Wednesday, May 12, 1965 Poge 4 The Daily Nebroskan issouri, lowa State ominate Statistics . . . Huskers Pace Defense 1 awiaBwaa? is V I I By Bob Samuelson Sports fans will' have a field day this weekend as three Big Eight Meets unfold in Cornhusker Land. First and foremost in the minds of most sports fans is the 37th Big Eight track meet. The Daily Nebraskan will present a depth prospectus of the meet in a special full page issue on Friday. Thursday we will devote the bulk of our coverage to the Big Eight Tennis and the Big Eight Golf Meets which be gin Thursday and run through Saturday. Nebraska sports fans can also support the baseball team which will be in action here against Oklahoma. While watching the other sports, you might drop by and give up 50c to the Comhuskerbaseball department. . 1 The baseball team could use some support down on the bleachers that surround the playing field, rather than having 400 or more potential paid admissions sitting on the hill just north of the columns. It looks as if Dick Czap, apparently a serous injury in Saturday's intrasqnad game, will get his knee into shape with no serous complications. At present he is up and around, and only limping slightly. Harry Wilson presently has his arm in a sling, but suf fers only minor shoulder trouble. There is no separation or other serious difficulty. Jim Hawkins, freshman halfback, and Ivan Zimmer, 6'3", 190-pound end, are suffering from fractures, and their status for next fall is doubtful. Bob Pickens, 245-pound transfer from Wisconsin, will have his football fate at Nebraska decided for him by the Big Eight Appeals Board very soon. Pickens, a guard who was playing at third team of fense at the time of the intra-squad game, was a pre-season All America pick by Playboy magazine last September when Pickens was playing for Wisconsin. His relatively low rank on the present Cornhusker squad is probably due to the fact that his eligibility for next fall is not assured. Pickens passed up football at Wisconsin last fall to compete in the Olympics on the United States wrestling team in the heavyweight division. Wisconsin officials would rather he had played football, hence the reason for trans ferring. The reason his play for next year is in doubt is a tech nical point. The elegibility rule states that a boy must have lived at a school for one year before he may compete in varsity athletics. Pickens would have been here except for his participation in the Olympics. The rule further states that the Olympics do not effect the eligibility of an athlete. If the board rules that Pickens can be regarded as taking residence here as of the time when he was in Tok yo, he can play next fall. The articulate Pickens told this reporter that if he is not ruled eligible for varsity sports for next year, he will probably accept a professional contract, and pass up his remaining year of college eligibility. Missouri and Iowa State, standing one and twtt respec tively in the Big Eight base ball rankings, may carry the conference race out to the last weekend when they meet in Ames. At present that sene shapes up as one between the best hitters in the league ver sus the best pitchers in the loop. This week's statistics show that Missouri has four hitters in the top ten, headed by Bob Robben at a .482 clip. Along with Robben are Dan Rudano vich, Gene Stephenson, and Jim Pace. On the other side of the ledger, Iowa State has three of the Big Eight's top hurlers. Pitching for both the Cy clone baseballers and football ers last weekend, Tim Van Galder kept his number one spot by maintaining his 0.90 ERA. Following VanGalder are Bob Ziegler, and Scott Morton. In the team stats, Missouri leads hitting with a .314 per centage, and Iowa State is out in front in pitching with a 1.41 cumulative ERA. Nebraska regained the num ber one defensive slot with its keen fielding at Stillwater. The Huskers have a .952 field ing mark. Bob Hergenra ler moved into the number eight spot in pitching as he lowered his ERA to a cool 2.25 with his sharp performance against the Cowboys. Stan B a n n s e n remains ahead of Hergenrader in sev enth place with his 2.07 earned run showing. Idle Randy Harris rests among the leading hitters at .333. Husker catcher Larry Bornschlegl moved in behind Harris with a .325 average at the bat. This week's opponent for Nebraska, Oklahoma, sports the league's leading home run producer in Carl Schreiner (5)... BIG EIGHT CONFERENCE INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS (Tannin Ginwt at MJ S) Hlttinc rUj-T nt Srkml Pos. G AB R Stu Steele. Kansaf Suite 1.F 13 41 12 B( Rnbben. Missouri RF-SS 14 5fi 14 Steve McGreew, Kansas... IB 15 53 12 Dan Rudanovk. Missouri CF .13 45 19 Tony Sellari, Oklahoma State ... C IS 55 10 Steve Best. Colorado 5B 13 33 Tony Stark, Oklahoma State CF 15 50 Gene Stephenson, Missouri 1B-RF 38 Jim Pace. Missouri C 14 41 7 Randy Harris, Nebraska SB lfl 30 S Jerry Retalaff. Iowa State CF 13 4 11 Larry Bornschlesl. Nebraska C IS -40 i Mike Strode, Missouri 2B 14 53 8 Frank Warrincton, Oklahoma State LF 14 28 1 n RBI !B SB Hit AxK. 20 9 S S I .4S8 57 M) S J 4 .482 23 10 S J 1 .434 1 11 4 1 3 .400 21 7 1 1 .400 12 4 I 0 0 .364 18 6 4 I 0 .3n0 13 I 1 2 .342 14 S 1 2 0 .341 10 7 I 0 .333 1R 4 I 1 .327 13 7 A 0 0 .325 17 15 0 2 .321 S J 2 0 0 .321 Departmental Leaden Hits Bob Robben M) 27. Steve Mo Greevy (K) 23, Tony Sellari (OS) 22, Stu Steele KS 20. 2B Mike Strode (Ml 6. five others mith 5 each. KB Jrry Retilaff IS . Jack Price fC 8, Gary Blumensrhein (IS) and Ray Thorpe (M), 5 each. SB Steve McGreevy K, Fred Mould er (OS). Jim Pace fMI. Bob Robben (M). Stu Steele (KS), Ray Thorpe M), 2 each. HR Car! Schreiner 0 5. Bob Robben M 4. Joe Beck IKS). Dan Rudanovich (M, Ray Thorpe (M). 3 each. RBI Bob Robben (M) SO, Carl Schrei ner (O) 16, Dick Olsen (IS) and Mike Strode M), 15 each. PUrhin- (Minimum ef 1! Inninrs) PUrer ana Srkiiol G IP Tim Van GaWer, low State ... 7 40 Bob Zietrler, lowa State 30 30 Dick Frank. Oklahoma State i 2Hi Scott Morton. Iowa State .. S 33 Stan Bahnsen. Nebraska S 34 Boh Hergenrader, Nebraska J 31 Fred Chana. Kansas 6 . Adrian Mohr, Colorado 4 27 Allen oGtt, Oklahoma. . 5 35 Orv Hollrah, Missouri 5 32'4 H 24 27 23 33 24 22 29 22 47 31 ER BB SO ERA 0.90 1.50 1.53 1.91 2.07 2.25 297 2.97 soe 1.06 WW8SS8& mmm Department Leaders Strikeouts I P SO A v( Steve Reriko K) . 31 SO 1.61 Jack Stroud (Ml 18 24 1.33 Don Kuykendall (OS) 34', 40 1.17 Bases aa Balls IP BB Mike EnA-r (Ml ...18 3 Allen Gott (CI) 35 Jim LaFoe (C 284 5 Ave. .ISO .171 .177 IOWA STATE Opponents G AB R H RBI 2B SB HR Ave. SB Saf PO KANSAS STATE 13 3fi7 Opponents 3d OKLAHOMA ST. 15 433 Opponent . 4:ft COlORAIX) 13 347 14 429 8R 117 75 419 44 89 31 Opponenta K ANS AS . . Opponents MISSOURI . Opponents NEBRASKA Opponents OKLAHOMA Opponents 15 430 403 13 344 348 15 433 474 57 84 38 90 113 69 69 119 51 61 111 53 47 72 37 61 97 58 58 104 53 19 3 66 88 54 14 3 14 433 102 1.36 87 25 10 394 61 96 50 18 1 52 75 39 10 1 38 69 31 8 8 55 PS 46 8 4 89 142 80 24 2 10 Games This Week: Friday, May 14 Iowa State at Oklahoma State at Kansas State (2). Colorado at Missouri 2. Oklahoma at Nebraska day. May 15 lowa State at Oklahoma state. Kansas at Kansas Mate, Missouri. Oklahoma at Nebraska. 1 7 11 4 10 4 6 10 6 17 8 5 .273 .212 .229 .305 .275 .253 .207 .263 .242 .221 ..314 .244 .218 .198 .229 .300 21 3 12 S 16 8 1 11 12 li 16 8 13 4 9 12 11 6 17 12 18 10 HI 7 10 10 1 12 12 19 8 324 319 275 2K5 345 335 284 215 321 327 303 300 288 285 849 354 A E Ave. 1(18 30 .935 141 33 .933 131 29 .933 107 33 .922 145 32 .938 134 33 .934 336 27 .939 96 21 .847 104 25 .944 140 23 .9f.3 100 25 .941 120 28 113 38 133 18 .958 I 1.39 26 .949 125 25 .950 (21, Kansas (2). Satur- Colorado at .937 .952 SUMMER TERM BEGINS JUNE 6-JULY 7 COMPLETE BUSINESS TRAINING Private Secretarial Profesional Accounting Executive Secretarial Business Administration Stenographic Accounting General Business Now Located In Our New Building LINCOLN SCHOOL of COMMERCE & KB! 1821 K Street 432-531 S Lincoln, Nebraska Rgad Nebraskan Want Ads Matson Sets Mark; The "experts" gasp and say i he is ten to fifteen years ahead of his time. Others ask, "What j will happen when he grows j tip?" And sports fans stand; in admiration at the mention: of Randy Matson, athlete. j Matson this past weekend; stood in the shot put circle of Texas AOTs College Sta-j tion stadium and tossed thej lfrjpound iron ball a cool 70. feet seven inches. The sophomore at Texas A&M is a growing 6W, 260 pound mass of rippling biceps. He attributes his success to the use of finger tip action to a greater degree than former world record holder, Dallas Long. Matson is a quiet, B-plus student who calls everyone over the age of twenty-one "sir", allows himself the lux ury of a telephone in his room, and discusses his ac complishments with great modesty. He prefer the secluded campus at Texas AA.M to oth er more prestigious campuses where the noise of activity sometimes drowns out the purpose of college. Matron's heave has broken a barrier compared to t h e four-minute mile, but feiv will follow Matson's prodigi ous put. Friday Paper Will Feature Big 8 Track LIVE KLMS Broadcast 7:30-8:30 Thursday nib Go-Go Featuring The Colossal Coachman 1823 '0' St THINK... PIZZA HUT PIZZA asterpiece Pute CHILDREN'S SERIES it id"' -.1 , 3? it f9 , ABC CirciM HartM Dogs Antique Au4a Aviafio Shipt TK. Old WW , Railroading Bra Fighan Nuraary Rhymaf Uila ChiUm Aatronautt History Indians a a 25'2-Il"i Full Color TRAVEL SERIES Virgin Marxb Hawaii Ski Country Vaniea Watt Indiat lull Fighti Japan South Sbm Aoaouloo Iraland La Roaa Rouga Chicago Now Yort brad San Francltca I 3 I i, I f '''Ui4 ! I - . i ,,,., r,.mammm in ii if ' '"" " """ ' 'ft111 JKHH O UN CING j- ffi -. ' an 1 1 ' " "l"""'"M'" """ aumijn in hum hi ii!ii vmif i warn hiiijmii lymajr-m rTTrnir,.npi i I n m 1 1 r 11 TTT' J 1 :-.-..' '. CLASSiCJh A t J J J J JJ ' '4 Wj WJ Qjt OS Rim i f ' V;' rsrr vai iter AT Vi TO Vi OFF LIST p iff? rkvw ft m & f X :"'Ji I i BIG NAME LABELS RCA VICTROLA MERCURY WING PERIOD MGM and OTHERS V3 TO Vz OFF GREAT NAMES... Charles Munch, Eric Uinsdorf, Monfeux, Fritx Reiner, Paul Paray, Anafol Doroti, William Steinberg, with the Boston, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Chicago, London, and Detroit Symphonies. Artists included are David Oistralh, Gilels, GrafFmon, Brailowsky, etc. P8 Colorful Oerarationt for Dan, RccrMflon Room, Homa, Offica ONLY 1.43 lieJaBOOK STORE PIZZA HUT 46th of "0" 4 89-4601 feirJa BOOK STOf?r -mimi: 2