W(!Pmt ft.;"'"'' Pickering To Speak i 1T0U I Vol. 79, No. 72 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, December 16, 1964 1M& G I p ARCHIVES pL A parade permit for a Civil Rights rally was approved yesterday by Emmett Junge, Lincoln director of public safe ty, who sent the approval to the Lincoln Police and the University Police. Details of the police cover age for the march will be worked out today by the po lice. Organizers of the rally are Friends of the Student Non violent Coordinating Commit tee (SNCC), an organization presently being formed at the University. The rally, which is set for 2 p.m. tomorrow, will meet at the Nebraska Historical Society and march to t h e State Capitol to lay a wreath at the base of a statue of Abra ham Lincoln in tribute to three Civil Rights workers killed in Mississippi this sum mer, according to Peg gy King, an organizer of the march. Vice-Chancellor G. Robert Ross, dean of Student Affairs said that since the organiza tion is not yet officially a Uni versity group, he did not real ly have to give his permis sion. He said he did fill out an approval form however, since the city usually requests Uni- Students' Schedules In Mail Students who have changed their Lincoln addresses dur ing the fall semester should make sure their present ad dress is correct in the Regis trar's office to insure their registration for the s e c o n d semester. Class assignments for the second, semester are now be ing sent out and any returned to the Registrar's office due to incorrect address will be cancelled. The assignments have been made for about two-thirds of the students, with the reports being mailed as they are completed. Tuition statements will be mailed to Lincoln addresses or commuting addresses Jan uary 15, and tuition must be paid by January 22. Class cards will not be held after January 22 unless the tuition has been paid. Attempts were made to provide classes requested on the work sheets submitted by the students and their advi sers. If a class was filled, suggested substitute classes were used to complete the schedule. If the work sheet did not include a substitute class, no class was provided. Students who wish to make changes in classes may do so during the free drop-and-add period February 1, 2 and 3. Shower Sitter Trys For New World Record By JIM KORSIIOJ Junior Staff Writer The world's record for the longest consecutive time in a shower may now be held by a University student. At press time last night, Kurt Keeler was steadily ap proaching his goal of 37 hours in the shower. He began at 6:30 p.m. Monday night and intended to come out some time this morning. "I'm out to bring a record of this type to Nebraska," was the reason Keeler gave for undertaking his attempt at the record. "Records like this are always held by Ivy League or California schools," Keeler said. "I want one to be held by Nebraska." Keeler should have broken the lecord of 36 hours at 6:30 a.m. this morning. The record Is presently held by a student la Houston. "I began thinking about this last Saturday when I heard an announcement on the radio that someone at Harvard had just set a record of 19 hours in a shower," Keeler said. "I considered it all weekend and finally de cided to go for a record of 21 hours." Keeler had been in the shower for about an hour Monday night when another radio announcement said that someone in Illinois had just extended the record to 26 CB 0 versity approval for any ac tivity in which students par ticipate. The brief ceremony at the Capitol will consist of laying the wreath, a speech by Dr. Alan Pickering, director of the United Campus Christian Fellowship and the singing of freedom songs. Following the ceremony, a collection will be taken to be given to COFO (Council of Federated Organ izations), which in turn spon sors the Mississippi Project. COFO is made up of var ious Civil Rights organiza tions, such as SNCC and the NAACP. The Mississippi Project, which is sponsored by COFO and the National Council of Churches, has three facets of work: voter registration, vot er education through freedom schools, and the tutoring of Negro students. Miss King said it is impor tant for SNCC to raise funds for COFO at this time be cause Mississippi Project workers do not receive mon ey for their volunteer efforts in Mississippi, and need mon ey to buy food and other es sentials. Professional SNCC field staff personnel received less than $10 a week subsistence pay, and Mississippi Project workers are borrowing from them to buy food, Miss King said. Unless money is received quickly, Mississippi Project workers will be forced to leave the state and return to their homes, or at least accept jobs in Mississippi, causing them to devote only part of their time to the Mississippi Pro ject, she said. The three men who were killed this summer were Mis sissippi Project workers who died just 24 hours after com pleting their training for pro ject work, Miss King said. "Students and faculty con cerned about injustices oc curring in Mississippi are in vited to participate in Thurs day's march," according to Miss King. Moot Court Vies For National Title The University team was undefeated in the regional competition at St. Louis, Mo., until meeting Washburn Uni versity in the finals. Both teams were invited to com pete for the national cham pionship. The University's College of Liw has the reputation of a winner in moot court trials. Nebraska students have won a number of individual brief and oral arguments earning national awards. Twenty teams from out standing law schools in the United States are participa ting in the 1964 event. hours, 26 minutes and 26 sec onds. "Then about 10 p.m. Mon day night the Lincoln paper told me they had received a message over their teletype that the new record was 32 hours," Keeler said. "This was kind of discouraging, but I plan to stay in here until I Keeler sent ' ' ' -' $ I ' i' .' 'II - - ' l ...' U : "I 1 '. ' . ' 'X - " " ' ! mmmmmiiM$9 fcij Jj...wv- lllltw,n 'iKW" 1 J " wmf"m'm' v A. 1 c! ft J i r 1' ' in t i ! JP ,sr, &?' ... . 1 4 K 'f I JA t Cll ' -.- -. An unidentified coed clutches her books seconds after being struck by a car at the corner of 14th and S Streets. It re cently has been proposed that 14th Street be closed to through traffic between R and Vine Streets. Builders Set New Deadline For 'Professor' The deadline for nomina tions for a student-chosen professor has been changed from December 15 to Janu ary 12. All nomination ballots will be delivered to individual living units January 4, a n d will be returned to the Build ers Campus Promotion- Jan uary 12. Lincoln students will have the opportunity for voting for the professor of their choice in a booth in the Student Union January 4-11. The professor will be se lected on the basis of these five items: Does he instill desire and enthusiasm for learning? Does his influence as a teacher reach beyond his own classes? Does he show a personal concern and respect for stu dents, both individually and collectively? Does he possess those in tellectual, personal, and mor al qualities which you can admire and respect? Does he reflect mastery of his own field as well as ade quate knowledge of other dis ciplines? hold the record," he said. The news of the new 36 hour record reached him late last night. Upon hearing it, Keeler said he would aim at a time of 7:30 this morning, "but I won't say anything about going beyond that." His goal til then had been 36 hours, which would have been to the showers ars, ecioi By Wallis Lundeen Junior Staff Wrtier A dream by a Turkish lead er in 1939 for a modernized Turkey led to the foundation sixteen years later of the Uni versity of Nebraska Turkish Program. Kemal Ataturk, called the George Washington of Turkey, was determined that some day Turkey would be a de mocracy. He made the state ment that eastern Turkey must have a university in or der to develop. The Turks asked the United States Agency for Internation al Development (AID) for help in working with a uni versity. They sent people to Ne':.iska to look over the University, and people from the University visited Turkey. They then decided they could work together, and on March 28, 1955, the University of Ne braska Turkish Program be gan. University Created The University, in coopera tion with the Turkish Minis try of Education, undertook a reached at 6:30 a.m. this morning. When interviewed yester day afternoon, Keeler said that he was feeling fine. "I'm beyond the point where I'm tired," he said. "I did feel pretty tired and depressed this morning though," Keeler said. "I didn't get any sleep last night and I wasn't feeling too good. I was dozing about 2:30 a.m. when someone sneaked in where the water pipes are and turned off all the hot water. Pretty soon I was sleeping under a spray of ice cubes," he said. Keeler said he was "feel ing numb." His hands and feet were white and wrinkled ("crinkly" he called them) but he was putting Vaseline on them regularly in an ef fort to keep them from dry ing out. He was taking salt tablets to keep his body salt from all being washed out. Keeler said his appetite was "not too good. The wa ter drumming on me makes me feel like I'm going to be beaten to death." Keeler received several gifts from Lincoln merchants yesterday. These gifts includ ed candy, a shower cap and a champagne bottle full of bubble bath. When someone asked Keel er what he would do if the record went to 48 hours, Keel er replied, "I'll miss an hour exam Friday." uaenrs inn ynivci'Siiy program to assist in the crea- tion and development of Ata-. turk University in Erzurum, Turkey, and assisted the Fa culties of Agriculture and Vet erinary Science at the Uni versity of Ankara. The first main program undertaken was the moderni zation of Ankara University, founded by the Germans in the early 1800's. Main areas of work were in agriculture, veterinary science and the ad dition of a home economics department. Home Ec Included This program has been completed except for the home economics department which will end on June 30, 1965. When completed, this will be the first collegiate home economics school in Turkey. United States faculty advis ors helped strengthen existing teaching and research pro grams, as well as develop new departments in home ec onomics and extension. Research and teaching pro grams were initiated and strengthened in agricultural engineering, animal science, agricultural extension, agron omy, horticulture, soil nutri tion, botany, artificial insem ination and animal breeding, and clinical veterinary prac tices. One-hundred thirteen An kara University staff mem bers have received training at or through the University of Nebraska. In home economics two Turkish girls received doctorate degrees from Pur due and Kansas State, and are now key administrators in the home economics department at Ankara. One United States home economics advisor is still working there. Nebraskans Serve There are four faculty members from the University, and five from other academic institutions in Ankara, along with two United States secre taries. The staff serve as prof ess- Lee Marshall Named As New Sports Editor Lee Marshall has been ap pointed sports editor of the Daily Nebraskan, replacing Peggy Speece, who resigned because of schedule conflicts. Marshall's appointment, ef fective immediately, was an nounced by the Faculty Sub committee on Student Publi cations. Marshall has been on the Dailv Nebraskan staff as a j copy editor. Don f mm ors, assist Turkish teachers, government officials, and government employees; do in- service and credit teaching; and do some research and extension work. They also work with AID, especially the specialists in agriculture. The University provides some materials, books, and equipment. A new university was be gun at Ezurum at about the same time as the Ankara pro gram. The Turks have fur nished land, put up buildings, provided a Turkish staff, and provided quarters for the Ne braska staff. Land Acquired About 10,000 acres of land have been acquirde for the uni versity and farm at Ezurum, and another 3000 acres for re search and demonstration at Flazig. Ataturk University consists of two colleges the Faculties of Agriculture, and Letters and Sciences. Next fall, on their own, the Turks will add a Medical College. Seven University staff mem bers are presently at Ezurum working in agricultural eco nomics, soil science, agricul tural extension, plant science, botany, chemistry, and eco nomics. Nine Subjects Offered Forty-eight Ataturk Univer sity staff members have re ceived training at or through the University of Nebraska. A student body of 960 has been enrolled in the two uni versities, and major courses of study are offered in nine subject-matter areas. A re search program, including 85 projects in agricultural fields, has been initiated. June 30, 1967 is scheduled as the termination date for the Ataturk program. Jason Webster, campus co ordinator for the Turkish Pro gram, said that Nebraska was picked because of its similarity to Turkish agricul ture. Although bananas, cot ton, and grapes are grown along the coast lines, the large central area is mainly plains, where grain is grown. "Dr. Marvel Baker of the University provided much of the leadership from the first," explained Webster. "He spent four years in Turkey in two separate periods himself." AID Provides Funds Webster said the program is financed by AID at the Uni versity of Ankara. The Uni- versitv has a contract with AID which says that the Uni versity does the work, and 1 Turkey AID provides the funds. The Ataturk University pro gram is financed through the Turkish Ministry of Educa tion. The Turkish govern ment sends and returns their people, but while in the Unit ed States, AID provides funds for them to meet their ex penses. The University was one of the first schools to participate in a program of this type, but now over 60 land grant col leges are doing similar work, Webster said. "We prefer to send Nebras kans because they have a closer interest in the project, but we can't always find qual ified people," Webster noted. Right now he is looking for a secretary in Ankara, and has recently been searching for a qualified chemist. "We look for people who have the 'missionary' spirit," he said. "It is important that they enjoy working with and helping people." Change Noted Baker noted the great change the University of Ata turk has made in the country. He compared the city as he saw it last March to the time he had seen it four years be fore. "The town had changed lit tle in the past 1000 years, but when I returned, streets were paved, there were traffic lights, and stores were mod ernized and carried modern appliances." Anyone who is interested in having a University staff member who has participated in the Turkish program speak before a group or organiza tion, should contact Webster in the Agricultural Adminis tration Annex on East Cam pus. Mortar Board Forms Distributed To Juniors Mortar Board applications for junior women distributed to the living units should be returned by Tuesday Jan. 5, Susie Walburn said. All junior women are urged to complete an application form which are used for Mor tar Board and Ivy Court selec tion. Lincoln women can pick up application blanks in the Ac tivities Center in the Student Union. They are available now. The application should be returned to Karen Benting, 526 North 16th, or Susie Wal- I burn, 716 North 16th by Jan. 5, s 4 ,