The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1964, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, December 17, 1964
The Daily Nebraskon
Page 3
Skirting Other Campuses
freight-Hopping Starts
evi fad in California
Iowa State and Iowa may
change their traditional mas
cots to a "beautiful coed led
around in chains." According
to a noted columnist for the
Des Moines Register both
mascots at present are "bird
shaped with hawk noses" and
neither are "very pretty."
The Hiking Club at the Uni
versity of California has found
a new way to have fun off
campus: freight-hopping. It
provides the participant with
a means of seeing the country
free and first hand.
The methodology is very
simple. Just decide where you
want to go, go down to the
freight yards and find out
what train is going there, and
Students have gone in this
manner to Los Angeles, Salt
Lake City and all over the
Panhellenic Council at Iowa
State University has approved
a no hours proposal for senior
women and women 21 or old
er. Under the plan the women
would be given keys after 1
p.m. on the day they wanted
to use them and would have
to return the mbefore noon the
next day. The method of
checking out keys would be
left to the desecretion of the
The proposal remains to be
considered by the Women's
Residence Association Board.
Construction of a skating
rink and multiple game area
is underway at Kansas State.
The finished recreation area
is to include four basketball
goals, a double tennis court
and space for a volleyball
court, softball diamond and
skating rink.
Administrative officials em
pphasized the need for a place
where students can work out,
exercise and have competitive
So who cares? About any
thing. "Not many," replied cam
pus leaders at the University
of Minnesota, when asked
about student apathy at t h e
Reasons given for apathy in
cluded the feeling of comfort
ableness in "intolerable situ
ations" exist and students
tend to be las in awareness
and interest. Other possible
causes are "unawareness"
Beauty Incidental
In Leg's Design
Whatever their shaDe. vour
legs are among the best-designed
structures in nature.
The hollowness of the leg
bones helps you stand and
walk upright because a hol
low column is stronger than
a solid one of equal weight.
The lightweight tubular con
struction of your leg bones
composed of wiry fibers em
bedded in solid calcium salts
is similar to reinforced con
crete in structure but is
eight times as sturdy!
Leg bones must absorb not
only downward pressures of
your shifting body weight,
but also the countershock
from the ground below. Dur
ing hard jolts or jumps, the
shinbone sometimes has to
withstand momentary forces
of as much as two tons.
Running, b i k e-riding or
hurdle-jumping causes the leg
bones to slide, swing and piv
ot in bewildering variation of
patterns. The strings that
bring this puppet show to life
are the wonderful elastic mus
cles spanning the bones.
The muscles in your legs
Young Demos Sell
Kennedy Medals
Bob Cherny, Young Demo
crat chairman, has announced
that the YD's have a number
of Kennedy Credo Medals on
hand for those students inter
ested In buying one.
Cherny noted that the med
als have attracted nation
wide attention. They have
been featured in articles in
the Numismatic News, a coin
collectors magazine, and in
Business and Industry maga
line. He also pointed out that the
YD'i have recieved requests
from as far away as Massa
chusetts . and California for
information concerning the
The medals, for which the
Nebraska YD's have the na
tional franchise, are 332-inch
thick and li-inchcs in dia
meter. Its raised image of
President John Kennedy is
132-inch high, or about three
or four times higher than im
ages on United States coins.
The coins are availible in
silver, bronze, or anodized
aluminum. Many are availi
ble with key-chain attach
ment or set as women's
They may be purchased in
the YD office, room 346 Stu
dent Union on any afternoon.
Report Shows Gain
In Business Strength
Nebraska retail sales gained
strength in October, up 4.5 per
cent from September and 4.7
per cent from the same month
a year ago, according to Busi
ness in Nebraska published by
the University Bureau of Busi
ness Research.
A slight increase of 1.6 per
cent was recorded in general
business activity compared to
October a year ago, based on
reports from 21 municipali
ties. General business activ
ity Includes bank debits, build
ing activity, retail sales, elec
tricity and gas consumed,
water pumped, postal receipts
and newspaper advertising.
are extremely strong. Those
you use to stand on tiptoe, for
instance, are capable of ex
erting 400 pounds of force!
So you can see why it's easier
to pull your own leg than
someone else's; the resulting
Charley horse you may get is
caused by a temporary lack of
oxygen in the leg muscles.
Muscles animate bones by
pulling, never by thrusting or
twisting. Most of them work
with mates; one contracts to
pull while the other stretches.
This teamwork enables your
muscles to move you about
without sudden jerks. This is
what permits a fine ballet
dancer to soar across the
stage in a single vaulting step
whose smoothness no machine
can match and whose coordi
nation and organization no
flow chart can measure.
Beauty as well as strength
and grace is an obvious fea
ture of feminine legs; now
American legs are looking
better than ever in new sheer
But it takes more than the
right stockings to keep legs
attractive. Doctors, athletic
instructors and beauty ex
perts know that legs are one
of the most neglected parts
of our bodies.
Legs flabby from long hours
planted behind an office desk
are suddenly expected to per
form marvelous feats on ten
nis courts. Legs worn out or
muscle-bound from standing
behind a counter or making
business rounds are expected
to transport us lightly over
dance floors.
But athletes and dancers
whose very careers depend
upon the shape and fitness of
their legs know that ignored
limbs usually revenge them
selves by becoming nervous,
wobbly, stiff, starved, flabby
or bulbous.
So a word to the wise: if
So a word to the wise; if
you aren't able to do afew
minutes of regular leg ex
ercises every few days, or get
out on a bicycle during the
week, make an effort to take
brisk walks as often as you
(an. Get off the elevator
three or four floors before
your stop, and walk up or
down those few flights of
stairs. You'll be giving your
self a "leg up" to new vigor
and trimness!
and busyness."
A lack of student interest is
felt in every area and only
two percent of the population
participate in campus political
German fraternities test the
fencing ability of their propec
tive members in determining
their membership eligibility
rather than their "Jock" pos
sibilities. All members must fence to
prove they are worthy of
membership and are not al
ways judged on whether they
win or lose but on how well
they fight, according to a Ger
man grad student at Minne
sota. '
The Daily Iowan at Iowa
State is sponsoring a contest
for the Queen of the Queens,
"Miss Wayzgoose."
The contest was initiated in
an effort to prevent the "hog
ging" of queen titles, when it
was discovered than one thiru
of the coeds manage to get
through the University pro
gram without ever having
been nominated for any sort
of queenship.
Finalists will be questoned
by the master of ceremonies
Pert Barks, whose questions
will determine qualities of
beauty, truth, loyalty talent,
cleanliness, qtieenliness, light,
joy. liveliness and radience.
Chairman of the affair said,
"These characteristics have
nothing to do with our queen,
but we're just curious." The
name of the queen will be
drawn from a hat in the end.
Grad Party Scheduled
All graduate students are
invited to attend a Grad Stu
dent Christmas party from
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in 332
Student Union.
The party will be preceded
by a coffee hour.
QUIZ BOWL Committee, 3
p.m., 332 Student Union.
UNION Music Committee,
4:30 p.m., south party room,
Student Union.
licity Committee, 4:30 p.m.,
Student Union auditorium.
cial Committee, 4:30 p.m.,
north conference room, Stu
dent Union. ,v
AWS COURT, 4:30 p. m.,
south conference room, Stu
dent Union.
BUILDERS Publicity Com
mittee, 4:30 p.m., 232 Student
UNION Contemporary Arts
Committee, bowling party,
4:30 p.m., 234 Student Union.
UNION Trips and Tours
Committee, 4:30 p.m., 235 Stu
dent Union.
mas Coffee Hour, 4:30 p.m.,
332 Student Union.
AWS House of Representa
tives, 4:30 p.m., 240 Student
tive Board, 6:30 p.m., 235 Stu
dent Union.
AUF, 6:30 p.m., 334 Student
QUIZ BOWL, 7 p.m. con
ference rooms, Student Union.
RED CROSS, Malone Cen
ter, 7 p.m., 234 Student Un
Course, 7 p.m., Student Union
p.m., 332 Student Union.
THETA NU, 7 p.m., 240 Stu
dent Union.
p.m., Student Union auditori
um and party rooms.
gram, 7:30 p.m., 349 Student
NIA Board, 8:30 p.m., 232
Student Union.
Dinner, 6 p.m., St. Marks
Episcopal Church.
Paper Staff To Give
Nominations are now being
accepted by the Daily Ne
braskan for its Outstanding
Nebraskan awards to be pre
sented to a faculty member
and a student who have dis
tinguished themselves on the
Anyone may nominate a
candidate in the form of a
letter addressed to the Daily
Nebraskan office, 51 Student
Union. Letters should be
signed by the person making
the nomination and will be
come property of the Nebras
kan. The names of those per
sons making the nominations
will be kept confidential.
nn AAsfftrl
iy r-t w f vii v
Nominations will be accept
ed until 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Jan. 13. Recipients of the hon
or will be announced in the
final edition of this semester's
Daily Nebraskan.
Faculty members nominat
ed must have been on the Uni
versity staff for at least two
years. Student candidates
may not be paid staff mem
bers of the Daily Nebraskan,
but columnists are eligible.
Although the award was
presented only once last year,
the Daily Nebraskan is re
turning to the policy of elect
ing Outstanding Nebraskans
both semesters.
I to ue I
And think asout life's
problems 15 terrible...
if AND THINK f If?
PIZZA 15 ,W iln
niif'-- giWzL ..
Presidents Speak
To Junior Panhel
Joan Skinner, president of
Mortar Board, and Shirley
Voss, past president of Alpha
Lambda Delta, spoke to tha
members of Junior PanheBen
ic at the fifth regular meet
ing of the year. Their speech
es emphasized botti scholar,
ship and activities on this
At previous meetings, dis
cussions have included a gen
eral orientation to the goals of
Junior Panhellenic, a brief
explanation of the history and
interesting facts about each
sorority, a discussion on
pledge sneaks, a discussion
concerning tflie cultural and
educational opport unities
available to the student, and
a discussion on scholarship
and activities.
The members of Junior
Panhellenic were guests at the
Panhellenic Christmas tea on
At the next meeting, Miss
Helen Snyder, Associate Dean
of Student Affairs, will dis
cuss the Greek system as a
whole, both nationally and on
the University campus.
Junior Panhellenic works
in coordination with Junior
IFC to promote friendliness
and inter-fraternity spirit
among pledges. Dianne
Miches, vice president of Pan
hellenic is the adviser.
t a -f .- i , i if
t?iYM v. Im C-i ft
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Lowest Prices
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Become a member of the fold of the BLACK SIHSICP SOCIETY and liuvc your
own distinctive, personalized Coat-of-Arms in black and gold on 11x14 parch
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Simply send your full name and address (name; as wanted on vour certificate)
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Clicck, cash or money order no COD's please. Allow 2 weeks for mailing.
A unique gilt for friends who also stand as individuals.
Please mail me 11x14 Black Sheep Coat-of-Arms Certificates $3.98
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Chuck says
he paid 300 bucks
less for
his Coronet
than you did
for that turtle
of yours
n L-Y
f ;Vi 1
A at
i f i I
hi i
You really
how to
hurt a guy
"Chuck's a swinger," says she. "His
Coronet is quick and clean, with a lean
and hungry look. It's equipped with a
426 cubic inch mill that will mock your
turtle at the strip or on the street. He's
got four-on-the-floor, buckets, belts,
carpets, console, spinners, and a padded
dash. And he said that everything but
the four-speed stick and the 426
was standard." Then she broke his back
by asking, "Didn't you pay extra for
some of that jazzr
Don let the truth hurt you.
Better see the ell-new, hot new Dodge
Coronet before you buy a (cuckooL
a (cuckoo-cuckoo), or evon a
'65 Dodge Coronet
I ...
J. -;