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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1965)
university, MAB 29 ARCHIVES TOBBS BHDS f I S f ff f f ff If if f WWOTLrar i 1 I fS X jr f l f f jf yA f Model UM ISeact To IPro ; f kKA. St . . i1 ,.: (.tf .(. :' .-. .:-; ; :: , . . i'Sl.D :v!:x;-S UNITED NATIONS DELEGATION . . . University students represented Canada and Portugal last weekend at the Model United Nations held at Nebraska Wesleyan. Delegates included Jim Moore, Susie Rutter, Larry Johnson, Rich Thomp son and Bill Marshall. F Greek Week To Feature Car Wash "Cars and cars and cars and more cars!" This is the way Gary Lar sen, IFC Affairs chairman, hopefully described the gigan tic Greek Week car wash which will be Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m The car wash will be a new feature of Greek Week this year which starts Friday and ends Tuesday. The car wash, which will Include over 1000 fraternity and sorority members wash ing cars, will finance a huge billboard to be located some where on the outskirts of Luv coin which will advertise the University. Cars will be washed at two campus locations the Nebras ka Hall parking lot, 901 No. 17th, and Selleck Quadrangle parking lot, 600 No. 15th. "Our goal," Larsen said, "is to wash 500 cars, and if only students, Lincoln resi dents and the Greeks them selves will support us, the car wash should be a big success for the University, "Our only worry," Larsen added, "is the weather, but all we can do is hope for the ' best and remember that people have dirty cars even when it snows." The University is contribut ing tne water for the car wash and different fraternity and sorority members wil work together on shifts to wash the cars. Larsen pointed out that in the past Greeks solicited mo ney for charitable purposes during Greek Week, but that this year they want to e.irn the money themselves. Besides tne mammotn car wash, Greek Week will also include a marathon race, Greek games, a ball, ban quets and seminars. A 26-mile Greek marathon race officially starts the series of events on Friday at 2 p.m. The race starts at Crete where the mayor will light the torch and the Crete City Council will officially start the first runner on his way, F. C. Green, IFC secretary will run the first mile carry ing the torch and a different fraternity member wearing a Greek toga will run every suc ceeding mile. The final runner, from Kap pa Sigma Fraternity, will ar rive carrying the torch to the NU football stadium at about 4:30 p.m. Runners will be timed as they run their mile and an award will be given to the one with the fastest time. "The We?k starts w i t h a marathon race," Larsen ex plaiaed, "because this is the way the Greeks used to start their games." Friday afternoon will al so feature the Greek games which include fraternity and sorority members taking part in tug of wars, chariot races and pyramid races. Ike games will begin at the ' , ,,: J On Saturday practice field south of the foot ball stadium at 3:30 p.m. and bleachers will be up for spect aiors. Awards will be given to the game winners, Friday evening there will be numerous house parties and activities on campus. Members of Gamma Gam ma, a new honorary for out standing fraternity and soror ity members, will be an nounced at the Greek Week Ball Saturday night. The ball, which will start at 9 p.m. at Pershing Audi torium, will feature the Ec centrics. Sunday all Greeks are be ing encouraged to attend church and that afternoon there will be a housemothers' tea and several fraternity and sorority seminars. The seminars will discuss such things as rush, pledge education and scholarship. On Monday Mrs. George King, Alpha Xi Delta's dele gate to National Panhellenic, will speak at 7 p.m. to a joint fraternity and sorority convo cation. Fraternity and sorority houses will hold exchange din ners Monday before the con vocation. A recognition banquet for outstanding Greek scholars will be held Tuesday, the last day of Greek Week, at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Performance Tuesday Of Work irro A major musical work of Frank Tirro, former Omahan and a 1960 graduate of the University, will be given a premiere performance at the annual Sinfonia Concert at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Nebras ka Union Ballroom. The work, to be performed by the Madrigal singers and an instrumental group of fac ulty members and students, will be directed by John Mo ran associate professor of music at the University. Another highlight of the program will be the perform ance of the Bach Swingers, a student group under the direc tion of Robert Hatcher, a jun ior voicemajor from Omaha. The new work, entitled Te Deum," is the second major sacred jazz work written by Tirro, now an instructor of music at the University of Chicago. While still a stu dent here he was commis sioned by a local church foun dation to write a jazz mass. It wa3 later pubMied by a major music firm and played in a number of cities in the United States. Robert Beadell, associate professor of music at the Uni versity and the young man's former adviser, said "Tirro is fast becoming one of the most exciting new composers of sacred jazz music in the country." Skirting Other Campuses Grades Before Girls At Kentucky College Until a few years ago the boys at Alice Lloyd College in Kentucky weren't allowed to speak to the girls. The reason? This was the way the col lege emphasized that educa tion must come before mar riage. Today the girls and boys do talk, but the college is still vitally interested in education. The college was founded in 1923 by a pioneer New Eng land school marm, Alice Lloyd. The purpose of the col lege is to provide educated leaders for poverty-plagued areas. The college charges no tuition of its 250 students for their, two years of education. But the students must promise to return, after they finish their education, to the poverty stricken backwoods and moun tains from which they came. Admission to the college is restricted to students from eastern Kentucky. The college receives support through do nations from around the na tion and from benefactors who donate sums annually. Work Begins On Addition To Church Ground was broken Satur day for St. Mark's-on-the- Campus Episcopal Church ad dition, at 1309 R. The addition will provide a sanctuary seating 200 and will mark the completion of the $210,000 church. The new addi tion Is expected to be ready for use by the beginning of the fail semester. Father George Peek said there were about 500 Episco pal students and faculty mem bers on campus. He said the church had an imperative need for more room. Chapel services are being held in the student lounge at the present time but will move into the chapel addition as soon as it is complc-ted. Father Peek went on to say that the church was still in need of a new organ but that his immediate concern was to put the new chapel in opera tion. Upon recommendation, a special organ room for the chapel was eliminated. Father Peek said that the sensitivity of an organ to temperate changes made placement of the organ in the main chapel more practical. He said that at the present time the church is using an electronic organ, but that he hopes a new or gan will be purchased in the near future. The church is being built under contract to the George Cook Construction Company. 90 per cent of Alice graduates do return Something new has been added: a "teach-in." The University of Michigan held a "teach-in." sponsored by 200 faculty members. The "Teach-in" consisted of a 12 hour series of rallies, speech es and seminarsor the pur pose of protesting United States policy in Viet Nam. A Viet Cong-made movie about the war was shown, and a student announced that he could not "in good conscience continue to wear" the Army ROTC uniform. Another student announced that he would launch a 48-hour hunger strike to protest Amer ican "suppression of the Viet namese struggle for independ ence and self-determination." Hatfield To Address Republicans Saturday Gov. Mark Hatfield of Or egon will be the keynote speaker at a Lancaster County Republican Forum Saturday at the University Coliseum. The forum is designed to seek out the political views of the rank and file Republi cans in the wake of the 1964 election losses. Sen. Carl Curtis will intro duce the keynote speaker, Gov. Hatfield, at the 6:30 p.m. meeting. A forum comprised of Sen. Roman Hruska, former gov ernors Val Peterson and Ro bert Crosby, and former Sec retary of the Interior Fred Seaton, will comment on ideas raised at district meetings. NEW CHURCH ADDITION . . at 1309 R, The picture shows About Lloyd's home. : "Trying to think and react to situations as other coun tries would" is a good educa tion on United Nations prob lems, according to Joseph MacCabe, of the U.N. MacCabe, chief of the op erational, executive and ad ministrative personnel section of the division of public ad ministration in the U.N. Sec retariat, spoke before t li e Model United Nations held at Wesleyan Friday and Satur day. "Nothing helps young peo ple to understand the U.N. better than to attempt to study a very small part of it in the context of the present world situation," he said. NROTC Enlarges Program The Department of the Navy announces a new college pro gram leading to an officer's commission. This program is designed to open NROTC opportunities to college sophomores in good standing at any accredited college, junior college or uni versity to enroll as a Con tract NROTC student in one of the 52 participating univer sities. A special six week training session will be conducted dur ing the period June 10 to 17 to July 20 to 31 at three re gionally selected NROTC uni versities. Candidates will enroll in a special six week summer training session and undertake tnose naval science courses normally studied by Contract NROTC students during their freshmen and sophomore years. Successful completion of these courses will make the candidate eligible for enroll ment at the junior level of the Contract NROTC Program if he is attending or admitted to one of the 52 colleges or universities offering the NROTC Contract Program. Completion of this summer training course enables the candidate to obtain a com mission in the U.S. Naval Reserve or the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve in two years Students in the special summer session will receive $78 per month, plus text books required for the Naval Science courses. Upon entering the junior year, those who have met the requirements during the summer course will be en rolled as Contract students and will pursue the normal Naval Science courses during their junior and senior years. This includes a summer cruise of some six to eight weeks during the intervening summer. Application for the summer training session must be made prior to May 1 at any U.S. Navy Recruiting Station. . Ground was broken Saturday for St. Mark's-on-the-Campus the model of the $210,000 completed church. Speaking of the UN., he said 'the ability to contain small wars and prevent glo bal conflict" so economic and social development activities can be pursued has been its greatest accomplishment. "Peace in the world has been kept, even if it is an uneasy one." MacCabe said he has been impressed with the amount of enthusiasm and interest which united Mates citizens, "es pecially youth," have shown in the U.N. "They have a right to be proud of the U.S. role in the world body," he said, "be cause the U.S. has lived up to its obligations under the char ter." MacCabe, an Englishman, said "It is unthinkable that the United Nations cannot suc ceed." He pointed out that the various economic and social agencies "depend for their success on the parent organ ization." Student delegates to the model U.N. also received greetings from President Johnson. In a telegram to the students, Johnson said they were exhibiting responsible citizenship in learning the facts about the United Na tions. "The United Nations stands as the most effective forum ever devised from which to work for goals of peace and progress," he said. Greetings were also re ceived from U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson. The delegates, representing Wesleyan, the University of Nebraska, Kearney, S c o 1 1 s- bluff Junior College, Midland, Doane, Seward Concordia, Duschene, Northeastern Jun ior College of Sterling, Color ado, Phillips University of Enid, Oklahoma, Parsons of Iowa and Colorado College, discussed a number of agen da topics. The topics included the question of race conflict in South Africa resulting from the policy of Apartheid of the Republic of South Africa, agrarian reform, the non-com' pliance of Portugal with the U.N. Charter, the question of permanent U.N. Armed Force, the question of South Vietnam, the question of Chi nese representation, disarma ment and arms control, the question of the Congo and U.N. policy on arrears in pay ment. On the question of Chinese representation, the delegates decided not to allow the Chi nese admittance. At the model general as sembly, the race policy of South Africa was condemned on a 32-21 vote, with 10 ab stentions. The delegates approved a plan for agrarian reform, con demnation of Portugal for its action in Angola and Mozam bique and a Japanese resolu tion to establish a permanent u.N. armed force. Two teams of University students attended representing Canada and Portugal. Repre sentatives of Canada were Rich Thompson, Bill Marshall and Susie Rutter. Represen tatives of Portugal were Lar ry Johnson, Carol Boyd and Jim Moore. Special guests to the Model U.N. included Val Peterson, president of the Board of Re gents and former governor of Nebraska, Carl Curtis, U.S. Senator from Nebr., Dean Pe tersen, mayor of Lincoln, Dr. Sam Dahl, dean of the Col lege, Nebraska Wesleyan, Henry Cox, president, Lincoln Association of the United Na tions and Don Crawford, pres ident, Student Senate at Wes leyan. Budget Priorities Revealed University officials revealed dentistry, music, offices and classrooms, women's physical education, chemical science and engineering as the top priorities in the proposed $24.5 million downtown construction program. Construction plans for t h e downtown campus, the East campus and the College of Medicine campus in Omaha totaled $34,905,500. Leading priorities in the College of Medicine's $7,820. 000 program were accorded to a new 200 bed hospital and clinic expansion, a basic sci ence building and a medical library. Heading the list in the Col lege of Agriculture's $2,540, 000 East Campus program were renovation and air-conditioning of existing structures and completion of a new ani mal science building. The College of Medicine and the East Campus would be fi nanced from state tax funds and constructed during the 1965-67 biennium. The downtown campus pro gram would be financed through long term revenue bonds, with construction com plete in about four years. Some $4 million in federal and other outside funds may be available to help finance the package. Involved in the downtown campus program is the insti tution's proposed program of excellence in physical s c i ences. Vice Chancellor Adam Breckenridge said the pack age involves planning for an anticipated future enrollment of 20,000 students. Ten other projects will re quire some funds no matter what is done about priority items, Chancellor Clifford Hardin said. Costs of the ten programs total $3,132,000. -W . . " 167' . - . 'A i Episcopal Church addition W V? Hi is t