunday at
the Coliseum. !
Arnold Moss, the celebrated
American actor who appear-
ed as Georee Eernard Shawl
in "Eack to Methuselah" and
helped break all-time box of-
fice records on a tour of 42
cities will narrate A r t h u ri
Fonegfr's "King David."
Student Senate will meet at
4 p.m. today in tbe Nebraska
Elections of tbe Speaker
"Pro Tempore" and the three
members of tbe Executive
Committee will be held.
Any Student Senator may
cast his name in nomination
or may be nominated by an
other Senator.
Each Senator who is a nom
inee for one of these posi
tions will be asked to state
briefly bis qualifications, ex
perience and reason for want
ing tbe position.
Tbe duties of tbe Speaker
Pro Tempore shall be to as
sume tbe power and respon
sibilities of tbe office of tbe
vice-presidency, in case tbe
vice-president of tbe Associa
tion shall be unable to ful
fil his duties, including tbe
succession to the presidency
ia tbe event of tbe vacating
cf tbe office, fw tbe re
mainder of tbe original term.
Tbe three members of tbe
executive committee shall
ir. eel with tbe president and
vke-preiideni in an advisory
capacity to tbe Executive
P.ranrh. I
Miss King
The letter nominating
Peggy King said that "she
, serves well as an ideal stu
dent. The breadth of her in
terests is not betrayed by
shallowness in any one of
"Peggy is never so cer
tain of her cause that she
co-promises her own stan
dards in obtaining her pur
pose," the letter said.
"She succeeds in what
she does by participat
The Daily Nebraskan
More than 7W student voices
;and the U-iversity Symphony
Orche a under tbe baton of
, u u
EmaDuel chairman
the department of music,
ill join Moss in presenting
tbe famous symphonic psalm,
"King David" written byssor
nagger and based on the
, 1V Mra
" . V T . .
uima;ejy me u-j i cujiijg u
-tells of the life of . J
j the shepard toy to the time of
the crowning of Ernon ail
David's death as a king.
Soloists for the performaac
and Doris Ganz, soprano; Rich
ard Koupal of tbe department
of music, Iowa State Univer
sity at Ames, tenor; and to
Universily students, Rosalia
Lange, contralto; and Mary
Ann Griffiths, contralto who
will sing the part of David as
a young boy.
Ihe appearance of Arnold
Moss is considered a highlight
of tbe year of fine arts per
formances at tbe University.
Moss is known for bis nation
al tour in JSSS as actor-manager
of tbe Shakespeare Fes
tival Players, an event that
brought a first-rate profes
sional cast U many sections
of tbe country for tbe first
He received praise not only
for bis Broadway appearances
in tbe works of contempor
ary playwrights, but particu
larly for his portrayals of
Gloucester in Shakespeare's
"King Lear," Malvolio in
"Twelfth Night." Prosper n
tbe "Tbe Tempest," and a?
a leading player at the Ameri
can Shakespeare Festival in
.aJauora, conn,
Tbe 700-voice Choral Union
which will perform "King Dav
M" t. m-.Aa i,n ,4 I Vivr-
ing tirelessly and generous
ly and never by losing
sight of the ultimate prob
lem. "As a worker," the letter
said, "Peggy is invaluable;
as a person, she is under
standing and patient. As a
student, she is outstanding
because she so consistently
seeks the truth by search
ing for the right questions."
The letter nominating Dr.
Lawrence Crowe said that
he is a professor in Dairy
Opens In Gallery
both of stone and metal, pottery, graphic designs, prints,
and paintings. Both undergraduate and graduate students
are represented in the exhibition which continues through
June 27 in the Gallery.
Laging credits the high quality of the exhibition with
the quality of instruction, stimulus of the addition of
graduate work. in art and the effect if the Sheldon Gal
lery and its various exhibitions.
"Our enrollment in art has doubled since the early
50's ta about 200 including 15 graduate students. Im
proved facilities for tbe art department have had an ef
fect on the increased interest in this area." Laging said.
sity Choruses I, II, and
.conducted respectively
John Moran, Earl Jenkins
and Richard Grace, all of tbe
department of music; and
Madngal Singers, and the
University Singers.
The entire performance is
under the direction of Pro-
W i s h n o w.
TH. ?mn mas-
ter. The University Sjinphony
itrrcnestra wm De assisted by
; Andrea Mohnsen on Diana and
; Myron Roberts,
staff member, on organ.
Navy Honors Fifteen
At Awards Ceremony
Fifteen University Navy j J", V"
R.O.T.C. students were hon-i iw mH -
ored for their achievements J!Z?ZZmJ",Z
yesterday at tbe annual Navy
Awards Day at Love library ,
The awards
cipients are:
and tbeir re-
IC . U ffeiatrtt iMTtftnUT. 1WI
Mvmr to mm mtir mr4 m4 pr- j
Mnl w Oar imhtoaaBMi ml Ik mtmtm
tw mjn atnyivrMl mmuummmm mtn-!
- WklM r Ifec tmm ttmt j
taww tmm.
illfl TL .
4m Mtmm. K. ?c L. HmM ml lvf -
i-. fW mvu4 AtT' mmi
mm M mtrrmu4 ut iajc MiIn 4 tmm i
mi amw m-mrn mm wwhwITt 9-
' MMtif mnmma maumt, ma- rr,K4 rmmH. T,i,
imrf tmmtmrimtm. mm ihmwI mtcm-m. fKtf.TT IMM,m . or tWSW.M
Mni; frn( nwitt arri- .hso rnruKt ur amkcka smsnu
fTt WXIllKrt V im MXa.1 w Matat t Omrnmrn C. Htmn. it.
i U, OwoM b. MMm 4Ura lb ; ml OMM. r rrk. The fit 4 M mrm.
; mmrmri Im mm crmv4 mftet mtfut' t mrmurd tm fm Jiiw ml the
j tr4 J mrr4 Ui to '. mmtrm mm mmm mivmimfm rttmmtm
rnMMiFl lr a iiinimi to to CJk. : to Ik ml Amrhrmm Mttmrr. tmmi
J Mmrmm Cmrm. I mmi mmmi mMtrvtut tutoiM.
r. Tt ptimrrrE 4wko ! utrot mimi, murtir ob.
I 1(1 Una t a, U. HI1! ttF OIUI 4at A iUtttm
! atf. VwvlMl m immm. IC laanaM
3. Arfk mi Uatak Tmm mnmrm mn mtm.
mmm mmt a4ral
vtkarri to 3KS to-famo
4T4L mrere n it in
to Wta. tc tm-tt A. alMv.k mt
wftai Kiiwa;. mmemrtBmkm. m4 NMt.
tc InrU L. Unkcrra M tnmmmm. Tm
mm-mrmt mrm mrmmutm' tm mmmm ft mi Ik
mvtmmr toa mm A Stwmtmsmt toV
mmmttoMi mrmSvnmm inv.
r.Evr.K!. orvtwic awako-w
. IC AXwvt A. Kammrrt, ml mm -
-.. rnmnHmmtm- Tym mrnmr al
hm , wuiMan mtmm tmw mt
" -' mmr tmnrng H tmm
' rtmn to Ik OIC La.
Science, who has been at
the University for 41 years,
and whose "concern for stu
dent well-being has been
expressed through the ac
complishments which he
has made as chairman of
the Ag College Scholarship,
Student Affairs, Loans and
curriculum, junior division
advisory board and student
summer employment com
mittees." The letter said that
Continued on page 3
Wednesday, May 19, 1965
YD Officer Election
Tomorrow In Union
Election of officers will be
held at the Young Democrats
meeting tomorrow night at
7:30, 235 Nebraska Union.
There will also be a meet
ing of the Central Committee
at 7 p.m. in tbe YD office to
discuss nominations for facul
ty advisor. Any interested
members are invited to this
Tickets will be on sale for
the Jefferson-Jackson Day
Dinner, May 22. The speaker
will be Sen. Muskie of Maine.
A special discount rate of $5
is available to students.
Students unable to attend
, the meeting should call Bob
j Cherry at 435-4774.
? . OfFlTEM iM)CMTMl
finw, n mnl M
fjnrM4 U Ike Mans hum IX
pmmmr W k mtwmmtumU mm
wjf ntteirfe u iit mi Anv
fwiiuu Wartaffw.
-cfTfRKD nmrt.Ut AWtOTUriO
- Mite, 3C twM M. hn.
w ll. TW ra t mM
m Sme BMaaai ml ttm iirt in
4mf 1m bm 4t.mmmmuA4 mmMmmlmg
mmmUUn ml s4 mmurml t
to tmr Xirnl kt-Mcm.
I If MaL. S41 ItMUai I. f.fA. ml Ivr Tmm
!, wmt4 to mrmmtmut4 tm
Ik i 4m HHUrM ma-
iala) tor Ike Jtmtmt knkt,
-vr(m frr tbe Amaucvt ctow-
Tmt AWAKO-to Mtu C Kiwmttm B.
Immn id Uaoate, MM. C lto U.
Ita ml ttfat. mm4 MWm. tC
f ok. it mwmrt as
,i mn wmti4 tm tmrttm KiAikHaiii mt
liwato iw mm mmwm ikatM4
tok mr mt araWrifci mnmrmrtmr, mdH-
l -WWt IfttfmirmE tntlM.
' wt mt Ik JTt . 1w
I aMaa ari k mr urmt:4 mum Ik at.
I totltoa mi Ik (nkuUM tamm ikM.