Friday, March 12, 1965 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 of the University of Nebraska, with the consent of the Board of Regents, do hereby ordain and es tablish this constitution for the administration of student government. Article I. Name The name of this organization shall be the As sociation of Students of the University of Nebras ka, herein referred to as the Association. Article II. Purposes The purposes of this organization shall be to act as the supreme student governing body in the regulation and coordination of all phases of student self government and to serve as an agency through which relationship between administration, faculty, and students and between the general pub lic and students may be maintained. Article 111. Membership All regularly enrolled students in the Univer sity of Nebraska, at Lincoln, shall be members of the Association and shall be entitled to take part In all activities of the Association as hereinafter outlined. Article IV. Powers The Association, acting through its appropriate organs, shall have the following powers, in so far as these powers do not conflict with general Univer sity regulations established by the Board of Re gents. Section 1. Towers Relating to Organizations. A. To recognize all proposed new student organ izations and to approve their constitutions, with out which recognition and approval an organiza tion shall not be permitted to function. B. To establish, by majority vote of the Student Senate, new and uniform conditions for the contin ued approval of existing student organizations, to demand compliance with said new conditions with in a reasonable and stated length of time, and to revoke, by conviction in Student Court, the con stitutions and rights to function of organizations failing to comply. C. To schedule and-or conduct all student elec tions of general University interest, not excluding those for contests sponsored by subordinate organ izations. Section 2. Powers relating to Ad Hoc Assemblies. A. To organize and-or control all student rallies or demonstrations. B. To organize and-or control all student mig rations. Section 3. Powers relating to Removal or Disquali fication. A. To suspend or dismiss from office, by con viction in Student Court, any student executive of the government of the Association who shall refuse to carry its legislation into effect. B. To disqualify, suspend or dismiss from As sociation office, for a stated length of time, by conviction of the Student Court, any student who shall violate duly-enacted ordinances, regulations or other legislation of the Association. Section 4. Powers relating to Liaison. To serve as liaison between students and fac ulty, between students and the Board of Regents and-or their representatives, between students and the state legislature, and between students and the general public at such time as the general wel fare of the students and-or the University shall re quire such service. Section 5. Powers relating to General Welfare. To exercise any other powers necessary for the general welfare of the students. Section 6. Powers of Implementation. To enact such legislation as may be necessary for the execution of the powers granted in this Article. Article V. Organs The legislative, executive and judicial organs of the Association shall be as follows: Section 1. The Student Senate, hereinafter referred to as the Senate. A. Composition. The Senate shall consist of thir ty five (35) elected members with voting privi leges, the President and Vice President of the As sociation, and two faculty representatives, all or whom shall serve without voting privileges except as hereinafter noted. 1. Elected members. The elected members shall be chosen by direct apportionment from the colleges of the University of Nebraska in accord ance with Article V below. 2. Replacements for elected members. In case of a vacancy in elected representatives, a replace ment to fill out the unexpired term shall be elected by the Senate from those who have submitted writ ten applications for the position. The replacement shall meet all the regular requirements of the of fice. 3. Faculty representatives. Two faculty mem bers shall be appointed by the Faculty Commit tee on Student Affairs from nominations submitted by the Student Senate. B. . Eligibility. 1. Elected members. To be eligible for election to the Senate, a candidate must: a. Be a regularly enrolled member of the col lege he proposes to represent and agree in writing to resign if he should terminate his enrollment in that college during the term of office for which he seeks election. b. Be regularly enrolled as a full-time student, either as an undergraduate or as a graduate stu dent. c. Meet University regulations for participa tion in extra-curricular activities. 2. Faculty representatives. To be eligible for appointment as faculty representative, a nominee must hold rank of assistant professor or higher. C. .Terms of Office. 1. Elected members. Elected members shall as sume office one week after the Spring general elec tion and shall serve for one year. 2. Faculty representatives. Faculty representa tives shall have terms of two years. Terms shall be staggered. Section 2. The Association Executive. A.. The President. 1. Election. The President of the Association shall be chosen by plurality vote at the Spring general election under the provisions of Article VI, below. , t. 2. Eligibility. To be eligible for election to the Presidency of the Association, a candidate must: a. Meet all University regulations for partici pation in extra-curricular activities. b. Have completed twenty seven (27) Univer sity approved credit hours and the previous semes ter in residence. 3. Term of Office. The term of office of the President of the Association shall be the same as that of an elected member of the Senate. 4. Replacement. In case the President of the Association shall become unable to fulfill his duties by reason of disqualification, disability, death, or impeachment and conviction, the Vice-president of the Association shall assume the powers and du ties of the office and serve for the remainder of the original term. B. The Vice-President. 1. Election, Eligibility, and Term of Office. The election, eligibility, and term of office of the Vice President of the Association shall be identical with those of the President of the Association. 2. Replacement. In case the Vice President of the Association shall become unable to fulfill his duties by reason of disqualification, disabili ty, death, or impeachment and conviction, or in the event of the succession of the Vice-President to the President, the Speaker Pro-Tempore of the Senate shall assume the power, duties, and re sponsibilities of the office of the Vice Presidency, including the succession to the Presidency in the event of the vacating of that office, for the re mainder of the original term. C.The Student Cabinet. 1. Composition. The Student Cabinet shall com prise an advisory body appointed by the President. All appointments shall require approval by a majority vote of the Senate. This body must in clude the following: a. Secretary of Organizations for Honoraries and Professional Fraternities, Sororities and Soci eties. b. Secretary of Organizations for Regulatory Organizations, to include IFC, Pan-Hellenic, all dor mitory government bodies, AWS, IWA and ICC. c. Secretary of Organizations for Activities, to include all other organizations. 2. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to the Student Cabinet, a nominee must be regu larly enrolled as a full-time student, either as an undergraduate or as a graduate student, and must meet the University requirements for participation in extra-curricular activities. 3. Term of Office. A member of the Student Cabinet shall serve as the President of the Associa tion directs. D. . Director of Records. 1. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment as Director of Records, a nominee must be regu larly enrolled as a full-time student, either as an undergraduate or as a graduate student, and must meet the University requirements for participation in extra-curricular activities. 2. Term of Office. The Director of Records shall serve as the President of the Association directs. E. .The Executive Committee. The Senate shall elect three of its members to serve with the Presi dent and Vice-President of the Association as an Executive Committee. The faculty advisers shall serve in an advisory capacity to. this body. Section 3. The Student Court. A. Composition. The Student Court shall consist of one Chief Justice and six Associate Justices ap pointed by the President of the Association. These appointments shall be approved by at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate 30 class days prior to the Spring general election. The Chief Justice shall at all times be a student in the College of Law. B. . Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to the Student Court a nominee must: 1. Be regularly enrolled as a full-time student with a cumulative grade point average of at least six. 2. If an undergraduate, have at least junior standing. 3. Meet all University regulations for par ticipation in extracurricular activities. C. .Terms of Office. All Justices shall serve for one academic year commencing the first day of classes in the fall and terminating the last day of finals the following spring. D. . Vacancies. Vacancies on the Student Court shall be filled within 10 class days according to the procedure outlined for the selection of origi nal members. Article VI. Elections Section 1. The Electoral Commission. A. . Composition. The electoral commission shall consist of five Commissioners, two of whom shall be the faculty representatives to the Student Sen ate, one of whom shall be appointed by the Presi dent of the Association and shall serve as Direc tor, one of whom shall be elected by a majority vote of the Senate, one of whom shail be selected by the Student Court from its own membership by a majority vote of that body. B. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to a non-faculty seat on the Electoral Commission, a nominee must be a regularly enrolled full-time student, and meet University regulations for participation in extra-curricular activities. C. Term of Office. Student members of t h e Commission shall be nominated before the third full week of classes of each semester of each regu lar academic year and shall serve for the re mainder of that semester. D. . Duties. The duties of the Electoral Commis sion shall be: 1. To announce filings and schedule election dates for all elections conducted by the Association. 2. To publicize dates and procedures for fil ings and elections, and to issue at the request of candidates advisory opinions as to the legality of proposed methods in election campaigns. 3. To establish polling places and to supervise the balloting at each polling place, either in person or through agents authorized and announced by the Commission one week prior to the election. 4. To tabulate the ballots, with at least three Commissioners being present and at least one of them being a faculty representative. 5. To seal the ballots, tabulations, and compu tations and deliver them to the senior faculty rep resentative for safekeeping for a thirty-day period. 6. To announce the complete results of the elec tion to the press, including the number of votes cast for each candidate, and to be prepared, upon request, to issue a break-down of Presidential votes and votes cast on amendments and refer enda by colleges. E. . Powers. The electoral Commission shall have power to: 1. Initiate, by majority vote of all its members, prosecutions in Student Court for infractions of electoral laws or rules. 2. Annul, by a four-fifths majority of all its members any election for good cause and to re schedule it within 10 class days. 3. Reapportionment. The electoral commission shall reapportion by direct apportionment the rep resentation of the Student Senate among the sever al colleges of the University according to the en rollment of the second semester. The apportion ment shall be completed and the results published by the first day of April. 4. Establish at the beginning of each semester regulations with the consent of the Senate. F. .The Commission shall be responsible to the President of the Association. t Article VII. Powers of the Various Organs Section 1. The Student Senate. The Senate elected under this Constitution shall have the following powers: A. . To determine its own rules of procedure, provided that such rules do not infringe upon pow ers granted by this Constitution to other organs of the Association. B. To elect its own officers, among them a Speaker Pro-Tempore to act in the absence of the Vice-President, and to specify the length of their terms. C. To enact regulations, ordinances, statements of policy, and other legislation of the Association by simple majority, provided that at least two thirds majority of the members are present and voting. D. To enact Organic Acts of the Association, i.e., acts concerned with functions of the Associa tion as noted elsewhere in this Constitution, by a two-thirds majority of the entire voting member ship of the Senate. E. .To adopt, in the name of the Association, resolutions on public issues. F. To adopt recommendations concerning af fairs which affect the University at large by sim ple majority, provided that at least two-thirds of the members vote, and to present those recom mendations to the University official concerned. G. .To authorize expenditures by the Treasur er of the Association according to the procedures of Article VIII below, and to initiate Association assessments. H. To call itself into special session on 24 hour's notice by a petition signed by at least one third of the voting membership of the Senate and deposited with the Vice-President, or by a vote to this effect by one-third of the Senate member ship, or by receipt of a petition signed by five per cent of the voting members of the Association and deposited with the Vice-President. I. To initiate by a majority secret ballot of the Senate action in the Student Court to remove any Senator for good cause, J. To impeach, by a two-thirds majority of the entire voting membership, the President or Vice President of the Association, or a Justice of the Student Court for malfeasance of office, and to ap point prosecutors. K..To establish by Organic Act procedures for the recognition of new student organizations and the approval of their constitutions. L..To enact, alter, or amend regulations per taining to all student organizations in the interests of the University as a whole. M..To sponsor, authorize, or regulate rallies, assemblies, and convocations of students and stu dent migrations, subject to the restrictions of the By-Laws of the Board of Regents. N..To establish such permanent or ad hoc leg islative committees as it sees fit, providing that permanent committees be established by Organic Act. 0. To express student opinions and attitudes, through its separate members, on all issues and aspects of student life as those opinions and at titudes exist in the college community. Section 2. The Association Executive Branch. A. . President. The President of the Associa tion, chosen under this Constitution shall, acting personally or through a member of the Student Cabinet empowered by him in writing, have the following powers: 1. To introduce in the Student Senate measures designated as 'Government Bills.' 2. To set the agenda, by notice given in writing to the Vice-President at least 24 hours prior to each regular Student Senate meeting, which agenda may be altered only by a two-thirds majority of those voting, and subject to Article IX, Section 1. 3. To order the Electoral Commission to sched ule and conduct within eight days a referendum on a. Any Government Bill not passed in its origi nal form within eight days after its introduction. b. Any non-Government Bill passed by the Senate. 4. To enact by decree any Government bill ap proved at a referendum, or to declare null and void any bill rejected at a referendum. 5. To call special sessions of the Senate on 24 hours notice by means of a request to that effect deposited with the VicePresident. 6. To prosecute student organizations or indivi dual students before the Student Court for violation of duly enacted legislation of the Association. 7. To be responsible for the execution of all provisions of the Constitution and Organic Acts, to carry out duly-enacted legislation of the Senate, and to report all such executive action to the Sen ate. 8. To submit an annual budget in accordance with Article VIII of this Constitution for approval by the Senate. 9. To represent the Association in a ceremonial capacity and to state student opinion before public and official assemblies, and in correspondence. 10. To approve, by affixing his signature with in eight class days, all legislation enacted by the Senate, or to veto it within eight class days, and to submit a statement of his objections to the Senate at their next regular meeting after the veto, at w hich time the veto may be subject to re versal by two-thirds majority of all voting Senate members. 11. To present an annual written report sum marizing the past year's activities of the Associa tion at the first meeting following the Spring gen eral election. 12. To appoint Student Cabinet members, sub pect to Senate approval to specify their duties, and to change their duties as he may deem fit, both to be by written instrument, provided such action does not conflict with other provisions of this Constitution. 13. To remove any Student Cabinet member by written instrument which shall be filed with the Director of Records. 14. To preside over meetings of Student Assem blies sponsored by the Association. 15. To preside over meetings of the Execu tive Committee. 16. To appoint the Senate Committee Chair man with the approval of the Executive Committee. 17. To appoint the Director of Records. B. . Vice-President. The Vice-President of the Association shall have the following powers. 1. To succeed to the Presidency in the event of the vacating of that office. 2. To exercise the powers of the President in the absence of that officer. 3. To preside over meetings of the Student Sen ate. 4. To assume such duties as shall be assigned him in writing by the President of the Association. 5. To remove, by decree, any member of the Senate upon three unexcused absences. C. The Student Cabinet. The individual mem bers of the Student Cabinet shall have such powers as the President of the Association may delegate v them in writing, provided such delegations do not infringe upon the provisions of this Constitution. The Secretaries of Organizations shall be responsi ble to the President for the execution of any legisla tion passed by the Senate pertaining to organiza tions, for the maintainence of good relations be tween organizations, and to serve as a liaison be tween organizations and the Association organs, D. Director of Records. The Director of Rec ords shall be responsible to the President for the maintainance of clear and orderly records of the Association, including all minutes, legislation, de crees, and correspondence. He shall also rec ommend to the President for appointment the fol lowing officers, to be subordinate to the Director. 1. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be required to 1) aid the President in the preparation of the annual budget, and aid him in its presentation in accordance with Article VIII, 2) keep all financial records of the Association and submit financial re ports upon request, 3) correlate his activities with the office of the Director of Student Activities. 2. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secre tary shall be required to 1) keep the minutes of all meetings of the Senate and the Cabinet, 2) submit for weekly publication in the Daily Nebraskan a complete account of the action of the Senate and Cabinet, 3) submit all legislation in written form to the President. 3. Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall be required to 1) conduct neces sary correspondence for the Association, 2) assume the duties of the Recording Secretary in his ab sence. E. . Executive Committee. The Executive Com mittee shall serve as a coordinating body between the Legislative and Executive branches of the As sociation. The Executive Committee shall approve appointments of Senate Committee Chairmen made by the President. Section 3. Student Court A. . Nature of Judicial Function of Student Gov ernment. Nothing herein is to be construed as lim iting or supplanting any of the rights, privileges, immunities, or obligations of each student under the rules and regulations of the University of Ne braska Board of Regents, the ordinances of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the laws and con stitutions of the State of Nebraska and the United States of America, but the provisions herein are to be a process in addition to those rights, privi leges, immunities and obligations. B. Judicial Powers: The judicial power of fhe Student Court shall extend to the following con troveries: 1. Matters of impeachment. 2. Matters of interpretation of this constitution. 3. Matters of contested elections. 4. Matters concerning organizations when re ferred to the Court by the University of Nebraska administration, the Student Senate, or an indivi dual student. 5. Other matters arising under the bylaws, or ganic acts, or ordinances of the Student Senate, or the exercise of the powers of the President or Vice President of the Associated Students of the Univer sity of Nebraska." C. Rules: The Student Court shall operate un der and be governed by such rules and regulations as the Student Senate shall adopt by ordinance or organic act, except that such rules and regulations shall not infringe upon any of the powers herein granted to the Student Court. D. . Disposition of Matters: Parties involved in a decision of the Student Court shall have an ap peal to the Faculty Senate Committee on Student Affairs where that committee grants such an ap peal. The decisions of the Student Court, where not altered by the Faculty Senate Committee on Student Affairs on appeal, shall be complied with and enforced by the legislative and executive branches created in this Constitution. The Student Court may also recommend to the appropriate Uni versity office appropriate penalties or sanctions in any controversy. E. . Rights of students and student organiza tions. In addition to the rights, privileges, immuni ties and obligations which each member of the Associated Students of the University of Nebraska holds under the rules and regulations of the Uni versity of Nebraska Board of Regents, the ordi nances of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the laws and constitutions of the State of Nebraska and the United States of America, it is herein rec ognized that: 1. The right of each student and each stu dent organization to local, speedy and just deter mination of controversies wholly confined within the community of the University of Nebraska. 2. The right of any student against whom dis ciplinary action is contemplated by the University of Nebraska to be informed of and receive a hear ing concerning the alleged conduct on which such contemplation is tiased. 3. The right of each student through representa tives to participate in a process by which discip linary action against any other student is or is not recommended to t h e University administration, and a process by wiich controversies arising within student government and organizations are settled. F. . Relationship of Student Tribunal. The chart er of the Student Tribunal of the University of Nebraska is hereby recognized as the official state ment of authority for that body. The Student Sen ate of the Associated Students of the University of Nebraska is hereby charged with all duties and empowered with all functions charged to the "stu dent council" under the charter of the Student Tribunal. The Student Senate is further charged with the duty of requiring periodical reports from the Student Tribunal, which reports shall reveal to the Student Senate the nature and value of the Student Tribunal's operation to the declarations contained in subsections A. and E. of this section. Section 4. The Association. The Association, acting by petition, shall have the following powers: A. . Initiative. By a petition signed by at least three per cent of the regularly-enrolled full-time students, to introduce a measure in the Senate. If, after fifteen days, the Senate shall not have passed the measure in its original form, another pe tition in its favor, signed by no fewer than five per cent of the regularly-enrolled full-time students, shall require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct a referendum on it within eight class days. Approval by such a referendum shall require the President of the Association to enact it by decree. B. Referendum. By petition signed by at least five per cent of the regularly-enrolled full-time stu dents, to suspend the enactment of any measure other than the budget passed by Senate, and to require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct a referendum on it within eight class days. Rejection of the measure in such a referendum shall require the President of the Association to declare it null and void. C. Recall. 1. By a petition signed by 35 per cent of all the regularly-enrolled full-time students enrolled in a Continued on Page 4.