The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1964, Image 1

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Vol. 79, No. 69
Councf' Seeks Publicity
in National Magazines
Seven former University
students have accepted the
invitation of the Student
Council Masters Committee
to participate in the Masters
Program next spring.
They include: Eugene Robb.
of Albany. N.Y., publisher of
the Albany Times-U n i o n ;
Judge John Brown, of Hous
ton, Tex., a U.S. Circuit
Judge: Harold Cory, of Aus
tin, Tex., Chairman of t h e
Board, Hormel and Co.
William McClecry, of
Princeton, N.J.. editor of the
University, a Princeton Maga
7inc; Dr. James Jensen, of
Corvallis. Ore., president of
Oregon State University.
Paul Babson. president ot
United Business Service; and
Herbert Brownell, of Lord.
Day, and Lord law firm in
New York.
Bill Coufal told the Council
that letters have been sent
to Time, Newsweek and Life
magazines, in an attempt to
gain some national publicity
for the Masters Program.
Two constitutions have been
given back to organizations
for changes, according to Jo
Ann Strateman, Judiciary
area chairman. These in
clude Capital Hall and Young
Democrats. She said that an
extension to the 60-day limit
for revision on constitutions
has been given to the Inter
Varsity Club.
A one hour introductory
course on the library system
will be offered in the study
skills course next semester,
according to Kent Neumeis
ter, library chairman.
The results of the student
opinion poll taken by tele
phone, concerning the Daily
Nebraskan financial situation
were announced by John Co
sier. Of the 147 people called, 57
per cent favored an increase
in the tuition rate; 16 per
cent favored maintaining the
prest-nt rate of advertising;
Student Art Work
On Sale In Union
Works of approximately 25
student artists at the Univer
sity will remain on display
and for sale until 5 p.m. to
day, when the annual Fall
Student Art Sale will end.
The sale is sponsored by the j
Union Contemporary Arts
committee, and is open for all
University students who wish
to show their works.
Mediums on display this
year include sculpture, pot
tery, oil, water color, prints,
and sketches among others.
Prices for the works range
from 25 cents to 100 dollars
this year, which is above av
erage, according to Tom Mc
Kain, assistant chairman of
the committee.
"The pottery sells the best
of all the items, because it's
cheaper and thus appeals
more to the students'McKain
He said that the number of
artists this year is down about
nine from the number which
exhibited work last fall. "The
response is usually smaller
in the fall than for the spring
sale, though," he said. A sale
is also held each year in the
The sale is being held in the
Pan-American Room of the
Student Union.
Interviews Saturday
For Ag Chairmanship
Interviews for assistant
chairman fc. Ag Union cam
pus image committee will be
held Saturday.
Requirements for the posi
tion are a 5.0 grade average,
at least one semester of Un
ion work and standing of
sophomore or above.
Students may pick up appli
cations and sign up for inter
view times at the Ag Union
program office. Applicatiaons
must be returned by noon
and 27 per cent favored a re
ductin of costs for the paper.
Reporting the findings of
the Associates Committee on
Fees and Tuition, Bruce Jen
sen read a letter which he
wrote to the University
Board of Regents.
In the letter Jensen said
the committee "strongly
urges that the Board of Re
gents take under considera
tion a fee increase to cover
the expanding needs in stu
dent service areas, student
government and student pub
lications." Jensen said that "four nut
of five of the Big Eight
schools contacted are now re
ceiving more financial suo
port for their newspapers
than docs Nebraskan."
The Faculty Senate meet
ing during which a letter con
cerning dead week will ne
read will be held Dec. 15, ac
cording to Skip Soiref.
A committee has been
formed, according to Council
President John Lydick, for
the purpose of selecting
new advisor for the Student
The term of the present ad
visor, Dr. Dorothy Larery, is
expiring, and a new advisor
must be chosen, Lydick said.
The committee members in
elude: Dr. Larery, Jack Shaf
er, Miss Strateman and Shir
ley Voss.
Neumeister reported to the
Council on the connection be
tween the Counseling Service
Committee and the study
skills course offered at the
He said that several
changes will be made in the
course next semester, but the
major change will be in
group sponsors. Formerly stu
dent assistants from the dor
mitories acted as sponsors,
but under the new arrange
ments, volunteers will be
sought out from honor stu
dents and Nebraska Career
Scholars, according to Neu
meister. The function of the spon
sors is to help keep discus
sion moving at the study
skills meetings, he said.
The ultimate goal of t h e
course is to make more stu
dents aware of their relation
ships at the University, Neu
meister said.
Student Council will n o f
meet next week, due to a
Christmas party.
Study Course To
The study skills course, un
der the direction of the Coun
seling Service, will be modi
fied for second semester, ac
cording to Dr. Clay Gerken,
director of the Counseling
An experimental approach
will be used, and the number
of lectures increased by 50 .
In past years there have
been four lecture sessions in
study skills, one a week for
the first four weeks of school.
Beginning in February, there
will be two lectures a week
for each of the first three
This new plan is designed
to provide more continuity
than has been experienced by
students in the past, accord
ing to Gerken. He said it
should permit closer exam
ination of the ways students
can adapt learning techniques
to their own courses and con
cerns. Gerken said that one ses
sion will be devoted to t h e
use of library resources
"now almost indispensible to
competent student scholar
ship and thinking."
The service expects "that
more attention will be given
than in the past to possibil
ities students can develop
creative ways of learning, ra
ther than merely follow rules
for studying," according to
"The competitive pressure
many students feel in their
The Daily Nebraskan
.-JiV ... .
Union Program Director John Carlisle explains the details of the Student Union
sponsored Cotton Bowl trip to Marilyn Franson.
At the National Interfrater
nity conference meeting in
Cincinnati last week, Nebras
ka's IFC 1954 report was rated
third in the nation among
Class II Interfraternity Coun
cils, Tom Brewster, president,
announced at'last night's IFC
'We feel that this was quite j
an honor," Brewster said. He
thought that this was the first
time Nebraska had ever won
any IFC award or honor.
According to Stan Miller,
the Nebraska delegates im
parted more information con
cerning their projects than in-';
formation they received.
A discussion was held con
cerning spring rush. Rush
chairman, Bill Poppert, sug
gested a new spring' rush pro-'
gram, whereby a rushee
would be required to go to a
combination of 10 large and
small houses.
"This program would give
the smaller houses an advant
age, but still not hurt the
large houses," Poppert said.
Bob Kerrey didn't think that
the program would solve the
problem. "The smaller houses
will still be rushing against
nine other houses," he said.
Tom Schwenke said that in
any type of formal rush, the
results would be proportional
with the smaller houses get
ting fewer pledges.
Buzz Madson, secretary of
IFC, disagreed with this, say
ing that the house that works
attempts to avoid receiving
low grades will be given con
siderable attention," he said.
It was pointed out by the
counseling service that al
though many people believe
such a course is primarily I
useful to students having dif-1
ncuuy wnn tneir courses,
past experience with how-to-study
courses indicates good
students actually have more
By Marilyn Hoegemyer
Senior Staff Writer
"Racisim" is a "cancer of
the mind" for which there is
not one institute to study the
sickness, Dr. Ashley Mon
tagu said in his final lecture
on the "Myth of Race."
Montagu said studying ra
cism, a pathogentic ideal Is
as important as studying
pathogentic organisms which
is done every day by scien
tists. The myth of racisim, that
behavioral differences are
biologically determined, is a
rationalization, a process of
concocting plausible reasons
for ones' beliefs when they
are challenged, Montagu said.
There is no scientific evi
dence to support the racist'
theory, he said. The explana
tion that homo sapiens, which
Montagu dubbed "wise guys,"
were derived from a five
fold origin, has not the slight
est scientific evidence, he
Soons S
the hardest gets the men they
want. However, he said, some
houses wouldn't be partici
pating in spring rush.
Fred Sweet said that if there
was to be a rush program, all
houses should work together
or it would not be advanta
geous to the Greek system as
? whole: Swet thouSh. .that
it was important to visit a
larger proportion of the
houses, including the ag fra
ternities. The vote was called and a
little over half of the IFC
members Atsd -against hav-
ing spring rush. The discus
sion was tabled until next
Brewster reminded the
members that the deadline
for open rush was December
John Cosier, scholarship
chairman, said that the tutor
ing program may be discon
tinued due to lack of partici
pation. He said that tno tutors
are well qualified and that the
service is free; he attributed
the failure to a lack of interest
on the part of pledges and
Eta Kappa Nu
Fifteen University students
were initiated into Eta Kap
pa Nu, electrical engineering
honorary, at a banquet last
Friday evening.
To be initiated, students
nv - rank in the upper quar-
to gain from developing new
learning techniques than poor
Gerken said that the study
skills course is constantly be
ing changed and will continue
being modified as experience
and research point toward
better ways of helping stu
dents develop effectiveness
during the years they are on
the campus.
The theory of the five-fold
origin of development of man
envolves the belief that man
was derived from the genus,
homo erectus, on five differ
ent and separate occasions,
Montagu said. These theorists
believe that the negro evolved
later than all the other races
and therefore is least intelli
gent, he said.
Such a statement "brings
gladness to the hearts of ra
cists, if racists have hearts
or minds," but there is not
thr. slightest evidence to be
lieve It, Montagu said.
The slight physical differ
ence that exists came after,
not before, the homo sapiens
evolved, he said. Negrbs have
as long a genetic history as
anyone, he said.
Man originated from a sin
gle stock, was derived once
from homo erectus, he said.
Then why a variety? Mon
tagu attributed the differ
ences to the result of migra
tion away from common
homelands, separation from
Thursday, December 10, 1964
also actives.
Schwenke said that there
was no reason why the tutor
ing program should be a fail
ure. He urged each house
president to talk to their schol
larship chairman and have
him send five pledges who
were in need of scholastic as
sistance to the tutoring pro
gram Sunday night.
Brewster said that it was
very important that the spe
cification sheets for Miller
and Paine's photograph studio
be turned in to the IFC of
fice immediately. He said
that work on the rush book
would be held up if thev
weren't turned in.
Kerrey asked as a point of
interest what the standing of
Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity
Brewster said that in order
for a house to be a voting
member of IFC, ie had to
have, among other things, a
minimum of 30 men, a 5 av
erage, and a house coopera
tion, which he said, Kappa
Alpha Psi does not presently
Initiates Engineers
ter of the junior class or up
per thiru of the senior class
in elect cal engineering.
The initiates were wel
comed by James Jorgensen,
president of the Eta Kappa
Nu chapter at the University
of Nebraska.
Dr. Preston Holder, chair
man of the department of An
thropology at the University,
also spokv it tu b' , on
the application of anthropol
ogy in everyday life.
New members are a fol
lows: Craig Colburn, Robert
Debowey, Arlo Dorahoff, Da
vid Fairchild. William Fuller
ton, Herbert Griess, Gayler
Hajek. James Hall, Clinton
Headrick, Lyman James,
John Johnson, Richard Kigei ,
Harry Myears. Arnfricd Popp,
and Russell Rhodes.
IPS fflS
I parents and the group. Rea -
1 sons for existing differences
would take volumes ot
planation," he said.
Montagu named, in addition
to migration, isolation, genet
ic drift , culture, hybridiza
tion, social and individual
selection, as reasons for phy
ical differences between var
ious groups.
Man is a myth-making ani
mal, Montagu said. One myth
the male has propounded is
that woman Is the weaker
sex. Woman is by far the
superior sex, Montagu said.
A woman's brain weighs four
ounces more than man's, she
is more intelligent, she has
femlne intuition, women use
their emotions better than
men, and it is men that are
posscsed by sex, not women,
as men have said.
The principle means of
adaptation Is culture," Mon
tagu said. Throughout t w o
million years of man's his
tory, he was primarily a food
gatherer and hunter. He had
to survive the stresses and
Ross Favors
For Closing
"Wonderful" said Dean G.
Robert Ross describing t h e
proposed closing of 14th Street
from the north side of R to
the south side of Vine.
The closing request was
made Tuesday by the Univer
sity Board of Regents to elim
inate traffic on 14th from go
ing through the University
and to protect students when
crossing the street.
Ross said the wording of
the proposal has to be worked
out. One request will be that
the closed street will become
University property, Ross
Traffic counts will be made
to determine the best way to
assume ownership, Ross said.
"It's pretty clear that our in
ternal traffic must be less and
less," he said.
Our main concern is first to
get studies made and elimin
ate with the University
educated, Mantague said.
John C. Mason, city coun
cilman, said that he was
aware that the eventual clos
ing of 14th was an objective
of the University.
"I feel that we must find
ways and means to cooper
atewith the University . . .
although first a means of
routing the traffic around
campus must be found." Ma
son said.
Mason was not certain how
quickly the closing might be
Debaters Triumph
In Preliminaries
The University debate
squad attended two tourna
ments last week, t Iowa
State Uniersity m Ames, la.,
and the oher at the Air Force
At Iowa, in the -eni-'- divi
r"on, Poger Doerr anrt Teny
Shaaf won five and lost one
debate in the preliminaries.
Mel-yn Schlacter nd John
Peak had a similar record.
Both teams went into the
octa-finals where they were
In the junior division. Allan
Larson and Larry Curd and
the team of Terry Hall and
Ken Gaskir.s won tlree ind
lost hrc . On quality ratings
Larson and Curd entered the
jta-finals which they won,
but were eliminated in the
next round, the quarter-finals.
At the Air Force Academy.
George Duranske and Bill
Harding won four decisions
and lost eight.
Union Announces
Photo Contest
All students who enjoy pho
tography are urged to enter
the Student Union-sponsored
photography contest, accord
ing to Terry Schaaf, Union
public relations chairman.
All full-time undergraduate
students are eligible.
The contest deadline will
be Jan. 15, and entries may
be left at the program office
in the Union, beginning Dec.
Thirteen prizes, totaling $50
will be given, and all winners
will have their entries dis
played in the Union for a full
week after the results have
been announced.
The panel of judges for the
contest includes: Robert Gor
ham, chief photographer for
the Lincoln Journal; Gunars
Straydins, a University art
student; and Koy Tada, man
ager of photographic produc
tions. & if
1 strains of a rigorous life
1 survive. Montagu said
The most important thing
man had to learn was plas
citicity flexibility of re
sponse. Man had to learn
problem solving, had to learn
to respond to experience, in
other words had to become
educated. Montagu said.
Human beings no matter in
what group, if given ade
quate opportunity, can
achieve whatever any other
group has achieved, M o n -tagu
said. Montagu noted the
African peoples have been
exposed to many changes and
can demonstrate what they
are doing.
It is not surprising that
Negros do poorly on intelli
gence tests, whites do poorly
on intelligence tests in t h e
South too, Montagu said.
"Achievements imply oppor
tunities," no where at no
time have the American ne
gros had equal opportunity,
Montagu said.
The American Negro has
made accomplishments com
14th Street
put into effect. The Univer
sity has a growth problem
and this is one way to help
alleviate it. he said.
J. Winston Martin, Associ
ate Dean of Student Affairs,
thought the idea of closing
14th a very good one. He won
dered at the possibility of the
University also gaining con
trol of S Street from 14th to
16th Streets, in order to pro
vide for less through traffic.
However, he expressed hesi
tation because of some pri
vate property lying along
these two stretches.
"The owners of this proper
ty have never been consulted
as to whether they would
agree to the plan. Perhaps
this is the time to call them
together," he said.
Essay Contest
Offers Trip
To Europe
First prize of a month
long, all-expense paid trip to
Europe, including a special
summer-school session about
the United Nations in Geneva,
will be awarded to the win
ner of a college essay contest
sponsored by the Collegiate
Council for the UN.
CCUN is basing the contest
on the first of a series of 90
minute television entertain
ment programs about the UN
that are being developed by
Telsun Foundation. Inc.
Students must compose a n
essay of 3,500 words or less
after watching "Carol for An
other Christmas." the TV pro
gram which will be televised
on the ABC network on Dec.
28 at 9:30 p.m. (EST)
Peter Sellers heads an ail
star cast in the dramatic
story about the need for ail
men to become involved in
today's world. Each essay
must concentrate on the same
theme on which writer Rod
Sterling based his script.
The contest is designed to
inspire better understanding
of the UN by stimulating
greater interest about t h h
world organization among col
lege students throughout the
United States.
Second prize is an expense
paid trip to New York to at
tend briefings about the UN
at a speical summer session.
The third prize winner wi'l
receive a trip to San Francis
co in June to take part in the
20th anniversary celebration
of the signing of the UN
Fourth and fifth prizes are
complete 24-volume sets of
the Encylopaedia Britannica.
1964 Edition, while 12 region
al winners will receive two
volume sets of the Britannica
World Language Dictionary.
Preliminary judging of all
essays are to be conducted
regionally by a board com
prising the CCUN regional di
rector, faculty members and
representatives of the UN
Association of the U.S. The
top five essays from each re
gion will then be forwarded
to CCUN headquarters for
judging by the national blue
ribbon panel.
All students intending to en
ter the contest must notify
the CCUN, at 345 E. 46th
Street, New York City, no
later than January 15. They
will then be mailed complete
rules and details.
parable to the white race in
self-taught skills. In music,
sports, theatre, dance and lit
erature the American Negro
is outstanding.
Most negro schools are
"shockingly Inferior.' 'The
white race owes an incalcu
able debt for what they have
done, Montagu said. "Man's
nature Is not what one is
born with, but what man docs
with the nature he is bom
with." he said.
The problem or sickness of
racism remains today and
will not be soived by destroy
ing the racists' theory. Physi
cal and cultural differences
should be congratulated, he
We are all members of a
single human family, that of
humanity, he said. If one is
born Into humanity, he ought
to have the right to develop
with equal opportunities
The problem rests on the
foundation of ethics, not sci
ence, Moitagu said. "We all
must ask ourselves, If we will
be a part of the problem or a
part of its solution," he said.