The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1964, Image 1

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    iUemrtimmwm, mn. i mmmmnwami.mum,mit$imtmm(m
The Daily Nebraskan
Thursday, November 19, 1964
H n n
egisrrarion in progress
For Second Semester
The early second semester
registration will eliminate the
long walk to wait in longer
lines at the Men's P.E. Build
ing and will allow for a three
day free Drop and Add period.
The time is now to pick up
worksheets and see advisors.
All seniors graduating in
19(5 should see their advisors
and turn in worksheets for
priority in card pulling by
November 23. Graduate and
Teachers Advanced Profes
sional students should also
turn in work sheets by No
vember 23.
All other students not in
Junior Division are to make
appointments with their ad
visors and turn in their work
sheets Nov. 30-Dec. 4.
must make appointments with
their advisors and turn in
their worksheets Nov. 30-Dec.
Students not turning in
worksheets by Dec. 11 will
register on February 5-6.
The early registration for
second semester will provide
time for payment of fees by
mail and a free three-d a y
Drop and Add period, Feb. 1,
2 and 3.
Students will be billed for
second semester fees on Jan.
15. Payment of fees by mail
must be made to the Univer
sity Bursar, Administration
204, by January 22 or class
reservations will be canceled.
Mrs. Irma Laase, Assistant
Registrar, emphasized that
Junior Division students I this year all undergraduate
Bowl Tickets Go On Sale
At Special Half Price Rate
Student tickets for Nebras
ka's clash with Arkansas in
the Cotton Bowl have been
slashed to $2.75, according to
James Pittenger, athletic tic
ket manager.
This is a 50 per cent cut
from the original price of
$5.50, and applies only to full
time University students.
Students interested in at
tending the game may order
their tickets now by showing
their I.D. cards. Tickets will
then be mailed to the pur
chasers by NU officials.
Block sections may be ob
tained by presenting I.D.
cards for the number of seats
Ticket sales for the game
are expected to reach 10,000
in contract to the 7,500 sold
for last year's Orange Bowl
A Union-sponsored trip to
the Cotton Bowl is now in the
planning stages. More infor
mation about this trip will be
released at a later date.
Tickets for the closed cir
cuit telecast of this Satur
day's Nebraska - Oklahoma
game are still available at
'.he NU ticket office.
Tickets for the TV show
ing are $2. At this time onlv
3,000 of the possible 8,000
seats have l?een sold.
worksheets should list substi
tute courses at least 3 al
ternatives. Junior Division
College Counselors and the
Deans' offices should not ac
cept worksheets without these
alternate courses.
Students should get three
copies of the worksheet and
a second semester schedule
at 208 Administration, Win
dow 2, or at 207 Agricultural
A tentative schedule should
be planned and an appoint
ment made with yotir advisor.
Junior Division students
should leave worksheets with
their college counselors. Up
perclass students are to take
the white and yellow copy to
the office of their Dean and
secure his signature.
Upperclass students leave
the worksheets at the Deans'
offices. The worksheets will
be sent from there to t h e
Registrar's office.
Graduate and Teachers Ad
vanced Professional students
should leave their registration
forms in Administration 208.
The Registrar's Office will
pull cards for all students
whose worksheets are re
ceived by Nov. 16-Dec. 11. Stu
dents will be notified if cours
es listed or substitutes are
not available or are in con
flict. Students notified of con
flicts or closed courses must
report to Administration 111
for adjustments in their pro
grams. On Jan. 15, students
will receive their class as
signment report, a fee state
ment and registration form to
be filled out and returned by
Jan. 22.
Dr. Roy Holly
Roy Holly
ells $H
Ban evemwj
Council Voes To Improve
Lincoln Students' Position
Student Council passed a
resolution by John Luckason
yesterday calling for the in
clusion of Lincoln independ
ents in certain campus elec
tions and activities from
which they are now excluded
because they are not in or
ganized living units.
The resolution called for
Unicorns, the organization for
off-campus independents, to
act as a go-between for the
Lincoln students, in signing
up for interviews selecting
After a discussion by Coun
cil members on setting an ar
bitrary number limit on the
number of candidates U n I
corns may select, the resolu
tion was amended to say that
the "number of candidates
they are allowed to submit
would be left up to the or
ganization holding the elec
tion." In introducing the resolu
tion, Luckasen said that there
are 4,000 students not living
on campus who at present
cannot apply for many cam
pus elections. He said U n i
corns would thus be set up
as a kind of "living unit,"
and would be a liason for Lin
coln students.
In response to an editorial
appearing in last Friday's
Daily Nebraskan, Council
President John Lydick read
his answer to charges in the
editorial that the "Council has
failed to do anything of any
consequence all year."
Lydick pointed out several
Jtrograms which the Council
s engaged in presently, are
not "appropriate for weekly
headlines," but "are a very
significant contribution to the
University student."
He said that Larry Frolik,
public issues chairman, has
"been doing intensive study
on the di?c'"-i!::r.Mc.i issue
si.ii! Sept. 1."
The Dead Week idea is pres
ently in the process of being
accepted by the Senate Fac
ulty, he said.
Another program he cited
was the possible foundation
of a faculty evaluation pro
gram, as used on the West
Answering the editorial's
suggestion that Council "must
be composed of many lead
ers, persons who are imagi
native and creative enough to
realize the needs of the cam
pus," Lydick said this was a
fair bit of constructive criti
cism. He said, however, that he
does not feel that at present
the Council . "is lethargic or
Diane Michel, chairman of
the Nebraska Student Govern
ment Association Committee,
told Council members that
she and the members of her
committee were leaving for
Chadron tomorrow for the
convention of the Association
this weekend.
Miss Michel said that she
had not received any informa
tion about it until yesterday,
despite the fact that she had
written to the Association re
questing information.
Attending the convention
with Miss Michel will be Al
Heine, Bill Hansmir, and
John Kenagy.
Speaking for the Student
Opinion Committee, John Co
sier told Council members
that his committee is going
to conduct another poll on the
financial situation of the Daily
Cosier said this poll will be
conducted by telephone, with
a random sample of students
being selected from the stu
dent directory. He said ev
ery seventieth name would be
selected, which result in 147
people to be called.
He pointed out four reasons
for taking this poll. The first
reason was as a check and
correlation to the last poll,
which was taken in the form
of an election, and which re
sulted in some confusion over
the results being valid.
The second reason he listed
was to provde more Informa
tion to the Daily Nebraskan
to help them solve their
Cosier said the third reason
embodied the personal con
tact of a telephone poll. He
said such a poll would allow
the poll-taker to explain the
situation thoroughly to per
sons, so intelligent votes may
be obtained.
Cosier's fourth reason was
to provide Student Council and
his committee with the knowl
edge of whether or not such
polls are feasible, or if they
are invalid.
The poll lists three alter
natives. These include: Keep
up the Increased advertising;
raise tuition 50 cents per per
son per semester; or reduce
costs by printing the Daily
Nebraskan only three times
per week or printing only one
half as many copies each day.
Associates Committee chair
man Sue Graham reported
that a registered parliamen
tarian will give a talk to the
Associates at their Dec. 2
meeting. She said they will
use this knowledge in a mock
student council they plan to
Andy Taube, Peace Corps
Committee chairman told the
Council that since the Peace
Corps members at Nebraska
Center are going to be leav
ing sooner than expected, the
movie Mexican Busride'
would have to be held last
night at 7:45 in the Union
small auditorium.
Sue Graham told the Coun
cil that there has been some
confusion about the "senior
check" which seniors must
have before registering for
ineir last semester.
Miss Graham explained that
the senior check is an evalu
ation of their courses to date.
and suggestions of courses to
take before graduation.
She said that the seniors
wouldn't be held responsible
for this presently, since the
University had not taken care
of it prior to registration.
Parking Committee chair
man Bill Poppert said that
the results of the survey tak
en on the intcrcampus bus
were ready statistically, but
he did not wish to report to
the Council until he had done
some further checking.
Lydick told the Council that
several letters had been re
ceived concerning programs
for model United Nations. He
said Susie Segrist is current
ly working in this area.
Don Cruise was formally
named to the Parking Com
mittee and the Nebraska Stu
dent Government Committee.
Cruise was elected as a grad
uate representative to the
Council several weeks ago.
Dr. Roy Holly yesterday re
signed as vice chancellor at
the University to accept a po
sition as chairman of the de
partment of obstetrics and
gynecology at the Jefferson
Medical College in Philadel
phia effective about February
1, 1965.
The Board of Regents yes
versity with a great deal of
reluctance," Holly said in ten
dering his resignation. "My
association with the Universi
ty has been most pleasant.
My decision has been reached
because of my desire to re
turn to my professional field."
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
yesterday told the Board of
Regents Holly's resignation
was a "serious loss to the Uni
versity in view of the valu
able contributions he has
The Jefferson Medical Col
lege is one of the oldest medi
cal colleges in the United
States, having been founded in
1825. The school has con
ferred the Doctor of Medicine
degree upon 20,000 graduates
and has an annual budget of
more than $16,000,000.
Holly has been vice chancel
lor for graduate and profes
sional education and research
at Nebraska since 1962. He
joined the University staff in
1954 as a member of the Col
lege of Medicine faculty in
Omaha. In 1956, he was
named chairman of the de
partment of obstetrics and
gynecology and was named
Dean of the Graduate College
in 1961.
"Dr. Holly has contributed
greatly to the progress of the
entire University," Hardin
said. "His leadership has
aided significantly in the con
tinued development of excel
lence. We are most reluctant
to have him leave Nebraska,
but we understand and re
spect his desire to return to
Hardin said Holly will re
main as Vice Chancellor until
February to finish plans for a
major program of research
The Board of Regents yes
terday sold $15.9 million
worth of bonds to the lowest
bidder, thereby refunding all
outstanding student fees and
facilities revenue bonds and
moving the University into a
new era of bond financing.
In selling the bonds to a
syndicate managed by Blythe
and Co. and White Weld, Inc.,
both of New York and Chi
cago, and Kirkpatrick Pettis
of Omaha, the Regents saved
$82,444 in interest payments
from the next highest bid and
sold to the only one of the
four bidders representing Ne
braska firms.
The purpose of the change
in bond financing procedure
was to provide for more flex
ibility in future construction
By refunding all outstand
ing bonds, the Regents em
barked on an "open-ended"
system, allowing for addition
al bond sales to meet increas
ing construction needs of stu
dent services in the future.
The old system, under which
all present construction is fi
nanced, limited the Univer
sity to $16 million outstand
ing. The Regents also passed a
motion by Val Peterson pro
viding for the president of
the board to meet with the
Governor and interested legis
lators to consider selling
bonds for future projects to
the state, paid for by sur
plus funds.
Peterson also suggested
consideration of an amend
ment to the Nebraska Con
stitution to allow the Univer
sity to issue bonds backed by
the state and asking the four
state teachers colleges, rep
resented by the Normal
Board, to join with the Uni
versity and the state in these
"Our present indebtedness
is $16 million," Peterson said.
"If the teachers colleges are
included in this figure, it
would be $30 million. It will
undoubtedly rise to $50 to $75
"My purpose is to beat
down the interest rate in the
interest of the boys and girls
of Nebraska," Peterson said.
"This is not meant to be crit
ical of the bids we received
today, but we have a general
obligation to the boys and
girls of the state."
The motion was seconded
by Regent LeRoy Welsh;
The funds provided through
the bond sales are used for
construction projects beyond
classrooms, which are pro
vided from the state build
ing levy, principally dormi
tories and campus services.
The bonds are paid off
through the profits made by
the student services, such as
dormitories, student health
and the Student Union.
The board also awarded
contracts for construction
projects, equipment and automobiles.
The contracts
awarded as follows:
Maxfield Exploins
Slides Of Russia
The only color picture of
a Russian atomic submarine
which the U.S. government
has was among those shown
to University students by
Morgan Maxfield yesterday.
He and Defense Secretary
McNamara are the only peo
ple in the U.S. who have pic
tures of a Russian A-Sub.
Maxfield, chosen by the
Junior Chamber of Commerce
of America as one of the top
five outstanding voung men
in America in 1964, was the
Panama earlier this
were graduates of
school," Maxfield said.
Resurfacing of the run
ning track at Memorial Sta
dium, Missouri Valley Con
struction Co., Grand Island,
Installation of new and
removal of obsolete under
ground electrical cable, East
Campus, Commonwealth
Electric, Lincoln, $14,625.
Kitchen equipment for
Abel Hall Buller Fixture
Company, Inc., Omaha, $39,
484 (group A) and Hocken
berg Fixture and Supply
Company, Omaha, $110,368
(group B). The combined to
tal is $149,852.
Underground steam line,
chilled water line and elec
trical ducts for Abel Hall,
Natkin and Company, Lin
coln, $68,617.
Nine, 4-door Ford sedans,
Gerelick of Omaha $16,
257.12. Three Ford station wag
ons, Gabus of Hoktiege, $6,-181.71.
Maxfield was able to gain
a personal interview with
Premier Khrushchev while in
When Maxfield asked Khru
shchev his goals as Party
leader, he replied that he
wanted to win the world for
Communism and to end the
war between the "haves and
the have-nots." He cited the
guest speaker at yesterday's j young people of Russia as his
'Cha Cha Charla' Set
For Tonight In Union
The University Spanish Club
will meet tonight for an in
formal social hour and short
business session. "Cha Cha
Charla" will be held in 235
Student Union at 7 p.m.
"The purpose of the meet
ing is, to give students a
chance to get to know each
other and practice their Span
ish," said Susie Rutter, Span
ish Club president.
Thanksgiving Problem:
Foreign Student Lodging
As Thanksgiving vacation
approaches, there is again the
problem of temporary housing
for those who must move out
of the dormitory.
Foreign students at the Uni
versity who live in a dormi
tory have been able to move
to a basement portion of Sel
leck Quad in previous years
for Thanksgiving vacation.
This year, however; with
the overflow of students all
areas in Selleck are being
used for regular student hous
ing. This leaves some students
with no place to go. In sev
eral cases the students al
ready have invitations to
stay with a friend's family.
Some have invitations to
spend Thanksgiving with their
Host family in Lincoln.
Each student needing tem
porary housing in the dormi
tory is being contacted indi
vidually, Mr. M. Edward
Bryan, director of housing
All those who don't have
anywhere to go will be able
to stay in the Capital Hotel
for the vacation period, he
said. Bryan said he hopes to
have definite plans made for
students needing housing over
Christmas vacation.
Any student needing a place
to stay over Thanksgiving va
cation should contact the For
eign Student Office in the Ad
ministration Building. There
is a list of families who would
like to have a foreign visitor
in their home for Thanksgiving.
meeting of the Union Talks
and Topics Committee.
Maxfield, 23 years old and
a graduate of the University
of Texas where he majored
in physics and chemistry,
showed slides he had taken
while an exchange student in
Russia in 1962.
The slides were taken by
Maxfield while he was dis
guised as a Russian citizen.
They consisted of various
scenes throughout the city of
"One citizen in one thou
sand in Russia has an auto
mobile," Maxfield said ns he
showed a slide of a new su
perhighway in Moscow which
was practically deserted. "It
is unheard of for a student
in Russia to have a car," he
Another of the slides showed
the huge crowds waiting in
line to pass by Lenin's body.
"There is a constant line at
least eight blocks long wait
ing to get a three second
glimpse of the body of the
man they call the 'Prince of
Peace,' " he said.
"Eighty per cent of the
work force in Russia is made
up of women," Maxfield said.
He showed a slide where 25
women and one man were go
ing out to work in a Russian
hay field. The man was to
drive the tractor and the
women were to pitch hay.
The University of Moscow
has over 400,000 students Max
field said. These students
come from all over the world
and many of them study in
a special school for learning
how to aid in the development
of underdeveloped countries.
"I would guess that most if
not all of the 26 students who
started the demonstrations in
greatest asset toward attain
ing this goal.
The Russian young people
were what Maxfield listed as
being the most impressive
"I fear we are winning the
battle of education, but los
ing the battle of dedication,"
Maxfieic! said in describing
the courage and loyalty of the
Russian youth.
"I feel we are the genera
tion of destiny for the United
States," Maxfield said. "We
have the ability to win the
world for the U.S. and free
dom," he said.
Fifteen Students Get
Sears-Roebuck Grants
Fifteen University students
have received Sears-Roebuck
Foundation scholarships, ac
cording to F. T. Johnston, lo
cal representative of the Foun
dation. Each student was selected
for the $300 award by a Uni
versity committee which con
sidered scholarship, leader
ship and financial need.
Scholarships are awarded in
all Land Grant Colleges in the
50 states and Puerto Rico.
Since the program began in
1936, more than 22,000 deserv
ing agricultural and home
economics students have re
ceived these scholarship
awards from the Sears Roe
buck Foundation.
The University of Nebraska
scholarship recipients are:
Freshmen: Kathy Oberle,
Sharee Schick, Lloyd Reeder,
Paul Rohrer, Richard Tegt
mcier, Kenneth Volker, Marv
in Hughes, William Lueck,
Eric Otte, Ralph Puis, Ter
rance Cacek, Leslie DeBoer,
Gary Diffendaffer and Rob
ert Dwyer.
Sophomore award: Burton
IFC Thinking
Of Expansion
General possibilities of fra
ternity housing expansion
were presented at the Inter
fraternity Council meeting
last night, by President Tom
Brewster said that the
Board of Control had been
working on the housing prob
lem and that suggestion were
made at the Board's meeting,
Tuesday night.
"The general vicinities of
expansion could only be to the
north and to the cast," Brew
ster noted.
If the University were to
purchase the land, the fra
ternities could lease the prop-
t h 1 s ertv- This would result in the
fraternities not having to pay
the high taxes that they are
now paying, Brewster said.
The fraternities could sell
their present houses to the
University, to be used for
married student housing or
educational facilities.
"This re-situating of houses
would encourage new f r a
ternities to colonize," Brew
ster said.
There will be a meeting of
house presidents and corpora
tion managers to discuss the
expansion problem, on No
vember 23 at 7:30 in the Union
small auditorium.
The IFC budget for this
year was voted upon and
passed by IFC members.
Brewster announced that he
had heard complaints from
secondary education princi
pals concerning "scholastic
problems resulting from
pledge training." For this rea
son, he said, these principals
favored deferred rush.
Buzz Madson, secretary of
ire, pointed out that Univer
sity publications have proven
that fraternity averages are
above the over all University
Individual scholarship com
mittees within each of t h e
htuses, and the new tutorial
program for pledges, are
proof of the emphasis t h e
Greeks put on scholarship,
Madson said.
Tom Schwenke, vice-president
of IFC, said that the fra
ternities should try to work
more closely with secondary
education principals so that
they might better understand
fraternities, and the G r e e k
concern of high scholarship.
Mike Kirkman said that
contracts had been drawn up
with IFC and printers for the
publication of the IFC rush
Scholarship Chairman, John
Cosier, said that the tutorial
program for pledges was in
operation. He said that a 1 1
pledges are invited to attend,
every Sunday at 7 p.m. in the
Union. Cosier added that tu
tors in French and Biology
were s ill needed.
Brewster said that it had
been announced by the Uni
versity Office of Scholarship
and financial Aids that the
recipients of the Delta Up
silon scholarships are Larry
Wade, Theta Chi and Doyle
Kauk, Alpha Gamma Rho.