The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1965, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, February 25, 1965
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Poverty Program Funds
To Aid 29,000 Students
More than 29,000 students
at 477 colleges and universi
ties will receive aid this se
mester under the War on Pov
erty's work study program,
which is currently getting un
derway. Initial grants totalling $8,
939,291 to support the program
were announced by the U.S
Office of Education last week.
The grants will pay 90 per
cent of the wages of low in
come students working part
time in newly created on and
off-campus jobs. The college
or other employment agency
pays the remaining ten per
On campus jobs include li
brary, laboratory, research"
and employment maintenance
aides. Off campus employ
ment is limited to welfare,
social work or participation
in community action anti-poverty
Each student will receive
about $250 for an estimated
17 weeks of work between Jan
uary and the end of the spring
semester. Under the Econom
ic Opportunity Act of 1964,
which includes the work study
program, work is limited to
15 hours weekly.
The grants just awarded
were based on proposals sub
mitted by 605 institutions as
of Dec. 19, 1964. Of those not
yet approved, more than half
are being held np pending re
ceipt of assurances that the
institutions will comply with
the non-discrimination re-
Speech Meeting
Opens Tomorrow
Department of speech chair
men and assistants from sev
eral universities in the Mid
west will hold their annual
meeting at the University
Center tomorrow and Satur
day. Dr. Leroy T. Laaie. chair
man of the University's de
partment of speech and chair
man of the Mid-West Univer
sities' Basic Speech Associa
tion, said the group will con
centrate on plans for coopera
tive research.
Dr. Laase explained that
there is a need for speech de
partments in major universi
ties to cooperate in deciding
what areas of speech research
are needed most.
Representatives attending
and their schools include:
Thorell Fest and Robley
Rhine, University of Colora
do; Donald Bryant and John
W. Bowers, State University
of Iowa; Victor Hornack, Uni
versity of Illinois; Terry A.
Welden, Donald Darnell, Kan
sas State University; Wilmer
A. LinkugeL University of
Kansas; Carl Dallinger, Illi
nois State Normal University;
Bob Friedman, University of
Missouri; Puger E. Neber
gall, University of Oklahoma;
Fred Jewell. Leslie R, Kreps,
Oklahoma State University;
John Tburber, Charles R.
Gxuner and Leroy T. Laase,
University of Nebraska.
Women's Clubs Grant
$500 To Foundation
The Nebraska Federation of
Women'! Clubs contributed
S500 this week to the Univer
sity Foundation for use as
grant-in-aids to worthy foreign
Harry Haynie, Foundation
president, said the funds may
go to either graduate or un
dergraduate students attend
ing the University. According
to the trust agreement, the
recipients will be selected by
the University's Foreign Stu
dent Office.
The recipient rnuut have
demonstrated their ability to
do satisfactory college work
and must be in need of fi
nancial assistance to carry on
their schooling, according to
the agreement
Mrs. Walter Kirchheier of
Sutton, president of the Fed
eration, said the Federation
prefers that the aid not be
given to nationals oi a foreign
country which in recent years
has exhibited hostility to the
United States.
Come In And Eat
In Our Sew Dining
P,oom ...
quircment of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964.
A total of $56 million has
been appropriated for the cur
rent fiscal year to finance the
work study program. This is
enough to aid approximately
125,000 low income students.
If amendments to the pro
gram proposed by the John
son administration in the
Higher Education Act of 1965
are passed, the program will
aid up to 300,000 students.
The proposed amendments
would also extend the oppor
tunity to participate in the
program to middle income
Even if the Johnson amend
ments to the program are
passed, however, less than
Kerrey To Keep Profits
Continued from Page 1.
there had been some com
plaints made concerning stu
dent assistants in the dormi
tories. He said the complaints con
cerned the selection process
and the quality persons being
selected as assistants; and the
fact that neither students nor
assistants fully-understand the
position of the assistant.
Plans of the Service include
incorporating the Counseling
Service in the selection of as
sistants and looking into "how
involved assistants are with
students." According to Neu
meister. the Service wishes to
change the role of the assist
ant from a negative police
role to a positive counseling
Neumeister also told the
Council that in the next few
I University Hosts
Area Secretaries
More than 100 Lincoln-area
secretaries will take part in
the 11th annual Institute for
Secretaries Saturday, March
6, at the University.
A number of local authori
ties on communications, use of
the English language, and of
fice procedures will address
the group at the Nebraska
Center for Continuing Educa
tion. Speakers n the morning
program and their topics:
9:15, Rev. Clarence Fors
berg, pastor, St. Paul Metho
dist Church, Lincoln, will
speak on personal attitudes
and performance.
9:45. Dr. Dudley Bailey,
chairman of the department of
English at the University,
"Watch Words."
10:45. Dr. Charles Gruner,
University speech professor,
"Watch Y'our Language."
The afternoon session will
be devoted to a panel discus
sion on what employers look
for and expect f top level
secretaries. Speakers include
Dr. George Culver, associate
professor of business teacher
education at the University;
Mrs. Florence t'ulbertson, of
fice manager of the Industrial
Chemical Laboratories, Inc.,
Omaha; and Ralph Cbalfield
of the Omaha Public Power
Evelyn O'Connor of Lincoln,
president of the Comhusker
Chapter. National Secretaries
Association will welcome the
featuring the JAGUARS from Omaha
$2.00 per couple Semi-formal
Tickets Avoiloble at booth in Union
seven per cent of all students
enrolled in college next year
would receive work-study aid.
The largest work-study
grant of those announced went
to the University of Wisconsin
at Madison ($379,520). The
smallest grant, $612, went to
Sacred Heart College, Cull
man. Ala., which has 17 stu
dents. In addition to Wisconsin, 11
institutions received work
study grants of more, than
$100,000. They were the Uni
versity of Alabama, San Jose
State College, UCLA. Univer
sity of Connecticut, Universi
ty of Hawaii. University of
Minnesota, Wayne State Uni
versity, University of Tennes
see and the University of
Puerto Rico.
weeks. Dean Walter Militzcr
of the Arts and Sciences Col
lege would speak before the!
Council on his idea to change
the University's grading scale
from 9-8-7- to an A-B-C or
1-2-3- scale. Neumeister urged
all students to attend this
meeting, since the issue "is
important to all students."
Applications for two grad
uate college representatives
for the Council will be ac
cepted at the Student Council
office for one more week, ac
cording to Kerrey. Letters
should be written to the Stu
dent Council office.
Miss Stratemann reported
that the Faculty Senate had
accepted the constitutions of
Tau Rho. Young Democrats.
University Friends of SNCC
and Capital Hall. The Judi
ciary Committee accepted the
constitution for the A f r i c a n
Students' Association.
The University was selected
as one of the schools to nomi
nate persons to win the Rob
ins Award, a national award
given in eight areas.
The Council selected eight
persons as the University's
nominations. They are Bill
Mauldin. special; Martin
Luther Kin?. religion- Rnhprf
j M c N a m a r a. government;
Gerald Phillippee industry;
Red Skelton, entertainment;
Don Shollander, athletics;
Sargent Shriver, promotion of
international relations; and
James Conant, education.
The award is given in mem
ory of a Utah State student
who was killed in 1954. It is
given to living American citi
zens in the various categories.
John Kennedy was given the
award posthumously last
The program for the Sena
tors' Committee, which was
scheduled to be discussed at
the Council meeting was post
poned until next week, ac
cording to Lydick, because
"some of the action will in
volve talking with other or
ganizations this week."
Application Deadline
Monday For Degrees
All students who expect to
receive bachelors or advanced
degrees or teaching eertifi-j
cates at the close oi this se
mester should make applica-1
tion by March 1, I9C5 if they
have not already done so.
Application should be made j
at the Registrar s O f 1 1 c e,
room 208, window 2. Adminis
tration building between the
hours oi 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday, or &
a m. to 12 noon on Saturday.
mn jr.
Or liave food
delivered sizzling
hoi to your door
in the Pizza Wagon
A $44,000 grant to train 30
teachers in educational media
brings to $186,000 the amount
of money allocated to the
University by the U.S. Office
of Education for 1965 sum
mer institutes.
The University will receive
a $57,000 grant for a U.S. His
tory Institute and an $85,000
grant for an English Institute.
The institutes, designed for
secondary school teachers,
will be among the first of
fered in these fields since
the National Defense Educa
tion Act was amended in 1964.
Dr. Robert Stepp, assistant
director of the Extension Di
vision and head of the bureau
of audi o-visual instruction,
will serve as director of the
Educational Media Institute.
Dr. Wesley Meierhenry,
assistant dean of Teachers
College, will be assistant di
Both men have received
national recognition in t h e
field of audio-visual educa
tion. In addition, the Univer
sity's Extension Division pio
neered in establishing the
first film rental library in the
Midwest and KUON-TV was
the seventh educational tele
vision station on the air in
the U.S.
The Educational M e d i a
Institute will be designed to
train teachers to serve as co
ordinators of instructional
materials in school buildings.
During the eight-week session
June 14-Aug. 6, participants
will be introduced to and giv
en experience in all phases
of the operation of audio
visual equipment, production
of materials and administra
tion of an instructional ma
terials center.
Participants may earn six
hours of graduate credit In
the Institute plus three hours
in a related seminar. The 30
teachers selected to partici
pate will receive tuition and
$75 per week plus $15 per
week for each dependent
while attending the Institute.
Application forms may be
obtained by writing Dr. Rob
ert Stepp, NDEA Institute
Educational Media. Room
421C, Nebraska Hall, Univer
sity of Nebraska. Lincoln.
Director Of Library
To Speak Here Tonite
The director of the Harry
S. Truman Library at Inde
pendence, Mo., Dr. Phillip
Brooks, will speak tonight.
His talk, sponsored by Phi
Alpha Theta. honorary history
fraternity, will be presented
at 7:30 p.m. in room 232 at
the Nebraska Union. The
event will be open to the
Dr. Brooks will discuss the
holdings and programs of the
library and the assistance it
offers to researchers.
omv j i
It i
Rent o new Chevrolet or other fine cor from
Hertz ot this special low weekend rate.
Friday noon to Monday noon. Low rate
includes everything: insurance and gas.
And only Hertz offers Certified Service, your
guarantee of complete rental satisfaction.
mSS-uum' '
let Hertz put you
in the driucr's seat!
Contact Jim Campbell on Campus
15S I Street 43 5 2957
Student Union Auditorium.
U.C.C.F., 12:15 p.m., 240
Student Union.
N.H.R.R.F., 12:30 p.m., Stu
dent Union Pan American
LUNCHEON, 12:30 p.m., 241
Student Union.
1:30 p.m.. 232 Student Union.
3 p.m.. 235 Student Union.
p.m., 234 Student Union.
AL CHILDREN, 4:30 p.m.,
Student Union north party
TEE, 4:30 p.m.. Student Un
ion south partv room.
4:30 p.m.. Student Union au
p.m.. Student Union north
conference room.
A.W.S. COURT, 4:30 p.m.,
Student Union south confer
ence room.
TY COMMITTEE, 4:30 p.m.,
232 Student Union,
i-vinv TRIPS and TOURS
COMMITTEE, 4:30 p.m., 235
Student Lmon.
Y.W.C.A. CABINET, 4:30
p.m.. 332 Student Union.
p.m.. Pawnee Room. Student
p.m.. Crossroads Hotel.
A.U.F., 6:30 p.m., 334 Stu
dent Union. J
BOWL, 7 p.m., Student Union
conference rooms.
p.m.. 234 Student Union.
THETA NU, 7 p.m., Pawnee
Room, Student Union.
LAMBDA TAU, 7:15 p.m..
235 Student Union.
p.m., Student Union auditor
ium partv rooms.
p.m., 232 Student Union.
SPANISH CLUB, 7:30 p.m.,
240 Student Union.
RADIO CLUB. 7:30 p.m..
M and N Building, Morse
Code Course will begin.
NYU Sponsors
Study In Poland
New York University will
offer the first seminar in a
Communist country this sum
mer at the University of War
saw, Poland, on Public Law
and Administration.
It will meet at NYU June
28 and from July 3 to Aug. 18
at the University of Warsaw.
.Ml lectures will be given in
Enrollment will be limited
to 18 graduate students se-w-ted
from NYU and other
j schools. The tuition cost is
$315, but the U.S. State De
partment will provide assist
ance in transportation and
living allowance.
Applications should be sent
to Dr. James Crown at New
York University, 4 Washing
ton Square North, New York
City. 1O003.
a mile
Michigan State Offers
European Study Plan
Students can study French,
German and Spanish in Eur
ope this summer by enrolling
in a Michigan State Univer
sity overseas language pro
gram. Three credit courses will be
offered in Paris. France; Co
logne, Germany, and Madrid,
Spain, under the auspices of
MSU's American Language
and Educational Center
aMLEC) and the College of
Arts and Letters.
The courses, taught or su
pervised by Michigan State
language professors, will each
carry nine credits.
Noncredit language p r o
grams will also be offered in
Paris; Lausanne and Neu
chatel. Switzerland; Barce
lona and Madrid, Spain; Co
logne, and Florence, Italy.
Both the credit and non-
Angel Flight Planning
AF Week Workshop
Two programs will be spon
sored by Angel Flight during
Air Force Week. Mar. 1-5.
The first program, "What's
Inside the USAF?" will be
presented by the Family Serv
ices Department of the LAFB,
March 2 at 7 p.m. in the
Union Auditorium.
The Blue Yonder Workshop
will be held Mar 3. This will
feature an invitational tea for
wives, fiancees and pinmates
of AFROTC cadets at the
home of Col. Shimonkevitz.
2 Ontempufi
Topic for today is that perennial favorite of English majors,"
that ever-popular crowd pleader, that good sport and great
American William Shakespeare (or "The Swedish Nightin
gale" as he is better known as).
First let us examine the persistent theory that Shakespeare (or
"The Pearl of the Pacific" as be is jocularly called) is not the
real author of his plays. Advocates of this theory insist the playi
are so full of classical allusions and learned references that they
couldn't possibly have been written by the son of an illiterate
country butcher.
To which I reply "Fauch!" Was not the great Spinoza's father
f humble woodcutter? Was not the immortal Isaac Newton's
lather a simple second baseman? (The elder Newton, incidental
ly, is one of history's truly pathetic figures. He was, by all ac
counts, the greatest second baseman of las time, but baseball,
ala, had not yet been invented. It used to break young Isaac's
heart to see his father get up every morning, put on uniform,
spikes, glove, and cap, and stand alertly behind second base,
bent forward, eyes narrowed, waiting, waiting, waiting. That'i
all waiting. Isaac loyally tat in the bleachers and yelled "Good
show, Dad!" and stuff like that, but everyone else in town snig
gered derisively, made coarse gestures, and pelted the NewtOT
with overripe fruit figs for tlue elder Newton, apples for the
younger. Thus, as we all know, the famous moment came when
I-aac Newton, struck in the head wilh an apple, leapt to hi feet,
shouted "Europa!" and announced the third law of motion:"For
every action there is an opposite and equal reaction!"
Fig for Hie Xev.1in,
Hlow profoundly true these simple word are! Take, for n
aruple, Persorma rtainle Heel Razor Blades. Khave with a
Fersoiina. TliAt's the ad -ion. Now what is the reaction? Pleasure,
delight, contentment, clieer, and facial felicity. Why such a
happy reaction? liecause you have started with the sharpest,
toost durable Made ever 1 toned a blade that gives you more
ahaves, clowr shave, comfortabler shaves than any other brand
on the market. If, by chance, you don't agree, simply return
your unwed Persormas to the manufacturer and be will send you
absolutely free a package of Beep-Beep or any other blade you
think is better.)
But I digress. Back to Shakespeare (or "The Gem of the
Oc-hu" as he wa ribaldly appelated).
Shakespeare' rood, important play is, of course, Hamlet (or,
. it is frequently called, fadMih). This play tells in living color
the story of JlamM, Prince of Denmark, who one night sees a
glost upon the battlements. (Possibly it is a fal he sees; 1 have
a first folio that is frankly not too legible.) Anyhow, Hamlet is so
upset by seeing this ghost (or goat) that lie stabs Polonius and
Brer Bodkin, lie is thereupon banished to a leather factory by
i)ic king, wl bollerr, "Get the to a tannery!" Thereupon
OpMia refuses her food until Itt'-s shouts, "Get thee to a
U-anerv !" Ophelia is w .w that she ebxsf her littl dog out of
iitf. room, crying, "Out, damned Spot!" She is fined fifty shillings
for euwig, but Portia, in aa ekjuenl plea, gets the sentence coro
ijiuImJ to life iiipriwoniftffnt. Thereupon King Lear and Queen
Mal proclaim a ftival complete, with kissing games and
lie-atirg contest. Everybody has a perfectly splendid time until
Banquo's ghost (or goat ) shows up. This so unhinges Richard III
t)mt he drowns his cousin, Butt Malmsey. Tliis leads to a lively
(bVuNfioTj, during which everyone is killed. The little dog Spot,
return to utter the immortal curtain lines :
Ovr hero now ha croaked,
A nd to't our prima donna,
PjvI he of dieer, my friend.
You'll alway$ have Penoniut.
tm ttm mmmttt
Tee and per tig. A rut u htn next thou buyttt f trtanru1 bujrert
aim tome new Burma Shovel regular or menthol, which toak
eth ring around any other lather. Get thee to m pharmmept
credit courses are scheduled
from July 5 to Aug. 20
Students will be boused with
private families in all but the
Paris program, according to
Dr. Sheldon Cherney, NSIT
AMLEC director. He feels
that the family setting will
result in more frequent use
of the language
Cherney adds that both the
credit and noncredit courses
will be supplemented by op
tional lectures and trips to
points of historic, cultural or
geographic interest.
Fees for the AMLEC pro
grams are extremely modest
when contrasted with similar
overseas language courses.
This has been made possible
through the family housing
arrangements and special
charter air rates for round
trip travel.
Cherney reports that costs
for credit courses will range
from $625 to $750, and include
tuition, transportation, orien
tation program, housing, two
daily meals and other inci
dentals. Noncredit programs
will run between $525 and $675,
he adds.
An optional eight-day tour
following the course is $125,
and a 13-day tour, $225. These
prices include travel, housing,
three meals daily, services of
a skilled tour leader and cer
tain other extras.
Applications for AMLEC
programs must be received
no later than April 1, 1965.
Additional information on
either the credit or noncredit
programs can be obtained bv
writing AMLEC, Kellogg Cen-,
ter, Michigan State Universi
ty, East Lansing, Mich.
(By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boy!",
"Dobie GiUit," etc.)
opjik$ far tint younger.
No. 27th
Thonc 477-4102