UNIVERSITY OF NEBJ LIBRARY ARCHIVES siimnnnnniiiiin'miraimiBimniiiiiinnnnrg 3ft 1 QRF JB1 Lr i rem1 CAMPUS . . . JOHN KLEIN ANNOUNCED his withdrawal from the As sociated Students of the Uni versity of Nebraska race Wednesday and threw his sup port for the presidency to Bill Poppert. Kent Neumeister is the oth er remaining candidate. Lar ry Frolik, Rich Meier and Andy Taube are candidates for the vice presidency. ELEVEN OUTSTANDING GRADUATES of the Univer sity will participate in Mas ter's Week, May 3 and 4, spon sored by the Student Council. Returning masters include three newspaper editors, a Judge, a college president, a chemist, a former attorney general, a radio personality and three businessmen. THE LEGISLATURE KILLED a bill that would have provided funds for the University to construct park ing facilities. CITY . . . THE CITY CHARTER RE VISION COMMITTEE went Into secret session again Tues day night, to discuss "general power of the city." Members of the press were asked to leave the executive session, so that members could more easily express thiir opinions. PLANS FOR LINCOLN'S public improvement will cost $9,477,826 for 1965-66, accord ing to a program received by the C i t y-County Planning Commission. The plan, which will be sub mitted to the City Council, in cludes park improvements, Lincoln General Hospital, streets and highways construc tion and improvement and commercial lighting. SIX NOMINEES FOR THE THREE City Council seats to be filed on May 4 are Edward Becker, John Comstock, Lloyd Hinkley, Bill Murrell, Lawr ence Murphy and Carroll Thompson. STATE . . . A BILL PROVIDING FOR automatic revocation of driv ers' licenses if a person sus pected of drunk driving re fuses to take an alcohol-in-the-blood test was advanced to the Legislature's floor yes terday. A person in this situation would be given 20 to 30 days notice of a year's revocation, and could appeal his case to a district court. WORKERS LAID OFF by the Omaha Cudahy plant shut down will not be entitled to unemployment pay, according to State Labor Commissioner Lambert Eitel Tuesday. EIGHTEEN NEBRASKANS earned National Merit Schol arships, It was announced Wednesday. Winners are Amy Bouska, Janet Lindgren, L a n d o n Price, Paula Bacon, Cather ine Ann Caffrey, Alan John son, Susan Gosker, Kathleen Augustin, David Forsyth, Wil liam Origer, Robert Solick, Walter Warnsholz, Craig Mc Elroy, Robert Dawson, Mary Lou Ribblfi, Elaine Tegtmeier, Lloyd Wohlner and Nancy Coufal. NATION . . . THE DOMINICAN REPUB LIC is the scene of revolt and the arrival of American Ma rines to protect American lives. The U.S.-supported civilian government was attacked by young army officers in an up rising beginning Saturday. The U.S. Marines were called by President Johnson Wednes day night. VIET NAM is the subject of statements by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, President Johnson and French President De Gaulle. De Gaulle called for neu trality and independence of the nations of Southeast Asia, but avoided any direct criti cism of U.S. action there. Secretary McNamara la bled movements of North Viet namese as "progressively more flagrant and Uncon strained" aggression in South Vict Nam. President Johnson said "to stand firm is the only guar antee of a lasting peace" while restating plans to com bat aggression and pursue peace in Viet Nam, By Wayne Kreuscher Junior Staff Writer Should a presidential candi date promise to organize and lay a structure for new stu dent government or should he give a list of programs and things which he thinks this new govrenment should try to accomplish in the next year? This was the main question in last night's Student Council debates between Bill Poppert and Kent Neumeister, who are both candidates for president of the new Student Associa tion. Poppert took the first view by saying, "The most impor tant issue is to get the new Constitution working and if you get it working you will get the new government working." Neumeister, on the o t h e r hand, gave a long list of goals and projects that he felt would benefit the students and win both their interest and atten tion. He suggested such things as expansion of recreation, an in vestigation of text book Vol. 80, No. 120 YR's Back Voting Bill, Condemn Spending Limit The University Young Re publicans, at a meeting 7:00 p.m. yesterday, passed resolu tions calling for passage of the Voting Rights Bill of 1965 and condemning the amend ment proposed to the Nebras ka Legislature by the Citizen's Voice for Sensible Spending. The Voting Rights reso lution was based on the fact that "Americans are being denied,-the- right to -vote be cause of racial discrimina tion," citing Selma, Alabama, specifically. The amendment proposed to the Nebraska Legislature would permanently limit the amount that the state could spend each year, unless a 4-5 Thirty-nine University scho lars were honored last night on their election to Phi Beta Kappa, national liberal arts and sciences honorary. The new members were in troduced at the Phi Beta Kap-pa-Sigma Xi annual banquet in the Nebraska Union. Guest speaker at the banquet was Dr. Ernest Simmons, former chairman of the department of Slavic languages and pro fessor of Russian literature at Columbia University. Membership in Phi Beta Kappa is limited to the top ranking scholars in the Col lege of Arts and Sciences. The new members are: Melvin Beal, philosophy; Pa tricia Bergstrom, English; Stephen Berquist, economics; Carol Bieck, zoology; Rich ard Blatny, chemistry - pre mediclne. Ro b e r t Cherny, history; Phi Beta & 39 Mew M N-Club To Interview For 1965 Sweetheart Interviews for N-Club Sweetheart will be held in Room 332 Nebraska Union on Sunday. The interview times will be: Joyce Meyer, Alpha Xi Del ta, 5:20; Jean Lemmon, Pound Hull 9th, 5:25; Kay Kramer, Kappa Alpha Theta, 5:30; Marcia Melichnr. Burr East Hall, 5:35. Sue Devereaux, Piper Hall, 5:40; Roberta Glenn, Kappa Delta, 5:45; Susie Parks, Ray in o n d Hall, 5:50; Georgia Merriam, Alpha Omlcron Pi, 5:55. Cathi Hagen, Phi Mu, 6:00; Rosalee Pleis, Towne Club, 6:05; Jackie Anderson, Pound Hall, 6:10; Louetta Velte, Pound Hall, 6:15. Dlanne Crosby, Fedde Hall, 6:20; Sandy Stefanisin, Alpha Phi, 6:25; Katnie Glade, Del prices, luncheons and other means of bringing the students and faculty together, an ap praisal of teachers and courses, a tutor program and an expansion of culture. Neumeister said he would reduce the tension between the Greeks and Independents and isolation of the city and east campuses by rallying them all together in certain projects. He named two specific pro grams he felt would do this. First by joining various or ganizations on campus togeth er in planning a program for the 1967 Nebraska Centennial, this program would show the part the University has played in Nebraska's history. His second program to rally the campus together is a pub lic relations and cohesive proj ect that will try to join the various alumni and interested University organizations throughout the state in help ing and backing the Univer sity. Poppert, too, of course, sug gested things which he would like to do if elected, but most, majority of senators and the governor approved further spending. j The resolution called t h e nronosal a "shnrt-sifhtprl I i j - o - - - - hindrance on the future growth of the state." Among resolutions passed at the state YR convention was one recommending the introduction of a bill that would propose a state con stitutional convention. The present constitution was called "a legal hodge-podge of baffling patchwork of 40 years' making." The Legislature's Judiciary committee was urged to use its authority to introduce such a bill. appa embers Carl Colson, zoology-botany; Richard Denton, physics; Ro bert Gotcher, history; Joanie Graves, art; Mrs. Barbara Pandzik Grupe, English-art. Donald Hanway, Jr., philosophy-psychology; Julianne Hempel, political science; Thomas Holland, English; He len James, chemistry; Nancy Johnson, microbiology; Mrs. Joan Morton. Peggy King, English; Dav id Kittams, chemistry; Thom as Kort, English; Linda Launer, English; Susan Mc Clymont, Spanish; James McGinnis, zoology. Gaylen Meyer, mathemat ics; Jamil Daoud Nammour, philosophy; Melinda Nelson, elementary education; Joan Novak, chemistry-zoology; Douglas Osterholm, zoology; Jaunita Patterson, French English. ta Gamma, 6:30; Kathy Web er, Chi Omega, 6:35. Marilyn Fuhrman, Love Memorial Hall, 6:40; Beverly Armstrong, Delta Delta Del ta, 6:45; Linda Keating, Kap pa Kappa Gamma, 6:50; Jean Ehlers, Alpha Chi Omega, 6:55. Sharon Schmeeckle, Z e t a Tau Alpha, 7:00; Jeanne Flan agan, Alpha Delta Pi, 7:05; Barbara Pflasterer, Gamma Phi Beta, 7:10; Diana Focht, Pi Beta Phi, 7:15. Nancy Stuart, Sigma Kap pa, 7:20; Nuncy Michael, Heppner Hall, 7:25; Francie Ogden, Love Hall, 7:30. Four finalists will be chosen from these applicants. The 1965 N-Club Sweetheart will be crowned at the N-Club dinner-dance on Mry L'5, at the Town and Country. The 1964 N-Club Sweetheart is Patty Johns of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. his plans were connected with the administration of the new government. He said a committee should be devised that will be com pletely divorced from the As sociation which will handle projects such as Masters and Student discount cards which don't need to be handled by the senate itself. Poppert also said he felt senate members should be limited to membership on only one committee and students from outside the student gov ernent should help to fill up the. rest of the positions on individual committees. He pointed out that one of the first and most important things the Association needed to do rather than start a lot of new programs was to compile the by-laws for the new gov ernment. Poppert plans on reducing student apathy by putting stu dents outside of the Associa tion on student government committees. Neumeister will do this by showing the stu dents that the government is interested in leading them and The Daily 'IIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ I 'Masters' I To Begin I Sunday The University Masters pro gram will begin Sunday and will last through Tuesday of next week. The program gives stu dents an unusual opportunity to meet and talk with sever al alumni leaders who have acnievea outstanding success in their chosen fields. j Next vea.,g student gov. Masters for 1965 are Paul ernment ," Cuz GuenzeL Babson, Dr. James Jensen, junior, said, "will set the pat PLv PaulTlTBare- Gene Robb'jtern of student action for the Arthur We aver, Herbert; next decade." crowneu, Haroia uorey, Mrs. Hazel Stebbins, Judge John Brown, William McClerry and Harold Andersen. Carol Phelps, secondary education ; Jean Probasco, political science; Mary Roes er, Latin-French; Kathleen Robertson, French - English; Robert Schwabauer, mathe m a t i c s-civll engineering; Charles Smith, English; Ri chard Smith, physics-mathematics. Robert Steinmeier, chemis try; Dennis Wallwey, chemis try; Karen Woodward, French-Spanish. PIE IN YOUR EYE. . . . The events Campus Union. Elects v.f;v.Kvv .Jill'1- "iv Jilu'f I , ' 1 , -""'i.4 . i o" t ) i ' ' , ,C r x ' f 1. 1 -y J - ' :; , . W. I V- i . ""ton-,-' ' I ' I . v. m$. - f I j,m .ri in ... um imp, i '! .-i,wiMw,.J contest, enc toss, bale stacking and straw hunt. A trophy winning house and plaques to the individu al winners. Following the picnic supper, the Coachmen will play outside at a street dunce. Students wishing to attend may buy a ticket for 75 cents at the East Union. presenting them a number of new programs. If he is elected, Neumeister said his relationship with the Senate will be flexible and pragmatic. He will expand the Associa tion's duties outside of the campus in public relations campaigns. "The president," he said, "can't attempt to be a constitutional lawyer and sit in his office and read the Constitution all day." Poppert answered Neumei ster by saying, "I don't en vision sitting in my office and studying the Constitution all day." He went on to point out that he felt a lot of programs couldn't possibly work until first the student government is organized, the by laws writ ten and the committees formed. Both Poppert and Neumei ster, after explaining their various viewpoints, were asked questions from the au dience, Neumeister was asked how he could possibly justify stu dent govenment acting as a Nebraskan an did List Plans OF T QQchQFS ColljjQ I ff If" Better contact with consti tuents, book prices, student discount cards, discrimina tion, controversy, teacher evaluation These problems and many others were expressed by the thirteen candidates running for Student Senate as repre sentatives of Teachers Col lege. Seven people will be .wtpfi Three things which she men tioned student government should work on next year were student book prices, the li brary schedule and discrim ination. Miss Guenzel pointed out that something is wrong when both the regent's book prices and commercial book prices are the same. She also said that she felt student govern ment should be a profit-making body providing that the profit is used to help the stu dents. "This year," she said, "Council has been thought of by most of the representa tives as a non-profit organiza tion, but it's not an organiza tion and it does need to make money in order to carry on worthwhile investigations and projects for the students." She said the library should be kept open more during va cation periods for the benefit of Lincoln and nearby students The All-Ag picnic begins today at 6:30 p.m. at the East will feature a pie-eating contest, tug-of-war, greased pig public relations agent for the University. He answered by saying that the tuition situa tion in the state Legislature shows that the University's public relations have fallen down so it s up to the students to do what they can in inform ing the public. Neumeister was also asked if it wasn't true that book prices have been investigated since 1898 and if it wasn't true that recreational facili ties hadn't been improved on ly because the University didn't have enough money. He defended himself by say ing that book price and rec reation investigations were good, if for no other reason than that they created inter est and let people know where the problems are so that something can eventually be done. "No one," Neumeister stressed, "should be naive to student government and its possibilities." "We don't have unlimited p o w e r," Neumeister said, "but we can suggest and and that student government has to continue cracking down on discrimination. Bob Samuelson. junior, said. "We've investigated the book store time after time and nev er accomplished anything. What we need to Jo is put more stress on Alpha Phi Omega, the student book ex change." He also said that student government should try to help other organizations on campus get more controversial speak ers from both the left and the right. Tom Philips, sophomore, said the new government was i going to have to be ilexiDJe to meet the many problems that will arise. One of the first problems he foresaw is the lax wording in the constitution especially concerning the duties of the president and vice president. Lincoln independents' parti cipation in campus activities is one area that Pam Wood, freshman, said she thought student government should work on next year. Kristin Bitner, freshman, put improving communica tions between the Teachers College representatives and the students high on her list of things she would like to do if elected. She said that some type of bulletin board or suggestion box could be used in the col lege to improve these com munications. will be presented to the work in these areas and bring them to students' attention." Poppert was questioned Just as hard as Neumeister. He was asked what the difference would be between his outside students on government committees and the Associ ates. He answered that the associates will be moving around from one committee to another and the other stu dents will just stay in one area. Poppert was also asked sim ply "What is the new govern ment going te be doing?" He said it would take care of projects related to definite committees. He was asked how he could possibly plan a new govern ment or interpret laws with out first having some definite legislation. Poppert answered that he firmly felt that inter nal problems, the structure of the new government still had to come first before definite legislation. Neumeister summarized his Continued on Page S. Friday, April 30, 1965 "We need more controversi al speakers and more of an intellectual atmosphere," said John Scholl, sophomore. He also said that some t of evaulation system that would appraise courses, teach ers and materals wa leeded in Teachers College. Ron Neel, junior, saiJ he would like to start .a Teach ers College discussion' board to represent the students in this college. Rebecca (Becky ) Marshall said she wanted to see stu dent government really begin to govern the students and molding student opinion rath er that just being another or ganization. She pointed out that student government especially needs to reflect student opinion in the area of legislation and with the Nebraska legislature. The parking situation and communications between the Teachers College representa tives and the students are both concerns of Rich (Bum by) Stangle. Stangle said he wanted to start a Teachers College board where members of the college could let their repre sentatives know what they want and be also wants to in vestigate the parking situa tion. Karen Westerberg, sopho more, said she felt the Stu dent Welfare Committee should be expanded. She ex plained that the student dis count cards snouia Decome more effective and that stu dent government should con tinue being in charge of them. Arts &. Sciences candidate John Dzerk, freshman, men tioned four areas where he thought council should take action next year: the advis or system, Arts & Science curriculum, campus speak ers and teacher evaluation. He said that many of the Arts & Sciences requirement! need to be studied and pos sibly changed, especially the science requirements. Phi Eta Sigma To Hold Initiation Nearly 100 men wiH be in itiated into Phi Eta Sigma honorary fraternity Sunday night. The initiation cere mony -for the freshman men s honorary will begm at 5:30 p.m. Vance Rogers, president ol Nebraska Wesleyan Univer sity, will be the honored guest and will speak at the dinner which is scheduled to begin at 6:30. After the dinner. Rogers will be initiated into the group. John Lonnquist, senior ad visor for Phi Eta Sigma, said that this is probably the largest group ever to be in vited to join the honorary. He went on to say that President Lyndon Johnson Is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, which has chapters through out the United States.