Closet Case "7 OQ1B3OTJ Page 2 Research Vital The following editorial appeared in the 1957 Daily Ne braskan, written by Jack Pollack. Its observation seem appropriate at this time, as the University's research con tinues to bring fame. The Daily Nebraskan reported Tuesday that an ap propriation has been given to the University for research in heart problems. In the same edition of the paper we reported that the University Research Council had rec ommended faculty summer research fellowships in fields ranging from home economics to law. It is significant that the United States places a strong emphasis on research in the fields which are vital to our culture. Vital? Yes, it is vital in a system where free en terprise reigns supreme that an individual be allowed to pursue knowledge in an obscure field, for from this know ledge, this experimentation comes the better life which free peoples everywhere cherish. The question may arise, "Why don't we sacrifice the powder puffs for missiles, the butter and margarine for bombs and submarines?" Of course it is a valid question in light of the scientific leaps and bounds taken by the Soviet Union in the past few years. But Americans can look with pride to the joint magnificence they have de veloped under the free enterprise system. In the United States, some may say, success comes from chaos. Here in our land the individual is free to choose what he will study and how long he will study it. His hopes and ambitions are satisfied not through force but rather through free will the will to live and the will to succeed. That is the mystery of American success. "It is the mystery of free people everywhere." So we look with pride on the University instructors who have been awarded grants to do research in the arts and sciences. We trust that through their efforts the na tion will share in the riches of this bountiful universe. Perhaps this is the inevitable result of free enterprise. r$&'()i By Mike This is my last column. Through no fault of Mrs. Duffy, I am pitifully be hind in my academic obli gations. But that is the easy way out. The Editor and myself apparently dis agree as to the purpose of a student newspaper. I This is the time to think about New Year's resolutions. Resolutions I am considering include: Never to ask for cigarettes unless the person con cerned looks like he has more than he can safely puff away without inviting lung cancer. Tell my instructors each day that I have learned something from them I couldn't learn from anyone else, and not mention the fact that I wouldn't care to learn it from anyone else either. Say lousy things about good people and good things about lousy people io even things up. Step on little kids 1 see stepping on ants. Say good things about the Campus Police if 1 ever get a ticket. to cooperate with the new Student Council if there ever is one Never again to buy a cup of coffee in the Union. to limit my showers to ten minutes to avoid getting the bug. To smile when the weather reaches 15 below zero and to go to every class at such time. To get all copy down to the printer on tune. to be nice to the staff writers. Always carry matches at least. Attend all house meetings with nary a gripe. Nominations Solicited Last year the Outstanding Nebraskan award was lim ited to one during the whole year. At the time of selec tion the staff had a very difficult time choosing this one person, as it seemed there was more than one that de served the honor. So this year we arc going back to the traditional one a semester. One student and one faculty member will be chosen each semester. Nominations are now open. There are many persons, especially professors, who are eligible and worthy of this award. However, they must be nominated tiirough a letter In order to be considered. We are limited to those persons about whom we get a letter. We welcome and urge nominations. The Daily Nebraskan is proud to honor these persons each year. It is one of the highlights of the semester. Al though the honor is merely that, an honor, with no mone tary value, we feel that it is one worthy of your considera tion. ' SUSAN SMITIJBERGEIl Tha Daily RICH BAT.Blf.llT. manadin wlUnri FRANK PARTM'H, tm Wilton WJME RUTTKR. Vlf KI KU.IOTT. LfcE MARSHALL, mt ll(r, I'HIM ILI A MHIXINH, MARILYN HQtr.KMKVKR. aanlof null wrllern WAM.f UJMW.KN, JIM KOR1HO.I. PKNNV OIXIN. lunl'ir llf wrllpim RICH KISKR, Phit.iK MPhart PKfKiV PKKCT.. ntmilii trtilnr; BOH SAVirf:l,SIN, iirt Ulantl ROB MaiHtYT. BI'ZZ MAISON. SCOTT flVNKARSON, tniln l.lUntl LYIfN RATHJEN, Circulation manaacri JIM DICK, mbwrtwinn murium ftarwurlptlon rt U Pr wmnlii or b on ft Efltorta u fwrtnt Hum mtilr ! Uia art irlllc In Unroln Nrttum, mdri uw ct of Amu , :I2 Th Dttif NrKain i rxihllb1 at Room Jl, Ntbtki Union, on Morula Wrdnwwla. Thoril, f 'riilajr t tlnlvrMlty of Nr-braska iturlmta Mkr laa turtacUctlvn ot the rarultjr ulxornmlH on Student Puhllralinna. PuOllratloon hoi Irooi rpnn'rrhin 'H SonrommHiw. ot any rnoMori atilil ( UnlvaraUr. Mtmlora of the Krtwakan ara rwuoinibla lot arhal lhr (ran In H nrlntfrt It ( rwlnlwl Monday. Werlnr-Mlnv Ihorvln ntu TnSy. durlnf tha acliool jrawr ltti th nrFPtlon ot vacation anil alumina lion pffrlorii. Thursday, December 17, 1964 Barton would choose to publish un thinkable thoughts; she does not. She is in charge; I am not. Consequently, I am the one to quit. I hope you have enjoyed my humbug. Move over, Pat Drake. Nebraskan Memorable The following is a tele gram received by the editor concerning college represen tation versus living unit rep resentation to the Student Council. Miss Susan Smithberger, editor: Editorial Dec. 4. Wow. Your insight and perception amazes. The right thinking and integrity reflected in your unselfish devotion to the ideals of the University, state and nation fearlessly revealed in your clear, logi cal writing astounds. Ne braskans will remember you in their hearts. Howard Dunsmore Grubbies Go Where? Dear Editor: I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Daily Ne braskan for printing the helpful article on grubbies in the December 14th issue. I have been quite con cerned as to just where I could wear my beloved grubbies ever since I re ceived such strange glances while shopping at llov's. Furthermore, I have a very dear friend who wears a printed blouse under her baggy sweatshirt, I j u s t didn't know how to tell her how very unchic she looked. She read the article, too, and promptly reformed. I'm so relieved. Since I live off-campus, I . am rarely fortunate enough to obtain a "Daily Ne braskan." That's why I'm especially delighted to find such an informative issue as the December 14th, contain ing four full pages telling me just how to dress for every occasion. I'm so glad I picked it up off the floor where some more unappie ciative reader discarded it. Thank you again. Sincerely, JoKllen Williams Ticked At Tickets An Open Letter to James S. Pittengcr Dear Sir: Something is rotten in the State of Nebraska. It is time that political control of Ath letics comes to an end at our University. Specifically the control of distribution of tickets for athletic events. The best and most notorious example of obvious favorit ism by your office is the dis trlbution of Cotton Howl tickets. For example, 1 (and you may check your records if they exist) sent my request by mail as your office so desired, the evening of No vember 15. 1964. (The an nouncement was made pub blic In the middle of that . afternoon.) In fad, I took the request to the Down town Post Office at 11:00 p.m.; and I am sure the Post Office did not neglect my request because my ini tial correspondence from your office was dated No vember 16, 14. Therefore, my request was --A ij jUf ' ""I MISSISSIPPI JUSTICE in your office, let alone post marked well before the 36 hours which you said was the "Safe" period, when you began sending back rejected requests. Also, if the tick ets sold out so quickly, why did it take your office so many days to wake up to the fact that you were sold out? The day that student tick ets went on sale, I was per sonally assured by one of your employees that I would have little or no trouble get ting public tickets, because of having remitted the re quest so early (the first day possible). Therefore, the chance to buy student tickets was passed up. My main objections are that your office has been un duly unfair in distribution, not only to those who got their requests in as early as humanly possible, but also those of us who could not af ford to buy upwards of blocks of 100 tickets, (I re quested 8). I am sure all fans are aware that the tickets did not fall in the hands of exactly private ownership, because want ads show tickets are avail able to said game but not for $5.50. Sincerely, James M. Armbrust Power Placement In her editorial, "Power Placement." of December 3, Miss Smithberger has, unknowingly, presented the elements of argument for the type of Student Govern ment desired by the consci entious and enlightened stu dents at the University. This is of course a power ful Student Government which protects itself and its constituents, as groups or as individuals, by its being composed of three divisions of power legislative, exec utive, and judicial. First, Miss Smithberger questions "just what pow ers it will bestow upon it self." This statement dis-' plays a lack of understand-, i n g of the Convention, which is only a body of Uni versity citizens selected for the sole purpose of creating a new frame of govern ment. The delegates are not forging a monolithic, coerc ive power structure which they themselves plan to per petuate, This could be eas ily recognized by attending a Convention meeting. The new Constitution will be only a framework; the real power will lie in the ac tual business of government, dynamic and flexible, 1 1 s course determined by the interaction of (1) the more direct desires of the stu dents, through their legisla ture, and (2) the more ex' perienced direction supplied by their leaders In the exec utive branch. But the framework itself must be strong and flexible. To be soundly based, the new Student Government must have theoretical control ov er Panhellenic and IFC. I Then Miss Smithberger assumes the worst by fear ing that the Students' Gov ernment will, in fact, take "dictatorial powers over all organizations," become an end unto itself, and fail to be of benefit to the students. The editor draws forth a calculatedly frightening sce nario of what seem to her possible, indeed imminent, government abuses of pow er. I shuddered at the pros pect, a dim one to be sure, of Student Government's controlling the Kosraet Klub "Spring Show." How ever, the editor's point, though exaggerated, is val id: herein lies the necessity for the third division of pow er, the judiciary. Simply put, the judiciary is a mod erating influence. To it can be submitted any grievance against the executive or le gislative branches, for as fair, intelligent, and equit able a solution to the prob lem as could possibly be obtained by any workable means. Miss Smithberger almost realizes that she is support ing division of powers. In fact, she states that "a sys tem of checks and balances is needed in any legislative body." True, "checks and balances" is an expression much associated with divi sion of power; but it must be grasped that the legisla ture is only one branch or "balance" of the total gov ernment. This is a current ly prevalent mistake in thinking on this campus, that Government is just a legislature, or large com mittee as we now have. Miss Smithbergcr's pre occupation with the rela tionship between Student Government and organiza tions belies her conformity in one predominant and det rimental trend of political "thinking" that the Coun cil is, and of right ought to be, an amalgamation of or ganizations. . Mark Beech CrUwjt ffliwln. .... Guaranteed by a top Company ..No War Clause .... Exclusive Benefits at Special Rates .... Deposits Deferred until you are out of school. Can You Qualify? 432-0146 By Frank Partsch "Glory to God in the high est, and peace to men of good will!" That should shake a few people. What with supreme courts being Scrooges these days, and "searchers for the truth" assuming that departure implies progress, the mere mention of the name of any deity brings shudders of re vulsion and accusations of ultra-arch-conservatism. Well, so it be, or, if I may be so bold, amen. (For those of you who are won dering, this might end up being the Closet Case ser mon for the year.) Christmas is a paradox. Merchants look forward to the festivities with hopes of balancing the year; em ployees await the year-end bonus; advertisers go out of their young minds selling the Santa Claus image to any kiddie old enough to believe in fairy tales. More traditionally, fami lies are reunited, men speak of a new rebirth ru internal peace, the brother hood of man and the poetry of the Christmas story. And, in a few instances, one finds a last fortress of die-hards who find Christ mas as one of the two sym bolic feasts around which the Christian religion is based. ' Now we can't say any-" thing bad about any of these, can we? Each fol lows the dictates of his mind, the practice of his re ligion or the pressure of his society to, I assume, his own satisfaction. It is only when we try to cross those lines that Christmas becomes some thing messy. When we at tack Santa Claus as being a dirty old man or a heath en, when we call for the di vorce of religion from con temporary Christmas or LITTLE MAN H- al ii J" ' aa - 'I'LL W OME TfitNO FCfcTOK HE VANASed "ID Fl LL ALL W CLASSES, For Those Unique and Unusual Christmas Gifts! German Clatiwar I AlAJlaU Austria Spain - Princes Slam 1l Other ftems Come See Vh!! SHARP Bldg., 204 S. 13th St. PHONE 432-8326 O'TV MOW, TIIVll, . A7C.7T.S 777, !H)(I when we scorn those for whom the holiday has no meaning, we are reverting into the ruts of narrowmind edness that church people and liberal thinkers alikt condemn. Most American families have found their own pri vate compromises between tradition and commercial ism, anyway. Most brick walls cannot be battered down but this world is filled with batter downers. From the middle of the road (which is where I reside, with occasional de fections to either shoulder) it seems that batterdowners are creating enough ill feel ings, or if you will, unnec essary controversy to last until doomsday, if that cor. responds with one's concep tion of the future. Looking back over this, I see that the content has changed from any idea of sermony I might have had to being a batterdowner myself, which seems to be the main problem in derid ing batterdowners. Or, in short, tolerance seems to be on the decline even in this age of intel lect. For instance, Kurt Keeler decided to take a shower this week. But, to hear the reactions of many, I'm not so sure all 13,000 of us weren't right there in t h e shower with Kurt. Intellectu al society? No, rather a vi olation of the first rule of logical reasoning, the judge ment of the whole by one example. ' This could go on for six or eight pages nothing but examples. So, in closing this col umn, I'd like to leave a few parting words of something: (take your choice). ' Happy Holidays. Bah! Humbug! Have a blessed Christ mas, everyone. ON CAMPUS lift lAY-skt: and Rings from i am ELI