mm Senate Candidates Give pinions an unvei'views Eight students are running for Senate from Graduate College. In interviews with the Daily Nebraskan these stu dents explained what they wanted to do if they are elected. Seven candidates will be elected. Tom Pickering, freshman, said that students at Nebras ka need to say more about the school's general policy with such things as faculty evaluation. He also suggested investi gating the tri-semester plan. Don Cruise, sophomore, said that the new government has to get the new constitu tion working. He suggested in vestigating book store prices and maybe finding a way that the money paid for books can be channeled back to the school. More controversy and a lib eral stand were both sug gested by Bob Lott, senior. Bruce Beck, Rich Miller, Leon Orender and Paul Read head all said that their plans include working with the Ad ministration to develop a more efficient means of reg istering graduate students and expanding library hours to jmeet the needs of profes sional and graduate students. They also said that they will search for better com munication with the students they represent to more fairly and accurately represent their Views on problems that arise. Steve Marshall could not be contacted. In the Business Adminis tration College there are sev en persons running and four will be elected. I would like to see the Student Senate and the Busi ness Advisory Board correlate action concerning the Busi ness Administration students and their academic life," Paul Carlson, freshman, said. Be also said that women's hours should be looked into and study should be made of baring underclass women living ia approved apartments bi is done at Kearney State. ; Bill Potts, sophomore, said be would like to see the Con stitution amended so that Applications Available For 'Nebraskan' Stall Applications for Daily Ne braskan positions for the first semester of next year nifl be available in tbe Daily Nebras kan office and at the School f Journalism Monday. Positions open are: Editor, $85 per month: business man-; ager, 85 per month; mana ging editor, $C5 per month; news editor, $05 per month; sports editor, $45 per monfb; copy editors 3), 33 per month. Night news editor, $45 per month; senior ftaff writer 1 or 2), $35 per month; junior; staff writer J or 4), $17X0 per month; photographer, $40 , per month plus expenses; cir-1 dilation manager, $59 per, month; subscription manager: $50 per month; Vus-neEi as sistants (3 iff 4), $173 plus commission; assistant sports editor, $17.50 per month; ag tews editor, $17.50 per month. Tbe new staff win be chos en In tiit near fctcre by the University Faculty S e a t e Subcommittee on Student Ptfb Ikativns (Pitb Board) after a terles of iatenlews if all ap plicants. Editor Frank Partstib urged large participation in seeking positions for next year"s pa per. "H is essential that the student body have a strong, complete and profetsionaHy done campus newspaper. The DaDy Nebraskan can be weak and ommpwrlant or H can be the motivating fare on this campus, ibe sail. It can reach more students deep er than any other student en deavor; it can explain meny things about their University community about which they might never otherwise hear. ln short, the psper can be vital or it can be the object of ridicule; St is the staff 'hidb makes the Jiffwence," be said. representation is by college and more proportional to the size of the college. He said that the possibility of using the old practice foot ban field for a parking lot should be looked into. Jeff (Jay) Lefko, sopho more, said he would like to see students not in the Sen ate taking part on govern ment committees. He stressed the fact that the n.ewovern ment has to start on the right foot. Gerald Olson, freshman, said that the new constitution and government is going to take a long period of "trial and error" and many propos als win have to be carefully co-ordinated. Adequate by-laws and incor porating the ASUN were both mentioned by Terry Schaaf, sophomore. He said discrimi nation and Darkine both had to be investigated more next year. Skip Soiref, Junior, said that student government mast primarily work on problems and situations that are con nected with the students. For example, be pointed out, stu dent government shouldn't have too much to do with alumni activities. He stressed the fact that experience and hard work will be needed to make the new government and constitution a success. Bob Royal could not be con tacted for comment Ten persons are running for five offices in the Engineer ing College. B21 Coufal, junior, said that be felt communications be tween the Engineering Col lege and its representatives could be improved if Senators attended the various meetings of honorary engineering groups. Rob P s t a, sophomore, pointed out that as engineer ing student should be on the University's Planning Com mission to belp plan tbe lo cation of buildings and ex pansion of tbe campus. j Don Voss, sophomore, said he felt the student welfare' area of tbe student govern ment could be improved one that many of tbe present staff members would be graduatin g, transferring schools or would be forced by academic neces sities to abandon work on tbe paper. He also noted a trend away from journalism majors on the stiff. At the present time, the only Journalism majors working far tbe Daily Nebras kan are Partsch, PrisdHa Muffins, senior staff writer; and three freshman junior staff writers, Keith Sinor, Wayne Kreuscher and Steve Jordan. "TMs is good and bad. On one hand, we have a more di versified staff; on the other, we Hind it difficult in terms of continuity to train dod journalisra majors each se mester," Partsch sail If nothing else, this should help to dispel tbe rumor that one must be a journalism ma jor to be floe Xebraskan's staff. Lee MarshaS and Susie Eutter, as well as dob Sam velMxs make rp the senior editorial staff with mat, mi they are good. Our eopy desk doesnt fcave a journalism ma jor on It, and yet it works as fast ?und well as any I've seen In two years." Id addition, Partsch said.! next year is r crucial year for .student government, and a strong campus newspaper is "imperative to the strength of the government "A weak paper cr one run by people wiio dont ttnder stand what is going on could destroy the dream of John Lydick and the constitutiona convention, he said, and for these ary many more rea sons, e'ery student should be highly concerned afoout the fu ture of the Daily Netaratfcan, by running for positions them selves or by encouraging com petent jwple from amonj hundred per cent For exam ple he explained that the stu dent discount cards could be much better publicized. Bin Hans mire, sophomore, said that Student Senate needed to take more of a role as a legislative body and that it should break away a little from some of the old prece dents. He said that now that the Constitution is new, other changes win also have to be made. Dan Isman, Frank Surber, Ted Suhr, Byron Stigge, Lar ry Groff and Jane Fjelstad could not be reached for comment Ron Prior, sophomore, from Agriculture and Home Eco nomics, said he felt East Cam pus should be able to take part in more activities of the University as a whole. For example, he pointed out, that Ag Campus had very little to do with the Senators program this year. Vol. 80, No. 122 Bv Pach Meier Junior Staff Writer Import eleven former grad uates of the University, add a generous spnniling ot stu dents. Result: the 1355 Masters program. Visiting Masters comment ed on tbe University growth and innovations at a press con ference beld Monday. Paul Babson, President of the United Business Service Company, said. "The Univer sity is growing like a weed The new buildings, especially the new art museum, are very impressive." James Jensen, President of Oregon State University, said, "Tbe number f students, the new structures, make me feel that the educational outcome of this University is not too bad." Paul Bare, executive wfth du Pont, commented that be was impressed with (be time that has gone into planning tbe expansion for the Univer sity. 1 Hazel Stebbins, KFOR com mentator, remarked. "You have a wonderful chancellor bere, and under turn tms uni versity is doing more than I ever realized." John Brown, Judge of the Fifth United Slates Circuit Court of Appeals, was im pressed with the remaraawe growth of the campus. He aSA th dvnamic chancellor and the board of regents are prov ing the "past projogue, or you ain't seen nothing yel" wtwa kked "fitat one fact or bas been fbe key to your success?" they did not talk of magic formulas or lucky breaks, but simple bard wwk and the willingness i speno thal extra bit of time." Navy To Throw Ball On May 14 TTru. maior social eyent of ib vear fur Midshipmen, the Navy Ball, will be held May 14. The ball is held in honor of the senior Midshipmen who sfl receive their commissions in the Navy. The Navy Ball is scheduled in the Georgian P-oom of the Corahnsler Hotel from 7 to 12 p.m. The banquet will be gin at 7 and will be followed with dancing to the Dwaine Shultz cosmic hvsn t p.m. tomidnJgbt. Mies w2H be crowned at the ball from candidates to be Chosen next week. As Miss Midshipman the queen win be the official hostess for all NEOTC social events next year. Candidates for the throne are selected from nominations by Midship men of their dates. Tbe Midshipmen Activi ties Council will sponsor the Mosfers Pirmse UJ For Fwrth Bnvni ' I ' ...... ; L ii..,.-nn- II THOMPSON r K I III III J in . "i I - Li ci ill i - " ip : 'Jmmm U U 1 J v- .crt ' " , 1 n jt , . EEXY MEEXY MINY ilOE, HOWS A GUY SUPPOSED TO KNOW? . . . Campaign posters completely cover tbe bulletin board in the Nebraska Union, urging students to support their candidates. Polls win be open from 8:20 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, the East Union and Love Memorial library. Mrs. Stebbins said that in her work she has bad tbe op portunity to iuterview many successful people and "the common denominator of suc cess is an enthusiasm for what yoa are doing. Tbe people that I have come in contact with who are successful radiated an aura of confidence, were knowledgable, and expressed an enjoyment for their work, an enthusiasm for what they were doing." Gene Robb, President of the American Newspaper P u b lisber's Association, attribut ed his success to being born in Nebraska. "Anyplace that has the type of open society where attitudes are not frozen and you can go and do what ? ; . .. I . If ill K -'! I - A '.t.,.UMa... InMI T Tit ' "1""lHlllltlltf 'rYrtHlfrilll IH''""1" """"fl " 1'" 111 i FIRESIDE CHAT . . . Visiting Master William Mc Oeery speaks to students assembled at tbe Alpha Omi rron PI bouse Monday nigbl as part of tbe IKS Masters Program. Spring Clothes Offered At Nearly New Shop Spring and summer are now out at the Nearly New Shop, 1Mb and Ii. The Nearly New Shop h a small store flpen exclusively for students and employees oj tbe University. It is sponsored by the facul ty wives and Is open only m Wednesday nigbts from 7 to Small household items and clothing are carried by lie TvVsrif JiW Jvnr !l! U 1 -fw .. " TAUEE l : -wr l ; I mm , I II The Daily Nebraskan 'you want, lends a better chance for success to that in ! dividuaL" ! Arthur Weaver, President of tbe Weaver-SIinier Company, gave credit to Mrs. Weaver. Herbert ErowneH, former Attorney General of the Unit ed States, said that as long as the press was here be wanted to give credit to his wife also. He said, "If one is to be suc- jcessful one must keep learn ing, and keep new activities going." ! Harold Corey, board chair man for Hormel, attributed j his success to marrying a i I girl from Nebraska and "lots j i of hard work. I wasn't afraid i 'at work and maybe doing a few screwball things to suc-i YD' To Hold Ejection Of Officer Moy 19 ! Young Democrat officer ek-rtionc wiH be held May 18. according to Bob Cheray. YD preBi.d.e;jt Filing deadline is today, acoordm? to tixe club's Cen- 4w.A rv,4l 'I Anymie jnteretled 5u a YD .office for next year is urged to contact Bo'h Cimvy for an exjjlanation of filing proced ures, or to consult Article LV ; ... ! t t ; I if Kh YD cn1i1.wn-, IPAMWDOO J f 'Ajv i ' TV MAM UMAtt . ft I lipn - I . If 1 r hp Ff ms. l.- J 51 ; I ' - a! I wnf Bonus ceed." William McCleery, play rlgbt and editor of Princeton's i "University," said, "I don't consider myself to be a suc-j cess yet. I have had some suc cesses, bat success is yet to come. I faavenf written the play I want to yet" Harold Andersen, Vice President, Director, and Bus iness Manager of the World Herald, commented that many j of the Masters had moved out of tbe state and be wished ! that they bad stayed to be come successes here. "I tes tify on this question more as an expert witness," be said, "but it seems to roe that suc cess is produced by a willing ness to go that extra mile, to spend that extra hour." "What activity in college do you remember as having sig nificant effect on you later?" "My experience as editor of the Dally Nebraskan belped roe tbe most," said Brennell. "This is when I first became 'Honorary Professor' To Manley Dr. Robert Manley was named tbe first recipient of j a new Student Professorship; at the University during the) 27th annual Honors Convcca-! tion Tueday morning. Tbe Student Professorship, I wfckb carries a stipend, ' was presented by James Kin youn La behalf i4 Builders, Uofversfty student organiza tion bkh initiated the new' program involving tbe stu dent body. : Kinyoun cited Dr. Mar-ley for "his intense interest in students and outstanding methods of teaching." ' An assistant professor fj history. Dr. Manley joined the j University staff in 13G2. Hj was selected by the Univer sity's Centennial Commission to research and write a com plete history of tbe institution to be published in connection wita tbe centennial in 1JKJ9. Dr. Maniey's lively interest in Nebraska folklore is en hanced by bis natural ability to appear before and rapture public audiences. This has led to bis development of popu lar programs on Nebraska blstory and folklore and a great demand for bis services La community and club event i ever tbe state. Prior to joining the Univer sity's staff be taught school at Belleville, Kan.; McCook. Osceola and Seward. In 15E be was selected tbe outstand ing high school Jeacber in Nebraska. He served as presi dent of tbe Nebraska History and Social Studies Teachers AiMV.-isllfffl in WM. 1 .Mtd iLJ IwaJ Wednesday, May 5, 1965 aware f the University in general and the outside world. The experience I bad and tbe people I met were very re warding." "I first became interested in the theater because of my experiences at Nebraska," said .McCleery. "I wrote the KK show when I was a soph omore, junior, and senior, and this is what got me Looked." "There was no single ac tivity that I remember as giv ing me anything really extra." said Jensen, "but my parti cipation in extra-curricular activities helped me the most. I think these bad a greater impact than that of any oth er course." "It was a balance and mix of many different activities, Continued on Page 4 Film Series To Include Fifteen 'Best' The Union Film Society has announced its film series for 11G. The series is listed as the "best of the current available international c i n e ma." Five of the fifteen films are Academy Award nomi nees. From now until May 15, memberships for the new se ries will be sold at a reduced rate. Students and faculty may buy a membership dur ing this time tor $5.70. Nw University patrons may buy a membership for 17.60. Mem bership tickets will be sold ia the Nebraska Union until May 15, and si the Nebraska The ater the evening of May 12. The scbedule of films for HK5-16 is as toDons: Sept. 21, French-Argentine Km, "Black Orpbcus"; Oct. . an Italian film "Tbe Organizer"; Oct. 29, "0e Potato, Tw Potato" Ameri can. Nov. 3. "Tbe Paetecger" PoJisb; Nw. 17, "Woman la tbe Dunes" Japanese; Dec 1. "Lola" French; Dec. 15, "Aren't We Wonderful" German. Jan. 11. "The Cool World" American; Feb. 9, "Bay of Angels" French; Feb. 23, "Nine Days in One Year" Soviet; Mar. "Macario" Mexican; Mar. 23, "All Tbesw Women" Swedish. Apr. I. That Man From Rio" French; Apr. 27, "Tbe Fiances" Italian; May 11, "Tbe Umbrellas of Cher bourg" FreBth. Tbe Academy Award nomi nees are: 'The Organizer," "One Potato, Two Potato, "Woman in live Dunes." 'That Man From Uio." and 'The l1pr-Hs (A CljeriKwrg.