The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1964, Image 1
r; i. - ; Vol. 79, No. 64 Dr. IVse Succumbs Saturday Dr. Harold Wise, 62, dean of the Graduate College at the University died Saturday, aft er he had been reportedly hospitalized for surgery. Wise had been with the Uni versity since 1935, serving as a civilian consultant in sci ence to the war department. He had been named assist ant dean of the University's Graduate College. A past president of the Na tional Science Teachers' As sociation, he had served as vice president of the Amer ican Association for the Ad vancement of Science. Wise, who served on a panel in 1958 to select recipients of National Science Foundation Scholarships, was a past sec retary of the junior academy of the Nebraska Academy of Science. He belonged to several oth er scientific and educational organizations. Committee Makes Recommendation To Convention Vicki Dowling, chairman of the structural committee, submitted a list of recom mended duties for a legis lative branch of a student governing body in a brief meeting of the Constitutional Convention, Sunday. The suggested duties were only recommendations, and no action was tak... A name for the legislation passed by the governing group was discussed. Ordi nance was mentioned as a medium between laws and regulations, which were sug gested as other possibilities. John Lydick, convention president, said that the name eventually decided upon for the "Student Senate" would affect what the bills would be called. It was decided not to accept immediately a motion for a three-branch system of stu dent government. Dave Kit tarns said that the judicial area was critical, and more should be known about it be fore a decision was made. 'Brain' Authority Visits University Dr. Elizabeth Drews, pro fessor of education at Michi gan State University and au thority on gifted persons, will visit a select group of stu dents at the University today and tomorrow. Her appearance is spon sored by the Nebraska Ca reer Scholars, an organization of students who intend to pur sue college level teaching 'up on graduation. Dr. Drews is considered a leading authority on the study of gifted children and has re cently produced a series of 10 documentary films on adults with creative inclination. She will speak to the ca reer scholars on the subject of her own research, and oth er studies that the students might undertake. IFC Conference Scheduled The National Interfraternity Conference will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 3 to 5 to discuss ways of strengthen ing the college fraternity sys tem. Buzz Madson, IFC secre tary, John Luckasen, public relations chairman, and Stan Miller, affairs commit tee chairman, will be attend ing the conference. Madson said those attend ing would study several as pects concerning the Food Management Associa tion, IFC publications, frater nity and sorority expansion, and rushing programs. Frank Hallgren, director of placement, will attend as fac ulty advisor. In attendance will be grad uate delegates from 60 mem ber fraternity groups repre senting approximately 3,600 chapters In 350 higher insti tutions, some 400 representa tives of undergraduate colle Percussion Trio To Play Tonight The Dutton Percussion Trio is appearing in the Stu dent Union ballroom at 8 p.m. tonight. The trio features James Dutton, the leader of the trio, and chairman of the percussion department at the Amer ican Conservatory of Music in Chicago. He is an artist of marimba and timpani. Harold Jones, as a member of the Paul Winter sex tet, has played at the White House and toured Latin Amer ica, is a member of the trio. Students To Journalism Four University journalism students, members of Sigma Delta Chi (SDX), Profession al Journalistic Society, will attend the national conven tion today through Saturday at Kansas City, Mo. Grant Peterson, president of the University SDX Chap ter; Marvin McNeff, vice president of the chap ter; Rich Halbert, managing editor of the Daily Nebraskan and Bob Besom will attend the convention. Dr. William Hall, director of the School of Journalism and Dr. Robert Cranford,, journalism professor will al so attend the convention. Don Ferguson, NU graduate and former Daily Nebraskan ad vertising manager and editor, will also attend the conven tion. Ferguson is now a jour nalism teacher at Lincoln Southeast high school. Benjamin McKelway, edi torial chairman of the Wash ington Star, will deliver the keynote address on Thursday at the 55th anniversary con vention. Don Carter, managing edi tor of the National Observer, will head a panel discussion of career opportunities in journalism. Discussions of press-bar re lations, civil rights coverage, presidential election coverage and the communications "rev olution" in print and broad cast journalism will be pre sented at the convention. Convention delegates from the society's 162 chapters will meet with former President Harry Truman during a visit to the Truman Memorial Li brary at Independence, Mo. Student members will com pete for cash prizes in a giate interfraternity councils, college deans, student advis ors, prominent educators and business and professional lead ers active in fraternity ad ministration. As a consultive body of the general men's fraternity sys tems of American colleges and universities, the Confer ence has been holding its an nual meetings since 1909 as occasions for self-examination and searching for Improved ways to attain Its Ideals. Dr. David D. Henry, pres ident of the University of Il linois, a leading educator, will address the opening gen eral session. Dr. Noah N. Langdale, Jr., president of Georgia State College, will be the principal speaker at the awards lunch eon. The new motion picture on the fraternity system in Amerlcun colleges will be un The Daily Nebraskon ' ' If J j j J J I V Attend Conclave newswriting contest following a press conference with Tru man. More than 500 members and guests are expected to attend the four-day meeting at the Hotel Muehlebach. Sigma Delta Chi membership cur rently totals some 17,000 print and broadcast journalists, ed ucators and students. PTP Chooses Btudent-Of-Month The International Student of November is Olatunde Ojo mo, an agronomy student from Nigeria. "Tunde" as he is known to all, was selected the outstand ing international student of the month in November by members of the Student to Student committee of the People to People organiza tion. Tunde was selected because of help he gave to other for eign students who arrived on campus this fall. He met them personally when they arrived in Lincoln, helped them find housing and adjust to the cam pus life. Tunde, who is working on his thesis in agronomy, has a high scholastic average and is rated a top student in his field. A graduate student in the College of Agriculture, Tunde was chosen to attend the agro nomy convention in Kansas City last month. The Student to Student com-1 mittee will continue to chose ' an International Student of the month during the school year. veiled for the delegates by Tozler Brown, chairman of the public relations commit tee. He will also present an evaluation of the coopera tive two weeks exhibit on col lege fraternities and sorori ties, which was viewed by ap proximately 100,000 persons at the New York World's Fair this past summer. Concurrent meetings will be conducted by the National Conference of Undergraduate Interfraternity Councils, the Fraternity Secretaries Asso ciation and the College Fra ternities Editors Association. Awards will be given for outstanding scholarship achievements to individual fraternity chapters and un dergraduate councils. The lat ter will also be recognized for accomplishments during the past year for unusual service on the campuses, community and to fraternity ideals. A 25 year old stwrent at the American Conservatory of Music at Chicago, Carole James is the third member of the trio. She has studied at Indiana University and at Cologne, Germay. The trio performs on nearly fifty percussion instru ments, from the concert marimba to Chinese wood blocks. They present classical works as well as progressive jazz. The Dutton Trio sponsored by the Union Music Com mittee is appearing free of charge. Bridle Club Chooses Six Block & Bridle Club chose as their finalists for Miss Block and Bridle the following six coeds: Donna Edwards, Pound Hall; Dee Hagemeister, Al pha Delta Pi; Dixie Lewis. Love Memorial Hall; Jane McDowell, Alpha Xi Delta; Kathleen Oberle, Kappa Del ta; Judy Trumble, C h i Omega. Each will be selling Christ mas hams to vie for the Miss Block and Bridle title. The ham sale kickol'f was Monday, Nov. 23 and will run until Christmas vacation. Any one desiring to purchase a ham may contact one of the queen finalists, a Block and Bridle member, or call the Animal Science Hall, exten sion 7149 or 7151. Miss Block and Bridle will be crowned at the Ag Union Winter Dance on Feb. 19, and will reign over Block and Bridle activities throughout the coming year. The Block and Bridle Club expresses its appreciation to the different houses t h a t se lected candidates for the in terviews held on Nov. 18. The interviewing board was pleased with the applica tions recevied, although only a limited number can become finalists. Fire Damages 16th Street Home On Sunday Nipjht The home of William Miller, 1 o c a t e d by the University parking lot at the corner of 16th and Vine, was heavily damaged by fire Sunday night. The fire is believed to have been caused by an overheat ed furnace in the rouse. The furnace was a coal burning or woodburning type and was lo cated in the basement of the house. According to the fire department's report of the fire, the blaze extended through the walls of the house to the first and second floors. The report stated that after the fire was extinguished, a railroad tie was pulled from the furnace. Miller said that he has no insurance on the house. Tassels Will Admit 50 Kernals To Yell Tassels will be admitting 50 members of Kernals into their cheering section for this season's basketball games. The Kernals will be recieved on a first come first serve bas is. There will be a sign up booth in the Union on Wednes day and Thursday, Dec. 2 and 3. Wednesday, December 2, 1964 4 I"1 III KSfcEEl Student Tickets Sold Out Bowl Orders Returned No Cotton Bowl tickets for Nebraska fans are available through the University ticket office. The University's ticket al location of 12,500 has been sold and mail orders which will not be able to be filled are now being returned, ac cording to University ticket director James Pittenger. He estimated that from five to six thousand orders will have to be returned. He estimated that approxi mately 3,000 University stu dents have purchased tickets for the New Year's Day clash, which will be against the University of Arkansas. Student ID cards must be pre sented with student orders, he said. A drive is now underway to raise funds to build a Ne braska float for the Cotton Bowl Parade which will take place on the morning of the game. A goal of $5,000 has been set for the fund. Contri butions should be sent to; Dollars for Dallas American Indian Authority Presents Talk Tomorrow A folklorist and authority on the Middle American In dian, Prof. Munro Edmonson of Tulane University, will present the second in a series of Latin American Lectures tomorrow. The lecture, which is open to the public, will begin at 8 p.m. in Love Library Audi torium. Edmonson will speak on "The Phenomenon of So cial Revolution in Latin America." Panhel Receives Down Slip Lists Down slips for each of the sororities on campus were passed out to the presidents and Panhellenic delegates by Dean Helen Snyder, Dean of Women, at the Monday meet ing. The largest number given to any one house was 135, ac carding to Dean Snyder. She had no average of down slips given this semester, but it seemed more were given than last semester. A letter was sent to the Sig ma Chi house outlining ways to improve Sigma Chi Derby Day next year. A copy of the letter was sent to the Interfraternity Council and to Dean Snyder who ap proves all of the Sigma Chi games. A Christmas Tea will be held Dec. 14 rather than the regular Panhellenic meeting. ' Asked To Pay Parking Ticket At 4:30 a. ml Some 200 to 250 University and Wesleyan students who have overdue parking tickets are on a list at the Lincoln Police Department, accord ing to Lt. Donald G. Smith, of the Traffic Violations De partment. Offenders who were picked up included University stu dent, Charles Scriven. Scriv en said he was awakened at 4:30 a.m. Monday morning, and escorted by two officers to the police station where he paid his fines. Smith said the policy in most cases of overdue park ing fines was, to impound the car of the offender. He add ed, "We are using the pro cedure of taking these stu dents to the station to pay their fines in order to save them the $5 charge they would have to pay if their cars were impounded." Scriven, who had failed to pay a series of parking tick ets, including some from last year, was charged $2 a ticket. Chief Warren Graves, re sponding to the charges that officers had picked Scriven up at 4:30 a.m., said it "was possible, but not probable." "We would certainly not encourage our officers to waken anyone up that early in the morning," he contin ued. It was reported that there were several other students in the station at the same time Monday morning. Graves said "it was not like ly that there were many people in the station at that hour." Graves said that the list of . , Nebraska Centennial P.O. Box 1967 Lincoln Also on the entertainment agenda for those who make the trek to Texas is the Dal las All-Star Rodeo. It will be presented Dec. 26-31. Harvard Lauds NU Symposium The University's annual symposium on Current Theory and Research in Mo tivation has been termed the "best" source of information this topic by Harvard Uni versity. Harvard's 1964 list of books on psychology states that the Nebraska symposium is "by far the best source of infor mation on modern American thinking and experimenting in the field of motivation." Papers presented at the an nual symposium are pub lished by the University Press. Edmonson, a native of No gales, Ariz., holds three de grees from Harvard Univer sity in the social sciences und anthropology. He joined Tulane Univer sity in 1953 and was named professor of anthropology in I960, the post he now holds. He has been a member of Tu lane's Latin American Studies Committee since 1954. The author of numerous publications on Middle Amer ica, he is the author of sev eral articles now being pub lished in a "Handbook of Middle American Indians," "Problems in Latin American Education." and "The People of Rimrock: A Comparative Study of Value Systems." He has served as visiting professor of anthropology at the Universidud de San Carlos In Guatemala und at Purdue University. Edmonson also conducted field work in New Mexico us a research assist ant lor the Harvard Labora tory of Social Relations and attended summer school at the National University of Mexico. He is a member of the American Anthropological As sociation, Society for Applied Anthropology, American As sociation for the Advance ment of Science, American Ethnological Society, Louisi ana Acudcmy of Science and the New Orleans Academy of Science. offenders was just recently released, and that more of fenders would be picked up in the near future. SC Quizzes Students About Bus Questionnaires concerning the intercampus bus are be ing handed out by Student Council members today, ac cording to Bill Poppert, Park ing Committee chairman. The following questions ap pear on the list: Do you feel this bus service is adequate to meet the needs of your schedule? How many times, this year, have you been late or missed classes due to this bus? Do you feel this bus would serve you better if it were to make a stop between cam puses? If yes, where? Poppert said the facts gained from this questionn aire will help Student Council and the administration to make appropriate changes in order to improve the service of the bus. Poppert also said that many students are recieving tickets for the violation of not parking between marked stall lines at all times. He said that this regulation holds true 24 hours a day. Special care should be given, he said, when parking near the library in the evening hours. Cars may not park on the red lines or along the curb, but must be within a marked stall, he said. Quiz Bowl Teams Clash Tomorrow Fourteen teams will meet at Quiz Bowl tomorrow evening, to accommodate all the teams entered this year before the IBig Eight match. The first three matches : are. Gamma Pni Beta n ver. j sus Chi phi at 7 p m . Brain Busters versus Phi Psi Rang- . ers flt 7.25. and Farmhouse j versus Alnha Gamma Sig. ma I at 7:50. i These first six teams must check in by 7 p.m. The second set of matches includes: The Olds versus Del ta Gamma III at 8:15; and Alpha Xi Delta II versus The ta Xi II at 8:40. These four teams must check in by 8:15. In the third set. Alpha Del ta Pi II versus Beta Theta Pi pledges at 9:05: and Beta Theat Pi II versus Kappa Sig ma "A" at 9:30. These four teams must check in by 9:05. Three sets of questions will be used this week, and will each week for the rest of the tournament, according 1 0 Larry Johnson,, publicity chairman for Quiz Bowl. International Buffet Scheduled Sunday The Nebraska International Association will hold their ann ual dinner buffet this Sunday, at the First Christian Church at 16th and K Streets. Food for the buffet will be prepared by foreign students of the University. Various dishes from India, China, Afri ca, Syria, Germany and many other countries will be pre pared. In addition, there will be displays of cooking utensils and cookbooks from many different countries. Tickets are available for $1.50 at the foreign student office located in the Division of Student Affairs in the Ad ministration Building. The buffet is an annual NIA event presented to avquaint University students and the people in Lincoln with various customs and foods of coun tries represented on campus. Callan Guest Speaker For Young Democrats First district representative elect Clair Callan will speak at the meeting of the Young Democrats today at 8 p.m. in the small auditorium of the Student Union. Callan will speak on his plans for legislation, giving special attention to education. The YD business meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. All YD members are urged to attend, as several items of import ant business will be brought up. In addition, Kennedy Credo Medals will be on sale. The medals, designed In memory of President John Kennedy and distributed by the Univer sity YD's, are availible in ano dized aluminum, bronze, and silver. ft I