The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    What's Left7.
Page 2 Thursday, December 1 0, 1 964
MllllllltlftllflllfMHtllllllf llllllllllltlltlf lllllli-lf tlllllItllltlllllllllllllimillll(lilltlllItttlfllllltllllH1(l4M
New Possibilities
Students, students everywhere and not a place to drive.
Persons driving down 14th Street are met with a de
luge of students crossing the street, completely ignoring
lights in an attempt to cross the bottle neck and get
to class on time.
The University Regents voted Tuesday to urge the
city of Lincoln to ciose 14th Street.
This of course is going to mean rerouting some traf
fic, but may also mean saving a few lives.
Several close calls have occurred on the corner of
14th and R. Last year several people were injured, luck
ily not seriously. This year there have been fewer acci
dents, possibly because drivers have now become educat
ed to look out for the pedestrians.
But this does not lessen the possibility of an out-of-town
driver, or possibly of an irate driver, racing
through the intersection and knocking off some innocent
Several proposals have been made in the past, both
officially and unofficially. They include a viaduct for ve
hicles, a viaduct for pedestrians, a new traffic light that
would lessen the complicated corner. Closing off the
street in front of Love Library lessened the complication
some but still left a dangerous intersection.
The least complicated and most effective answer
seems to be closing the street altogether. There will still
need to be accesses to the parking lots in that area but
through traffic will be eliminated.
The closing might also make way for a grassed-in
section or perhaps Dean Martin's skating rink.
It will make for a more beautiful campus.
Columnist Added
A new columnist. Allan Gerlach, has been added to
the editorial page writer. Gerlach, a member of SANE
will present the views of that group.
By Mike
From time to time, we
must think "unthinkable
thoughts." In that context,
I offer excerpts from an
article by Walter Cronkite.
It deals with the role of
the Fraternity System,
which is much in question
"I am not entirely a con
formist in the popular cur
rent view that the empha
sis Is fraternity life must be
focused on individual and
group betterment. I don't
happen to believe that, to
justify its existence, a so
cial fraternity n e e d s to
cloak itself in petticoats of
From whence came the
idea that a social fraternity
must combine the scholarly
and service functions of Ro
tary, Kiwanis, Phi Beta
Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi,
the Student Union and the
Newman Club? In what con
text must we believe today
that there is no room in the
undergraduate's life for
purely social championship
with his fellow students?
Certainly there is need
today for a new devotion,
a rededication to the pur
suit of learning, that this
nation may continue its de
served leadership and that
we may be better prepared
to meet the increasingly se
rious threat from alien
ideologies. But this great
task need not be unleavened
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(X anton chekhov-s "THE THREE SISTERS"
with a sense of humor.
'Fun' has almost become a
dirty word as if it were
something in wihch the po
lite (read 'dedicated')
would dare not indulge."
"Let the college fraterni
ties undertake good works.
Frequently the harder the
common labor the greater
the bond which is forged
among the laborers. But let
us not, through some sense
of false embarrassment,
permit this to become the
college fraternity's princi
pal reason for being."
Walter, you took
words right out of
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Secure Womb
Dear Editor:
It seems, if one is to be
lieve the comments read in
the "Campus Opinion" and
"The Gadfly" or "heard
over coffee in the Crib" that
you and your staff are on
the losing side of campus
Being arch-conservative,
Republican, Protest
ant, smalltown. Greek in
doctrinated, anti-integration
and apathetic, I can sym-
Hiiii.'iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii .
About Letters 1
The DAILY NFB BASK Alt tarltat
readers t bm U for expressions ssj
of opinion os eurrent topics rort-
: les of viewpoint. Letters most fe 2
slime, contiln a rerlflsble m4- 5
dress, and be free of libelous ma 2
zz terlil. Pen names may be In-
eluded but lessen the ehince of 2
txibllratfon. Lenrthy letters may b
edited or omltetd. 2
University Theatre
pathize with your position
and regret to see the abuse
that some fanatical seg
ments of campus society are
admit that your editorials
admit that your editorial
are untimely and often quite
biased in viewpoint, but
through them you are ful
filling your assigned posi
tion wonderfully. If the
"Rag" were to touch on
controversial topics it might
incite a real campus con
troversy, and you know that
might cause a shaking of
the status quo.
Just think what would
happen if the giant womb of
the University were to re
lax its hold on the students.
Two of our illustrative ad
ministrators, Dean Ross
and Dean Snyder, would suf
fer a drastic reduction in
their tradition-bound roles;
thought it might be ar
ranged to ship them off to
summer Church camp
where they might serve a
worthwhile purpose.
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o Bee. 10-13
Ponder a moment, what
would happen if the Greek
system were to integrate.
Would you want to function
with a Negro?
So please, Miss Editor,
stand by your ideals and
let's keep our sweet society
sweet, our apathetic cam
pus apathetic, and above all,
our womb secure.
Roger A. Elm
Goad Paper!
Dear Editor:
EXCr- T ENT job on Mon
day's paper.
But what about the error
on page one, column 4,
where the esteemed editor
says. "Errors are not coroh
able (sic)."
With great sympathy for
Editor's Note: Ooops, we
goofed. Those darned typos
have a way of cropping up
in the darnedest place .
o Howell Theatre 12th
by Allen Gerlach
Secretary McNamara has
publically warned that, no
matter who strikes first, a
60-minute nuclear exchange
between Russia and Ameri
ca would annihilate over
half the population of each
country. Former Chairman
Khrushchev has stated that
the survivors would envy
the dead. With such a ca
tastrophe looming on t h e
horizon, it is time for all
responsible Americans to
ask "What's Left?"
Nuclear weapons have
made war as an instru
ment of national policy a
totally self-defeating one.
The time for simply talk
ing about peace has passed
in a world in which there
is potentially a 10-or20-ton
bomb hovering over the
head of every , man, woman
and child on the face of
this earth. The best hope
for a world without war
lies in the achievement of
general and complete dis
armament with adequate
Inspection and control, and
under a greatly strength
ened United Nations to pro
vide peaceful methods for
the solution of conflicts and
the promotion of world
change and development.
But neither disarmament
by stages nor the attain
ment of a true peace can
be achieved without facing
the problems and conflicts
in world trouble spots to
day. Those problems should
be faced simultaneously
with those involving weap
ons of mass destruction.
President John F. Ken
The Daily
RICH RALBERT, manarini editor; FRANK PARTSCfl. newt editor:
JIM K0RSH0J, PENNY OLSON, junior staff writers: RICH ELSER, photog
rapher; PEGGY "5PEKCE. sports editor; BOB SAMUELSON, sports assistant;
BOB LEDIOYT. Bl'ZZ MADSON. SCOTT RYN15 ARSON, business assistant;
LYfTS RATH JEN. Circulation manager; JIM DICK, mbscrlption manager.
SutwcriptiOD rates $3 per emester or $5 per year.
Entered as second class matter at the pott office In Lincoln Nebraska,
under the act of August 4, 1912.
The Daily Nebraskan la published at Room 81, Nebraska Union, on
Monday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday by University of Nebraska studenta
tinder the jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publication.
Publications shall be free from censorship h the Subcommittee or any person
outside the University. Membera of the Nebraskan are responsible for what
they cause to be printed. It is printed Monday, Wednesday. Thursday and
Friday, during the school year with the exception of vacation and examina
tion periods.
j With a SINGLE man a
: with a BACHELOR she
...From first page
3 I
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This month, in customary'-nothing is sacred"style, we include: the hot littlt
Ford Mustang in the road-test of its life. AFL-NFL football free-for-all
...RG. Wodehouse, joining our notoriously belligerent Big Board and a
pretty wild young lady from France, Evelyne Dassas.
You can get ideas about Christmas loot from ads by Sero of New Haven
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BIG DEAL: Get your December Cavalier at the newsstands. Want more?
Knock $1.60 off regular price, get 6 issues for measly $2. Send name
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CR Fawcett Publications, Greenwich, Conn. So what are you welting for?
nedy, in his address to the
United Nations in Septem
ber, 1961, challenged the
U.S.S.R. to a "peace race."
While we disagree with the
Communist nations in manv
ways, we also have com
mon interests in avoiding
nuclear war. ending radio
active fallout, reducing
money spent on arms which
is needed elsewhere, and in
ending the suicidal arms
race. Upon these common
interests world security can
be based. The signing of the
limited nuclear test ban
treaty of 1963 is an indica
tion that the Soviets too
want to survive.
. Now, with the continuing
Soviet-American detente,
the time is ripe for some
bold steps in the "peace
race." Russia may or may
not accept the challenge,
but we will never know if
we do not try, vigorously
and repeatedly. We must,
as Senator Fulbright has
suggested, "think unthink
able thoughts."
America can take world
leadership by setting bold
new policies that show the
way to a peaceful world.
American initiatives to slow
the arms race as well as
new approaches to political
settlements in tension areas,
are two broad areas in
which new American poli
cies are needed. Since
wars begin in the minds of
men, it is in the minds of
men that the defenses of
peace must be constructed.
These defenses will be dis
cussed in later articles.
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