The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1965, Image 1

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Five men are seeking to
lead over 13,000 students In
the most important student
executive body at the Uni
versity. Included in the five are
two candidates for president
of the new Student Associa
tion, Kent Neumeister and
Bill Poppert, and three can
didates for the vice presi
dency of the Association,
Larry Frolik, Rich Meier
and Andy Taube.
The Daily Nebraskan in
terviewed each candidate to
find out what he feels will
be the most important prob
lems he will have to face if
elected and what he will
do if elected. Today we pre
sent the interviews with the
candidates for president,
and tomorrow the vise
presidency candidates' in
terviews will be printed.
"I want to be president of
all the students and of all
the different colleges and of
all the different living
units," said Kent Neumei
ster as he explained what
things he would like to ac
complish as president of the
Student Association.
Neumeister listed three
main projects that he would
like to start if elected:
Teacher and course apprai
sal, a pageant of Univer
sity students for the Nebras
ka centennial and a better
organization of the alumni
He explained that he
wants to establish a com
mission that will co-ordinate
different organizations
on campus such as Kosmet
Klub, the Student Union and
Builders to design a pag
eant for the 1967 Nebraska
"This program will in
form the people of the state
about the role that the Uni
versity has played in the
state's history," he said.
He pointed out that a
teacher and course apprai
sal book of some kind which
would be administered by
the students would help to
better the relationship be
tween the teachers and the
students so that they could
become assistants in educa
tion rather than adver
saries. Neumeister also ex
plained that the Univer
sity's alumni associations
and the friends of the Uni
versity should be better or
ganized so that the Univer
sity's many friends could
work together throughout
the state on such matters
as the school's budget.
He also suggested com
missions to do such things
as expand the student tu
toring program, investigate
recreation facilities and text
book prices and increase the
number of convocations, es
pecially those of controver
sial speakers at the Univer
sity. Neumeister pointed out
that he wants to reduce the
tension between the Greeks
and independents by search
ing for those qualities which
the two systems have in
common and rallying them
together in such programs
as the Centennial Pageant.
"If I'm elected," he said,
"I will use the best creative
talents of all groups for the
benefit of the whole Univer
sity." Neumeister is a member
of the Arts & Sciences Col
lege and has a 7.763 aver
age. He is presently a Stu
dent Council representative
and chairman of the Coun
seling Service Committee
and former chairman of the
Libraries Committee. He
lives in Selleck Quadrangle.
Bill Poppert said that he
felt "getting the new Con
stitution to work right"
would be one of his main
jobs next year if elected
president of the Student As
sociation. Poppert said that the way
the new Constitution and
student government is set
up there could be a Greek
Independent split.
"The new Constitution,"
he said, "lends itself to po
litical parties and this of
course could split so that
one side is Greek and the
other Independent. This
could happen, but it defi
nitely shouldn't."
Poppert pointed out that
organizing the new govern
ment under the new Con
stitution will be a full time
job. He said that if he is
elected he will see to it that
the student government is a
better all around govern
ment instead of overloading
it with a lot of things that
really have nothing to do
with governing.
He explained that one of
the main things he would
like to do is open the Stu
dent government commit
tees to people outside of
just the representatives.
"If we opened the Stu
dent Association commit
tees," he said, "we could
promote student interest in
the problems of the Univer
sity and also we would be
limiting the representatives
to as few committees as
possible so they could
devote more time and ef
fort to a few."
Poppert said that he
wants to help independents
get into some activities and
he said that he didn't feel
they had always had the
chances they deserve.
"I'm not campaigning on
a pro-Greek or pro-Independent
ticket, but on a
pro-University attitude," he
Poppert is a member of
Pharmacy College and has
a 5.9 average. He is a mem
ber of Delta Sigma Phi
Fraternity and is presently
a Student Council represen
tative. He is chairman of t h e
Student Council parking
committee and 1FC rush
John Klein today an
nounced h i s withdrawal
from the Associated Stu
dents of the University of
Nebraska (ASUN) race and
threw his support for the
presidency of the student
body to Bill Poppert.
In a statement to t h e
Daily Nebraskan, Klein of
fered his help to the new
president in "drawing up
and introducing legislation
with respect to the proce
dure for establishing the
constitution and programs
to make student government
a more effective and signif
icant force."
Klein said he withdrew
from the race because of a
heavy academic schedule.
His withdrawal leaves two
candidates in the running:
Poppert and Kent Neumei
ster. Larry Frolik, who
with Poppert, drew Klein's
support, has paired himself
with Neumeister a a Joint
The all-campus election
for Senate and executive
positions under the newly
adopted constitution is next
Klein said he held that the
success of the new constitu
tion depends upon the elec
tion of competent people,
and "with the exception of
Bill Poppert and Larry Fro
lik, I feel that the candi
dates who have filed . . .
demonstrate no promise of
competence to effectively
establish the new govern
ment." Klein, who was a mem
ber of the constitutional
convention which drew up
the new document, is a
sophomore in the College of
Law. He has previously
been appointed to a position
next year on the Student
Court, where he will serve
as an associate justice.
Neumeister and Poppert,
both juniors, were not on
the convantion.
In addition to Frolik, Rich
Meier and Andy Taube have
filed for vice president.
Vol. 80, No. 118 M
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, April 28, 1965
Schedule Announced
For Masters Week
The University Masters
Program, scheduled for May
2-4, gives students an unusual
opportunity to meet and talk
with alumni leaders who have
achieved outstanding success
in their chosen fields.
"The program provides a
stimulation and valuable ex
perience for students, and it
gives the Masters an unusual
opportunity to share their
wisdom with young people
who are eager to learn," said
University Chancellor Clifford
"The Masters Program has
earned a firm place as one
of the most important events
of the University year," be
According to Bill C o u f a 1,
student chairman, "The focus
of the Masters Program is on
the future, a future which
sometimes seems ominous to
the student. I urge all stu
dents to participate in Mas
ters Week, and I am sure you
will find it to be a most stim
ulating and rewarding experience."
Masters for 1965 are Paul
Babson, Dr. James Jensen,
Dr. Paul Bare, Gene Robb,
Arthur Weaver, Herbert
Brownell, Harold Corey, Mrs
Hazel Stebbins, Judge John
Brown, William McClerry and
Harold Andersen.
The Masters Week schedule
is as follows:
Sunday: Masters arrive at
Nebraska Center. Free time.
8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Inaugural
Breakfast. Masters meet with
Chancellor Hardin and P r o
gram Committee members at
Nebraska Center.
10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Tour of
the campus and possible class
11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Luncheon
Assignments: Herbert Brown
ell, Cather; William Mc
Clcery, Alpha Phi; Harold
Corey, Selleck; Gene Robb,
Delta Upsilon; Mrs. Hazel
Stebbins, Journalism; Dr.
James Jensen, Selleck; Paul
Babson, Sigma Phi Epsilon;
Judge John Brown, Sigma Nu;
Arthur Weaver, Beta Sigma
1.' to 2:30 n.m. Press Con
ference for all Masters, Ne
braska Union.
Nisle To Speak
At YR Meeting
State AFL-CIO President
Richard Nisle will address the
University Young Republicans
tomorrow In the Nebraska
Union at 7:30.
Nisle will speak on trade
unions and the Republican
YR president John Reiser
said, "1 know there may be
criticism from some for hav
ing a labor leader address the
Young Republicans. For that
reason I wish to take full re
sponsibility for the program
2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Informal
Period for Masters, visit
areas of personal choice.
4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Coffee
with the Student Council, Ne
braska Union.
5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Masters
on individual assignment to
student living areas for din
ner and informal visits as fol
lows: Herbert Brownell, Delta Up
silon joined by Alpha Delta
Pi; William McCleery, Alpha
Omicron Pi joined by Sigma
Nb and Chi Phi; Harold Cor
ey, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
joined by Alpha Chi Omega;
Gene Robb, Kappa Kappa
Gamma joined by Sigma Phi
Epsilon; Mrs. Hazel Stebbins,
Kappa Alpha Tbeta joined by
Phi Mu and Sigma Delta Tau.
Dr. James Jensen, Alpha
Gamma Rho joined by Farm
house and Alpha Gamma Sig
ma; Paul Babson, Delta Tau
Delta joined by Pi Beta Phi;
Harold Andersen, Sellecki
Quadrangle; Dr. Paul Bare,
Cornhusker Co-op joined byj
Pioneer House; Judge John
Brown, Sigma Chi joined by
Delta Delta Delta and Delta'
Sigma Pi; Arthur Weaver, Ag:
Men joined by Brown Palace. ;
8:30 to 10:00 p.m. Masters;
will visit Cather. Pound and
Fedde Hall, Love Hal and
Burr Hall.
8:00 to 9:30 a.m. H o n o r 6
Day Breakfast with Innocents
and Mortar Boards, Nebraska
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Campus
visits by Masters.
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Honors
Convocation, Coliseum
Luncheon period, Masters
euests of student groups.
2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Period to
be arranged by Student Hosts
Special Event for Ladies
Tea. 2:00 to 4:00 P.m. with
Mrs. Clifford Hardin, 2110 A
Street, for Mrs. Stebbins and
wives, and presidents of wom
en's living units.
5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Masters
i : w 4A
on individual assignment w
student livine areas for din
ner and informal visits as follows:
Herbert Brownell, Kappa
Delta joined by Sigma Alpha
Mn and Raima Sigma; Willi
am McCleery, Beta Theta Pi
joined by Alpha XI Delta;
Harold Corey, Phi Kappa Psi
joined by Towne Club and
Theta Chi; Gene Robb, Pound
Hall; Mrs. Hazel Stebbins,
Women's Residence Hall; Dr.
James Jensen, Alpha Tau
Omega joined by Zeta Tau
Paul Babson, Cather Hall;
Harold Andersen, Phi Gam
ma Delta joined by Alpha Phi
and Sigma Kappa; Dr. Paul
Bare, Gamma Phi Beta
joined by Beta Sigma Psi
and Triangle; Judge John
Brown, Phi Delta Theta
joined by Chi Omega; Arthur
Weaver, Delta Gamma joined
by Delta Sigma Phi.
9:00 p.m. Evaluation session
for Masters and Masters Pro
gram Committee, Nebraska
v y; j 1
Panhellenic Gives Support
To Future Beauty Contest
By Priscilla Mullins
Senior Staff Writer
Panhellenic gave its sup
port to the Miss University of
not vote their support for the j According to Miss Jepsen,
contest, they held off on voting j the contest would foster two
on the question of signing the ;
franchise until thev could'
it further
V i
IK 1
' "' ' ' I
goals: facilitate better inde-
; .1 i i.
. , . . ..... . MpniH'nu. r v B ti ciuirn i n 'j i hit.
Vfhraska rnntpct nrrmncpH hv "a 1 S C U S S It further BCXt r "
some former Miss Nebraska ptk" j and Promote more Greek Par'
winners, as well as the pre- The contest, which has the i ticipation.
sent Miss Nebraska, S a n d y approval of Dean G. Robert ! In other business Panhellen
Rice. j Ross, according to Miss Jep- j c members heard plans of a
Mary Lee Jepsen, Miss Ne-!sen. will be held May 23, withjg k newsetter Jira
braska of 1962, spoke to the1 part of the activities taking!; newsieror irom Jim
Council Monday, urging their (place May 22. ,DeMars, Interfraternrty pub-
support and signature on the' Miss Jepsen told the Coun-j licity chairman,
franchise for the contest. 'cil that some of the other, DeMars said that IFC is
The University will be con-j Miss Nebraskas' were work-1 planning to back such a news
sidered as a city, Miss Jep-jing on other parts of the con-!, ft beeinnine witn flve or
sen said, and will need some! test, such as contacting t h e 1 etter DepnmnS nn tive f
group to sign the franchise. Nebraska Union about usin 2 S1X tnaI sues next year, and
j Usually the Junior Chamber' their facilities to hold the con- i would like assistance from
' of Commerce for cities sign ' test. ! Panhellenic.
An admission fee of 50 cents l "We need something to let
will be charged for the con- us know what's going on in
test, so the ?50 entry fee for;
the Miss Nebraska contest
Mould be provided, she said.
This would leave only two
, this, she said, but since the
'University has no JC group,
she and the other girls felt
Panhellenic would be a good
group to sponsor it.
She said that Panhellenic
system," DeMars
BUNVY ANNE . . . was only part of the scenery
catching junior staff writer Rich Meier's eye as he
visited the Kansas City Playboy Club last week. See
page 3 for Rich's story on his visits with this and the
remainder of that scenery.
our own
Bill Coufal. Masters Com
mittpp chairman rpminrip1
snouid oe interested in tne con-; obligations lor iJanheilenic, j the Council that May 2 is the
test and the pageant because according to Miss Jepsen. ; beginning of Masters Week,
"e v e r y t h i n g Panhellenic These would be making sureana- urged each member to
stands for, the Miss America the money is paid, and fiett- j take materials on the pro
pageant stands for." : ing the winner to the Miss gram and masters to their
Miss Jepsen pointed out that1 Nebraska contest in York, houses Monday night and go
the pageant stresses scholar-; Miss Jepsen pledged to be over them during house meet
ship, talent, poise all of personally responsible for the ings.
wnicn are siressea Dy ran-, ou entry iee, shoujo mis not
hellenic. ' be made through the admis-
Although Panhellenic did; sion charge.
FSNCC Booth To Collect
Contributions For Gulfport
Friends of SNCC (Student
Non-V i o 1 e n c e Coordinat
ing Committee) will sponsor
"Dollar Days" today and to
morrow. A booth will be set In a
up in the Student Union where ! which
Another project Is the Free
dom Schools, which are pri-
Quiz Bowl Competition
Begins Finals Tonight
Following the regular dou- will be determined from those
ble elimination Quiz Bowljteams surviving the matches
matches tonight, a special ! .
The Quiz Bowl competition
this year began with 74
students may make contribu
tions for the maintenance of
the Gulfport project.
The main task cf the Gulf
port project, which operates
in North Gulfport, Miss, and
the larger Gulfport area, is
one of organizing the Negro
populace for political action.
It includes voter registration
work, teaching the people the
contents of the Mississippi
constitution and o r g a n 1 z
ing "block captains" to aid In
Work is also done In re
cruiting people to the Free
dom Democratic Party and
balloting to show the relative
effect in politics the Missis
sippi Negro could have. Pro
grams include discussion
groups on political machinery
and local issues.
Candidate Correction
Tom Pickering is a candi
date for Student Senate from
Graduate College instead of
Arts and Sciences as was pre
viously announced in the
Daily Nebraskan.
makes the
approach j
single elimination champion
ship tournament will begin.
marily concerned with Negro j according to Larry Johnson,
iiiHwry ana wicruiure, Hiism.'"""!""""'. teams comnetine. and after
Without this extra tourna-i tonight will be down to four
ment, there would be too teams,
many teams to compete in the j
finals tomorrow night, John-i Throughout the year ques-8onsaid-
jtions which have stumped
! many participants have come
The earlier matches include ; from four hasif ami
ineia ai u versus in-ua up
silon at 7 p.m.; Alpha Gam
ma Rho versus Beta Tbeta
Pi Pledges, 7:20; Phi Gamma
Delta versus Eclectics, 7:40.
aware of their present prob
lems and makes them evalu
ate the political processes and
how they have been most ef
fectively used.
The community library proj
ect hopes to help improve the
quality of the library which
already exists and to begin
to build up the libraries in
other sections of the Negro
The FSNCC sponsored a
similar booth in March to sup
port the uuliport project.
Honorary Seeks
Eligible Students
A University senior, E. Vee
Riggs, has been named the
outstanding advertising major
in the School of Journalism.
By winning the honor, she
received a trip to the annual
New York Advertising Club's
Advertising Marketing Week
Program in New York City.
The Lincoln Advertising Club
provided a grant to finance
the trip.
Avery House versus Beta
Theta Pi, 8:00; Delta Upsi
lon versus Purple Gougers,
8:20; and Four Frosh versus
The Olds, 8:40.
All teams in matches one,
two and three must report to
the south conference room by
7 p.m.
Those in the other matches
must report to the south con
ference room by 8 p.m.
At 9 p.m. all teams not
eliminated will report to the
small auditorium for the be
ginning of the single elimina
tion championship tourna
ment. After this preliminary cham
pionship tournament, the four
teams remaining will com
pete In the finals tomorrow
night over KUON-TV.
The University champion I Foster said.
one extra field. These include
history, lite .ture, physical
and natural sciences, fine arts
and current events, from car
toons to sports to classics.
The Big Eight competition
is set for May 15, and will
be held in the auditorium of
Sheldon Art Gallery. Compe
tition will go on all day, and
awards will be made that
evening at a banquet.
All Big Eight schools but
the University of Oklahoma
have replied to Invitations
sent out by Nebraska, accord
ing to Larry Foster, new pub
licity chairman for Quiz
Bowl. i
The University's team for ;
the Big Eight competition will i
be a composite of the various
teams, formulated on the ban-
is of questions answered cor '
rectly by persons during the
year's competition.
Those persons who arc
strongest In e ach of the 1
areas will be put on the team, ,
In Council reports, the
Presidents' Council reported
jthat at their last meeting
j they had discussed methods of
j promoting more safety in
i houses. By safety, the Coun
cil referred to unsafe proced
ures now allowed whereby
anyone can walk into a house
anytime during the evening.
The Rush Council discussed
i problems of rushing, and pro
posed that each bouse turn in
'party themes to avoid dupli
cations. Another suggestion
was to cut out cocktail parties
during rushing.
Diane Michel, president, re
minded the Council that Rush
Week will be from Sept. 1 to
the 6h.
The Standards Council re
ported that they discussed
proper attire for girls until the
end of the year. This includes
"no shorts and slacks on cam
pus." The Council chairman
pointed out that girls should
not walk to class in their phy
sical education clothes. These
rules hold for downtown too,
since girls "are repesenting
the Greek system, your house
and the University."
The Health Council report
to the Panhellenic members
proposed a health newsletter
to be sent out once a month
next year. This would include
articles on such matters as
preventive measures and fa
cilities of Student Health.
Another Health Council sug
gestion calls for a Health
Week to be held at the beginn
ing of next year.
The Council discussed the
Madeline Girard Award, to
be presented on Ivy Day to
the house with the most out
standing philanthropic pro
gram. House applications for the
award must be turned in to
the Panhellenic office today.