The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1965, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, May 12, 1965
To Stage
3 Plays
"A Use for Golden Shoes"
and "The Stranger" will be
presented under the Lab The
atre Program at 7:30 and
8:15 p.m. Saturday and Sun
day. The plays are both original
compositions of Uni
versity students.
Thomas Timm Bracks, au
thor and director of "A Use
for Gold Shoes," describes the
play as "an attempt at a par
ody of the absurdists' dra
ma." The play takes place in a
dump yard and has two char
acters, Rico and Pearce. Ri
co, Bracks said, represents
youth or the present genera
tion and Pearce, who may
be 110 years old, represents
old age or the last generation.
Rico is portrayed by Ray
Stanek, a senior majoring in
theatre, and Bruce Borin, a
sophomore theatre major,
plays Pearce.
Stanke appeared this year
in "Three Sisters" and Borin
was in "Peer Gynt"
Bracks is a graduate stu
dent in theatre from Wiscon
sin State University at River
Falls, Wisconsin, this is his
first year at the University
and "my first attempt at
writing a play." He is gradu
ate assistant in charge of pro
perties for the University
The Stranger," by Pat
Drake, was adapted from the
novel of the same name by
Albert Camus.
"If you're familiar with Ca
mus' work, you'll know what
it's about," Drake said. Ca
mus won the Nobel Prize for
literature in 1363 and is known
s a French existentialist
TIe Stranger is about his
best known novel," Drake
aid. "I have tried to break
conventions in adapting it,
and consequently, the langu
age and production will not
be in the -normal sense of
what people think play pro
duction should be."
The play will include slow
motion and stop-action tech
niques, be said.
Acting in the play will be
John Guinty, Jim Baffico,:
Sarah Williamson, Jeff Atchi
son and Larry Schneider.
This is Drake's fourth or
iginal production. Others have
been produced at the Actors
Theatre in Milwaukee, the
Encore Theatre in Chicagu
and at the University three
years ago. Drake is a senior
in speech education. lie is
writer and director of the
"A Use for Golden Shoes"
will be held in 201 Theatre,
and "The Stranger" will be
given at the Arena Theatre.
Cornhusker Interviews
Being Held Today
Cornhusker section editor
Interviews are today, from
1:30-5:30 p.m. in the south
party room of the Nebraska
Interview applications may
be picked up in the Cornhusk
er office and can be turned
in just prior to the interview.
Sign up for a time in the
Cornhusker office. Twenty-six
positions will be filled.
JLIfi coin
Ever hunt Bunnies? Playboy Club will hold a Bunny
Hunt at the University next week.
Bo-fDie Colton, the Bunny Mother for the Kansas City
playboy Club, win be here on May 19 and 20 representing
Playboy International for an thirteen Playboy Clubs.
She said, "We need lovely girls with sparkling person
alities who enjoy working with people."
She said that they may be either single or married;
"you win average between $100 and f 150 a week, and may
work summers, part time or Ml time if you wish."
"There are many advantages to being a Bunny," said
Mrs. Colton. "After three months at your original loca
tion you may transfer to any other Club in the world.
You are always assured of a job."
Bunny Anne (see April 28 Dally Nebraskan) went to
the University of Houston last year and now plans to re
turn to school In the fall and work part time.
'There are 22 Bunnies at the Kansas City Playboy
Club normally, but we are low now, and need more," Mrs.
Colton said.
The Bunny Mother emphasized the fact that Bunnies
enjoy a very fine reputation. She said that anyone who has
come in contact with the girls and see how the Playboy
Club Is run speak very highly oi them.
; . j f s.. I
TILT LUCKY OLD SUN all he does now is just roll
look at sights like this. These Chi Omegas take advantage of
soak up some rays while putting in an afternoon of studying.
Rush Week Conflicts
Face Sorority Girls
The problem of the Little ,lenic heard a proposal from
Sisters of Minerva activities ! Anne Windle, Alpha Chi Ome-
con&icting with sorority Rush ,a io se( a pjnheDenic Schol
... . i -
wees: was aiscussea a ra o u
house delegates at the Pan
hellenic meeting Monday.
No action was taken on the
matter, although delegates
were instructed to talk to
their house rush chairmen
about it. The rush chairmen
will meet next Monday to dis
cuss the problem further.
The problem arises from
the fact that Little Sisters are
required to help in pledging
activities of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, and this interferes
with sorority rush week.
Vkki Dowling, Gamma ?li
Beta delegate, told the Coun
cil that her bouse had their
members stay home during
Rush Week to help with their
own pledging activities. She
said her house felt that the
girl's first duty is to her own
house, and not to a subsidiary
Speaking for Kappa Alpha
Theta, Ann Kotouc said she
felt that such matters should
be left to the individual bouse, :
and should not be covered by:
a blanked Panheltenic ruK
ug. !
Miss Kotouc said that since
bouses differ in size, they:
should be allowed to decide
whether or not they can af
ford to let any girls go during
Rush Week.
Miss Madeline Girard, Pan- j
hellenic adviser, told the
Council that if they "don't get
your invitations back it's your
fault through having people:
off somewhere else helping
helping other people."
Miss Girard said that
"When Rush Week is getting
as big as it possibly will be,
every member should be
there helping."
In other business, Panbel-
ars Program.
Such a program would be
for the purpose of honoring
the person in each house with
the highest accumulative
average for the preceeding
This is another way to pro
mote scholarship. Miss Win
dle said, and added that it
does need to be promoted
The program is scheduled
to start next fall
Miss Michel said that the
suggestion has been made to
open this tutoring program to
the entire eampus. This
would be "good public rela
tions for tie Greeks," she
Big Eight Quiz Bowl
Tournament Saturday
The Big Eight Quiz Bowl
tournament is scheduled to
begin this Saturday at 10 am
at Sheldon Art Gallery.
All Big Eight teams except
Oklahoma are participating
in the tournament. Teams
win be arriving Friday and
registering Friday afternoon.
Questions for the matches
will be a mixture of all the
questions used by all the
schools during their year's
Nebraska's team is made
up of a mixture of those per
sons answering the most ques
tions in various areas during
this year's University compe
tition. The winner's trophy has
been purchased by the Uni
versity. This win be present
To Is
. . . Bunny Mother
"It takes more than just a good figure and pretty face
to become a good Bunny," she said. "A Bunny must have a
certain something extra, the ability to please, to serve
graciously, and still retain her femininity. She must com
bine loveliness, service and a pleasing personality.
"A Bunny is not simply a waitress, but a lot more.
Bunnies are treated with respect They are, through the
manner in which they serve, set apart; they are special "
Bunnies enjoy very strict rules which give them a lot
of security. These are laid down in the Bunny Manual,
along with everything else a Bunny must know, (bow to
set up their trays, correct billing procedure, etc). It states,
"Bunnies may not give out their last names, home address
es or phone numbers at any time in the Club for any
reason." Bunnies are forbidden to date employees of
the Club, to make dates with key holders, guests or any
other persons visiting the Playboy Club.
"Any Bunny wt arranges to meet r be met by a
tej'boMer, guest, or employee of the Club, either on or off
the Club premises, will be immediately dismissed."
likewise, any key holder who in any way propositions
any of the Bunnies may be asked to leave, or become
Mrs. Colton said that Bunny Anne is her lead training
Bunny and win b in Lincoln with her for the Bunny Hunt.
around heaven all day and
the old man's warmth and
YR's To Hear
State Head
State AFL-CIO President
Richard Nisley will address
the University Young Repub
licans tomorrow night at 7:30
p.m. in the Nebraska Union.
Nisley had been scheduled
to appear before the group
April 29, but was forced to
cancel because of an automo
bile breakdown near Minne
apolis. In a release previous to tte
April 29 meeting, YR PresN
dent John Reiser of Lincoln
noted that there had been
"criticism" from some for
having Nisley appear before
the Republican organization.
However, in making his an
nouncement. Reiser countered
by saying that he was "tre
mendously encouraged" by
the number of members and
leaders of the state party who
got in touch to say "they
thought we were on the right
ed at the awards banquet
Saturday night.
Jim McGinnis from the Olds
team win captain the Uni
versity all-star team. The oth
er team memb-rs are: Spen
cer Davis, Beta Theta Pi
Pledges; Mike Barton, Phi
Psi Wizards; and Kelly Bak
er. Theta XL
The University semi-finals
were held last Thursday
night. Avery House and the
Four Frosh championed over
the Eclectics and the Beta
Theta Pi Pledges respective
ly. Avery bouse won the aU
University championship in a
contest with the Four Frosh
which was televised over
Channel 12. Larry Anderson,
Mel Schlachter, Greg Kropp.
Bin Bruce and Roger Doerr
are the members of the Avery
House team.
Here Next Week
Peace Corps Offers Loans
To Assist College Juniors
College juniors who wish to
use the summer before their
senior year to prepare for
post-graduation Peace Corps
service now may borrow up
to $600 to help pay their sen
ior year school expenses. Loan
repayment may be deferred
until after Peace Corps ser
vice has been completed.
The loan program, an
nounced recently by Peace
Corps Director Sargent Shriv
er, is the product of an agree
ment between United Student
Aid Fund. Inc. (USA Fund)
and the Peace Corps Volun
teers Fund, a non-profit foun
dation established by the
Peace Corps National Advis
ory Council.
Privately funded, the loans
New Plans
Made For '66
Summer Term
University summer sessions
for 1966 have been tentative
ly scheduled for an eight-week
and a four-week session, with
three 3-week sessions running
The action came from a
study presented by the Calen
dar Committee of the Facul
ty Senate.
The present summer sched
ule is a single eight-week ses
sion. One advantage is that
sen ice facilities could be
maintained during the entire
summer, and enrollment could
be increased with versatility
of sessions and courses of
fered. "This is going to be ten
tative." said Chancellor Clif
ford Hardin. "If the funds are
not available, it can't be
An alternative plan using
two 54-week sessions was
proposed, but it met strong
opposition on the grounds of
lack of time for learning.
The Calendar Committee
also changed the deadlines for
reporting of final exam grades
in 1966.
Presently, final exam
grades must be reported by
a single deadline, creating a
large amount of grades all at
once for the registrar's office.
Deadlines next year shall
be the fifth calendar day af
ter the scheduled exam per
iod. Inter-Varsity Group
7o Sponsor Banquet
The University chapter of
Inter-Varsity Christian Fel
lowship is sponsoring a state
wide banquet for an students,
alums, and friends of inter-
Varsity on May 22. The ban
quet begins at 6:30 p.m. in
the Nebraska Union Baa-
Dr. Gordon Van Wylen,
Chairman of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at
the University of Michigan
and Vice-President of the Na
tional Board of Inter-Varsity,
win give the main address.
Inter-Varsily has been ac
live at the University for
nearly 20 years. It is one of
over 300 chapters throughout
the United States and Cana
da. Each chapter is an auto
nomous, student-led organiza
tion. The Spring Banquet is one
of the many activities all
sxudents are welcome to at
tend. Tickets at 12.50 per per
son can obtained by writing
IVCF, Nebraska Union.
Interviews Saturday
For ASUN Secretary
Interviews for recording
secretary of the ASUN (As
sociated Students of the Uni
versity of Nebraska) will be
held Saturday at 9 a.m. in
the Association's office.
Applications are due in the
office Friday at S p.m. and
may be picked up there.
Any student is eligible to be
secretary. His duties will be
to keep the minutes of all
meetings of the Senate and
the Cabinet and to submit for
weekly publication in the
Daily Nebraskan a complete
account of the action of t)e
i Senate and Cabinet. r.
are guaranteed by USA Fund,
a non-profit corporation pro
viding loan guarantees to stu
dents on 700 campuses, with
the participation of more
than 6.000 banks throughout
the United States.
The loans are expected to
enable more third-year college
students to enroll in the
Peace Corps Advanced Train
ing Program, a two-phase plan
that provides intensive Peace
Corps training during the sum
mer months between the jun
ior and senior year, and just
after graduation. Many stu
dents who have had to work
during summer months now
may participate in the Peace
Corps Advanced Program.
Allen Marshall, president of !
the USA Fund, called the loan
program "A unique relation
ship between two private or
ganizations (USA Fund and
the Peace Corps Volunteer
Fund ) jointly benefiting a uni-
:que agency of our Federal
i Trainees in the Advanced
j Training Program begin
their Peace Corps training in
June. They receive travel al-
lowances to cover transporta
tion to and from the training
center, and a living allowance
while training. Selection for
the Advanced Training Pro-
1 gram is the same
as that
nsed for all Peace
applicants, based on an evaln- j tion and Welfare, Arthur
ation of the candidate's back- Flemming. now president, Uni
ground as revealed in the versity of Oregon.
Morrison, Avery Speak
On Dangerous Apathy
Gov. Frank Morrison and Kansas Gov. WDliam Avery
spoke Monday morning in the Nebraska Union Ballroom
to 60 students and faculty members.
The two governors appeared to discuss the subject:
"Politics, An Honorable Profession."
Gov. Morrison pointed to the sparse crowd in the ball
room and declared that "the very fact this room isn't filled
is a sign of the need for education in politics."
"Unless every student and citizen takes a renewed
interest and participates, this great democracy can't con
tinue to play its role in world leadership," Morrison said.
Morrison said the attendance demonstrated a danger
ous spirit of apathy toward politics and government and
was a bad reflection on both the University and the state
of Nebraska.
" Citing Avery's background as a ten year veteran of
Congress, .Morrison noted Avery took time out from his
duties as chief executive of Kansas to visit tbe University.
He said he hopes an overflow crowd wfll turn out the
next time a major political leader appears at the Univer
sity. Avery was less critical saying the turnout reflects
on his own generation's failure to stress the importance
in participating in public life.
Avery said, "We have not transmitted with the needed
clarity the importance of participation in public life."
Morrison agreed and invited University students to
"come to my office and tell me where I have failed" to
trigger enthusiasm in politics and governmental affairs.
Answering questions from the students, Avery labeled
himself a "most adamant supporter" of the two party
system and termed politics a "very honorable profession"
despite the bad name some individuals have given politics.
Morrison said his greatest disappointment has been
his inability to overcome the apathy of the average citizen,
"If we could use the talent around the bridge tables,
in the country clubs and in tbe Student Union right here
to solve our educational, cultural, social and political prob
lems, we would have a dynamic and thrilling state," Mor
rison said.
"But how do you motivate these people?"
University Plays Host
To Peruvian Students
Eleven Peruvian studenls
completed a five-day stay at
the University yesterday.
The students spent time on
campus visiting student or
ganizations, classrooms and
tbe faculty. :
Friday tbe students met
with Cyril Bifch, Lancaster!
County Extension Agent,'
and toured a farm in Lan
caster County. They also vis
ited private homes in tbe area.
After attending Ivy Day
ceremonies Saturday morn
ing, the students attended An
Srwrts Dav and watched the
arsity intrasquad game as
guests of the department of
i athletics.
Peace Corps Questionnaire,
Placement Test results and
character references.
Evaluation continues during
the summer training program,
and final selection is not
made until the end of the sec
ond stage, following college
Following the eight-week
summer program, Advanced
Training participants return
to their regular college, where
they may continue language
study on an individual basis.
No specific course require
ments are made.
After graduation partici
pants return to a training cen
ter for eight weeks more of
intensive instruction. Those
who successfully complete the
final training program then
will begin their work abroad
as regular Peace Corps Volun
teers. The members of the Peace
Corps National Advisory Coun
cil who were instrumental in
originating the Peace Corps
Volunteers Fund are R a 1 p h
Lazarus, president, Federated
j Department Stores, Inc.; Don-
aid Petrie, Chairman, Execu
tive Committee of Aids, Inc.;
the Rev. John Considine. di
rector, Latin American Bur
eau, National Catholic Wel-
fare Conference; and former
Secretary of Health, Educa-
Monday they visited the
Unicameral and Governor
Before coming to Nebraska
tbey were in Rochester, N.Y.
and Kansas City. Tbey will
also visit Washington, D.C.
and Mizmi before returning
to Peru.
The visitors are: Nemesio
Rodriguez, Herman Corio,
Ricardo S i 1 v a-Santisteban,
Jose Chevez, Serafin Durand,
Oscar Zubizarreta, Gustavo
Pastor, Jose Rivero, Manuel
Veramendi, Alberto Sparrow,
Victor Miro Quesada, Chand
ler Thompson and Roberto.
Thompson and Flores are
escort-interpreters for the stu-
' 4 . .