The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1964, Image 1

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Vol. 79, No. 73
The Daily Nebroskan
Thursday, December 17, 1964
To End
In Union
The ceremony to follow the
civil rights march today to
the State Capitol will be held
in the Student Union at 2:30
p.m., according to the Friends
of SNCC.
The rally will! meet at the
Nebraska Historical Society
at 2 p.m. and march to the
Capitol where a wreath is to
be laid at t he base of a sta
tue of Abraham Lincoln. Due
to the weather the ceremony
which was to be held with
tfoe wreath laying will be held
in the Union Ballroom at 2:30
All students, even those not
participating in the march,
are urged to attend the cere
mony which will feature a
speech by Dr. Alan Pickering,
director of the United Cam
pus Christian Fellowship, and
the singing of freedom songs.
Following the ceremony a col
lection will be taken for the
civil rights movement
b f a &
But Not
Why not give yourself a
Christmas present by going to
the Lost and Found Depart
ment at Nebraska Hall and
picking up all those books,
glasses, gloves, keys, rings,
and anything else you might
have lost?
This suggestion was made
by John Dzerk, operational
manager at the University
Lost and Found Department
If you lost something at the
Kansas State Football game,
or the South Dakota game, or
any game, don't despair! Lost
Items from the stadium are
labeled according to the game
at w hich they were lost.
The many lost books which
are turned in to the depart
ment are classified according
to the building where they
were found.
Several stacks of notebooks
with "a lot of hard work put
in them" have been turned in,
according to Dzerk.
Thirty-four pair of prescrip
tion lense glasses remain in
a box, collected during the
1963-64 school year.
In the hat line, an Army
ROTC hat and two black grad
uation caps top the list Dzerk
said they will be returned to
the ROTC department and the
book stores at the end of the
year, if not claimed.
To the girl who lost her
denim skirt and red and white
checked blouse: they are in
the Lost and Found Depart
ment Class rings are a common
item for the department,
which has three metal rings
fnll of high school rings. One
ring, from Pius X is dated
13, and has the initials MJD
inscribed in it Another one
is from Albion, M63, and
bears the initials WD.
The department is open
open from 8 to 5 p.m. Mon
day through Friday, and the
extension to call is 2G57.
Editors note: Tbe Civil ,
Rights rally scheduled for :
2 p.m. today beginning in
front of the Nebraska His- 1
torkal Society is being spon
sored by tbe friends of tbe :
Student Non-Violent Coord
inating Committee (SNCC), ;
a group being organized at
the University.
Tbe following is a press
release from tbe SNCC ;
group, stating its ideals and
SNCC grew out of spontan
eous demonstrations and pro
tests by students against ra-
cism and discrimination in tbe
South. The movement was be
gun almost entirely by South
ern Negro students, and al
though mu'-'h help has come
from the North, southern Ne
gro students still are the pri
mary members of the group.
SNCC has no prescribed
dogma and has no set of rules
or beliefs requisite for parti
cipation. The nearest thing to
a statement ul principles is
Km V
it ' if
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Kurt Keeler, holder of the new world record for "shower sitting'
plans to get some rest before tackling an hour exam tomorrow. He
feels that his record's validity requires that he take the test. Gather
members posted signs recording the 36 hours and 46 minutes he spent
in the shower.
Tired-But Triumphant-Kurt Heeler
Sets World Record for Shower Stay
By Jim Korshoj
Junior Staff Writer
The shower's turned off,
Kurt Keeler is dry, and the
record is his.
Keeler ended his record-setting
shower stay at 5:06 p.m.
yesterday afternoon, 46 hours
and 36 minutes after he had
entered the shower. This
gave him the world's record
for the longest consecutive
time in a shower by an even
ten hours.
Keeler entered the shower
at 6:30 p.m. Monday night in
an effort to smash the rec
ord. As new records for the
event kept being set across
the country, be was forced to
change bis intended goal four
times so that the record could
be bis.
The final change was from
36 hours to a least 37 hours on
Tuesday night after he had al
ready been in the shower
nearly 30 hours. This change
was necessitated by a stu
dent in Houston who raised
the record to 36 hours and
36 minutes, breaking the pre
vious of 32 hours.
When interviewed yes
terday afternoon before h i s
emergence from the shower,
Keeler said he had decided
on going until 10:30 Wednes
day morning before quitting.
xsi1 F
their affirmation of the phil
osophic or religious concept
of non-violence as the best
method of achieving social
justice and insuring the civil
rights of all citizens.
Tbey reject the idea that a
state has the right to legis
late laws that are in opposi
tion to the United States Con
sitution or deprive any citi
zen of bis equal rights before
tbe law.
SNCC believes that any citi
zen has the right to protest
when these laws are violated
anywhere in the United
States, whether he lives in
that region or not, and that
the freedom of one American
is the responsibility of all
Northern groups affiliated
with SNCC are called
"Friends of SNCC" and are
organized to (1) help SNCC
by raising money and provid
ing equipment, (2) publicize
Has NoBs
"But the guys around here
kept getting me psyched up
on how good it would be to
break the record by ten hours
rather than just three, so I
decided to keep going," he
Keeler said that he only
got about an hour of s 1 e e p
Tuesday night to go with the
less than an hour he got Mon
day night. He woke so soon
Tuesday night because he fell
off the chair be was sitting on.
"My health Is all right,"
he said, "but I don't know
about my mind. I'm tired as
heck, and I do mean tired.
If I close my eyes now, I'll
go out."
He said be had dozed off
for a little bit early yester
day afternoon and that the
people staying with him had
turned off the lights so that
he might sleep better. "I
woke up after a few seconds
and I wasn't sure where I
was. 1 said a few things flat
didn't make any sense before
I finally came around.
Keeler's bands and feet
were still white and wrinkled
yesterday, but looked about
the same as they did Tues
day. "The guys massaged my
bands and treated them with
Vaseline last night," be said.
"My joints are all stiff,"
Keeler said. "My shoulders
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rofii PotQsfs
SNCC and the civil rights
movement in the South
throughout the local commu
nity, (3) recruit volunteers
from the college campus for
SNCC in tbe South, (4) gen
erate favorable public opinion
In the North for the civil
righv movement by infosm
ing the public of the situation
in the South. Friends of SNCC
at tbe University was organ
ized in November for this
Tbe University Friends of
SNCC is still in an organiza
tional stage. Tbey have elect
ed temporary officers and are
now writing a constitution to
be submitted to tbe Student
Council in order to become
an officially recognized or
ganisation on campus.
Until this time, the group
cannot engage in activities to
raise money. The group is
planning the following activities;
6 ;MIN
4 " 1
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"t.- i"
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and back are the sorest." He
said he had been treating
his body with oil and Vase
line. He said he had been re
ceiving several calls at Cath
er Hall, scene of his attempt
"I guess one guy called and
asked how tall I am," he
said. "Another called and
asked who was paying the
bill for all the water I was
using. He said he was going
to complain to the Chancellor.
The guys told him to go
Keeler said he thought his
name was "kind of a Lin
coln password." He said his
name had been used Tuesday
night by a radio station as
tbe secret word for winning
a pizza.
"I'm not sure yet," was the
answer Keeler gave when
asked how his teachers would
react to his missing classes
during his stay in the shower.
He said he intended on get
ting a good night's sleep last
night so that he could study
for an hour exam he has to
morrow. "I have to take the
test," he said. "It's crucial
to the cause.
Whet asked if he would
do the shower stay again if
he had it to do over, Keeler
replied, "Probably, but not
very soon I wouldn't"
Sending speakers to address
local organizations on SNCC.
Showing films on SNCC and
the civil rights movement in
the South.
Raising funds by means of
various activities (such as
bootenannies, rallies and so
liciting). Financially supporting a
SNCC worker (we have at pre
sent a volunteer from this
Bringing speakers to tbe
University who have been ac
tive in tbe civil rights move
ment in the .South.
Tbe release also said that
Matthew Toby, temporary
president of tbe group, will
probablv be Interviewed on
"What's" Your Opinion", a
KLIN radio program.
Anyone interested in further
information about the group
should contact Toby or Bob
Perry, temporary faculty adviser.
Student Council treasurer
Skip Soiref lost a bid for the
vice-presidency of the Big
Eight Student Government
Association (BESGA) at its
annual convention last week
at Kansas University.
Six students from the Uni
versity attended the conven
tion, which ran from Thurs
day to Saturday. They were
Council President John Ly
dick, Di Cosman, Pam Hedge
cock, Bill Hansmire, Soiref
and Frank Partsch.
The convention elected as
Dresident H a r v e v Cantor.
president of the Missouri Stu
dents Association. Cantor, a
junior at the University of
Missouri, was elected by ac
clamation. Soiref was nominated for
the vice-presidency against
Roger Holmes of Colorado
University and lost by a vote
of 15-12, with one delegate ab
staining. Each school received
four votes, but Oklahoma
University did not attend the
The delegates also approved
several pieces of legislation
aimed at streamlining the or
ganization to emphasize the
value of an exchange of action
on the part of the BESGA.
These included:
elimination of the office
of recording secretary.
lowering member dues
from $100 to $75 per year.
moving the date of future
conventions to before Novem
ber 1.
allowing the location of
the Big Eight Quiz Bowl
matches to be rotated among
interested schools in the con
ference on an alphabetical
Abolishing the Big Eight
cultural exchange arrange
ments and the centralized Big
Eight Charter Flight arrange
The delegates informally
a treed that the greatest value
of the BESGA was the con
tact between students from all
schools in the conference.
The date of the convention
was moved from before Janu
ary 1 to before November 1
to allow delegates more time
in which to implement laeas
learned at the convention.
It was decided that all-conference
programs, such as the
The Burt Lecture series will
be presented January 4 and 5
by Dr. John Bennett, of the
r'nion Theoloeical Seminary
of New York, co-sponsored by
the University philosophy de
partment and Cotner School
of Religion.
Bennett, author of eleven;
books on ethics, social policy, '
economics, political life and;
communism, is president and
reinholdniebuhr professor of
social ethics at Union Theo
logical Seminary at New
The lecture series will begin
at 7:30 p.m. Monday and
Tuesday, January 4 and 5 at
Love Memorial Library audi
torium. Monday's lecture top
ic is "Christian Ethics, Indi
vidualism and the Common
Good." Bennett will present
"Christian Ethics and Foreign
Policy in the Cold War" on
Tuesday evening.
Bennett will lecture to Uni
versity philosophy classes on
Jan. 4 and 5. Tuesday, the 5th
a luncheon will be held espec
ially for philosophy majors
and those particulary interest
ed in social ethics.
Bennett has recieved five
honorary doctor degrees in
social ethics. He has been ac
tive in World Council of
Churches, and in 19C0 he was
president of American Society
of Christian Social Ethics.
For more information about
the Burt Lecture series, con
tact either the University
philosophy department or The
Cotner School til Religion.
charter flight and the cultural
exchange program, could be
more effectively carrifid out
between interested schools
rather than the complicated
procedure of each school con
tacting the president, who, in
turn, contacted the remaining
The greater part of the con
vention's time was given over
to discussion groups. Topics
included Role of Student Gov
ernment in Public Issues; Re
lationship of Student Govern
ment to Student Publications;
Campus Political Parties; Ex
Foreign Students
Relate Customs
Of Xmas
By Marilyn Hoegemeyer
Senior Staff Writer
Every Mexican family has
a "Nacimiento" under their
Christmas tree. In Syria
Christmas dessert is "Buche
de Noel" while most Niger
ian Christmas festivities are
held out-of-doors. In Hong
Kong Christmas dinner costs
$5 a plate.
The Christmas holiday,
celebrated in most parts of
the world, has in each coun
try a few different colors, a
different dessert, a new name
for Santa Claus, which added
together creates a special set
ting, and an individual mood
in which peoples of the world
celebrate the birth of Christ.
The Mexican people begin
their Christmas celebration
Dec. 15. Songs depicting the
Virgin Mary and Joseph's
travel to the City of David
are sung as people go from
house to house every day for
nine days.
Continual Parties
The singing is only part of
the fun, Enrique Buj a stu
dent from Mexico said. "It
is nine days of continual par
ties and at the end everyone
is usually exhausted and has
a hang-over."
"Of course, it puts you in
a mood for Christmas, for
even if your are t i r e d, you
are happy because you have
been having the time of your
life," he added.
In Nigeria Christmas Is not
t h e traditional. "White
Christmas," we know in the
US. "Most of the Christmas
festivities are held outside,
because the weather is so
mild," Bamidele Abogunrin,
i Nigerian student said.
Caroling Is part of the Ni
gerian celebration. A mid
night service Is held Dec. 21.
On their way home from
church, tbe families sing such
popular songs at "Silent
Night," be said.
Hong Kong Dinner
In Hong Kong, the Christ
mas festivity is two weeks
long, according to V i n c e n t j
Pan, a student from Hong
Kong. Christmas dinner
served at noon on the 25th.
"is really a grand occasion.
Tbe parents usually take the
entire family to dinner which
often costs $5 to $6 a plate,"
he said.
As in Nigeria there are no
Christmas trees in the homes
in Hong Kong, but there are
presents. "The presents are
usually hidden so that no one
can find them that's what
makes it exciting," Vincent
As in many American
homes, parents ask their
children in Hong Kong to give
bints as to what tbey want
for Christmas. Vincent said
by hinting everyone Is able to
get exactly what he wants.
Christmas Dress
In Nigeria the best present
a young boy can receive is a
1 "Christmas dress" from h I s
j father, Bamidele said. A boy
jean only receive the special
J dress when he has successful
change of Student Govern
ment Programs; Evaluation
of the BESGA, National Stu
dent Association, Associated
Student Governments of t h e
United States, and other stu
dent government associations;
Structure and Apportionment
of Student Governments; Cul
tural Exchange among B i g
Eight Schools, and Student
Participation in Campus Elec
tions. The discussion groups re
vealed a wide range of prob
lems and programs in all
ly passed the examinations
held in December.
"In Syria we celebrate
Christmas in the French way
Papa Noel comes instead of
Santa Claus," Nada Muwakki
said. Nada's husband Farouk
is a graduate student and a
graduate assistant in econom
ics at the University.
Food is a most important
element in each country's
celebration of Christmas. In
Sryia a special dessert,
"Bucbe de Noel," a choco
late cake made in the shape
of a log, is served.
"We have chickens too,"
Nada said, "as you often
serve for Christmas, but the
dressing we make is of rice
and ground beef, she added.
Kings Cakes
At another special party
"Gateaux des Rois" or cakes
of kings are served. Two
huge cakes are baked, Nada
said. A bean seed is placed
ia one and a pea seed is
placed in the other. At the
party, the pieces are cut and
distributed to the boys and
girls. The "pea" cake is dis
tributed to the girls. The
girl who finds the pea seed
Is the queen of the party. The
boy who finds the bean in his
piece is the king. They have
; the honor to open the party
with a dance.
In Mexico food Is also an
important part of the Christ
mas celebration. The meals
which are served during the
nine pre-Cbristmss day par
ties are called, Tosadas."
After attending the midnight
mass on Christmas Eve, the
feast begins and lasts some
times until 5 a.m. the next
morning, Enrique said.
Cod fish is served with
olives, and onions as well as
regular Mexican food, he
said. "We have no Thanks
giving to celebrate and since
Santa Claus was introduced
to Mexico the children re
ceive presents on Christmas
Eve and January 6th, the
traditional day when the
kings bring presents to Mcx-
can children.
Imported Trees
Since the forestry policy of
the government allows no one
to cut down trees in Mexico,
most of the Christmas trees
are imported from Canada
and the Unived States, En
rique added.
A "Nacimiento", translated
"The Birth," or what we call
the Nativity Scene, is placed
under every Christmas tree.
Enrique said the figures are
usually made of clay and
some of carved wood. The
Nacimiento is placed under
the tree a week before Christ
mas, except for the Christ
Child who is placed in the
cradle on Christmas Eve.
"Some families spend $1000
or $2000 on the Nacimiento,"
sometimes the figures are
very tiny and Enrique said
he had seen them lifesize.
Bamidele Abogunrin said
Christmas is not as expensive
in Niaeria as in the United
States. All said the holiday
Is a very religious occasion
in their countrys and a time
for families . . . Christmas,
the world over.