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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1965)
Thursday, March 25, 1965 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Challenges Developing In Social Work field New and challenging opportunities in the social work field are developing in the public service for college men and women, states Dr. Ellen Winston, Com missioner of Welfare of the U.S. Depart ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C. There is new emphasis on welfare services in the public assistance program for prevention of dependency and for rehabilitation and there are related activ ities in the "War on Poverty" under the Economic Opportunity Act. These de velopments have increased the need for persons with a bachelor's degree, for en tering case work positions in State and local welfare agencies. Most State civil service or merit sys tems are currently scheduling spring ex aminations which college seniors are eligi ble to take. Many public welfare agen cies also offer summer employment op portunities to undergraduates, particular ly between the junior and senior years. All State and many local welfare agen cies have educational leave plans to as sist promising employees to secure grad uate training and there are many schol arships available in schools of social work. Persons who receive a master's de gree from a school of social work will have excellent opportunities for advance ment because of the shortages in this pro fession. Personal qualities essential for suc cess in any type of social work are emo tional maturity and a basic interest in helping people solve their personal and social problems. The majority of social workers in pub lic agencies provide social services to in dividuals, families, or groups. However, a large number of positions call for admin istrative, consultative and supervisory abilities. The many types of social work include working with families having dependent children, with aged persons, with persons who are physically or mentally ill, with persons who are physically disabled, and with children who need homes or who are in foster or adoptive homes, or who are delinquent or in danger of becoming de linquent. Social research is another related field of work, calling for graduate training in the behavioral sciences and in research and statistics. For persons with a feeling for people, and who are interested in help ing fhem, social work is a challenging and rewarding profession. President Johnson has said: Social workers are the front line troops in our war on poverty. They treat the social ills of society as the physician treats its physi cal Dls. Our nation needs their valuable help today, and this need will grow as our society undergoes the changes that in evitably accompany progress. Positions in State and local welfare agencies are filled by competitive exam inations administered by the State civil service or merit system. Examinations in the States are held one or more times dur ing the year, with a spring examination designed to give an opportunity for seniors to qualify for a job and establish their eligibility by graduation. Information and State application forms can usually be secured through the college placement office. In any event they can be obtained from the State civil serv ice or merit system agency. Details about opportunities, scholar ships and requirements for admission to graduate schools of social work may be obtained from the National Commissions for Social Work Careers, 345 East 46th Street. New York, New York 10017, or from the Welfare Administration, U.S. De partment of Health, Education and Wel fare, Washington, D.C. Yankton To Hold Festivals Yankton College. Yankton, South Dakota, will hold their fourth annual Jazz Festival and second annual Folk Festival, April 2 and 3 in Nash Gym nasium on the campus. Friday night is Jazz Night, and the program includes the ' Bourbon Street Five (plus)"; the Al Douglas Trio, from Hur on College in Huron, S.D.; "The Group" and Phi Mu Al pha Sinfonia, from the Uni versity of South Dakota at Vermillion; and individual per formers from Yankton. Folk Night is the following Saturdav, and the program in cludes the Black Hills Folk Forum, from Rapid City, S.D.; The Dana Three from Dana College in Blair, Neb.; and the Greenbriar Trio, from Bemidji, Minn.; the Cumber land Folk Trio, from Bethel College in St. Paul, Minn.; the Tripoli Singers, from Doane College; and groups from the University of South Dakota, Yankton College and Mankaio State College, Minn. The events are being spon sored by the Yankton College Apollo Musagetes. Records of the festival will be made available. Write to Paula Durrant, 301 Durand Hall, Yankton College, Yank ton South Dakota, for infor mation. Phi Mu Organizes; 22 Formally Pledge Phi Mu, newly organized national sorority on the cam pus, formally pledged twenty two girls Monday night. The new pledges are: Jo anne Bassett, Patricia Bren nan, Judy Dalka, Linda Da vidson, Cindy Egle, Karen Fonts, Cathi Hagen, Virginia Johnson, Natalie Hahn, Sheryl Kerchal. Cletas Kolar, Bonnie Kovar, Rosella Lichtenberg, Joyce Martin, Ellen Meier, Janica Radii, Betty Ryan, Cindy Severs, Jean Sheeran, Carol Stahr, Judy Stansbury and Shirley Wentink. CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED CUrie Studrntt who will be in Lincoln or Mrrounding ara thie summer. Full or part Urn work. Cur ntcemary. Call 477-8862. Wednesday 1:00-4:00 p.m.. Thuraday 4:W-:M p.m., Friday 1:00 4:90 P.m. Male roommate to ahare four room apartment (or aummer. Hi blocki aouth of campug. Call 432-02M evening. FOR RENT JM4 South 43. Three bedroom furnianed including waahrr and dryer, available now. 4BK-75M. 4&S-Z.KJ. Furnished room for male atudent near agriculture campui. private or double, kiu-hM piivilegea. T. V. telephone. Call 4-3tiM. Heartbreak House To Begin Tonight University Theater will pre sent George Bernard Shaw's three-act drama, "Heart break House," today through Saturday at Howell Memorial Theater. The production is the fifth in a series of six plays given each year by the University Theater. Curtain time for the performance is 8 p.m. The play, written by Shaw on the eve of World War I, concerns man on the thres hold of the "Great War." Critics have continually praised the brilliant dialogue that Shaw uses in his critique of the social and political ac tion of the day. Andrew Backer is cast in the lead role of Captain Shot over, the doddering old mas ter of Heartbreak House con stantly at work inventing weapons of death. Backer is a senior in the department of speech and dramatic art. Tom Crawley, is cast in the role of Hector Hushabye, the philandering son-in-law of the Captain. Theater fans may remember Crawley for his performances in the Univer sity Theater productions of "Peer Gynt" and "Hamlet." Other members of the cast are: Robert Hall, Richard Mahood, .Dean .Tschetter, Jerry Mayer .Bobbie K i e r stead, Mary Thorpe, Karma Ibsen, and Gloria Houser. Tickets are available by phone at 477-8711, Ext. 2072, or by writing the University Theater, 12th and R. A lim ited number of tickets will be available at the door. Math Counseling To Provide Help A mathematics counseling service is being held through June 3 to assist students with questions about lectures, homework and related ma terial. The counselors, mainly up perclassmen or graduate stu dents, were selected on the basis of excellence of their work in mathematics. They were assigned to answer spe cific questions from students relating to mathematics. To extend the service to students who may find it dif ficult to attend any of the regular counseling sessions, a phone service has been estab lished in the Nebraska Union (ext. 2487). Students with questions may call Xiis number Sunday through Thursday evenings between 7:30 and 10:30. Calls must be limited to 10 minutes. Placement Interviews The following interviews are scheduled for the weeks of Mar. 29 and Apr. 5. Tuesday, Mar. Continental Caaunlty Company; BS. B.A, Bus. Adm.. Lib. Arta. P. S. Services. Incorporated; BS Any field of Asr., Bus. Adm. with in terest in Agr. Sours. Roebuck It Company; B.S., M.S, Bus. Adm.. Data Processing. R. H. Miiev 4 Company. Incorpoatcd ; B.S.-B.A.. M S. -M A, Bua. Adm., Lib. arts. Plllshury Company: U.S., M.S. Agri cultural majors, preferably Ag. Econ. Saleoo-G e n e r a 1 Insurance Company: B.S-B.A. Bin. Adm.. Lib. Arts. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company; BS.-B.A., M.S.-M.A. Teach erg. Finance, Acctg., Gen. Bug.. Sales. Thursday, Apr. 1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ; Bus. Artm., Lib. Art. The Traveler! ; Bus. Adm.. Economics. Northwestern Mutual Lile Insurance Company: All Degrees Sales to Sales Memt. Bus. Adm.. Law, Econ., Teha., Historv, Speech, Dramatics, Journalism etc. Georgia Pacific Corporation ; Sales. Friday. Apr. . i ... 1 ifm litjcnmnra Company; B.S-B.A.. M.S.-M.A. Teach- era. Finance, Acctg., ien. du. " Monday, Apr. 5. American Photograph Corporation! BS B A. Sales, Portrait Photography and Mjtmt. Bus. Adm.. Lib. Aits t- Psy chology. Tuesday, Apr. . uMf-A. 'eedies. Tammen It Bergcn- dorr: B.S.-B.A.. M.S.-M.A. Ciil En Armour tirocery rrmuru v.,,.... . bus. Adm. and Lib. Arts for Sales Man agement. Thursday. Apr. ... r... r..ii(.,rtia Phnlrjl Company (Subsidiary of Standard Oil Company of California ; B.S.-B.A. . Bi ological or uenerai ovienvc, w.. .u or Bus. Adm. Model UN To Open Tomorrow Three student teams will represent the University at the Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity Model United Nations this weekend. The General Assembly will open Friday afternoon, with some 200 students from Wes leyan and ten other colleges participating. Issues ranging from racial conflict in South Africa to al legations of U.S. aggression in South Viet Nam will come under discussion. A resolution asking for sus pension of the voting rights of the members who are in ar rears in payments will face the delegates. Joseph MacCabe, coordina tor for the provision of oper ational, executive and admin istrative personnel in the di vision of public administra tion of the U.N. Secretariat, will keynote the opening ses sion. Former Gov. Val Peterson will address an international banquet tomorrow night. OOP , Scoreboard Purple Congers M. Custarsw n b o. Chi Phi 13. Sigma Delta Tan g5. Phi Gamma Delta Itt, Brain Busters 13(1. Goats 11. Gamma Phi Beta S5. Sigma Chi Hi, Phi Psi fVkig Kids 125. Theta Chi II 10. Pound Hall 4. Avery House 190, Gustavson II A IS. -WATCH REPAIR campus BOOKSTORE Should freshmen use if, 1bo? (TheyH probably let if qo "fo fheir heads) But then, wouldn't any man? If he suddenly found all those starry-eyed gals looking at him? So, if you think you can handle it, go ahead, use SHORT CUT! It'll tame the wildest crew cut, brush cut, any cut; give it more body, more life. Keep it under control. And make you look great! Try It (if you dare!) ... Old Spice SHORTCUT Hair Groom by Shulton . . . tube or jar.ooy .50 plus tax. n University Coed Selected Business Club President TODAY PLACEMENT OFFICE, 12:30 p.m., 241 Nebraska Union. YWCA Interviews, 2:30 p.m.,. South party room, Ne braska Union. QUIZ BOWL Committee, 3j p.m., North Conference room, Nebraska Union. I BUILDERS Publicity, 3:30 p.m., South Conference room.! Nebraska Union. j BUILDERS Publicityn 3:30 p.m., South Conference room, Nebraska Union. PHI MU Coke Party, 3:30 p.m., 240 Nebraska Union. S U M M E R PROGRAM Meeting for New Students, 4 p.m., Nebraska Union audito rium. UNION Contemporary Arts Committee, 4:30 o.., Arts Committee, 4:30 p.m., Union. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE- Publicity Committee, 4:30 p.m. South party room, Ne braska Union. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE -Social Committee, 4:30 p.m., North Conference room, Ne braska Union. AWS Court, 4:30 p.m.. South Conference room, Nebraska Union. EXCEPTIONAL CHIL DREN Council, 4:30 p.m., 232 Nebraska Union. UNION Trips and T o u r s Committee, 4:30 p.m., 235 Ne braska Union. YWCA Cabinet, 4:30 p.m., 332 Nebraska Union. YWCA Junior Cabinet, 4:30 p.m.. 334 Nebraska Union. UNION Music Committee, 4:30 p.m., Program Confer ence room, Nebraska Union. SIGMA DELTA UPSILON, 5:45 p.m.. Pawnee Room. Nebraska Union. AUF, 6:30 p.m., North Con ference room, Nebraska Union. STUDENT COUNCIL Quiz Bowl, 7 p.m., Nebraska Union auditorium. ALPHA PHI OMEGA, 7 p.m., South Conference room, Nebraska Union. ALPHA TAU ALPHA Initi ation, 7 p.m., East Union Lounge. ROMEOS, 7 and 9 p.m., Nebraska Union Ballroom. STUDENT SANE, 7:30 p.m., Party Rooms, Nebraska Union. Dr. Trask will speak. NEBRASKA CAREER SCHOLARS, 7:30 p.m., Pan American Room, Nebraska Union. YOUNG 7:30 p.m., Building. Miss Sharon Irmer, Univer sity junior in Business Teach er Education, was elected State President of FBLA-Phi Beta Lambda during the busi ness club's third annual State Convention held last weekend at the Nebraska Center. Over 200 college and high school students in business throughout the state attended the convention, which was hosted by Epsilon Pi chapter at the University. FBLA ( F u t u r e Business Leaders of America), on the high school level, and P h i Beta Lambda, its college counterpart, provide learning activities, . compeittion, and fellowship for business itu- jents. The two-day convention In cluded general sessions, spe cial group sessions on various aspects of business, including secretarial work, civic respon sibilities, data processing, and distributive education and a leadership workshop for chap ter officers. Speakers included Senator Fern Orme, Dr. Donald Clif ton, Dr. Gordon Culver, Dr. Curtis Elliott, Miss B e 1 1 e Schulze, Miss Elaine Skucius, Mrs. Virginia Corgan, Mrs. Rose Frolik, Mr. Roland Andersen, and Mr. John Elias. REPUBLICANS, 414 Administration DELtlZ SPSOIL aw? I a mil Rent a new Chevrolet or other fine car from Hertz at this special low weekend rate. Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Low rate includes everything: insurance and gas. And only Hertz offers Certified Service, your guarantee of complete rental satisfaction. let Hertz put VM hertz inthB driller's sentlLrJ in the drluer CALL JIM CAMPBELL AT 435-2957 DOWNTOWN AND GATEWAY 2.77 to 4.77 'fan PRINT SHiRTS A wide selection of prints, checks and novelties in cotton and cotton blends. Just thi thing for all your bright spring and summer ensembles. Available sizes 30 to 36. Reg. 4.00 to 6.00. 2.77 to 4.77 SPORTSWEAR DOWNTOWN, SECOND FLOOR GATEWAY, MALL LEVEL ORLON KNITS SHIFTS SHELLS JACKETS THURS. FRI. SAT. SKIRTS SLACKS A wonderful price on wonderful orlon knits. Come early for AQ OPP a good selection. Red, blue, orange, vanilla. Sizes 8 to 16. jAJ O VlT SPORTSWEAR DOWNTOWN, SECOND FLOOR GATEWAY, MALL LEVEL OPEN THURSDAY DOWNTOWN Cr GATEWAY 10 TO 9