H ushers Upset Purdue See Page 4 Special Nebm NEBR. 7 104 Vol. 79, No. 67 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, December 7, 1964 Edifim Pufi Board Recognizes Budget Gap The financial problem faced by the Daily Nebraskan is not a new one, according to Dr. William Hall, director of the School of Journalism, and for mer member of the Subcom mittee on Student Publica tions (Pub Board). "The sentiment on Pub Board has grown in the nine years I have been here that the Nebraskan needs a faculty advisor who could tighten up the business operation, acquaint the business staff with better sales techniques and help add local advertis ing accounts." The present system, which makes available a faculty member for consultation on the request of the Nebraskan staff is not effective, Hall said. "Under this system, inade quate counseling is inevit able, and the Nebraskan and the Cornhusker together con stitute a substantial busi ness." Hall said studies conducted in the Big Eight conference placed the Daily Nebraskan's .share of the activities dollar lowest in the conference. Present Pub Board m e m bers, when contacted by the Daily Nebraskan this weekend, agreed that some thing must be done to relieve the financial pinching. Board chairman Dr. Robert Cranford said "The record of the board speaks for itself. We have written frequent letters to the University administra tion for the past couple of years recommending that some action be taken to im prove the Daily Nebraskan's financial situation." Cranford was uncertain as to the best possible remedy for the situation, but said that "an increase in tuition would probably be the easiest way for immediate relief." "The revenue available for the Daily Nebraskan must be increased," said Curtis Sie mers, Coordinator of Student Activities and secretary of the Pub Board. "I believe the student sub scription rate for the D a i 1 y Nebraskan must be increased to the level where it will balance out the needs of the paper," he said. Nebraskan advisor N e a 1 e Copple, associate professor of Journalism, emphasized that the Nebraskan has ended each year with a sizeable deficit for several years now. He said that these losses have been able to be written off because of a backlog of profits which have been made by the Corn husker yearbook. "Fully aware that this kind of financing cannot go on forever, members of the Sub committee on Student Pub lications board have looked for and suggested solutions," he said. "The alternative to an in creas v'n income would ap pear to have to be some kind of curtailment of the Dally Nebraskan. This curtailment could be fewer editions a week, smaller circulations or some combination of these. On a growing campus, none of these solutions seem very logical,? he said. "The Daily Nebraskan is definitely in financial trouble," said William Torrence, assist ant professor of business or ganization and management. "Increased costs over time dictate need for increased revenue. William Pharis, associate professor of educational ad ministration and elementary education, has served on the Publications Board for only a few months, and said he was unable to state a definite stand on the Nebraskan's situation.. "However, although I'm not yet certain just what it should be, I know that something has to be done," he said. Karen Gunlicks. one of the three student members of the Board, favored increasing the student fees for the paper. Student member Cuz Guen zel agreed with Miss Gun-licks. pFiskam I m i j mmmimmiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMi mi urn i 1 1 1 I.J, 1 " . J Lee Marshall, copy editor Wanted: one junior staff writer for the Daily Nebras kan. Pay, $17.50 per month. Hours, 20 per week. Working conditions, tense. Not many average students would reply to this advertise ment, and, for those who do, a new world of tension, in convenience and timelessness evolves. Most enjoy it, how ever, and tend to speak more of the advantages than the disadvantages of the job. The average week of a jun ior staff writer would run something like this: Sunday, work from 2 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.; Monday, cover after noon meeting and write story; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, work from 2 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., night meeting one night, night news one night. Friday and Satur day, recuperate, if possible. This schedule omits tests, hour exams, dates and leisure, which make matters worse, Night news, for instance, means working in the make up room of the Lincoln Jour nal, where the Nebraskan is printed, in one of two shifts which last from 8:30 p.m. un til about 1 a.m. Even the afternoon activity in the Nebraskan office is, at times, far from pleasant. The writers and copy editors ar under constant pressure from the editorial staff to produce copy instantly which is accur ate and readable. And always the deadline. Most of the staff members. when asked about their reac tions to being on the staff, said that, although their lives wer rearranged and centered around the Nebraskan, their averages suffered and their free time disappeared, never theless they liked their work. Junior staff writer Penny Olson said that never before has she been forced so much to do something on a demand ing deadline. "Perhaps it is good to learn this now, rath er than later," she said. The average time put in bv a staff member was 18 hours per week. Most said their grades were suffering. Because many of the staff members are journalism ma ' ..'f:',.':::.'""v and Wallis Lundsen, junior staff man with tomorrow's paper. jors, one of the main reasons given for staying with the staff was to gain expsrience in journalism. An exception to this trend was copy editor Lee Mar shall, who said he enjoyed the work and being with the staff. "The work doesn't put me out any more than any other activity would," he said. "And besides, I do get a little pay each month." Mar shall added. Jim Korshoj, a junior staff writer majoring in business, said he joined the staff for curiosity. "I thought it would be a good experience working here. I have been exposed to more sides of the University than ever before." "Time is the major prob lem. I do enjoy it and it has been good experience. I have gotten as much out of it as i expected to." News editor Frank Partsch said that time is a problem j within the . paper as well as hurting the individuals on the staff. "Sometimes it is impos sible to find someone free at the time of an important event," he said. "If someone told me he planned to hold up the chan cellor's office and steal h i s pipe at 10' a.m. Tuesday I wouldn't have anyone to send," he said. "This is ex treme, but we have been forced to overlook important events just because no o n e had time to cover them." "One of the major difficul ties in meeting the afternoon deadlines is the problem keeping an enjoyable atmos phere. "People like to goof around sometimes between stories, and we sometimes find it hard to realize that we can't overdo the Legrec image," Partsch said. Most of the writers, how ever, enjoyed their work, and one explained his feeling for the staff as rivaling the unity of a fraternity. Editor Susan Sinithbcrger said the nature of the Daily DT3DT3 f writer . help make-up Nebraskan demands that each staff member be a pro fessional. "It requires that wc grasp on to each facet of campus life quickly and ac curately, but this is not al ways possible with the ama teur reporter." "There arc errors; errors are unavoidable when one is pressed for time. Errors are not conronable in this profes sion," she said. K-State Suggests Tuition Increase The graduate manager of the Kansas State Collegian suggested a $2 per semester fee from students for the Daily Nebraskan to solve the Nebraskan's financial diffi culties. C. J. Medlin's response came as the result of a ques tionnaire sent to Big Eight schools by Mike Jeffrey, busi ness manager for the Daily Nebraskan. The enrollment at Kansas State is 9,500. The total aver age paid circulation of the Collegian is 11,500. The Uni versity has an enrollment of about 13,000, and the total number of papers put out each day is 6,500. The Collegian is published five times per week, Monday through Friday. The Nebras kan is published four times, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. The activity fee collected from each student per se mester allows $4 to the Col legian per year. That allows $30,000 to $35,000 per year to the paper for student subscrip tion fees. The Nebraskan receives $2 per year from each student, giving the paper about $20,000 per year, according to Jef frey. Medlin said. "I think it is very important if your news paper is to succeed and if you are to be able to distribute it to the students to have an ade quate fee collected at the , time of enrollment." 'Office Expenses, Salaries Held To Bare Minimum' The Daily Nebraskan is presently holding its office ex penses to a bare minimum, according to Mike Jeffrey, Nebraskan business manager. Jeffrey said the Nebraskan cannot cut its budget further and still be able to operate as an efficient newspaper. In following the present budget, the Nebraskan has had to drop several national ly syndicated columns and the Collegiate Press Service, according to Jeffrey. Susan Smithberger, editor of the Nebraskan, said that presently the newspaper has to work with "a bare mini mal staff, having to ignore some good coverage possibil ities because we simply do not have the manpower to do it." The three largest items on the annual budget, Jeffrey said, are printing, engraving, and salaries. To defray these constantly increasing items, he listed five sources of in come for the Nebraskan These include: subscrip tions, classified advertising, local display advertising, na tional advertising and student subscription fees. Subscription fees tend to remain the same, according to Jeffrey, but an attempt has been made this year to increase the number of sub scriptions being mailed out, in addition to the regular stu dent subscriptions. Local advertising has been pushed this year, according to Jeffrey, in an attempt to gain more revenue from this area. Classified advertising has been changed with the addi tion of a classified ad mana ger to the staff, who will ac tively call people and inquire about running classified ads. The national advertising in come figure cannot be changed by the Nebraskan, according to Jeffrey, because this figure is handled through National Advertising Service Inc. "They have full right on national advertising, so we cannot contract with any na tional advertisers that are part of the mass organization. This figure remains around $4,000 or $5,000 per year." From student subscription fees this year, Jeffrey said he estimated around $20,000 income. The rate for fees is $1 per semester, and has re mained the same for a num ber of years, according to Jeffrey. ' i As or nunc ana eneraune costs become more expen sive, we are faced with the possibility of Incurring larger and larger losses over tlv: next few years, Including this year," he said. Jeffrey said the income does not have very much chance of increasing at t h e present rate, since the busi ness staff is limited to three persons, who cannot devote their full time to gathering advertising for the newspa per. Jeffrey said that the pres ent allotment of about $20,000 Printer Elaborates On The Journal-Star Company, printer of the Daily Nebras kan,, has responded to three of the four possible alterna tives concerning the paper s financial situation. The four alternatives are: printing 4,000 instead of 6,000 copies, three issues instead of 4, remaining the same, or raising the student fee. "If you wished to cut your printing order, from 6,000 copies to 4,000 copies, you would save $7.50 per thousand or $15 per Issue," said Jay Seacrest, Administration and Personel Manager of Journal Star Co. All of our composing room, stereotyping, press make- lydlgef per year from student fees is "lacking in terms of meet ing our budget and looking ahead and looking back at other budgets prepared in the past." "If we are going to be able to stay in the black," Jef frey said, "we have to have an Increase in all areas of income." "We must have more mon ey from the University if we are to continue operating in the black in the future." Jef frey said. He said that it would be difficult to estimate how much is needed, but said that other columns in this paper will show this approximate ly, in comparison to other Big Eight schools. The expenditures per year for salaries run about $6,500 he said, and at this rate, the staff is held down to a bare minimum, and staff members and paid very little in com parison to the hours they work. The Daily Nebraskan, al though it already an efficient and workable newspaper, could have greater efficiency if it had additional money, according to Jeffrey. He said that this will probably have to come from student sub scription fees since this is the largest source of income for the paper, and the other areas are being "pushed to the fullest at the present time." With additional finances. Jeffrey said the paper would be able to incur printing and engraving expenses more efficiently and keep the Ne braskan running ahead of costs. If this were done, he said, the newspaper could devote more space to news copy, rather than to advertising. This could be accomplished because advertising could be planned for quality and ef fect, rather than volume, he said. Jeffrey said that as busi ness manager he would not allow the paper to run any more pages per day with the INCOME I Subscription Cletslfl.d Advartliing Loctl DUplay Mvti tislnj National Advertising Studant Subscription Fsas EXPENDITURES i Printing Engraving Salaries Caomittlor.a on local advertising BlbUr (Llttl ran on Campus) Hall (Ssverled) NY Herald (Mouldln) United Features (Psanuts) Hall" (Falf far) KelsUr (Church Ad) '.'ailing Pannlt Postaga for Walling Subscriptions ACP Mambarahlp Offlca iuppllss Binding Service Psasa 'Phone Typewriter Rapalr Stata Paper subscription. Misc. (Awarde Luncheon, it. Act. As Photography Intercollegiate Press Came t a Adv. ilefund-bad c!iec:.s R.if renhments and Christmas Jlft Local Adv. Unpeld 1963-64 loss i 43,600.47 ready and overhead costs are in the first copy that we print. The only savings, or addition al costs in more or fewer copies, is in the newsprint, additional press time and mailing room bundling costs. These items are relatively a small part of the total costs, Seacrest said. "If you changed from four issues per week to three is sues per week, you would save the printing cost of $253 less whatever adver tising revenue you would have In the omitted Issue," Seacrest said. According to Mike Jeffrey, business manager of the Daily Nebraskan, the advertising revenue is normally $240. present financial situation. The present four-page paper costs about $250 per day, while an eight-page paper would cost about $500. "We simply can't afford to pay such costs for printing and engraving," he said. "Additional finances would also allow the number of peo ple employed by the Daily Nebraskan to be increased," he said. "This would relieve the load on the staff writers, and still allow for greater coverage of news." Summarizing the situation, Jeffrey said that the Daily Nebraskan "will not be able to decrease its losses any further than it has now." He said that last year the news paper lost $4,000, and with the present budget, it will lose from $1,800 to $2,500 this year. With increased finances, he said, the Nebraskan could improve in four main ways in the short run. These in clude: more papers per day, five issues per week, a lar ger staff, and a larger (eight page) paper each day. "The University is expand ing, and the Daily Nebraskan should be expanding with it," Miss Smithberger said. Be cause of rising printing costs, she said, "we must have a larger budget than before was necessary." Annual YWCA Bazaar Will Begin Tomorrow The University Y.W.C.A. In ternational Christmas Bazaar will be held tomorro ,r through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the basement party rooms of the Student Uion. "It's about that time" to think about Christmas shop ping, is this year's theme. Students will find something for everyone among the thou sands of attractive, moder ately priced items from Scan dinavia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, India, Africa, Mexico, Japan, the Holy Land, Korea and Portugal. Each year the student Y.W.C.A. 'holds an Internation al Christmas Bazaar to aug ment money received from the Community Chest. Last year actual This year atlmated S59.00 151.51 15, 288. 10 3,576.39 600.00 250.00 17,000.00 4,000.00 41,850 31.521.9T 2,237.74 6,499.51 1,500.00 9.21 43,12 518.30 71.12 35.00 30.00 33.30 15. CO 357. 6C--60.00 347.54 148.44 54.00 sessJ 65,63 244.42 30. 0? 57.22 30.06 40.50 32,000.00 2,380.00 6,500.00 1,700.00 130.00 220.00 75.00 30. CO 40.00 15.00 350.0C 60.00 300.00 125,00 40.00 50.00 250.00 60.00 40.00 44,265.00 43,680,47 1964-65 loss I 43,566.00 Finances Omitting one issue would save only $13. "Neither one of these al ternatives would remove the deficit that we incur as a loss." Jeffrey said. "Newspapers have two sources of operating income: advertising and circulation. I don't know whether your ad vertising rates are high or low, nor how your circulation rate compares with other schools," Seacrest said. "Perhaps an increase in both areas should be con sidered. Business costs con tinue to increase year after year and it is a good trick trying to keep income mov ing along with expense," Sea crest said.