Wednesday, February .10, 1965 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Guidance Center To Hear Cohen The annual meeting of the Lincoln and Lancaster Coun ty Child Guidance Center will be held Monday in the Student Union Ballroom at 8.00. Dr. Richard Cohen, Chief of Child Psychiatry at the HELP WANTED Student coordinator for scholastic employ ment program. Requires 3 hours per week. Very remunerative position. Send brief res ume with phone number. Personel Director General Academic Placement 101 South Brood Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Nebraska Psychiatric Insti tute will speak on "Recent Advances in the Understand ing of Childhood Emotional Disorders." Dr. Cohen is a published author in his field, and has recently come to Nebraska from Philadelphia where he was director of the Oak bourne Hospital (Children's Inpatient Service). He has also served as Director of Training and Staff Develop ment, Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic; and Senior rhysician, Department of Child Psychiatry, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Wx I HRBD3C . - . i. ii n.A .,!k on aii.tanerori hortv. From shoulders to chest. Arrow uum Lauae, tan an-tuuuu ua.uiu nun - - - ..,,. u,,taB to waist and down to the shirttails, it's trim and true to your body line. No blousy bulge above or below your belt line. Gives you a slim, healthy look. Long collar points, high collar back and sheer collar comfort in between, with or without a tie. Bold str.pes.very bold stripes, solids and white all for a mere $5. Arrow Cum Laude; A n Dl lAAm a bold new breed of dress shirt for a bold new breed of guy. jTilMx S' ' John Lauritzen wanted further knowledge I 1 n - j 4? T". K7?. . . 14 1 h - r V ,! f -vr IPs , 1 4 J ft 4itB;' He's finding it at Western Electric When the University of Nevada awarded John Lauritzen his B.S.E.E. in 1961, it was only the first big step In the learning program he envisions for himself. This led him to Western Electric. For WE agrees that ever-increasing knowledge is essential to the development of its engineers-and is help ing John in furthering his education. John attended one of Western Electric's three Graduate Engineering Training Centers and gradu ated with honors. Now, through the Company-paid Tuition Refund Plan, John is working toward his Master's in Industrial Management at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He is currently a planning engineer developing test equipment for the Bell Western EectricrACTUR,NG ANO sUPPLy """oftm- bcll Systcu AN tQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . , , . u.,n-. i, 1 i riiinOneratinR ecnlprj in many of then same cities plus 36 others throughout the U.S. System's revolutionary electronic telephone switch ing system. If you set the highest standards for yourself, both educationally and professionally, we should talk. Western Electric's vast communications job as manufacturing unit of the Bell System provides many opportunities for fast-moving careers for electrical, mechanical and industrial engineers, as well as for physical science, liberal arts and business majors. Get your copy of the Western Electric Career Opportunities booklet from your Placement Officer. And be sure to arrange for an interview when the Bell System recruiting team visits your campus. Uncle Tom's Corner continued from page 2 port area with voter regis tration. This means teach ing Negroes who have been victims of sub-standard ed ucation to pass an exami nation that 90 per cent of the students and faculty here could not pass. Gulfport is considered to be a liberal town. This means there have been no murders in the last ten years. But the workers are being constantly harassed. Christmas night a group from the white community, feeling their Christmas spirits, paid a visit to the project office and ripped out the telephones. Two weeks ago I received a long distant call from Ken, who had just been re leased from jail. He w a s held for a few hours be cause he entered a public drugstore and was arrested for trespassing. In jail he was told that he was an atheistic, communistic nig ger lover. (Not being sure of what a communist or atheist was the police em phasized nigger lover). The Gulfport project is be ing supported in part by pledges of a dollar a month. Those who would like to pledge a dollar for freedom can see Karl Briner or Bob Perry in room 120 Andrews hall. Revolutions usually means armed revolt, but the second American revo lution is one of non-violence. There has been vio lence, but it has come from the southern whites. Vio lence has come in many cases if not from the po lice, at least sanctioned by them. Those who believe that nonviolence is better than violence have been beaten and murdered. The foot soldiers of this revolution are risking their lives, but not for a tasteless hambur ger or a sad cup of coffee. They are trying to bring equality to all Americans. Their method is best stated in the words of Martin Lu ther King Jr.: "We will wear them down with our capacity to suffer." Peace Corps Exam A Peace Corps test will be conducted Saturday, Febr. 13, at 8:30 a.m. in room 200, Post Office Building. Those interested should fill out a questionnaire, available at the Post Office. Any citizen 18 or over is eligible if he has no dependents under 18. Campus Calendar TODAY PLACEMENT LUNCHEON, 12:30 p.m., 241 Student Union FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB NURSERY, 12:45 p.m., North conference room, Student Un ion. BUILDERS COLLEGE DAYS, 2:30 p.m., 234 Student Union UNION TALKS & TOPICS COMMITTEE, 3:30 p.m., 232 Student Union BUILDERS TOURS, 3:30 p.m., 235 Student Union BUILDERS-CALENDAR & DIRECTORY, 3:30 p.m., Paw nee room, Student Union STUDENT COUNCIL, 4:00 p.m., Pan American room, Student Union NEBRASKA UNION BOARD, 4:00 p.m., 241 Stu dent Union PEOPLE TO PEOPLE, 4:30 p.m., North conference Room, Student Union BUILDERS-CAMPUS PRO MOTION, 4:30 p.m., South conference roonl, Student Union AWS WORKERS, 4:30 p.m., 232 Student Union RED CROSS BOARD, 4:30 p.m., 234 Student Union UNION PUBLIC RELA TIONS COMMITTEE, .4:30 p.m., 235 Student Union TOASTMASTER'S CLUB, 5:30 p.m., West Cafeteria, Stu dent Union AWS COED FOLLIES TRAVELER ACT TRYOUTS, 7:00 p.m., Union ballroom BUILDERS BOARD, 7:00 p.m., 332 Student Union NIA EXECUTIVE, 7:00 p.m., 334 Student Union IFC, 7:00 p.m., Pan Ameri can room, Student Union NU MEDS 7:30 p.m., Union small auditorium JR. IFC-JR. PANHELLEN IC QUIZ BOWL, 8:00 p.m., Party rooms Student Union AWS JUDGES, 8:00 p.m., 232 Student Union RED CROSS EXECUTIVE BOARD, 5:00 p.m., 232 Stu dent Union NEW! TIRES BY REIS OF NEW HAVEN 20 dozen in solids an stripes 2.50 t Captain tflalh l UNI UNIVEKtlTV OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN JAMES BOND IS BACK IN ACTION! I 1 kx mm 1 k IAN FLEMING'S XWliM! Featarea at: l:-3: 1:09-7:09 A Trip To Europe For Less Than $100 Switwrland Th International Travel Establishment will locate job opportunities in Europe for anyone who likes the idea of a fun-filled, low cost trip to Europe. Jobs are available in all fields throughout Europe. Interested students should lend $2 to Search Dept., ITE, 68 Herrengasso, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (Swiherland) for a complete, do-it. yourself prospectus which includes the key to getting a job in Europe, the largest European job ielect: -i available, instructions, money saving tipt and conclusive information making a trip to Europa (including transportation) possible for less than $100. Detroit Edison Co. ELECTRICAL POWER CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Research and Development Plant and System Design Equipment Engineering Planning for Growth Purchasing Sales Electrical-Mechanical EM RESERVE YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME AT PLACEMENT OFFICE TO SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR SUMMER AND FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT Wednesday, Oct. 17 era 'n ! " rVvJ i I -f" ( :, 4 I V 4- Aim K-v a 'ne.-'"" A. - -- "Vf We have the "CORRECT BOOKS" For all classes officially listed by the instructors ART, ENGINEERING & HOME ECONOMICS KITS SCHOOL SUPPLIES-TOILET ARTICLES-SWEAT SHIRTS WE ARE A ONE STOP STORE FOR FRIENDLY AND COMPLETE SERVICE AT THE MOST CONVENIENTLY LOCATED STORE ON CAMPUS o QUICK SELF F ""V r'.J i fj SERVICE o AY $ Lnj ii 31utH;I Lllitlillif msm mau i limits wA-ai 0