The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1965, Image 1

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    i hp A:. r nno
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By ftffefHyxjer
Junior Staff WrlW
The eligibility requir
ments for positions in the
Student Cabinet and Elec
toral Commission were not
lowered by Constitutional
Convention delegates yes
terday. At the beginning of t h e
meeting, John Lydick said,
"We have to be done by
next week. Last time we got
through 2V4 pages." He
pointed out their deadline
was Sunday and "we'd like
to get done."
The present draft states
that the Student Cabinet
"shall comprise an advisory
body appointed by the Pres
1 d e n t . All appointments
shall require approval by a
majority vote of the sen
ate." "To be eligible for ap
pointment to the Student
Cabinet, a nominee must be
regularly enrolled as a full
time student, either as an
undergraduate or as a grad
uate student, vand must
meet t h e University re
quirements for participation
in extra-curricular activi
ties." Rebecca Marshall p r o
posed an amendment to
strike everything after
'graduate student' and in
sert the words "in good
She stated, "This will
give as much latitude as
possible to the president to
pick the members for the
cabinet." She also felt this
was in keeping with the re
quirements already s e t
down for elected members
of the student government.
Vicki Dowling felt the rea
son the requirements for
elective office were lowered
was that they are elected.
The members of the cabinet
are not elected, and there
fore the reason to lower
their requirements cannot
stand up.
Cuz Guenzel pointed out
the members of the Cabinet
are going to be from an
organization anyway, and
therefore it was ridiculous
to consider lowering the
requirements for the cabi
net position when they had
to have the regular re
quirements to get into the
organization in the first
Miss Marshall said, "The
president may organize his
cabinet as he sees fit. Its
members may come from
anywhere he wants."
Dave Kittams said, "The
president can use the cab
inet to study any area or
particular problem. We
should give this the power
and magnitude it should
have and not cut down on
the president's breadth of
John Luckasen said "I
Food Management
Reduces Prices
By Wayne Kreuscher
Junior Staff Writer
Food prices, laundry bills both are common problems
to University students who find a good share of their
money going for these two items.
People often talk about prices, but seldom do they do
anything effective about them except pay the bills.
One organization on campus, at least in theory, is try
ing to do something about bringing prices of food, laundry,
bakery goods, eggs, lumber, flowers and paper goods
down the IFC Food Management Association.
Food Management, an unincorporated branch of IFC,
makes contracts with food companies in Lincoln and then
buys at a discount, large quantities of food or other goods
for fraternities and sororities who wish to participate.
Sam Baird, chairman of the Association, pointed out
that if the program ever reached its full potential, it could
have the bargaining power of several thousand Greeks and
save the houses a large amount of money.
Right now only two houses are fully participating in
the Association which was started four years ago by the
IFC. Beta Theta Pi and Alpha Gamma Rho buy all of
FMA's products and 25 other houses, including co-ops and
two sororities participate in some part of the program.
Baird said that more houses so far havent fully par
ticipated in FMA for several seasons. He said, Often house
mothers after several years of experience feel they know
the best way to purchase the food for their house they
like certain merchants and they prefer this over a lower
Upon questioning some of the houses who don't partici
pate in FMA, one housemother said, "The association has
an excellent purpose and in theory no doubt it could be
beneficial, but unfortunately our experiences with it so far
have provided few benefits."
A former house president who has dealt with FMA in
the past also pointed out that the program in theory could
work, but that often prices weren't lowered or the quality
of the food was not as good as FMA had promised.
Besides the present FMA itself, Baird said that two
other possibilities were being examined to help improve
the collective Greek buying to its fullest potential. One of
the possibilities is a corporation of FMA itself and another
is to bring in a food management company which will pro
vide food services, take the responsibility of providing
cooks and do the purchase accounting work for the houses.
"These corporations," Baird said, "would provide the
management service now provided by the housemothers
and they would know where to go for food and know where
to get the best quality food at the lowest possible prices."
He pointed out that the corporation's food would prob
ably be standardized, but variations could be made by
individual houses.
Baird said that many campuses around the country
have developed collective Greek bargaining or co-operative
buying to very successful levels and that their Greek sys
tems had profttai tim iL
still consider it (student
government) an extra-curricular
activity. For this rea
son I think we ought to re
quire a (5.0) grade aver
age." David Keifer said, "If we
do that we may exclude
some qualified people."
The . question was called.
The amendment was de
feated by a vote of 5 to 6,
with Terry Schaaf abstain
ing. At this time Dick
Stuckey was not present.
An Election Commission
is provided for by the draft.
Their function is to preside
Vol. 80, No. 87
Enjoying a break from
Marshall, Ken Thienhardt
If If sn fek Si" ' :h
- : M&im .
NIA Completes Project;
Books Ready For Shipment
Saturday the Nebraska In
ternational Association com
pleted their project of prepar
ing packages of books to send
overseas. David Jhun, chair
man of NIA, said that over
5,000 books were packaged.
A dozen members of NIA
spent the day in the basement
of Selleck Quadrangle sorting,
boxing, and addressing the
books. The texts will be given
over the elections conducted
by the Association, (i.e. the
whole student government).
"The electoral commis
sion shall consist of five
Commissioners, two of
whom shall be the faculty
representatives to the Stu
dent Senate, one of w h o m
shall be appointed by the
President of the Associ
ation, one of whom shall be
elected by a majority vote
of the Senate, one of whom
shall be selected by the
Student Court from its own
membership by a majority
vote of that body."
r (hm it-
their book-packing activities
and Steve Carter.
to people needing them in un
derdeveloped countries.
NIA was founded five
years ago as a group for
U.S. and foreign students.
Jhun said the group's goal is
to promote international un
derstanding and fellowship
by exchanging cultural as
well as academic sharing.
The group's adviser, Dr.
Richard Gilbert said books
had been collected for over
five years. Schools donated
slightly more than half of
them as obsolete for class
use. Previously 65 packages
were sent to 12 countries
from areas as diverse as Afri
ca, the West Indies, and the
Pacific Islands.
This year the packages will
Go To Three Students
Avalon Scholarships
Three freshmen from t h e
University College of Medi
cine have been awarded scho
larships from the Avalon
Scholarship Fund.
The winners were selected
by the College's Committee on
Scholarships and Awards
with the approval of the
dean, Cecil Wittson, M.D.
Gary Biesecker, Wallace
Duff, and John Rogers will
each receive a $300 scholarship.
Skirting Other Campuses
Coeds Seek 'Rust Proofing'
lather Than lRust Removal'
Women are coming to col
lege more frequently to get
"rust proofing" not ' rust re
moval," according to Dr. Vera
Schletzer, coordinator of the
Minnesota Plan for Continuing
Education of Women.
This statement came out of
Women's Week, recently held
at the University of Minne
sota. Because of "natural and
cultural" causes, women have
not shown as much ability as
men in some areas of knowl
edge, according to Dr. E.
Paul Torrance, director of
the Department of Education
Psychology. This does not
mean women are not as in
telligent or creative as men,
however, Torrance explained.
Under the direction of Al
pha Phi Omega, Suffolk
University in Boston, Mass.,
is in the process of having its
own blood protection pro
To be on the Electoral
Commission "a nominee
must be a regularly enrolled
full-time student, and meet
University regulations for
participation in extracurri
cular activities." ,
Miss Marshall made an
amendment to strike every
thing after 'full-time stu
dent' and insert the words
"in good standing."
Joe Carroll repeated the
argument that these people
were not elected to office
and therefore should be sub
ject to the requirements for
extracurricular activities.
The Daily
are Neil Bateman, Rebecca
be forwarded to the Asian
Foundation in San Francisco.
The Foundation will pay the
postage and distribute the
books throughout Asia and
the Pacific Islands.
Helping NIA with the pro
ject were the People to
People Committee, RAM, the
Methodist Wesley Foundation
student group, and the
Friends Meeting.
Broadcasting Company
Offers Scholarships
Applications for the Sum
mer Scholarship Award Com
petition sponsored by the
Corinthian Broadcasting Cor
poration must be entered by
March 15.
The CBC is offering three
six-week scholarships to juni
ors or seniors. The winners
will undergo an extensive six
week, on-the-job internship at
one of the Corinthian tele
vision stations.
Each winner will receive
transportation, allowance for
room and board and a $400
scholarship for the program,
which is scheduled to begin
in mid-summer. Students in
terested should contact Dean
Linger or the Corinthian
Broadcasting Corporation, 110
West 51 Street, New York 20,
New York.
gram. Under this program
each full time student and
faculty member Including his
immediate- family will be
thoroughly covered for any
blood need they may en
counter. Students and faculty
will be recruited for donating
Next fall, while students
trudge daily across the na
tion's campuses, 75 freshman
at Alleghany, Colo., and Lake
Forest colleges will be work
ing toward their four-year de
grees without ever attending
classes, pursuing an education
as part of a new experiment
backed by the Ford Founda
tion. Free of the usually required
courses, grades, and credits,
the chosen students will be
taken from registration to
. . . Eligibility Dispute Continues
Little subsequent discus
sion took place. The ques
tion was called and t h e
amendment was defeated
by a vote of 4 to 7.
Terry Schaaf explained
his personal feelings on the
matter of eligibility in a
statement after the meeting
to the Daily Nebraskan:
"We, as a convention,
have lowered the required
grade average from the 5.0,
presently used by the ad
ministration in determining
eligibility, to a 4.0, or sim
ply: 'in good standing.' This
Association is a subordinate
Eight distinguished Nebras
ka alumni are being brought
back to their alma mater this
year by the Masters' Commit
tee of the Student Council.
The purpose of the program
is to provide a two-way edu
cation between alumni and
the students. The masters
learn about the University as
it is today, while the students
Jearn about their futures.
The date for Masters Week
has been set for May 2-4. This
year's program will stress
student contact with the mas
ters, according to Bill Cou
fal, committee chairman. The
masters will make class
visitations, speaking to stu
dents about their experiences
and give lectures at the grad
uate colleges in their respec
tive fields.
Also included in their
schedules are informal lunch
eons, coffee hours and ses
sions in the Crib. They will
attend dinner in various liv
ing units Monday and Tues
day evenings.
Other points include a for
mal breakfast with Gov. Mor
rison and a news conference
which will be open to students
and broadcast by local radio
stations. The masters will be
honored at the Honors Convo
cation May 4.
The eight masters attending
Two Faculty Members
Serve As Evaluators
Two University faculty
members are serving on na
tional committees which are
evaluating proposals for in
stitutes for advanced study
under the National Defense
Education Act.
Dr. Wesley Meierhenry,
assistant dean of the Teach
ers college, is serving on the
committee studying proposals
for education media special
ists. Frank Rice, co-director
of the English Curriculum De
velopment Center at the Uni
versity, is serving on the com
mittee for evaluating English
institute proposals.
graduation in these liberal
arts schools In a faculty
guided independent study,
rather than a standard class
room situation.
Prof. Alexander Boyd, head
of London's Manchester Uni
versity's department of sur
gery and author of the keep-your-legs-warm-and
-keep -them
-pretty theory, claims
that "girls who dress scantily
in cold weather run the risk
of getting fat calves and
blotchy skins by the time
they're 30. They can be vic
tims of erythrocyanosis cru
rum puellarum frigidum, the
medical name for a condition
caused by exposure to cold.
"Hideous legs,' 'he said, "can
ruin a girl's life. The only
answer is to keep them
Eiii9lht AiuGn
for Incest
body (to the administra
tion), and the position of
President and Vice Presi
dent should be required to
. . . meet the presently re
quired grade average.
"The responsibility of
good leadership has now
been left up to the student
Stuckey stated after the
meeting that Schaaf had
made a "responsible state
ment." He said, "it is per
ceptive and responsibility
anticipates a problem. Rut
it is unnecessary to TELL
the student body that when
are Eugene Robb, publisher,
Albany Times-Union, Albany,
New York; Judge John
Brown, U.S. Circuit Judge,
Houston, Texas; Harold Co
rey, chairman of the board,
Hormel and Co., Austin,
William McCleery, play
wright and editor of the Uni
versity, a Princeton maga
zine, Princeton, New Jersey;
Dr. James Henson, president,
Oregon State University, Cor
vallis, Oregon; Paul Babson,
president. United Business
Service, Boston, Mass.; Her
bert Brownell, Lord, Day
'Student Newspapers
Can't Expect Freedom'
. . . Study Reveali
A student newspaper has no legal basis upon which to
demand editorial freedom and will find little support for
such demands in courts, according to Kenneth Devol,
assistant professor of journalism at California State College
at Northridge.
In a study completed at the University of Southern Cali
fornia, it was revealed that courts traditionally have held
that college governing boards and state legislatures possess
broad powers in establishing rules and regulations for the
conduct of all phases of college life, including publications.
The courts generally have not intervened in questions
of administrative discipline unless there was evidence of
arbitrary or grossly unfair action taken by the college ad
ministrator, Devol said.
Undergraduate newspapers have enjoyed a tradition
of relative freedom on American college and university
campuses, he said, but conflicts involving editorial control
have existed in all types of institutions.
There is no single method or philosophy of control that
is advantageous in all campus environments, he reported.
Devol recommended that: 1.) editorial pages should
contain statements pointing out that views expressed on
those pages are not necessarily the views of the college nor
of its administration; 2.) fiscal control should not be in the
hands of student politicians; 3.) administrative officers
and editors should meet periodically to exchange views and
discuss questions; and 4.) boards of publication should es
tablish in writing the basic policies which govern the pub
lication. "Student-edited college and university dailies exert a
significant influence on the thoughts and actions of mem
bers of the college community," Devol said. "This influ
ence is becoming greater as readership of college news
papers increases, student editors adopt more professional
approaches to news, greater responsibility is placed on
these publications as a primary means of communication
within the campus community, acceptance of these publi
cations grows and freedom and controversy continue to be
an inseparable part of higher education."
Some of Devol's findings were:
Areas of major conflict are fiscal independence, edito
rial freedom, the role of faculty or administrative adviser,
relationship with student politicians, appointment and re
moval of editorial personnel, and the role of the student
press in the community.
Presidents generally voice strong support for a free
student press, citing educational as well as philosophical
foundations for such support. Most agree that a free stu
dent press is a "calculated risk," but one worth taking.
Eighty-two per cent of the institutions having daily
newspapers have written policy statements governing the
student press.
Fifty-one per cent of the policy statements specifically
prohibit prepublieation censorship, 14 per cent specifically
allow for such censorship and 35 per cent make no specific
reference to censorship prior to publication.
Membership of the various boards of publication ranges
from five to 17 members, the median number being nine.
Twenty-six per cent have student majorities, 18 per cent
non-student majorities and 14 per cent an equal number of
student and non-student members.
Devol, who received his Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University of Southern California School of Journalism
in 1951, earned a Master of Science in Education from USC -in
1954 and has taught journalism and been a publications
adviser at Burbank Junior and Van Nuys Senior High
Schools and Los Angeles Valley College before joining the
California State College faculty in 1961.
they cast their vote they
should do so responsibly.
We should assume that they
At one point during the
meeting Stuckey also said,
"It is not that we made
limited, or more or less
limited requirements, but
that we have made none at
all. The process of election,
the race itself will decide.
Why hamstring the constitu
tion? The electorate will
take the responsibility on
themselves to see that the
Continued on Page 3
Monday, February 22, 1965
and Lord, New York City; and
Hazel Stebbins, former vice
president, Red Cross Cam
paign, Lincoln, Nebraska.
The masters will be es
corted by the Student Coun
cil Associates working with
the committee, Mortar Board
and the Innocents.
Requests for national tele
vision coverage have been
sent to NBC and CBS. Let
ters for magazine coverage
have been sent to Time, Life
and Newsweek. The theme
for Masters' Week 1965 is
"Masters Today for Tomorrow."