The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1965, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Frank Partsch, editor
Mike Jeffrey, business manag&r
Page 2 Monday, March 8, 1965
There Comes A Time ...
The Time Has Come!
There comes a time in every man's
life when he must examine ideas that his
colleagues in life blindly accept. For
crime is often cloaked in technicality, and
loopholes permit embarrassing practices
to exist. It is in the examination of these
areas that the scholar is distinguished
from the thinker, the man from the com
puter. We are not talking about Viet Nam
or New York or Selma. we are talking
about Lincoln. It is time for this Univer
sity and the state which gave it its name
to examine a very embarrassing techni
cality and to sift from the vacant emotion
the best answer to the problem. And there
is a very definite problem: A fraternity
chartered by this University (chartered
by this State) has a clause in its charter
which bars non-whites from membership:
Sigma Nu.
We have been told that fraternities
may, as social organizations, claim exemp
tion from the Civil Rights Law. We violent
ly oppose, however, the incorporation of
such a claim into our public, government
established tax-supported University. This
makes legal discrimination a part of &ur
University, and we are embarrassed.
Student Council in January recom
mended that the clause be removed. In
terfraternity Council last year discouraged
white clauses at this University. What do
these actions mean? Not much.
Bill Mowbray, Sigma Nu president,
said a local chapter may not receive a
waiver from its charter clause without an
ultimatum from the Administration of the
university concerned. Sigma Nu is a strong
southern fraternity; nevertheless. Mow
bray said, the University chapter is en
couraging the removal of the national
clause whenever the national fraternity
holds its biennial meetings. Therefore Sig
ma Nu has fulfilled the wishes of IFC and
Student Council. They are working for the
removal of the clause.
Sigma Nu has not applied for a waiver,
however, according to Mowbray, for two
Dear editor.
After five years at this
University, I have been in
formed that I will no longer
have the privilege of stay
ing in the dormitory room
I have come to call home.
Why? Simply because a few
students decided that Sel
Jeek Quadrangle and the
rest of the University hous
ing should be co-educational.
I wonder if it ever oc
curred to those people that
a few of us might be satis
fied with the present situa
tion? I am not necessarily
defending the status quo or
mourning the loss of my
room but rather I am com
plaining that those of us who
are affected' by this new
policy have no voice in de
termining our future.
We were not allowed to
vote or voice our opinion in
any way rather our com
Transfer Student Speaks
Dear editor.
I wish to comment on
Dean Militzer's proposal to
modify the University's
grading system. Although
not present at the Council
session. I feel that as a
transfer student from a Ne
braska college using the
proposed system I have
r some insight into the prob
lem. One of Uie arguments in
favor of the change was the
large number of schools in
the ' area and conference
that use the system. This
doesn't seem to be a sound
argument when one consid
er the disadvantages of the
system, the temporary con
fusion the change would
produce, and the relative
eae with which 9,8,7 grades
can be changed to 1 e 1 1 e r
grades and vice versa when
transfering. Let us first de
termine if the change would
tave any value.
Militzer said that for the
purpose of grade averaging
a number would be as
signed to the letter grade.
Isn't this what we now do?
The argument that students
are calculating averages t
four decimal places with the
9,8,7 is also pointless. I know
from experience that it is
Just as easy to get four
decimal places when av
eraging bi the proposed
oystem which I presume
would be the 4,3,2.1. Here
gain no difference.
As for the ea.w of
converting grades on trani-
reasons. The first, mentioned above, con;
cerns the circumstances under which they
may apply; the second, Mowbray said, is
that a clause is the only honest way to
practice discrimination. Sigma Nu is proud
that it has the courage to write its discrim
ination down on paper, rather than apply
ing for waivers and removing clauses with
out changing attitudes.
We will not press this argument for
we are not attempting to make a social
or a moral point. We question merely the
legality of condoned discrimination at a
public University.
Excluding this '"honest discrimina
tion," which we think is pretty atrocious
in itself, let us assign some responsibility
for action in this matter.
We can excuse IFC. They have no way
to force a fraternity to act on its own
charter, and, according to IFC President
Buzz Madson, have written to national
Sigma Nu officers explaining the Nebras
ka situation.
We can excuse the local chapter of
Sigma Nu. They are members of a grow
ing faction within their national fraternity
which is working to repeal the clause.
And national "fraternities are apparently
more crucial than state universities.
We can excuse Sigma Nu's national or
ganization. They, in their aristocratic
southern tradition, have no reason in the
whole white world to suddenly grant an
unrequested waiver to their own charter.
Unrequested. because an Administra
tive ultimatum must be in hand before the
waiver will be granted.
To our Administration we therefore
say that this has gone on long enough.
We cordially invite an ultimatum which
would result in a Sigma Nu waiver before
classes reconvene for the 1966-67 school
AS MOWBRAY SAID, howevef. waiv
ers are lies. But certainly the legal situa
tion must be deodorized before the moral
situation can be approached.
Dormitory Eviction Protested
plaints and comments were
simply submerged as a drop
of water in the sea of other's
wishes. Does not the minor
ity have any protection?
Are w expected to either
submit to an arbitrary pol
icy or 'jiiive without a word
of protest?
The great 'God' called
the University has spoken
and we are to surrender to
its wishes. Our rights as In
dividuals are being taken
away and those remaining
are doled out as privileges
our rights as students and
as citizens of the collegiate
community have become il
lusory. I, for one. don't like
having my freedoms re
moved, either piecemeal or
in one fell swoop!
Co-educational housing
has been promoted as a
panacea for the multitude
of social ills of the U and
for the students who do not
cripts, etc. sent to other
schools. I suggest that they
be sent with an A in place
of 9 or 8 etc.
Therefore the main ques
tion is how distinct should
a grade be. Grades are
judgements no matter what
numbers you give them, ex
cluding the pass or fail
system which I highly dis
regard, with limited excep
tions. It is one thing to pass
and another to do your best.
I still hold with the "old
theory" that grades are an
incentive to study and learn
the best, Of course we are
here to learn but in the
process aren't we out to do
our best and, if you please,
"set marks in grades like
they do for the 220 yard
I am sure that the per
cent of correct judgement
of grades far exceeds that
of the incorrect. If it were
humanly possible, and it
isn't, to assign everyone a
rank at the end of the sem
ester wouldn't this be t h e
best system?
Certainly the distinction
between nine numbers isn't
that difficult and more im
portant, just as easy as the
A-B borderline grades to
distinguish. As long as
Dean Militzer included
many opinions in his ds
cusson, it is my opinion
that a nine point system
docs put pressure tn an in
structor to break down the
grade finer and um: careful
Dan Dickmeter
have the personality or
manners to meet others. The
proponents have made co
educationalism a creed and
a religion. "Go co-ed and
live happily ever after
Are these few students
promoting co- educa
tional housing for the merits
it does have, or is member
ship in the Co-ed Housing
Committee their bid for rec
ognition in this school's pet
ty politics? Perhaps their
motives are more than a
"self-sacrificing desire to
promote the welfare and so
cial adjustment of us all."
Jim Ram bo
Sick of 'Tomfoory'
Dear editor,
I am sick. Sick of the
clever pedantry which re
sults in articles like those
of CL O D, and N U R D.
C.R.U.D. is even less im
pressive. This clever clique
has run what may have
been a sincere gripe to Ad
I sincerely suggest that if
the Daily Nebraskan can
find no other business to
occupy its pages, it resign
itself to the position of stuf
fing papers for Mailing! At
least one professor has evi
dently realized its value as
such material.
A man whose intelligence
is obviously above that of
yours, dear editor. Until the
Daily Nebraskan matures to
some stage above high
school tomfoolry, I shall en
deavor to find as many
packages as I can to stuff
with Daily Nebraskan.
This is several steps
above its current use as a
sounding board for clever
children and a tape-recording
of previously printed
John Snow don
KdiUtr'f note: It is our
policy to print all letters to
the Campus Opinion col
umns, provided that they
are signed and are free
of libelous material. Possi
bly Mr. Snow don objects,
then, to the quality of con
tributor, rather than the
quality of the paper.
In addition to C.L.O.D.,
N.U.R.D., C.R.U.D. and
Snowdon, we received un
signed letter from
W.A.R.P.K.D H T.W.I.N.K.,
which we will print if the
author will contact u and
ign their letter
ii Sln!T I
By Bob Bosking
At ten-thirty last Wednes
day my English professor
reviewed the various parts
of speech, and the declen
sion of pronouns and conju
gation of verbs.
He was of the opinion
that the language could be
simplified a great deal by
eliminating case endings,
i.e., substituting "I-see-he"
for "I-see-him," having sim
pler tenses and eliminating
the perfect tenses.
He felt that men could
still communicate with each
other, and perhaps even
better without the clutter of
'"useless" paraphernalia like
the various tenses. I disa
gree violently, and I think
for good reason.
Man's mind is a very
complex instrujnent. A com
puter is a very complex in
strument. A computer uses
a very simple system of
communication to relay its
many millions of bits of in
formation; it uses the binary
alphabet and number sys
tem, which with the infinite
combinations of t w o sym
bols can pass on many
varying combinations of
AIVS President Urges
All Coeds To 'Catchup'
The hot dog and the right to vote are two great
American traditions and in that order. Yes friends, the
hot dog has become a well established favorite of the
populace and it looks as though it will continue to be the
more popular of the two.
Last week May Queen elections were held and only
380 of the 2000 junior and senior female population of this
campus made it to the polls. What is the reason? Are the
polls too far away from the students? No. the elections
are held in the Union and anybody who cannot find the
Union doesn't go to school here and could not vote in the
first place.
We all know it is not apathy that accounts for the
shortage of woman-power at the polls. Very few people
know what the word means so how can you be apathetic
if you don't know what it is.
As fate has it. the misguided always have a chance
for redemption. This Wednesday the All Womens Elec
tions will be conducted at the Nebraska Union from 9 a.m.
until 6 p.m. 'also on East Campus same time, same
place). This includes elections for AWS. WAA and May
Queen finals. Will the local hot dog fans show up? Come
on fans, "move buns" and VOTE!
Janee Benda (lid)
Chr. All Women's Elections
Mortar Board
On the NU campus, there are only two types of park
ing available: illegal and no.
If you're going to Singapore, you may import 50 cig
arettes duty-free.
Gray squirrels gnaw through about half a million
dollars worth of telephone cable per year, Bell-Telephone
Laboratories say.
You tan now buy a leather-covered toilet seat, deco
rated with your own coat of arms, for about $48.
The Daily Nebraskan
Ply,' 47:l. Extensions 25M, 259 and 25).
Mike Jeffrey, business manager
UK MAK-HAIL, mraatfnr edit-: rAN RITTE. kwi Minor: BOB
)! f llV tpettf edifr; I.VVN CORCORAN. nlrM mrmt editor: PRWIL
HUH. W4VVF. KHFCSTHKR, fooler ff writer; BOB GIBSON, erta
nahUH: POI.LT RHl'XAI.ns, CABH.E RKNO. JIM KORHOJ. ropr etflersi
V, kmltvt, ..!l!rt.. JIM III! K. sabfrirtioa tnnaeer; YLVN RATH
JKV rlrraleuea mnwri KIP NIKnCifBACH, pbetocrapaer.
Sohvn!i rate t) per sementer or B per rear.
Entered u second t!ai miller at the post office In Lincoln, Nebraska,
vrA'-r the art of A'jf'Jfrt 4, 1412.
The Iraut hrufcan Is puMiatwd at Boom Si, Nebraska Voir, on Mnxir.
K'KiiyMir, t.-jrwljy and r'ndi Ourinc the sclml year, except during vaca
tion ari l;r,.i exanuoiiiiftn peri). and once durint Aafust.
It u pjbiuhed br I'nrvenur of Nebraska students under the Jorisdirtksi
of the f'fuii SuVommiuee wn Student Publieatiwia. PnMicartlom ahafl be
free from rrhip by the StiVommiitee or amis' pertna outside the Vnrrer
sjtr. Members of the Neftfailuo are responsible fur what they cause to be
ft- i Itft
i 1.
March 26, 8:.',0 p.m.
fVrsliing Auditorium
Ticket: 82.25, 82.75, $.125
Ticket Sales Start
March 10 at I'nion
So why can't the English
language be reduced to such
a simple state, with just a
few verb catagories, nouns
having only one case, and
so forth?
Because men and compu
ters have one difference; a
computer cannot think, can
not give birth to ideas. Men
have the miraculous power
of reason, of gathering up
bits of information and then
assembling them at will into
sense, usefulness, beauty.
To simplify the language
would remove the necessary
coloring, shading and tone
for proper presentation
of man's ideas. No, the vo
cabulary alone isnt suffi
cient to do this. It needs the
added complexity of the
grammar to put the various
words into order.
Anyone who argues
aginst this necessity of com
plex vocabularies and gram
mar surely doesn't realize
the complexities of man's
ideas. To remove the tools
of coloring, shading and
tone would reduce man's
utterances to no more than
bits from an electronic
.ifli. Iimtieni
By Gale
The weather that has be
sieged our campus this win
ter and particularly within
the last month's time has
brought to our attention a
group of hard working indi
viduals not unlike the pro
verbial Santa Claus elves.
Bundled up and protected
from the cold, they labor re
lentlessly through the night
for the sole benefit of those
boys and girls sleeping in
their campus rooms while
visions of sugar plums etc.
They are Nebraska elves
and they remove the snow
from the campus sidewalks
and streets so some idiot
daydreaming about sugar
plums doesn't slip and
break his neck on the way
to public health class.
Unlike the jolly man's lit
tle helpers who run around
in fur trimmed coats,
pointed hats and shoes, and
red leotards, these fellows
choose their attire from a
range of about fifty differ
ent outfits and they can usu
ally be spotted wearing all
fifty at once.
The little men of the North
Pole are known for their fun
loving and mischievous na
ture and the local bunch is
no exception to the rule. It
does my heart good to see
them laughing and singing
as they drag race their lit
tle Ford tractors through the
Student Council
Wants Contact
The Student Council does
not wish to convey the
image of a group of haugh
ty political moguls. Rather,
we are attempting to aid
the student body through
the means available to us.
In addition to your let
ters and comments, I would
be very appreciative if you
would talk with me or any
Student Council member
concerning your criticisms
or comments of Student
John Lydick
President, Student Council
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depend on
courtyards of the Selleck
Sometimes they charge
down the sidewalks gather
ing snow in . front of t h e
blades of their machines
and then dump it all in the
nearest doorway. If they
happen to be cleaning a
street they all get together
and bury the nearest Volks
wagen. One of their specialties is
the ability to skim over
sidewalks leaving about half
an inch of remaining snow
which they then proceed to
pack into a sheet of ice. Not
only do they like to have
fun' but they want everyone
to have fun and what is
more enjoyable than sliding
along a sidewalk flat on
your back?
These bundled up little
men are just like you and
me in that they hold the
same love of parking me
ters that we all do. Only
these men on tractors do
something about it. Just the
other night I saw two of
these yellow four wheel
drive jobs attacking a meter
in the parking lot east of the
Union. First one would back
into it and then the other
would take his turn. If they
fail to knock It over, they
take the easy way out and
bury them along with the
Unlike the Christmas
elves who accomplish their
work quietly and then slip
away disturbing no one
these guys tend to drop
subtle hints of their pres
ence by making faint noises.
This usually amounts to
slamming their shovels
against the sidewalk at three
in the morning or see
ing who can make his trac
tor backfire the loudest.
They're educational too.
On several occasions I've
heard a couple of these
elves exchanging somewhat
adult jokes outside my win
dow. But patience friends.
Spring is on its merry way
and the snow elves will
soon vanish for another
year. However I trust you
are aware that we are some
times troubled with grass
cutting elves . . .