The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1965, Image 1

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In 117
By Priscilla MuIUni
Senior Staff Writer
Husky "Herf" may be
come the spirit symbol for
the University if approval is
shown by the campus.
First sketches of Husky
were shown to the Student
Council yesterday by Mike
Barton, Spirit Committee
chairman for the Council.
Council members, In a
straw vote, gave their ap
proval to Husky, outvoting
other sketches of "Bob the
Cob" and "The Big Tough
Barton said his committee
would now go to University
departments concerned with
the spirit symbol, to get
their reaction to Husky.
"We would like to blow
this up even bigger than the
Jayhawk," Barton said.
"Once the University
backs this, commercial peo
ple will probably contact us
to produce the symbol," be
Council members heard a
report on the function of the
Student Tribunal from Jim
McGinnis, Tribunal mem
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Vol. 80, No. 119
Week EPesftiviftoes
University coed Kathle
Glade will reign over the 1965
Engineering Week festivities
which open this afternoon.
Miss Glade, a sophomore in
Arts and Sciences, is a mem
ber of Delta Gamma soror
ity. She has served on the
All-University Fund and Red
Cross committees, was Miss
Derby Day in 1963 and is a
Cornhusker Beauty Que en
Miss E-Week finalists in
cluded: Pam Wilson, Becky
Yerk, Barbara Pflasterer,
Joyce Meyer, Marge Neben,
Gretchen Koefoot and Bev
erly Massie.
The traditional open house
for the public will begin with
tours of the students' displays
and demonstrations at 2 p.m.
today in Architecture Hall
and will continue through 10
The students have placed
particularly heavy emphasis
on helping the public under
stand the full range of capa
bilities of the modern, elec
tronic computer according to
Craig Colburn, an E-Week
student chairman.
Among otber displays which
will feature data processing
machinery, will be those de
picting the nse of computers
In the application of medicine,
the simulation of moving
projectiles, the controlling of
electrical power and the sim
ulation of chemical processes
without the actual nse of
chemicals themselves.
A highlight of E-Week this
year will be a memorial to
the late Prof. L. W. Hurlbut,
former chairman of the de
partment of agricultural en
gineering at the University.
The students will display
through mock-ups and dem
onstrationsthe major contri
butions of Professor Hurlbut,
regarded as one of the most
outstanding researchers and
teachers in his field.
The public will be treated to
a student performance fea
turing an electronic musical
Instrument, map making, dis
plays showing the beauty of
especially made concrete
blocks, cars that ride on air
Senate Candidates
To Debate Tonight
Candidates for president
and vice-president of Student
Senate wiH debate in the Pan
American room of the Ne
braska Union tonight at 7:30
Quiz Bowl Schedules
Championship On TV
The top four Quiz Bowl
teams will compete for the
championship on KUON-TV
tonight at 9 p.m. The compet
ing teams are: Beta Theta
Pi pledges, Avery House, The
Four Frosh, and The Eclectics.
McGinnis said that the
Tribunal is made up of nine
members two faculty
members, one law student
(not a freshman), four sen
iors and two juniors.
The Tribunal hears only
cases submitted to it by the
Dean of Student Affairs or
committees from the Facul
ty Senate.
Recommendations from
the Tribunal have ranged
from letters expressing the
faith of the Tribunal in the
individual involved, to let
ters of a "more severe
tone" have been given by
the Tribunal this year, ac
cording to McGinnis.
John Lydick, president,
told the Council that he and
Mike Barton had appeared
before the Legislature dur
ing spring vacation to pre
sent the petitions protesting
a proposed tuition increase
for the University.
The petition had 4,003
signatures, Lydick said, and
the talk was recorded In the
Legislature's record.
Lydick read a letter,
which will be sent to the
The Daily
and a demonstration of metal
Each year from 8 to 10
thousand persons tour the dis
plays especially made for the
public by s t u d e n t s in the
School of Architecture and the
MISS E-WEEK . . . University coed Kathie Glade wfll
reign as Miss E-Week as the festivities and displays open
this afternoon.
Interviews To Begin
For Cornhusker Staff
Interviews for the 1966
Cornhusker yearbook staff
will be held MonJay at 2 p.m.
in the Nebraska Union, ac
cording to Dr. Robert Cran
ford, Publications Board
Applications may be picked
up from members of this
year's staff, the Student Activ
ities Office or the School of
All applications must be
turned in to the Student Activ
ities Office by 5 p.m. Friday.
stats legislators, dealing
with student opposition to
the proposed tuition In
crease. Eleven students from
Peru will be visiting the
University May 6-11, ac
cording to Lydick to be
come familiar with the
campus. The program will
be handled by the Romance
Language Department this
year, according to Lydick,
because the Council will be
in a state of transition to
the new form of govern
ment. Reporting for the Masters
Committee, Bill Coufal,
chairman, told the Council
that there will be a few ex
tra events to be held during
Masters Week next week,
which were not listed in the
"The success of the Mas
ters Program depends on
the students," he said. Cou
fal urged people to "talk to
these people they're out
standing and fascinating
Plans are progressing for
...Mss Glade
chanical, agricultural, chem
ical, and civil engineering and
engineering mechanics,
departments of electrical, me-
Engineering Week for the
student body ends Saturday
evening with the announce-
O OP ft
Tbeti XI n W, Delta VmIIob
Beta Theta PI alfdaei UU Alpha
Gamma Khe Ui.
The Eclectic! Z2S. PU Gamma
Delta St.
The Purple Confers US, Delta
Upailoa W.
Averr Bonn 16S, Beta Tbeta PI
I to.
The Tour Prodi W. The Oida
Beta Theta PI Biedae 110. Theta
Avery Borne 130. Phi Gamma
Delta 70.
The Fear Freih 150, The Purple
Gouter Hi.
The Eclectlce. bye.
r -4
Service Day according to
Kent Neumeister. The Serv
ice Day Committee is
checking on project areas.
Publications Board inter
views were postponed from
last Tuesday until May 4,
according to Bob Kerrey,
Elections Committee chair
man. Interviews for Student Tri
bunal will be held this Sat
urday, according to Kerrey.
The Student Welfare Com
mittee is working on getting
business firms to back the
Student Discount Card for
next year, according to John
Luckasen, committee chair
man. The constitution for. the
Rodeo Club was accepted by
the Judiciary Committee,
according to JoAnn Strate
man, chairman. Rejected
constitutions include Kosmct
Klub, School of Journalism
Advisory Council and Busi
ness Administration Student
Advisory Board.
The Activities Committee
has completed the campus
handbook, according to
Susie Segrist. chairman.
Thursday, April 29 1965
Beg obi
To Reign
ment of special awards made
to those seniors who have ex
celled in their respective
fields of study during the past
five years.
Vox Populi
Student Senate candidates
of the Vox Populi party met
Tuesday night in the Nebras
ka Union and elected Kent
Neumeister as the party's
choice for Student senate
The party will back Neumei
ster for the presidency in the
May 5 campus election.
Larrv Frolik was chosen by
the nartv candidates for the
vice-president of the Senate.
Both candidates were chosen
from a field of presidential
and vice-presidential candi
dates who each gave a pre
sentation to the party mem
bers before the selection was
Speaking engagements have
been made for all 25 party
candidates to appear in every
living unit on campus in an
effort to convey their ideas
to the student electorate.
Doug Miller was named
treasurer of Voice of the
People" and will handle the
party funds for their cam
A platform committee was
also selected which will pre
sent a platform to the party
candidates Saturday morning
at 9 a.m.
Vox Populi Senate candi
dates are: Cuz Lruenzei,
Becky Marshall, Bob Samuel-
son,- John School, Ron Meet,
Karen Westerberg, Byron
Moore. Jeff Lefko;
Terry Schaaf, Bill Hans-
nure, Dan Isman, Ted Suhr,
Don Voss, Bill Coufal, Kelly
Baker, Rich Thompson, Bill
Minier. Liz Aucen, Jim Kin
yon, Gary Larson, Bob Lott
and Don Cruise.
Five Candidates
Present Platform
Five Senatorial candidates
for the College of Arts and
Sciences have recommended
that a Student Advisory Board
be created for the College.
The students include Joe
Carroll, Joan McClymont,
Phil Boardman, Ron Pfeifer
and Mel Schlachter. They feel
that this proposal would
strengthen student-faculty re
lations and allow the student
to help gain improved cur
They also noted that the
new constitution offers a bet
ter chance for student-senator
contact, but only if the sen
ators lead the way.
THAT'S NO BULL . . . It's a picture of "Husky Herf", the suggested spirit sym
bol for the University which was approved by a straw vote yesterday in Student
oice Campaign
By Wayne Kreuscher
Junior Staff Writer
Andy Taube, Rich Meier and Larry
Frolik all three are running for vice
president of next year's new Student As
sociation. In interviews with the Daily Nebraskan
all three students explained what they
would like to do as vice president.
Lairy Frolik is running with Kent
Neumeister, who is a presidential candi
date. Frolik explained, "I'm running with
Kent because he's the most qualified for
the position of president and I think it's
desirable that the president and vice
president be able to work together. He
and I think along the same lines mostly."
He said he felt it would be the vice
president's role in the new Association to
act as speaker of the Senate; to organize
the Senate and to be the executive whip.
"Student government," he said, "must
not be just another activity, but it should
lead and govern. Also it must be careful
not to become tied up with a lot of pro
jects that are none of the Student Sen
ate's business.""
Frolik pointed out that such commit
tees as student activities and the Peace
Corps should be done either on the execu
tive lvel of the student government or
should be handled by other campus or
ganizations. He explained that the main area
where student government could do a lot
more work is in the welfare area. He said
that the committee should be enlarged
and such things as Dead Week should be
put into more effective operation.
Student recreation, advisory boards and
student wages especially on Ag campus
were other things that Frolik felt Student
Council should become more concerned
Frolik, who is president of Beta Theta
Pi Fraternity, has a 7.802 average and
is a junior in Arts and Sciences. He is
the present corresponding secretary and
claairman of the Public Issues commit
tee for Student Council.
"If I couldn't do the job I wouldn't be
running," said Rich Meier as he explained
that he felt the vice president's job should
be one of communications.
He said that he felt it was the vice
president's main job to have a good com
munication system between student gov
ernment and the student body and be
tween both of these groups and the facul
ty. Meier said that the new government's
primary concern next year would be with
getting the new constitution to work.
Rich pointed out that he would be es
pecially capable in communicating with
the student body and the faculty because
Arts & Science Candidates Interview
Thirty-six candidates are
running for nine seats as rep
resentatives of the Arts & Sci
ences College.
The Dailv Nebraskan inter
viewed the candidates to find
out why they are running and
what they think some of the
specific problems or jobs are
that student government will
have to face next year.
Some type of advisory
board that will bring the stu
dents in closer contact with
their college and faculty and
in closer contact with their
representatives was one of
the most popular ideas sug
gested by many of these can
didates. Phil Boardman, sophomore,
said that he felt that because
of the new representation only
by colleges some type of ar
rangement was going to nave
to be made so that students
can be in closer contact with
their representatives.
He also pointed out that he
wanted to set up an advisory
board that will bring the stu
dents into closer contact with
the faculty.
Mqiqf, Toiife
Carlton Clark, sophomore,
also said that be would like
to set up an Arts & Sciences
board or a personal board to
be in closer contact with the
Randy Kohlmeier, sopho
more, had some specific ideas
for an advisory board.
"I would like to organize a
student advisory board that
would have 2 freshmen repre
sentatives, two sophomore,
three junior, and three senior.
So if anybody had any com
plaints to make about Arts &
Sciences or suggestions they
come to the board and pos
sibly actually get some or
ganized action on their com
plaints," Kohlmeier said.
Pat Unthank, freshman,
also said that student govern
ment had to improve com
munications between the rep
resentatives, the student body
and the faculty.
Sally Morrow, first semes
ter junior, suggested that all
the Arts & Sciences represen
tatives should meet at least
twice a semester with that
college's faculty and discuss
of his former experience on the Daily
Nebraskan and in covering the Constitu
tional Convention.
He said that one of the first problems
the new government was going to face
was making the budget work and receiv
ing support from all the students.
"It seems to me that Larry Frolik is
at the present time the front runner, in the
vice president's race," he said, "but I
feel that since we are setting up a new
system of student government and need
new ideas and concepts, we need a vice
president unlike Frolik who does not have
his ideas predicated on experience in the
old system and who will not be prejudiced
to the old system."
"I want to see how strong we can
make student government because the
stronger it is the more things we can ac
complish," he stressed.
Meier is a junior in Arts & Sciences
and has a 5.7 average. He lives in Cather
Hall and is a staffwriter for the Daily
Nebraskan and historian of Palladian.
Andy Taube stressed the fact that he
is running for. both vice president and
"I'm running," he said, "because I
think I can implement my ideas best as
vice president, but I am a sophomore and
if I'm not elected vice president I would
like to try and implement my ideas as a
Taube explained that he would like to
make next year a stepping stone to the
day when important issues will come up
and the administration will say what does
student government think about this or
what does the Senate think we should do.
He pointed out that this year's Coun
cil has been bogged down with too much
committee work to meet all the needs of
the students of the University. Specific
problems that Taube felt the Student As
sociation should work on next year includ
ed student parking, joining national stu
dent associations, forming college advis
ory boards and improving the Univer
sity's counseling service.
"Several student government commit
tees such as the Nebraska Student Gov
ernment or the Big Eight Student Govern
ment committee need to be made a lot
more effective," he pointed out.
"I have some concrete ideas that I
feel could be implemented and I think I
could work with either of the two presi
deatial candidates," he said.
Taube is a sophomore in Arts & Sci
ences and has a 6.7 average. He is sec
retary of Sigma Chi Fraternity and as a
present Student Council member he is
chairman of the Peace Corps Committee.
He is president of Phi Eta Sigma, IFC
public relations chairman and holds a
Regent's scholarship.
Bruce Eickhoff, freshman,
said that there was no rea
son why the senators couldn't
keep in better contact with
the different living units and
find out the opinions, ideas
and grievances of their con
stituents. "Student government," said
Andy Kaulins, freshman,
"should work at improving
the quality of professors and
increasing t h e relationships
of the students with the facul
ty in general."
Ron Pfeifer, freshman,
mentioned an advisory board,
but he also said that if he was
elected he would try to in
crease the recreational facil
ities and work on the park
ing problem.
"I think we should look into
problems such as the lighting
on campus, nener saiu. ne
also pointed out that the new
government was going to take
a lot of work.
Marilyn Langemach, fresh
man, also said that campus
Continued on P. 2
i V.