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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1965)
riday, March 19, ivod The Daily Nebraskan mm w era R Vflte Yes locflav rB" yjo over I 8 tpooo 000000000000000004 o " " 1 1 J 'jgf--l it ii ri m -& m i bc Vi ,.- I ""f ,' , I't - f By Mike Barton Dar we criticize the sacrosanct Civil Rights Move ment? , . . . The following excerpt is from an article by Robeit A. Haber, entitled, "From Protest to Radicalism." "It operates first on the assumption that whether we are heard or not, the issues demand that we speak, and second, that if we speak loud enough and in sufficient num bers, something will happen." "We call for disarmament, but we say nothing of what to do with the manpower, resources, industrial plant and capital equipment that are tied up in the military ma chine." , , u , Problems of poverty, health care, wasted agricultural and natural resources, meaningless work these issues arouse students neither to demonstrate nor discussion." "This failure to look beyond our own moral position is symptomatic of a protest, in contrast to a radical, move ment It may also indicate a certain shallowness of con viction when we are forced to seek an operative alternative to immorality." . "In the sympathy movement for the sit-ins, a similar narrowness operates. The movement only rarely goes beyond the store front Attention to community relations to say nothing of student relations is minimal." And now for the grabber: "It is a movement lacking in perspective, and little oriented to successful social change." , . , As the old harlot said to the PTA. "If ya haven t tried it, don't knock it!" With this in mind, I will neither con demn nor condone the sitter-inners. But back to Mr. Haber. Demonstrators of the world: If the shoe fits . . . wear it. Ation (Mlutg "Why, no, you ruinous butt:" ( the American Cancer Society. ) "The King's not here:" (Selma jailor) "Ay me, how weak a thing the heart of woman is:' (AWS) The Nebraska University student has it made as far as manual labor is con cerned. There is no need to resort to doing 40 push-ups every morning to keep in shape. Everything is done for us from shoveling the snow off the walks in the winter to cutting the grass in the spring and fall. The University is blessed with an ample supply of dedi cated men just for such tasks. On top of the heap are those people who must rank as the elite of the nobility because they need not lift a finger, the dormie dwellers. From morning to night they get waited on hand and foot 5 NOW OPEN!!! amusement machines lunch snacks chips I dip dairy It bakery items CROWN CENTER 218 No. 10th J o.m. to 1 p.m. Ji Available at Eactri feOWNTOWN H Foic s by a unique group of indi viduals. Hand-picked janitors and carefully trained maids are at your service to fulfill your slightest whim when you are a dormitory resi dent. Experience is the key and only those who made this their life career are even considered. When a Cather Hall maid mops the floor of your room, you know it's mopped right. When a Selieck janitor re places a light bulb in the bathroom above the t h i r d basin, you can sleep peace fully knowing that the bulb is burning because it has been installed with an ex pert's touch. An unforgiveable error on behalf of the recipients of these services is the way in which the efficiency of these immortal men and women is taken for granted. The maid assigned to my build ing is supposed to mop the Entered as second cluiw mailer at the pwt ntfire in I.I nrnln. Nehravka, under (he act of 4. MI2. The Dally Nebraskan m published al Room 51, Nebraska l:ninn. on Monday. Wednitnlay. Thursday and r nday dur ing the whnol year, except durinc vacation and linal exami nation periods, and on, e durint! Aunust It is published by University of Nebraska students under the jurisdiction ol the Faculty Subcommittee on Student I'ub lications. Publications shall be tree Irom censorship by the Subcommittee or any person outside the I niversily. Members of the Nebraskan are responsible lor what they cause to be printed. or- 1 v Simon's A I t W M V MARCH 25-28 University Theatre By Bob Bosking Some clown called me a crusader, in reference to my previous attempts at columns. Who am I to argue with him, or worse, make him a liar? Here 1 come a-crusad-ing. . . Vote for the new student government constitution to day. Why? Surely not be cause the convention worked so long on it and are tired and would like to be appreciated. And surely not because the constitution would benefit your particu lar organization. The main point of this long, explicit document is to clarify the powers of the students' governing body at the University. Note the plural possessive form of the word "student." This means that the constitution is for the benefit of all stu dents, regardless of affilia tion, so long as that affilia tion does not infringe upon the rights of other students. What's wrong with that? The new constitution is patterned in many respects after the United States Con stitution. An elaborate sys tem of checks and balances is incorporated, eliminating much of the politicking inherent in the present sys tem. The three branch structure, (executive, legis lative, and judicial) elimi nates overlapping powers, duties and responsibilities and defines areas of power. The problem of "too much power" is floating around on students' tongues, and is Poets floor of the room, empty the ashtrays, clean the top of the desk, empty the wastepaper baskets a d dust the furniture. The whole job takes her about 15 seconds. 1 don't care what anvbodv says, that's EFFICIENCY. If you have a rug in your room, the maid will oblig ingly shake it out. right in your room in fact. This is always done after the rest of the floor has been pain stakingly mopped around the rugs. Qualifications of the maids also include a liberal background in which a knowledge of world affairs is evidently very import ant. Every day the maids willingly attend the two hour second floor seminar in my building where they discuss current events. No one is ever absent; such dedication is seldom seen today. The Daily Nebraskan THE NEBRASKA ? 1 lit a I . U v m m m mm m m mm i r aw. kmmMmmmi March 26, V:M) p.m. Pershing Auditorium Tickets: $2.25, $2.75, $3.25 Ticket Sales Start March 10 at Union mostly unbased rumor. The entire Senate, and the presi dent and vice president are elected by the student body. They represent the colleges in which they are enrolled, not their living units or acti vities. Most appointive offices must be approved by the Senate in one form or an other; the few that are strictly appointive have no , direct irreversible power, and cannot become tyrants. Then there are nastier ru mors. "It's anti-Greek." to which I reply ". . ." and so did IFC and PanHellenic. The opposite charge, "It's anti-independent." is amply refuted in RAM's vote of confidence. The only charge left is that it's pro student body. I can think of one person who would not like this charge, but he's at the Funny Farm and can't vote. The constitution, with its checks and balances, three branch structure, college representation, etc., is the best thing that could happen to student government at this stage. As to the charge that it has ungodly powers : it was not written by a herd of goofs; they were chosen by college deans ; it w a s not passed by the conven tion and merely sluffed off on us; it was sent accord ing to regulation to the com mittee on Student Affairs, sent back for revision, and then passed. Read it. college students, and vote FOR the new con stitution TODAY. Don't dismiss the janitors too lightly either. They too hav must meet strict en trance standards and must have respectable undergrad uate fields before engaging in their graduate work of sanitation engineers. To cite an example, the janitor in my building is quite apparently a commu nications expert by calling. Who else would spend six hours a day on the t e 1 e phone? Another that I have seen is an expert in the field of acoustics. Last week he re placed a square of ceiling tile and he was so dedi cated in his work and so careful to detail that it took him two days to complete the job. Yes dormitory residents are certainly a luc ky lot but they under a constant threat that it is rumored could prove fatal. They might be pampered to death. UNION PRESENTS: Hh. if ': .at" Remember This Dear editor, The events of the past few days may prompt all, no matter how liberal poli tically, to reconsider their votes given io LBJ last November. Suddenly the man w h o promised- so much for a Great Society is ignoring a vital civil rights problem making of himself a hypo crite. And to what pur pose? To promote a piece of leg islation that will heavily tax one segment of the popula tion to support another, that ought, by all rights, to have attempted to save to pro vide for itself. And our President is spending the remainder of his time waging an unpopu lar war in an unsuccessful manner . . . while even white men are being beaten nearly to death in the South. Remember this, future voters. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Barnet Omaha Sema Leave? Dear editor, I noticed an article in the Dailv Nebraskan of March 17 "about the Lincolnites who have gone to S el m a, Ala. 1 also noticed that two of the people are faculty mem bers of this University. I'm wondering if these two peo ple, David Trask and Mat thew Toby, have been giv en an official leave of ab sence, or if they are still receiving their University salaries? Interested Editor's note: Vice Chan cellor Adam Breckenridge, dean of faculties, said fac ulty members are usually granted permission to rea sonable requests for ab sence from their duties if thiv make sufficient ar rangements through their departments to have their work taken care of while thev are gone. We under stand that both Trask and Toby made these arrange ments. iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMitt About Letters ji 1 Till. DAIl.T NFBR4SKAN hnitM reader to It lr prelon. ill opinion on eurrent Utvtn 'nil ml vlewixitnt lttrn mint j up,rd. contain erlflhle o E dress, and be free ol llbelnui m j frtal. 1'en Bflltir, m a f be In- S E eluded but lemen thr rbanrv f iHibltraMon. Length? lettera mar Pa filited "r oinittfd. f illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIItllllllllllMUT 'ONE OF THE 'Hilarious! Sentimental! Performed with Unbridled Gusto!" -tm ,. loren and Mastroianni are SupsrL!" Joseph E. Levine Sophia Loren Marcello Mastroianni I v W; l 'tit Vf V i ii II N i U U Ub! I4TH .... t W " T , : ,..,., - irm, - mim...! Are You Dear editor, I am what would be termed an inactive integra tionist; 1 do not belong to FSNCC, and I do not demon strate, but 1 do think that there are none but individ ual differences in members of anv race or society, and that I should be able to choose people of any race or belief as my friends and fraternity brothers with censure from none. I do not understand the problems which Sclma rep resents; if I went there, it would be to try to find the truth, if it is there. I read about SCC, and what the purpose is, and wonder if I should join. Well, I have as my an swer the article printed in Wednesday's Daily Nebras n . n R WORDS AND VOICES PRESENTS: Sat. iV Sun. Arena Theatre No Admission Charge nail It costs no more to have professionals plan your travel Lincoln Tour & Travel offers one-stop service for Air Transportation Hotel Reservations Rent-A-Car Friendly, Experienced Personnel IXCOLX YEAR'S 10 BESTS" - N - f I W f -4 4 r" j H AND 0" HOUSE Kidding? kan. The Tobys and crew went to Selma; to register voters? They "expected to be arrested." Apparently they failed, for, as I understand, they became disgruntled and moved on to Montgomery, where the chances for ar rest were better. I am disappointed in these people. Racial discrimina tion is a serious blot on mankind. Let us not degrade this issue or the people who honestly know and believe in what they are doing. Or ganize a panty raid, or some similar activity on the same level as this type of cheap publicity-minded sensationalism. "Expect to be arrested" are you kidding? Stuart Wiley, Jr. R V B ! & Temple 0 B B B 1 2A South 13th St. Phone 432-7531 or 27 Lincoln Gateway Phone 434 5902 Y. 7,me -The New Yorker YOU MAY HAVE SEEN SOME FUNNY MARRIAGES. BUT NOTHING LIKE . . . Marriage Italian Style Color FEATURE TIWES: 1:00 3:005:007:009:00 Box Office 12th & R Streets Phone Univ. Ext. 2072 f" . m.m. ' ......