The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2 Friday, November 20, 1964
iif iiiiijiiiititirtit ittit iitiiiiittiintiiiiititiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:riiiiif if iitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiitiiMHw
Ten Seconds To Live
Snow flurries flew on campus yesterday, warning one
and all that more would soon follow. The snow will add
a driving hazard to a student speeding home to spend a
nappy vacation with his familv.
This is a time of Thanksgiving. But it is very hard to
give thanks when a member of the familv has been
smashed up or when a news cast tells of a fellow student
killed in an accident.
It has happened before. It can happen again, if stu
dents have a beer for the road, if they take a little too
long in preparations for leaving and then rush to their cars
and drive like mad, if they take unnecessary chances
on the road.
Many things are being done to make the driver aware
of the hazards of the road. Many safety devices have been
installed, such as seat belts, safety lights. But these things
can do no good if the driver does not use them or if he
ignores safe driving practices.
The following story appeared in the 1962 Daily Nebras
kan. It is about a man in a hurry to get home, but it may
well be about a student rushing to pumpkin pie and turkey
This man was not any one of great importance, except
to his family, who loved him dearly. He was a good man
and worked hard at his tob of selling farm machinerv
maybe too hard for it was his job that kept him on the
road traveling most of the week. He was on his way home
after a night and day selling campaign outstate. He was
tired because in his attempt to close the deal he had not
had time to sleep very much. Now all was over and he
was anxious to get home. Today was his son's birthdav.
If I drive all night I can get home in time for Bill's
birthday party, he thought to himself.
A little too anxious. . .
He pushed his sleeve back, held his wrist close to the
lighted speedometer, squinted to read the time. A little
after nine. Five, ten minutes after. Ought to be home in
nalt an hour.
If he'd known he had only ten seconds to live, he might
have checked the time more closely. He might have done
several things differently.
TEX SECONDS TO LIVE. He massaged his eyes with
mumo ana miaaie linger, trying to rub out some of the
iLE SECONDS TO LIVE. He'd driven almost
eight hours since lunch, and was beginning to feel it.
EIGHT SECONDS TO LIVE. Lohkv driving in th rain
Light from your headlights just seems to soak in along
wun ine water.
SEVEN SECONDS TO LIVE. Probably need anew
windshield wiper blade. Old one iust snreads the watpr
around instead of wiping clean. Get one tomorrow, or next
ume u rains.
SIX SECONDS TO LIVE. Somebody threw a ci
garette out oi an oncoming car. The red glow dissolved al
most before it hit the pavement.
FIVE SECONDS TO LIVE. Hp nlantor! hie hoolc n ih
floorboard, squirmed back in the seat, trying for comfort.
FOUR SECONDS TO LIVE. At 60 miles an hour, a car
covers sa leet of pavement every second. Four seconds
352 feet.
THREE SECONDS TO LIVE. Something looked wrong
through the blurry windshield. A tentative dab at the brake
stiffened into desperate pressure as he made out an old.
unlighted, slow-moving truck ahead.
TWO SECONDS TO LIVE. Panic moved in. Turn to
the left. No, car coming. Headlights too close. Can't make
it. Turn to the right.
ONE SECOND TO LIVE. Horror numbed everything,
into slow motion. He was floating right into the near
corner of the truck bed. He opened his mouth to scream.
It's happened to lots of people; maybe not just that
way but similarly. Drive too long, eyes get tired; rain or
snow that's hard to see through. Mind wandering. Driving
too fast. A car or truck ahead that you can't see. It's
happened to lots of folks.
$. . .
Classes Monday am Tuesday.
A 7 p.m. class Tuesday.
A broken foot for Doug Tucker.
Bob Devaney with only two quarterbacks.
Wearing sneakers on a rally parade,
uiniiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiim.. .
About Letters
reaatera Im Ufa it for elBrMilme
ef opinion on rarrent toplci recari- i
rlrwpolnt. Letters mart k
sl(nr4, rontaln a verifiable
dre, and be free of libelon ma-
terial. Pen names ma? be in-
rludrd but lesnen the rbiinre of
publication. Lrnzthr letteri mar be
edited or omlteld. H
Lest We Forget
j J
I- if ml4iw
1 I
Bill Mauldin's "Sorrowing Lincoln" was drawn within two hours of the President's
death. Mauldin received the Sigma Delta Chi Award for Distinguished Service to Journ
alism on April 6. "It expressed completely the nation's grief at the assassination,"
according to the Award.
by Bob Weaver
A year is too soon. Too
soon to judge the years of
John F. Kennedy. The per
spective of history is need
ed at a time when a na
tion is unable to muster
perspective. Contemporary
history is the most contro
versial of all history and
certainly anv evaluation of
John Kennedy, one of this
nations most debated of re
cent politicos, is and will
continue to be of prime controversy.
What John Kennedv
could not achieve in life, he
achieved in death. The 2nd
Session of the 88th Con
gress passed many of his
proposals partlv at the nrori-
ding of President Johnson,
partly because the time
was right, and nartlv to re
lieve a nation's grief and
lasnion a tribute.
The most significant were
the tax cut and planned def
icit, tne mass transit bill,
and finally and most im
portantly, the Civil Rights
Act of 1964. The core of
Johnson's Great Society, the
poverty bill and the brick
and mortar higher educa
tion bill had been original
ly conceived by Kennedy
and his advisers in concert
with Congressional leaders.
This Congress, in fulfill
ing this legislative program,
will be tagged as. domestic
ally the most productive
session since the earlv New
Deal. One-upmanship by
Congressional leaders in
eluding House Majority
Leader Albert and Senate
Majority Leader Mansfield
declares that the New Fron
tier measures would have
been approved had Ken
nedy lived.
Internationally, the Trade
Agreements Act and t h e
just-begun Kennedy Round
of trade negotiations at
Geneva, ranked as one of
America's most important
initiatives. His, and a na
tions humiliating defeat at
the Bay of Pigs led to his
unproductive and exasper
ating Vienna meeting in
May of 1961, with Chair
man Khrushchev. This
seeming display of weak
ness allowed the Soviet's
miscalculation in Cuba end
produced the October. 1962,
Cuban Missle Confrontation,
resulting in an initial
American triumph and &
relaxation of tensions.
A new ei a of Soviet-American
relations was begun
with a first step represent
ed by the Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty an era. the future
of which is hesitating in the
wake of Mr. Khrushchev's
fall from power.
The Kennedy years were
marked by uncertainty and
vigorous leadership, but
hope and initiative. The na
tion's out pouring grief has
disgustedly been victimized
by commercial interests.
The lines of people on the
Arlington hillside remain as
do the flowers in Dallas.
"Time heals all wounds,"
except hate.
John F. Kennedy was
many things to many peo
ple. But to most he repre
sented that which is seen
in youth by youth. He had
style, sophistication, mag
nificent delivery, and politi
cal savy. There was a new
atmosphere in Washington
this summer: the N e w
Frontier was gone, the
Great Society remained and
America lives on.
The Daily Nebraskan
M su r-ntn ?2l;"l,n,!'f"Xr edj,or; FRANK PARTSCH, new. editor;
Ml-l l ls Sl, vvk,I TT- 1KK MARSHALL, copy editor. PR1 II.I.A
If mv'..','. t..,01-sas' JU""" " writ-n.: HK'II EISKR. photo-
nop i t--t,i,.,"i- "'-'" imi rimi. r.i.-sn. spons assistant:
LV ; 1,1- ,, ,1-v K, l"- "AUSON. SCOTT HYNF.AH.SOV business assistants;
s,,hi.r, .t,rci;li,,'"n ""natter; JIM DICK, subscription manager.
Juijn notion rates $.( per semester or $i per year
unde. Z , V'SVIs!''" " ",C! lD UDCOln
The Daily Nebraskan is published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, on
Momia Wednesday. Ih-jrsday. l-Vidajr b I Diversity ol Nebraska students
under tJie jurisdiction ol the faculty Subcommittee on Student Publicatioria.
t otjlicalr'Tis 'nail be ire-- liom censorship h- h Subcommuu-e or any person
outside the Lniversity. Members ol the Nehrsakan are responalble for what
trie cause to he punted it u, printed .Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
i,drn 1 year wi,h th! M',n 1 vacation and examina-
I i
'jdi '"mm Human
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if and when
By Doug Thom
Back in the dark ages of
1953, students used to shake
in their boots at the thought
of standing before the Stu
dent Tribunal for offenses.
But since Assistant Dean
of Student Affairs J. Win
ston Martin arrived, t h e
Tribunal has turned into an
advisory body to Student
Affairs. The Dean decides
which cases should be re
ferred. The Tribunal hears
the case and makes recom
mendations to Student Af
fairs, which follows the
g r o u p's recommendation
about 90 per cent of the
time. Tribunal member Jim
.McGinnis said.
No longer does the Tribun
al hear the cases of minor
in possession, drunks, and
thus, but concentrates on
the habitual offender.
The Student Tribunal tries
to have the person reason
out his wrongs and gives
him the incite to resolve
his difficulties on his own.
Formerly the group used a
precedent system but now
they are concerned with ad
justing their recommended
action to each case and
each individual.
How do you look at the
Student Tribunal? Is it a
holier-than-thou group,
which doesn't know what
slipping out to the country
for a quickie is. Is it just
a joke a deal you have to
go to when you offend and
can laugh off after you get
out the door?
Hardly. It appears that
such the body is quit open
minded in realizing the stu
dent's problems and they go
about dealing out the rec
ommendations to aid the
students in developing a
sound character part of
the educational process.
Go Ahead
Dear Editor:
In regard to Mr. Barnes'
assinine comment on Ne
braska and agriculture
which appeared in Campus
Opinion Nov. 19:
Mr. Barnes expresses an
attitude typical of the so
called "talented" youth
whose steady flow from our
state is mistakenly lament
ed by native businessmen
and sociologists.
Mr. Barnes, sir, if you
find Nebraska's natural
beauty and resources intol
erable, please don't feel
obligated to stay. Those of
us who remain won't miss
With all due respect,
Robert Ross
Editor's Note: Mr. Ross
is not to be confused with
G. Robert Ross, dean of
Student Affairs.
Bragging Unnecessary
Dear Editor:
I've heard a lot about fra
ternity scholarship, the lat
est being the following state
m e n t from the Thursday
Daily Nebraskan: "Buzz
Madson, secretary of IPC,
pointed out that University
publications have proven
that fraternity averages are
above the over all University
average", and 1 would like
to set the record straight.
NU fraternities take only
pledges from the top half of
their high-school classes (the
University of Nebraska ac
cepts all graduates of ac
credited state high schools,
and then this select group
must make a 5.0 average to
be activated in a fraternity,
said average being less than
three tenths of one grade be
low the All-Male average for
the past three years. A stu
dent from the lower half of
his high-school graduating
class can still qualify if he
achieves a 5.0 at the Univer
Averages for the last six
semesters are All-University,
5.480; All-Male. 5.284; All
Fraternity, 5.374; All-Sorority,
6.034; All-Female, 5.875.
Even though the fraternities
have topped the All-University
average for the last two
semesters, which is com
mendable. I submit that
beating the All-Male average
by nine hundredths of one
grade for the past three
years and trailing the All
University average by
slightly over one tenth of
one grade is hardly cause
for bragging by an aca
demically selective group.
Sincerely yours, .
Larry Asman
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