The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1965, Page Page 4, Image 4
The Daily Nebraskan Friday, March 19, 1965 Page 4 Nebraska Wrestlers To Journey To Laramie, Wyoming For NCAA W restling Meet Competition Nebraska will send five wrestlers & the 35th annual NCAA Wrtstling Champion ships this weekend at the Uni versity of Wyoming in Lar amie, Wyo. LaVerne Allers, who fin ished second at the Big Eight championships and 3-0 in duals, will wrestle at 191 pounds and Carel Stith, a third place finisher at the conference meet and holder of a 14-2 record, will enter as a heavyweight. In the lighter classes Rick Allgood will take on the 130 competitors after a 9-6-2 sea son and Richie Kerr, a 7-7 fin isher, will try at 147. The fifth, Ben Barends, will take an 8-7-1 dual record into OPPORTUNITIES IN CITY OF DETROIT Engineering design and construction of streets, sewers, bridges, water treatment plants, pumping stations, pipelines and municipal buildings,- Budgeting, auditing, systems analysis, cost analysis and public utility accounting,- Real and personal property appraising,- Purchasing,- Personnel,- Public housing; Social work,- Rec reation and physical education,- Municipal forestry, Analytical and control chemistry,- Landscape Architecture,- Urban planning,- Hospital and public health nursing,- Medical technology; Occupational and physical therapy,- Nutrition and dietetics. Campus Interviews March 22, 1965 See your Placement Office for an appointment l&NCOJB HIUEVMSLE OIL& REFINING COMPANY America's Leading Energy Company An quia opportunity ampioyer Humble is looking for outstanding men who have demonstrated, in their college days and earlier, a greater than ayerage capacity for leadership, willingness to work, ability to meet competition, scholastic attainment, and am bition to improve themselves. the 177-pound class. A.11 are sophomores except for Allgood, a junior. Nebraska finished sixth be hind Oklahoma State, Iowa State, Oklahoma, Colorado and Kansas State at the con ference championships last weekend. Eliminations at the NCAA begin Thursday on Wyoming's six-mat set-up with quarter finals, semifinals and first and second round consolations set for Friday. The meet con cludes Saturday with the con solation semifinals and finals and the championship finals. Sports Page (Daih 7lsd)AaAkafL Bob Samuelson Sports Ed. 'Cam s vos Bob Zenner Named Sportscaster Of Year Bob Zenner of KOLN-KGIN radio and TV stations was awarded the Nebraska Sports caster of the Year Award for the fourth consecutive time Wednesday. The scotter's work with Cornhusker football and bas ketball combined with his ac tivities on the regional and lo cal high school scene to win him the honor. Residence Hall Contracts 1965-66 Academic Year 1965-66 Residence Hall contracts will be available Monday, March 22nd. Off campus students may obtain a contract in Room 103 Administration Building. Residence Hall Students may obtain their contracts in the Residence Halls. Voting for the title is done by fellow broadcasters, which adds to the prestige for the winner. Zenner will represent the state at the national conven tion of sportscasters on April 5-6. At this gathering a na tional Sportscaster of the Year is elected by his associates. From the Daily Nebraskan goes congratulations to a sportscaster of highest qual ity. We extend our thanks for the major role Mr. Zenner has played in bringing Cornhusk er athletics to the peak they now enjoy. tune to KFMQ 95.3 on your FM dial every Saturday night from ll.OOto 11:30... for the greatest jazz around! sponsored by Glaptams HJalk 1127 R Street HUMBLE HAS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUCH qualified candidates in: I in I iL MARKETING Degree needed: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION with emphasis on ECONOMICS ACCOUNTING ADVERTISING MARKETING or Other degrees that will lead to successful careers in sales and management. Interviews March 26 For further Information, contact your m placement office. wt iiaiiiiiiin:i loiiiiiiiiiiiianiiiinii; irjiiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiimiii loiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiini I 1 i NEBRASKA UNION PRESENTS I StQfermeitSoiieiP ffWEx I 1 EMPHASIS ON SPAIN f I March 22-25 I I Monday, March 22 Vaquero Turcios, murol painter for Spain's pavilion at N.Y. World's i Fair 8:00 p.m. Nebraska Union Ballroom Tuesday, March 23 i 5 Spanish market place, 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Nebraska Union Conference 1 if Rooms. Curiosities from Spain on sale. 6 9 ! m "To Catch a Dream" a film on Spain and its people. Door prizes. 7:30 i p.m. Nebraska Union Auditorium. 1 I i Wednesday, March 24 1 Elie Abel, NBC State Department correspondent discusses the U.S. and 6 Southeast Asia. 3:30 p.m. Nebraska Union Ballroom. Thursday, March 25 The Romero's, Spain's Royal Family of the Guitar. 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., Nebraska Union Ballroom. (The Romeros appear under the auspices 1 of the Fine ArtsConvocation Series) i 1 ALL TH EH ABOVE PROGRAMS ARE FREE ! I i I niiiiiiiai iiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiioi i iiiiiniioiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiiiiiiini.'iiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDi Next week we will announce the results of the voting for the All-Intramural basketbal' teams. We have had good results on the balloting thus far, and ams are reminded that tbey have until 5 p.m. Monday to suomit their ballots. Any team not suDmuung a uauui must forfeit all the votes received by any players of that team. The ,;C" league team and the "B" league teams will be announced early in the week, and the "A" team selections, which shall in effect constitute the All-Intramural selections will be announced later in the week. The ballots cast so far indicate an "A" team with size, speed, and ability which could very likely hold its own with most of the small college teams around. I have a new sports assistant in the person of James Pearse. Jim has been doing writing for the sports page all semester, so his name should by now be a familiar one to sports page regulars. For those who as yet haven't heard, Amos Alonzo Stagg, a legend in his lifetime, now can be a legend in death. Stagg died Wednesday at the age of 102. Stagg was head coach for fifty-seven years at various schools, including forty-one years at the University of Chi cago. His teams compiled 309 victories in those fifty-seven years. IM Ballots The deadline for submit ting All-Intramural Ballots, has been moved up one week to Monday, March 22. -WATCH REPAIR campus BOOKSTORE 9nJb Sphinx11 WITH A SHOWER OF STARS 7:30 P.M. TONIGHT If your roommate says the Bell System helped invent hi-fi, stereo and talking movies. don't bet You'll lose. In the course of their studies of the nature of sound, Bell System scientists have been able to make significant contributions to all three forms of entertainment. You might say that it was because the dis coveries were there to be discovered by the first explorers to come down the trail. When the century was still young, we real ized that if the telephone were to come up to its potential, the nature of sound had to be much better understood than it was then. This led to the largest, most comprehensive study of sound ever undertaken by anyone. To capture sound for study, Bell Telephone Laboratories developed the first electronic re corder for phonograph discs. For the first time, performers recorded into microphones. Then, in 1925, Bell Labs perfected an elec tronic system that synchronized sound and action on movie film. The talkies were born. To get better sound reproduction, they started experimenting in 1933 with ways to separate high and low frequencies to prevent distortion. The result was a single-groove, multi-channel disc the basis of today's stereo phonic industry. Nevc-rthel jss, these contributions were by products of the real effort, which was to make telephone service better. We are proud, of course, that they lielped build and improve whole industries. But we're prouder of the sound qualities in the telephone of today. If you'd like to do business or engineering work you're really proud of, we'd like to talk to you. iNBell System American Ttlephoo and Telegraph Co. Special Film Showing of the UNITED AIRLINES 'Stewardess Story' FOR WOMEN WHO ARE INTERESTED IN A REWARDING AND CHALLENGING CAREER FIRST YEAR'S AVERAGE EARNINGS -S410MONTH To Qualify You Must Be: 5'2"-5'9" 19V2-26 Years Single High School Graduate Contact Lenses Acceptable vision 20200 Corrected to 2030 Monday, March 22 4:00 p.m. 340 NEBRASKA UNION SPECIAL CAMPUS INTERVIEWS TUESDAY, MARCH 23 FOR APPOINTMENT CONTACT: COLLEGE PLACEMENT OFFICE 340 NEBRASKA UNION "An Equal Opportunity Employer" and Attocialed Companies