The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1964, Image 1

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79, No. 65
The Daily Nebraskan
Thursday, December 3, 1964
Snowflakes Frame
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FIRST SNOW Heralding the holiday season the first snowfall brings winter wonder
land to the University campus and gave freshmen the opportunity to discard beanies
as the flakes fell.
GOP Needs To Find Points
Which Have Appeal: Peterson
By Jim Korshoj
Junior Staff Writer
The need to find points
which appeal to the Ameri
can people was named as the
greatest challenge facing the
Republican Party by former
Nebraska governor Val Pe
terson last night.
Peterson, who has also
served as U.S. Ambassador
to Denmark, made this point
in a talk to the Young Re
publicans. He spoke on "The
Future of the Republican
"The Republican Party is
definitely not liquidated," he
said. "Not all of Goldwater's
25 million votes were re
ceived just as an endorse
ment of him. Many of them
were cast as endorsements of
the Republican party," he
Peterson said that the Re
publicans must, in order to
come back from their defeat
in the recent election, work
for and endorse policies
which will be favored by the
majority of the people. "The
purpose of a political party
is to try to render maximum
amounts of service to the peo
ple of the country," he said.
He also expressed concern
over the party's failure at
times to convey their stands
to the people. "The Republi
can party has not expressed
itself in as affirmative terms
in some years as is desir
able," he said. "We can't be
successful unless we are def
initely for things."
"There Is nothing wrong
Sheldon Designer
Wins Art Award
The New York architect who
designed the University Shel
don Memorial Art Gallery,
Philip Johnson, has received
the 1964 "Art in America
Johnson is the first architect
to receive the award. Win
ners in other years included
painters Mark Tobey, Edward
Hopper and Andrew Wyeth, a
sculptor Alexander Calder,
and photographer Edward
The honor, given by the Art
in America magazine for
outstanding contribution to
art, carries a $1,000 prize and
a medal designed by Seymour
ill ?i r
with Conservatism," Peter
son said. "The true Conser
vative is interested in taking
the best things from the past
and using them for the fu
ture. There is nothing about
Conservatism that means rad
icalism or extremism," he
Peterson also spoke on the
negative charges against
many Republican candidates
in the last election. He said
that he could see nothing neg
ative about fighting to main
tain a sound budget and a
sound dollar.
In commenting on the elec
tion, Peterson said that he
doubted that any Republican
candidate could have beaten
President Johnson. "I think
the only one who would have
had a chance would have
been Nixon," he said. "But
as a new President who
hadn't had time to have
things go too wrong, Johnson
had too many things going
for him "
Peterson said that he had
one criticism of the Repub
lican's campaign. He said
that In a meeting of Repub
lican leaders before the cam
paign began, it was decided
to "write off" the Negro vote
and to try to capture the
"This was sheer, bald ra
cism, and a despicable ap
proach to a campaign," Pe
terson said.
In response to a question
concerning the future plans
of the Republicans in regard
to ultra-conservatives in the
party leadership, Peterson
said that he favored removing
these people from their posi
tions. "We would probably
then lose some votes from
this element of the party,"
Kansas Hosts Conference
On Campus Government
The annual Big Eight Stu
dent Government Association
Conference will be held at the
University of Kansas Dec. 11
and 12, according to Ray Ed
wards, president of the Asso
ciation. Big Eight schools will send
participants to discuss promi
nent student government
problems and solutions on the
Big Eight campuses.
In legislative sessions the
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he said, "but we can get
along without their type."
When asked what the Re
publicans should do on the lo
cal levels in 1966, Peterson
answered that they should do
their best to encourage the
best candidates they have to
run for office. "We need ca
pable, forward-looking people
to run for office if we are to
win," he said.
Dave Clark Five
Stars At Pershing
The Dave Clark Five, a
young singing group from
England, will be appearing at
the Pershing Auditorium,
tomorrow at 8 p.m. .Admis
sion price is $3.
"Considering that the Dave
Clark Five is running a close
second to the Beatles, it is sur
prising that the tickets aren't
selling as well as they should,"
Ivan Horg, manager of the
Auditorium, said.
The group's latest record
ing, "Glad All Over" has
moved ahead of any Beatle
recordings in England and is
climbing on American popu
larity poles, according to
Gold's Record Department.
Ashley Montagu
To Give Lecture
Ashley Montagu, a world
famous anthropologist and
prolific writer on the races
of mankind, will deliver the
1964 Montgomery lectures
He speaks at 3:30 p.m. next
Monday and Wednesday at
Love Library auditorium.
Montagu will also appear at
the Unitarian church Sunday.
delegates will enact programs
for the association to sponsor.
Student flights to Europe and
the Eight College Bowl were
sponsored by the association
last year.
Governor-Elect of Kansas,
William Avery, will speak to
the group at a banquet on the
evening of the 11th.
The group is scheduled to
elect new officers for the com'
ing year.
AUF Results
Very Poor1
Results of the All Univer
sity Fund fraternity drive
were unstaisfactory, John
Lonnquist announced at the
Interfraternity Council meet
ing last night. He said that
fraternities which did not
contribute will be contacted
by AUF.
John Cosier, scholarship
chairman of IFC, said that
pledges receiving downs
should be required to attend
the tutorial program on Sun
days at 7 p.m. He said that
Panhellenic urges pledges
who received downs to attend
the tutoring program.
Ladd Lonnquist announced
that Student Health is re
questing that very active
fraternity member take part
in the free diabetics tests.
"Around 500 yearbook
proofs have not been turned
in yet," Mrs. Hazel Jackman
said. If the proofs are not re
turned by December 15, a
proof will be selected at Mil
ler's, she said. The pho
tographic office is closed in
the Union, but yearbook pic
tures will be taken at Mil
ler's until Dec. 12, Mrs. Jack
man said.
"Instead of charging each
man $2 for the house com
posites and glossies we will
send each fraternity a bill."
Mrs. Jackman said.
A motion to donate to the
Builder's Student Professor
ship Fund was defeated. Tom
Brewster, president, said that
IFC was a governing body
and could not donate money.
Dan I s e m a n presented
ideas and projects for the
pledge training program. He
suggested a research p r o -gram
on both the value of
pledge sneaks, and pledge
participation in Homecoming
displays. He also proposed
studying problems of pledge
training from the pledge's
point of view. Information
concerning the history of the
University should also be
made available to pledges,
said Iseman.
Bill Poppert said that of
the rush chairmen, he had
talked to none who were in
favor of Spring Rush. Brew
ster told all IFC members to
solicit their house for an opin
ion of spring rush.
Ag Meeting
Hero Today
Classes for Ag students will
be dismissed this afternoon
so they can attend the fifth
annual Agricultural College
Pro fessional Opportunities
Mr. Jerry Ladman, Place
ment Officer, College of Ag
riculture, Iowa State Univer
sity, will be the speaker at
the 1 p.m. general assem
bly in the Activities Building.
Following the general as
sembly there will be sessions
conducted by 25 industry rep
resentatives. Sessions will be
held in Ag Chemicals, Ag Ed
ucation, Ag Marketing, Seed
Production, Dairy Production,
Economic Research, Electri
cal Power Use, Farm Coop
eratives and Irrigation.
Other sessions offered are
Farm Machinery, Farm Man
agement, Feed Industry, Pub
lic Relations, Food and Drug
Administration, Peace Corps,
Soil Conservation and Wild
life Service.
Any University student who
is interested in attending the
sessions is invited to do so,
said Charles Adams, Confer
ence chairman.
Ag Chorus Holds
Choral Concert
Students are invited to at
tend the annual Christmas
choral concert at the Activ
ities Building, East Campus at
3:30 p.m. Sunday.
The College of Agriculture
chorus under the direction of
Mrs. Adelaide Spurgin will
sing traditional and modern
carols. Robert Heist and Low
ell Peters will sing "A
Christmas Folk Song" com
posed by Audun Ravan, assi
ciate professor of piano.
The program is being pre
sented by the Student Union,
East Campus, with the coop
eration of the Ag Executive
Board, the Faculty Wives Club
and the Newcomers Club. A
tea will be held following the
ouonciB Supports
Bincirecase Dei Tyitooim
By Priscilla Mullins
Senior Staff Writer
An increase in tuition was
supported by the Student
Council yesterday as it
passed a resolution by Mike
Barton stating that the Coun
cil favors the increase as a so
lution to the financial difficul
ties of the Daily Nebraskan.
The resolution came after
Student Opinion Committee
chairman John Cosier an
nounced that 134 of the 147
students to be contacted by a
telephone poll have been con
tacted, and 54 per cent of
these 134 favor a tuition in
Cosier said that 28 per cent
of the 134 favored reducing
the costs by either cutting
back to three papers a week
instead of four, or printing
only half as many papers
each day.
Of tnose contacted thus
far, 18 per cent favored re
maining with the present in
creased advertising situation,
according to Cosier.
Cosier said that 13 students
must still be contacted for the
poll, and the final results
should be ready for the Coun
cil next week.
He said he did not feel that
'LAFB Not Necessity;'
Callan Addresses YD's
Business, farming economy
and the University will help
Lincoln "weather the storm"
of the Lincoln Air Base close
down, Clair Callan told the
Young Democrats last night.
Callan noted an air base
closing in Kansas which af
fected the entire city's econ
omy. Lincoln does not rely
entirely on the air base and
so will not be so drastically
affected, Callan said.
Since winning the election
to the first district, Callan has
met with the Corps of Engi
neers to discuss the Missouri
River basin project, with
mental health officials and
has requested placement on
the Agriculture and Interior
"The business of agriculture
is the biggest problem in Ne
braska and probably the big
gest in the country. What
we need is a program with
continuity," Callan said.
The great potential of the
rivers and streams in Ne
braska is a reason for Callan's
request for the Interior Com
mittee. The $35 million mid
state Bureau Reclamation
Project at Grand Island is an
example of that potential.
The project is set up to store
water from the existing wells
in the Grand Island area be
low the dam as well as to
bring in about 9,000 additional
Giant Setpent Fossil
Excavated On Farm
The skull and a portion of
the 20 foot neck of a marine
reptile with a body shaped
like a turtle and a dinosaur
shaped head, has been un
earthed at a farm northwest
of Valparaiso.
The 120-million-year-old fos
sil was identified by Dr. C.
Bertrand Schultz, director of
the University State Museum,
as a plesiosaurus, a strictly
marine specimen that lived
during the Cretaceous period,
during which Nebraska was
flooded by a shallow sea.
The giant serpent fossil
measures almost 40 feet m
le..6tii, and it could h a ve
weighed as much as 20 tons
when alive, Schultz said.
At least 20 tons of earth
was removed from the site,
much of it excavated with a
tractor driven by farm owner
Adolph Resak's son, Gene.
The discovery is an unusual
one for Nebraska, because
the fossil was so complete,
Schultz said.
The skull, vertebral column
and one of the four "flippers"
have been uncovered so far,
he said Plesiosaur fossils
have been found in Kansas,
according to the nationally
recognized paleontologist. The
only evidence found in Ne
braska until now was part of
a fossil discovered at the
Greenhorn Limestone Quarry
at Garland, about ten years
The Lincoln Gem and Min
those 13 will greatly change
the results of the poll as now
"The poll ran much better
than I had expected," Cosier
said. He said that most of the
people contacted did want the
paper changed in some way,
and the greatest percentage
wanted the increased tuition.
Cosier said that the in
creased t u i t i on alternative
was favored among those con
tacted by a 2-1 margin over
the next nearest alternative.
The Council also elected
three delegates to the Big
Eight Student Government
convention, to be held at the
University of Kansas on Dec.
The delegates are P a m
Hedgecock, Bill Hansmire and
Skip Soiref. D i Kosman,
chairman of the Big Eight
Student Government Commit
tee for the Council will also
be a delegate, as well as
Council President John Ly-
Results of the questionnaire
distributed by the Parking
Committee concerning the inter-campus
bus were given to
the Council by Bill Poppert.
To the first question asked,
"Do you feel this bus service
is adequate to meet the needs
acres to irrigation, Callan
The Mid-State project and
the Little Blue Project in the
south east part of Nebraska
are all part of the over-all
development of the Missouri
River basin.
Two things must happen to
put the Missouri River pro
jects on a sound basis, Callan
said. Both the payback from
the revenue of electrical pow
er and the interest rate must
be changed, Callan said.
Next week Callan plans to
tour north east Nebraska. He
will make stops at West Point,
and Sioux City and visit the
Omaha Indians at Macy.
On Dec. 8 Callan will meet
with Secretary of Agriculture.
Orville Freeman, who is hold
ing a briefing with all the new
congressmen. All the Demo
cratic congressmen are invit
ed for dinner at the White
House, Dec. 9.
Callan thanked the Young
Democrats for their work dur
ing the 1964 campaign. "The
YD's at the University are
largely responsible for our
success," Callan said. "Y o u
can't do it alone, I tried it
several times," he said.
Callan complimented t h e
group for "starting back to
work." "If there is anything
I can do, I will be glad to do
it," he said.
eral Club under the direction
of University scientists did a
great deal of the excavation
work. The 125-member club is
headed by Gene Eno of Lin
coln. Members of the club, and
members of the Resak family
as well as university officials
have worked in shifts to re
move the earth over and
around the fossil.
Much of the supervisory
work was done by Larry Mar
tin University undergraduate
from Bartlelt. The plesiosaur
will be fully restored and put
on display in Nebraska's Mor
rill Hall Museum, Schultz
Dentists Will Attend
Periodontics Course
Twenty-five Nebraska den
tists will attend a special
limited enrollment, continuing
education course in periodon
tics tomorrow and Friday at
the Nebraska Center.
Periodontics involves the
study of the control of infec
tion of teeth and gums.
The two-day course is part
of a series of special refresh
er courses held for Nebras
ka's dental profession at the
Center. Future programs in
clude courses on pedodontic
appliances, operative proce
dures, dental hcalWi and diagnosis.
of your schedule?" the replies
for Tuesday were 304 yes, and
89 no. For Wednesday, 362
said yes, while 170 said no.
The second question asked
how many times the student
has been late to a class or
had missed classes due to the
bus. For Tuesday, 12 per cent
replied that they had been
late or missed a class three
times or more. For Wednes
day. 20 per cent replied
in the three or more cate
gory. The third question asked if
the student felt the bus could
serve him better if it were
to make a stop between cam
puses. For Tuesday, 46 said
yes and 357 said no. For
Wednesday 60 said yes and
465 said no to the 27th and
Holdrege location.
According to Poppert's re
port, some of the most fre
quent comments were that the
students felt the bus was
too crowded, the bus did not
leave on time, and that the
students want a bus during
final exam period.
Poppert said that the Park
ing Committee is checking
into the possibility of getting
a larger bus. He said that the
buses will run during final
Two runs will be made dur
ing finals from East to City
campus and one from City to
East campus both in the
morning and during lunch
The questionnaire was dis
tributed when the weather
was warmer, according to
Poppert, and this may have
some influence on the find
ings, since the weather has
since turned cold.
Reporting for the Academic
and Faculty area, Skip Soiref
said that the Dead Week pro
posal was approved by the
Calendar and Final Examin
ations Committee of the Fac
ulty Senate.
He said that the Commit
tee is taking the proposal to
the Faculty Senate next week
for Senate members to vote
on, but the Committee is not
making any recommendations
one way or the other on the
Soiref said the proposal,
whether passed or not, will
bring the desires of the stu
dents before the faculty, thus
making them aware of the
students' wishes.
The freshman English
group final examinations will
be held the Saturday preced
ing finals, according to Soiref,
so this final will not be in
cluded in the proposal.
Mike Jeffrey told the Coun
cil that a Round Table dis
cussion with Dean Ross will
be held in 235 Union on De.
10 at 7:30 p.m. He urgei all
Council members to attend
the meeting.
Library Committee chair
man Kent Neumeister told the
Council that his committee is
looking into the possibility of
having either a required or
elective course on the library
system offered at the Univer
sity. Peace Corps Committee
chairman Andy Taubc report
ed that his committee will
have a report on the money
taken in for the movie "Mexi
can Bus Ride" which was
He said that a display
is presently located in t h e
Student Union, publicizing the
Peace Corps. After Christmas,
the displays will be handled
by the individual colleges, as
will all information concern
ing the Peace Corps, he said.
Reporting on the Constitu
tional Convention, Bill Coufal
said that Sunday's meeting
will be important in discus
sing policy matters, and ho
urged Council members to at
tend and offer ideas.
Council President John Ly
dick told the Council that a
political science advisor will
probably be secured for the
Convention by next week.
The Student Welfare Com
mittee received a letter from
the Nebraska Nurses School
in Omaha, according to Bob
Kerrey, asking why they did
not have candidates in the
various campus elections.
Kerrey said he replied to
the school by sending a list of
names of people in charge of
this matter, and suggested
that they contact them, and
then let the Welfare Commit
tee know what happens.