Page 2 ifititiijjitiMitMiirjJtMtiiiiiiMtMiiiMiiiiiii:'iiiiJitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiifiTirifirjtiiitMtiijiiiiJtifititfM hi Just Sif Back , Much has been said and recommendations have been made concerning the Daily Nebraskan's need for additional funds, but most of it has come in bits and pieces. In an . attempt to give a complete picture, the Daily Nebraskan staff has presented each facet in this, its position paper. Although this is an issue to be settled primarily be tween the Subcommittee on Student Publications and the Board of Regents, the staff and the rest of the students are directly concerned. You are concerned because it is you to whom the Daily Nebraskan is directed, it is you who read the paper. In order to provide a better paper for you, the Daily Nebraskan must be able to meet the rising costs of its publication. The campus is expanding and so must the Daily Nebraskan. Under its present set-up problems of a minimum staff, under-paid staff, little money for office expenses and increased advertising combine to make a less effective paper for you to read. A cut back in circulation or in number of days printed would add to the ineffectiveness of the paper. You are also concerned because it is through you that the other alternative, the increase in student fees paid to the Daily Nebraskan, may be realized. A glance at the explanatory articles in the columns of the Daily Nebraskan shows that this is the only realistic answer. Unless the Board of Regents realizes that you, too, are concerned with the outcome of the communications media of this campus, they will hesitate to grant this in crease. Polls have been taken, letters written, and a petition is now being circulated. Each of these adds weight to the argument of the Daily Nebraskan. But they will be ef fective only if each and every reader joins in the cam paign. Other writers on this page have gone into the reasons for the necessity of the increase from the business stand point, the moral question, the image of the campus, the effectiveness of the Daily Nebraskan. If you are satisfied with the present situation, just . sit back on your haunches and don't do anything. SUSAN SMITHBERGER Inside In beginning my investi gation into the financial sit uation of the Daily Nebras kan and possible alterna tives to be used in arriving at a solution to the contin uous loss, I had no personal opinion as to which alterna tive to be presented here in would best answer t h e needs of the Daily Nebras kan. After studying it, I n o w feel that an increase in the STUDENT SUBSCRIP TION FEE paid by under graduate students as part of their tuition would give the Daily Nebraskan the needed funds to operate on a level comparable to the other student newspapers in the Big Eight. I arrived at this opinion by considering the following alternatives: (1) No change in opera tion or source of income. This alternative, as a poli cy to be followed, would create a downward effect for the Daily Nebraskan. Why? Because presently the paper is operating with a mini mum staff, advertising and other sources of income (ex cluding STUDENT SUB SCRIPTION FEES) are be ing pushed to a maximum limit and the paper will still incur a loss of 2000 to 3000 dollars. Result: no solution to the financial situation of the Daily Nebraskan by em ploying the alternative (1). Alternative (2). A cut back in number of days printed. This alternative would call for the reduction of, as an example, printing only on Monday, Thursday and Friday. What would this mean to the Daily Nebras kan's financial situation? It would mean a savings of 250 dollars each week in printing and engravings cost and the lessening of the total printing and engraving costs for the year by 6,000 dol lars. If this is the c a s e. does this then eliminate the financial loss incurred as a result of the savings in printing and engraving costs? Answer: No. It does not because advertising revenue from a single issue is on an average 240 dol lars; consequently on a The Daily RICH HA LBERT, manairlni edltori FRANK PARTSCH. news editor; S.'F..KUTTEH' V1CKI ELLIOTT. LEE MARSHALL, copy editors. PKISCILLA ""LLINS, MARILYN HOEGEMEYER, senior stuff writers WALLIS LUNDEEN, JIM KORSHOJ, PENNY OLSON, junior stall writersi RICH EISER, photog rapher! PEGGY SPEECH, snorts editor! BOB SAMUELSON, sporta assistant: PP5I''Pi,?VT' BV?Z MADSON, SCOTT RYNEARSON, business asalstantal MNN RATHJKN, Circulation mananer; JIM DICK, aubacrlptlon manager. Subscription rates $3 per semester or 15 per year. Entered si second clasa matter at the poet offlca In Lincoln Nebraska, Under the net of August 4, 1D12. The Dally Nebraskan is published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, on Monday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday by University of Nebraska students under Ole Jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. Publications shall be Ire- Horn ten.. u -Imp h- ihe MiDcommitiee or any person outside the University. Members of Ihe Nebraskan ara responsible for what they cause to Im printed. II l printed Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, during the school year with the exception of vacation and examina tion periods. Monday, December 7, 1964 View single issue the Daily Ne braskan is saving ten dol lars or over the whole year a savings of 800 dollars is accumulated. This saving of 800 dollars does not suf ficiently decrease the loss to warrant its use. Alternative (3). A cut-back in number of papers printed each day of publication. In analyzing this alternative and its implications, I dis covered, as every business student should know, that a cut-back in . number of papers printed per issue will have little savings because the major cost of printing and engraving is found in the first issue printed. Why? Be cause of the amount of work in setting of type, engraving of pictures and other neces sary procedures in publish ing a paper. Actual savings are so small that the loss of the Daily Nebraskan is depreci ated only by a small amount. Further, use of this alterna tive limits circulation of the paper to an even smaller percentage of the University undergraduate enrollment, which hardly seems fair when you consider that every undergraduate pays for a Daily Nebraskan. Alternative (4). An in crease in STUDENT SUB SCRIPTION FEES. This al ternative, the one I feel is best, solves the problem of finances and is justified by (a.) the number of years that have passed with no action taken by the Board of Regents in updating the STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION FEES allotment in relation to rising printing and en graving costs, (b.) the fact that all undergraduates now pay for a- paper but only 6,000 receive papers, (c.) the attitude that if the Daily Nebraskan is to be a paper in keeping with the times then the appropriate changes need to accomplish this must be instituted. From the inside looking out I can only see the STU DENT SUBSCRIPTION FEE increase as a means of solv ing the Daily Nebraskan's financial situation. MIKE JEFFREY Business Manager Nebraskan i i fl1 1 TTr Dy From the Pub Board: By CUZ GUENZEL Pub Board Member More than any other group on campus, Pub Board was in a position to foresee the Daily Nebras kan's problem. For years members on the board had to use the profit made on the Cornhusker to cover the expenses of the paper. As the expenses of the Daily Nebraskan grew, it also grew quite obvious that the yearbook could not con tinue supporting both itself and the paper indefinitely. So even before the Daily Nebraskan got into any fi nancial trouble, Pub Board members realized the ap proaching difficulty. We tried to avoid a serious prob lem and give back the Corn husker's profit to the Corn husker. Board members felt that it wasn't fair to take away all the profit from the Corn husker. With their profit, the yearbook .staff could have had more color pic tures or could have initi ated more new ideas such as the record of sounds last year. For several years Pub Board simply sent letters and financial reports to ap propriate University offi cials. To give added empha sis to the problem, Pub Board asked Dr. William Hall, director of the school of journalism, to write, too. Dr. Hall sent in his warn ing and recommendations. Our reports were acknowl edged but no action was taken. Finally, last year in the early part of second se mester the financial stand ing of the paper had become so poor that the Cornhusker would just barely be able to cover the deficit. At the same time, staff members of the Cornhusker dreamed up the idea of the record of sounds. They pre- Tuition Increase Best sented the idea and figures on the record to Pub Board. When the staff asked per mission to make the record, Pub Board had to take a stand. We could have turned down the request of t h c Cornhusker and struggled to hoard the yearbook profit for the Daily Nebraskan. But, instead, we passed their request, which meant that the Cornhusker profit would no longer be saved for subsidizing the paper. Pub Board's action was virtually an ultimatum to University officials. Either they would have to take some action or the Daily Nebraskan would have to shut down in bankruptcy. The administration final ly did take action. They In vited a three-man study team composed of profes sional journalists to visit this campus May 21-22 last year. Members of the s t u'd y team consulted members of the administration, Pub !"$&F- By Mike The crest iee of a Univer sity is necessarily depend ent upon the worthiness of its publications. Nebraska has had worthy publications in the past, and subsequent ly enjoyed some prestige. We are, at this moment, in danger of losing that pres tige. To the delight of Lincoln advertisers and to the dis may of its readers, t h e Daily Nebraskan resembles a Sears Catalogue. And it may not be too long before the Nebraskan inherits the same usage as the cata logue. Northern tissue stock Board, staff and student leaders. But ti'.oir conclu sion was to initiate a better advertising program. That has been done this year. The advertising pro gram has been excellent. And if we could have as avid an advertising man ager and years of heavy ad vertising, we might be able to put the paper back in the black. Cutting down on the num ber printed is as uneconom ical as it is undesirable. And reduction in the days printed is a poor solution as it would detract from the value of the Daily Ne braskan both to readers and as a learning experience for the students that put it out. An increase in the sub scription rate paid out of each student's tuition ap pears to be the best method of putting the Daily Nebras kan back in the black with out having to resort to out right subsidy from the Uni versity. Barton would drop appreciably. As I see it, the only so lution to this regrettable state of affairs is a tuition increase. Very rarely do I side with the majority, but in this case, the answer is only too obvious and any other solution would be only temporary. An expansion of the Nebraskan would neces sarily enhance our pres tige, and I am willing to pay for it. So unless you want to re ceive a student paper with perforations, back us up. Northern Tissue concurs with our findings. I have been asked sever al times already this year why the Daily Nebraskan wants more money to re duce advertising space. These erstwhile critics of our news columns find it difficult to understand why advertising should be de creased at the expense of the students. They also wonder if re duced advertising would give the students more stories about the western Nebraska corn rootworm's disgusting little habit of pulling sneak plays on Ne braska farmers. The facts and figures con cerning the annual deficit of the Nebraskan appear elsewhere in this issue. They speak for themselves. A story of the Nebraskan as seen by the people who write, edit and print it four days a week also appears elsewhere in this issue. They speak for themselves. The Nebraskan is prob ably the most universal stu dent institution with the pos sible exception of the class room and the woodsie. It reaches students in an un imaginable spectrum of vo: cational, social and apathet ical diversity. For this rea son, many of its readers from one group often find it difficult to understand why news directed toward another group' should be run. We try to keep the news in proper proportion. As enrollment (and there by diversity) spirals and skyrockets upward and as requirements and expecta tions in the classroom tight en, we find it difficult to find staff members with time, ability and devotion to make the paper what we would like it to be. Our present staff has, al most to a man, the ability, Octopus Questionnaire , In our culture, the printed word is god. On our cam pus, the Daily Nebraskan is the student's voice. Or rather it should be. But it isn't. Why? 1. What is the job of a newspaper? A newspaper presents the facts to those who want them. 2. Is the Daily Nebraskan a newspaper? No. 3. Why? (a) Its "facts" are too often the guesses (or mis understandings) of a hur ried (overworked) staff writer, (b) there are about 13,000 students and only 6, 000 papers. 4. Why has the newspaper (it you answered "no" to 2) come to this sad end? Ex plain. (a) The sometimes ques tionable quality of the stu dent writing can be traced to a lack of money. The Daily Nebraskan staff is paid a token (very small) amount each month. This is not a salary, but rather is conscience money, i.e. so they will feel a responsibil- A Moral By George Duranske Several week ago S t u -dent Council conducted a poll the results of which at best were inconclusive. Since the poll, however, many people have picked up the suggestion that t h e number of copies printed be cut back from their present level of 6000 copies per day. The point suggested is some mythical one at which t h e claim rests that the Daily Nebraskan would be able to operate at a profit or at least break even. Unfortunately this com ment or suggestion often comes from the persons who will be guaranteed a paper regardless of the number of issues printed. These people are those who are living in organized living units and very likely do not recognize the problems of many fac tions of the University in terms of obtaining even an occasional copy of the Daily Nebraskan. Perhaps ,it may sound a bit irite to raise amoral question but the persons most interested in waging a war on apathy are often the persons who suggest a furth er slackening of the possibili Closet Case By Frank Paiisch and, unfortunately for them, their devotion exceeds their time, and they often find themselves forsaking hour exams, outside reading and social life. For $17.50 a month. Few, however, can deny the tremendous possibilities for news on this campus. Many areas ' are complete ly overlooked because of the time involved. We would be hard pressed currently to drop advertis ing, but with the necessary increase in funds to staff this paper, we could give the University a much better paper five days per week. I would like to see a fea ture editor and writer as a separate subdivision of the news staff; some means of relieving the frequency and tedium of night news duties, additional writers and copy editors, better coverage from the Colleges of Agri culture and Medicine and a number of other goodies too good, numerous and compli cated to go into a column of this type. A look at today's Peg Board on page four will show some of the problems and needs of the sports staff, and an assistant editor in the editorial department would assure us of a more smoothly running operation. Well, everybody needs money. In these perilous days of decentralization through ex pansion, many of the older organizations and institu tions must modernize and streamline themselves to re tain their effectiveness. Student Council, in its ecumenical council, has decided that a new constitu tion will do the trick. The Daily Nebraskan, however, needs money. . By John Lonnquist ity toward what they are do ing, (b) The stingy num ber of copies is also due to a lack of money. The lowest rung staff members are overworked and under (22chr.) paid. When interested students learn these cold facts, they develop cold feet. This lim its fa) the number who apply for staff positions, and (b) the quality of the staff. The poor quality staff produces poor quality work. Everyone complains. Few er people apply. Those who do are more overworked and more underpaid. The vicious circle becomes more vicious. This nonsense can only be stopped by mone The staff should be "in creased to handle the in creased news of an in creased enrollment. Their "salaries" should be made comparable to those of other "jobs" in the area, for it is a "job" which they are performing. The com petition for the positions and the firing of incompe tent writers would insure accuracy and quality. The Daily Nebraskan would be a REAL newspaper. Question ty of adequate distribution of campus news. In the opinion of this neophyte the only means to guarantee a campus truly aware of its own problems and not merely a fragmatized stu dent, body who claims to be aloof from the campus cur rents is to increase the cir culation of the Daily Nebras kan. From the standpoint of the groups not now receiv ing papers they would no longer find themselves in this category. From the standpoint of the persons re ceiving copies of the paper at least they would have the satisfaction of knowing that all persons were receiv ing the same rights and opportunities to know of trends and arguments as they develop on campus. The financial impossibili ' ty of reducing the number of copies speaks for itself and -provides a point for unification alone but the added thought that the op portunities of all students should be equal gives fur ther justification for stu. dents to unite and to accept the added fee as not only needed but also as the only fair alternative.