The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1965, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, March 8, 1965
The Daily Nebraskar.
Page 3
New Trusf Fund
To Aid J School
A $25,000 Joseph Claggett
Seacrest memorial trust fund
has been established to aid
University School of Journal
ism graduates.
The announcement was
made jointly Sunday by the
late Mr. Seacrest's sons, Fred
S. and Joseph W. Seacrest,
co-publishers of the Lincoln
Journal and Nebraska State
Journal serving from 1904 to
1942. He followed the Jour
nal's founder Charles H.
The trust fund Mill orovide
an annual sum of $1,000 to be
awarded by the School of
Journalism scholarship com
mittee to outstanding seniors
who seek to further their pro
fessional preparation through
Tad Szulc
To Speak
On Cuba
Tad Szulc, chief of the New
York Times Latin American
Bureau in Washington, D.C.,
will give the third in a series
of Latin American Lectures at
the University Thursday eve
ning. He will discuss ''Cuba: a
Perverted Social Revolution"
at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Love
Library auditorium.
The lecture will be open to
University students, students
in nearby colleges, high school
students, and other interested
persons, according to Dr. Ro
berto Esquenazi-Mayo, direc
tor of the University's Latin
American Area Studies pro
gram. The lecture is made possi
ble by a grant from the Sper
ry and Hutchinson Foundation
Lectureship Program.
A native of Warsaw, Poland.
Szulc has reported news from
almost every nation in Latin
America. He went to South
America for the first time in
1941 when he joined his father
1n Rio de Janeiro after spend
ing four years at school in
Szulc attended the Univer
sity of Brazil, worked as an
armed guard in the Brazilian
jungles and joined the Asso
ciated Press before coming to
the U.S. In 1947.
In New York he worked for
the United Press and the
United Nations before joining
the New York Times in 1953.
He worked for the Times in
New York for nearly two
years, then in the Far East
on a temporary assignment.
In the fall of 1955 he was
sent to Buenos Aires to help
cover the Argentine revolt
against Peron. Shortly after
wards he was named corres
pondent for the New York
Times In Rio de Janeiro.
Although based in the
Brazilian capital for more
than five years, Szulc was fre
qnently on the move reporting
and interpreting events else
where on the continent.
He has covered revolutions;
to Venezuela and Cuba; guer-
rilla warfare in Colombia; ;
conferences in Panama and
dictatorships in Paraguay and ,
the Dominican Republic. j
He is the author of "Twi
light of Tyrants," a study of
the regimes of five South
American dictators.
graduate study, the sponsors
said. Provisions have been
made so that the award may
be divided among several
qualified students.
"In that me Seacrest fam
ily has been actively associ
ated with the University's
School of Journalism since its
beginning( we are especially
proud to have this scholar
ship," Dr. William Hall, di
rector of the School said. "It
should have a special mean
ing to those worthv to win
Dr. Hall said that each year
a higher percentage of jour
nalism graduates are choos
ing to continue their educa
tion beyond the bachelor's
level and still more would if
they could afford it.
"This scholarship will pay
dividends to the School, the
University and to the State in
the years ahead by helping
fo provide Nebraska with the
best educated journalists in
the State's history," Dr. Hall
said. "There could be no
more fitting memorial to a
man who devoted most of his
life to the cause of good jour
nalism." The first grant from the
Joseph Clagget Seacrest fund,
established with the Lincoln
Foundation, will be made in
May, 1967. A Joseph C. Sea
crest scholarship was main
tained on an annual basis by
the Cooper Foundation from
1946 to 1963.
Crompton To Speak
On 'Heartbreak House'
Dr. Louis Crompton, pro
fessor of English at the Uni
versity, will speak on George
Bernard Shaw's "Heartbreak
House" at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Sheldon Art Gallery
auditorium. The program will
be open to the public.
Luncheon, 12:20 p.m., 241 Ne
braska Union.
PANHELLENIC, 4 p.m., 235
Nebraska Union.
UNION Special Events
Committee, 4:30 p.m., South
party room, Nebraska Union.
motion, 4:30 p.m., 234 Nebras
ka Union.
TASSELS, 4:30 p.m., 232 Ne
braska Union.
BUG, 5:30 p.m., 334 Nebraska
p.m. Pan American room, Ne
braska Union.
TOWNE CLUB, 6 p.m.,
Pawnee room, Nebraska
p.m., 241 Nebraska Union.
TOWNE CLUB Meeting, 7
p.m., 235 Nebraska Union.
KOSMET KLUB Rehearsal,
7 p.m., Nebraska Union Ball
room. UNICORNS Social Commit
tee. 7:30 p.m., 332 Nebraska
p.m., 332 Nebraska Union.
Roundtable Discussion, 8 p.m.
Weslev Foundation.
FSNCC Meeting. 4:30 p.m.,
126 Andrews.
Lecture, 8 p.m., Sheldon Art
MU EPSILON NT, 9 p.m.,
405 Administration.
Engineering-Architecture Budget
Increase Is Necessary
S"l . trsl For Faculty, Equipment
Biology Seminar
To Be Held Here
Approximately 80 biology
professors from Nebraska col
leges and universities will at
tend a special lecture and
seminar Friday at the Ne
braska Center.
The special assembly is a
part of the Nebraska Coopera
tive College Teacher Develop
ment Program sponsored by
the National Science Founda
tion at the University.
Dr. Adrian Hogben, head of
the department of physiology
at the University of Iowa, will
lead the discussions.
Hogben is recognized
internationally for his re
search on gastrointestinal and
kidney function, and for out
standing contributions to the
understanding of membranes
and secretions.
The lecture-seminar is one
of several held each year by
the NCCTDP through financi
al support of the National Sci
ence Foundation.
Matrix Banquet
Will Feature
Chicago Woman
A Chicago newswoman,
Gladys Erickson, will be the
featured speaker at the an
nual Matrix Banquet at the
University, Mar. 27.
The banquet, sponsored by
Theta Sigma Phi, women's
journalism professional so
ciety, honors outstanding Ne
braska women journalists.
Miss Erickson, a staff
writer and feature editor for
the Chicago American, will
tell of her experiences report
ing events ranging from na
tional political conventions to
murder trials.
Two Nebraska "W omen
Journalists of the Year" will
be announced at the banquet
and awards will be given to
women journalists for excel
lence in various phases of
newspaper work.
The banquet in the Nebras
ka Union will be open to the
public. Tickets, at $2.50 for
students and $3 for adults,
can be obtained from Theta
Sigma Phi, School of Journalism.
Pcrf Boone Program
To Salute University
A special Pat Boone radio
program saiuung uie quiver-1
sitv of Nebraska is being dis
tributed to 2,300 radio sta'-;
tions throughout the U.S.,
Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto
Rico by the U.S. Navy Re
cruiting Aids Facility.
The program will be broad
cast at 10:15 a.m. on March
13 on Station K-TTT at Co
lumbus and 5:15 p.m. March j
14 on KMMJ at Grand Island,
according to Capt. A. C. Mul
len, professor of Naval Science.
Car siaurance. Yoond drtvera and Injur
ukc problem. Call 4B-0013.
Male upflwrlaiMman lo ehare apartment
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"1 k I
Lowest Prices
16th & P Sts.
Downtown Lincoln
symphony by Robert Beadell,
associate professor of music
at the University, will be per
formed at 4 p.m. Sunday
Mar. 14 in the Nebraska
Union ballroom.
The performance is o p e n I
to the public. Seating will be!
made on a first-come, first-!
served basis.
The major work will high
light the annual Spring Con
cert by the University Sym
phony Orchestra under the
baton of Emanuel Wishnow.
Beadell's work was written i
during a year's leave of ab
sence from the University
made possible through a
Woods Fellowship and a grant
from the research council of
the Graduate College. He com
pleted the symphony in Cali
fornia during 1963 while
studying under Darius Mil
'haud, one of the 20th cen
tury's greatest composers.
Professor Beadell, formerly
with Ray Anthony's orchestra
and the U.S. Marine Corps
Band, is best known for two
previous works, an orchestral
composition entitled ''Elegv
for a Dead Soldier" which
won international acclaim,
and an opera, "The Sweetwat
er Affair."
Also on the Spring Concert!
program: "Overture to Ober
on," bv Carl Maria Von Web
er; "The Walk to the Para
dise Garden," by Frederick
Delius; and "Polka and
Fugue from Shvanda," by
Jaromir Weinberger.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar
ticle is one in a series of articles on the
budget request of the University for the
different departments. The budget will be
brought to the floor of the legislature next
By Priscilla Mullins
Senior Staff Writer
Most of the increase in the Engineer
ing and Architecture College budget in
volves remaining competitive for faculty
and meeting the additional increases in
enrollment facing the College in the next
two years, according to Merk Hobson,
former dean.
Hobson said he was in on planning
the budget before he was named as Dean
of the Graduate College.
The budget calls for 52.120,815, an In
crease of $521,192 over the 1963-65 bien
nium. '
Of the total, $2,093,915 is slated for
salary and instructional purposes. This
represents an increase of $497,797 over
the last biennium.
Hobson said the enrollment now is
-approximately 1.640. The enrollment fig
ures have shown a three per cent in
crease per year for the last four to five
years, he said. By next fall expected en
rollment will be about 1750.
The budget request includes five or
six additional staff members to handle
the increasing instructional load, Hobson
At present, the faculty, including ag
ricultural engineering, totals 75. This in
cludes only those who do some teaching,
Hobson said. There are others involved
in research and extension work.
Hobson pointed out that about one
half of the total instruction for Engineer
ing and Architecture comes from the
Arts and Sciences College. Most of this
instruction comes during the first two
years of the College's program.
The Engineering Experiment Station
accounts for $22,400 of the College's budg
et request. This is an increase of $21,391
over the last biennium.
The increase is to help the project
"become a meaningful activity in the to
tal industrial development of the state,"
according to Hobson.
He said he believes that the Engineer
ing and Architecture College can be "one
of the principle departments from the
University assisting in industrial devel
opment." So far, most of the work of the Sta
tion has been supported through the Uni
versity Foundation, according to Hobson,
"but we would like to 'add some state
support since it can be of value to the
whole state, particularly in industrial de
velopment." Another part of the College's budget
request will go for equipment and main
tenance, Hobson said. "We are par
ticularly pressed for equipment because
of all the recent changes being made."
While this equipment budget is built
into the present budget request, Hobson
said that "This has been neglected in the
past several years."
This has been due to the competitive
ness for faculty, he said. There have been
some allocations to match grants in this
area according to Hobson, but the Col
lege's equipment is still "way below the
level needed."
Speaking of the budget as a whole.
Hobson said "It's the minimum we could
possibly propose. It is a realistic plan to
meet the needs of the next two years. If
anything, it's below our actual- needs."
He said that there is a problem in
making up the budget, since it had to
be planned in April and May of last year
for the year beginning this July.
"Industry couldn't possibly do this,"
he said.
A17er Scholarships
For $1000 Available
Persons interested in applv
ing for the five annual $1,000 1
Donald Walters Miller Schol- j
arships should do so by
March 15. ( 'j
The scholarships are open j
to anyone who is enrolled at !
the University except fresh-
men. The scholarships are!
awarded on the basis of schol-1
astic ability, educational and j
professional objectives, char- j
acter and financial need. i
Persons who will be in the i
graduate college next year :
should apply through the
graduate college. j
Membership Drive: March t-70
Cost of Memberships: Adults $0.50 Pershing Municipal Auditorium Room m
Students i.00 Telephone 477-02W 47770
Memberships are available only during the campaign.
Tickets for single concerts are not available.
Rnnuc fnnrurt A" "w member who purchase memberships will be entitled to attend this year's
D0I1U lOnCcrT final concert en March 23 Birgit Nilsson, Metropolitan Opera star.
ADTUlip CICI nCD This dynamic conductor of Boston Peps Orchestra fame will appear tn Pops
MM flUH MCLUCiV concert with the distinguished Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra of 70 musicians.
CAIVATADC Aff ADhfl This brilliantly lilted youn virtuoso is an Italian violinist who pes
JHLVHIUKC HllMKlU sesses a ravishin tone end dazzling technical ability
This company of 50 will present its stunning
performance of La Boheme in English with ex
quisite costuming and beautiful staging.
This singing due of recording and Broadway fame
will bring their outstanding interpretations of music.
Featuring conductor Leonard de Pour, this ensemble of U male voices will
provide a delightful program of high entertainment.
(Dwellers in the largest metropolitan centers ore not the enly ones who can enjoy outstanding musical
events. The Community Concert Plan brinos eeiting and distinguished concert series to ever too cities in
the United States and Canada, making North America the concert mecca of the world.
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