The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1965, Page Page 3, Image 3
r-riaay, vtarcn iv, i voj uoily i ejruiuii Page 3 Yes, We Have No Jack Nor Any Dull SSudents All work and no play makes Jack a dull student. TODAY KAPPA SIGMA Formal. 8 to midnight. Lincoln Hotel. LOVE MEMORIAL HALL Shamrock Formal, 6:30 to midnight. Cornhusker Hotel. TOMORROW ALPHA TAU OMEGA Storybook Ball. 6:20 to mid night, Cornhusker Hotel. DELTA TAU DELTA Initi ation Banquet, fi to midnight, Indian Hills, Omaha. DELTA UPSILON House Party. 9 to midnight. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Initiation Dance, 5:30 to mid night, Athletic Club Omaha. SIGMA NU House Party, 9 to midnight. THETA XI Formal, 6:30 to midnight. The Knolls. BENTON HOUSE Open House, 1 to 6:30 p.m., Selleck Squad. meb Newly elected officers of Theta Chi fraternity are: John Cooper, president; Bob Reynolds, vice president; Mike Botkin, secretary; Ian Forsyth, treasurer; and Dave Gake, rush chairman. New officers of Sigma Kap pa sorority are: Liz Ryan, president; Barb Maddison. 1st vice-president; Polly Rhy nalds, pledge trainer; Carol Morgan, treasurer ; J c e 1 1 Johnson, recording secretary; HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT IT! . . . THE PIZZA HUT 4bttl 6 At U o Where Quality Reigns Supreme!" ... 75 PIZZA HUTS in the Midwest, including locations in all Big 8 University Towns! Towns! i THE ours alone vn Our sccvei pizza - other ' f'AW v.- .., 111 real C voull see'. . . uj PIZZA HUT Coffee . . . Soft Drinks. ..Milk A OPEN 11:30 A.M. 7 Days a Week Try f focay" THE PIZZA HUT 4601 "O" St. 489-4601 Polly Zillich. corresponding secretary: Ellie Bender, reg istrar: Elaine Ilanlhom, rush chairman ; and Zoo F r o s t, social chairman. New officers for Cornhusk er Co-op are : Ed K o d e t, president; Roger Rpjda, vice president; Ron Goiter, treas urer; Herman Ray, recording secretary; Tom Pesek, cor responding secretary ; D a 1 e Carstensen, scholarship chair- Applauds I man; and Willie Theis, slew J ard. i I Y.W.C.A. elected the follow ing officers: Linda Cleveland, i president: Cheryl Crosier, vice president; Linda Ma honey, vice president; Andrea Block, secretary; Barbara Miller, treasurer; and Ruth Chesnut, district representa tive. New officers and represen tatives for ACE for 1965 are: Looking For Christian . . . Challenge Fellowship Guidance Inspection Baptist Student Union (SBC) Initial Meeting Tuesday, March 23rd Room 2415:30 p.m. Contact: Carol Cook, Room 8126 Selleck for Details STUDENT UNION 1. Hitting the books? No, I was just thinking about what to give Sue. It's our anniversary. 2. You're not even married. We've known each other three full weeks. V Mm) 3. You give a gift every week? We try to remember the important dates. -1. Ln't that overdoing it a bit? Not when vou're in love. 5. You'll be broke before von get to the altar. Oh, we're vtv practical. Sue gave me a pocket pepper grinder and gave lier my B theme on Parental Attitudes Among the Arawuk Indians !. If you reallv want to be practical, why don't you get a Living Insurance policy from Equitable and give her security. That wav, when vou get married, you'll know that she and the kids will always be provided for if something should happen to you. Swell idea. Now, what do vou think she'd like for National Crab Apple Day? l or information iihciut Living Insurance, see The Man from Equitable. For complete information about earner opportunities at Equitable, wt your Placement Officer, or write to Edward D. McDougal, Manager, Manpower Development Division. The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United State Uonif Office: Ave. of v Amnricus, New York, N Y. JOOJ8 An Equal Opportunity Employer ! .'Equitable THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE AT: DOWNTOWN AND GATEWAY if ' IT'S GREAT TO BE IN' 'a pets 'ltt'.-'i-'j!'! f ! , , it ad Vim ni.k!!! AUTHEKTIC IVY SLACKS in i iir Jh,)..' MIHM.UI I.L'jl llfcjH'""1" - . ' jawHxMMi,,iW mMtrnwrvp"" ""r . .".'" ,'.r:: 1 Sue Schwartz, president; Ann Capesius, vice president; Ruth Ann Larsen, secretary; Barb Trites, t r e a s u r er; Sharon Giddings, Clinton. Natalie Caiisor, Belmont; Cheryle Mitchess. Malone; Lynn Robinson, White Hall; Carol Branting, publications; Jane Austin, publicity. Spring Day Correction Spring Day Worker in terviews will not be held this Sunday as previously announeod, but rather a week from Sunday, on March 28. The exact time and place will be announced. CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED Car insurance. Young drivers and insur ance problems. Call 4894015. Typin done Here term 489-2784. papers Call FOR RENT Furnished room (or male student near agriculture campus, private or double kitchen privileges. T. v., telephone. Call 434-3654. FOR SALE Upright piano, good condition, call after 6:00488-4369. look for the golden arches McDONUD? MENU 100 Pure Beef Hamburgers Tempting Cheeseburgers Old-Fashioned Shakes Crisp Golden French Fries Thirst-Quenching Cote Delightful Root Bear Coffee As You like H Full-Flavored Orange DrM Refreshing Cold Milk 5305 "O" 865 N. 27th 11- . fa Ma 'A $rS t f A, , 3W irtk XrTl If WeeuM cue (and, casually speaking, cou find them everywhere. V mrm fitful & TODAY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, 12:15 p.m.. Pawnee room, Nebraska Union. PLACEMENT OFFICE, 12:30 p.m., 241 Nebraska Union. A.P.H.A., 1:30' p.m., Confer ence rooms, Nebraska Union. JAZZ N' JAVA, 4 p.m., Ne braska Union Crib. SNCC-Gulfport Project, 4:30 p.m.. 232 Nebraska Union, J.U.D.I)., 7 p.m. Confer ence rooms. Nebraska Union. ETA KAPPA NU, 7 p.m., 234. 235 Nebraska Union. PALLADIAN, 7:30 p.m., 332 Nebraska Union. MA, 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Union. PHI BETA LAMBDA, State Convention, Nebraska Center, East Campus. DELTA UPSILON, Region al Conference. The brave are never different only different looking! -noni BUT THE BBAVB1 FMIIEI TOt CUNTIAIEEB TOnOT SANDS CoBRAD DEXTER -TONY BILL' SAMMY JACKSON s.TATSUYA MIHASHI TAKESHI KATO technicolor INSTANT ILDNESS yours with America's most wanted cbsubV- Bass Weejunsl Wear them, and how else can you "fee! but right. You've a choice this season too. For men, Weejuns in classic smooth leathers or dashing Scotch Grains. And for the ladies a striking Scotch Grain col lection of wardrobe-sparking Spring colors. At your shoe store ! Aristocrat, Billiard Shape, $5.95 and $5.95 No matter what you smoke you'll like Velio-Bole. The new formula, honey lining insures Instant Mild ness; protec ts the imported briar howl so completely, it's guaran teed against burn out for life. Why not change your fimoking habits the easy way the Yello-Bole way. $2.00 to S6.95. Spartan m Checker ml Thorn f $2.50 J Vi.bO It $4.95 1 Oidii Bum Mukcn HV'itux"1 1. H. BAES I C0..1D3 Main St., Wilton, M; , Official Pipes New York World's Fair Free Booklet telle how to smoke: a pipe; -,how!, i.hEipen, write YELLO-BOLE PIPLS iNC . N Y. 27. N Y , D-pt 100. By tlie niiiker of KAYWOODE