The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2 Wednesday, November 18, 1964
I lUllllllllMltllMf 111! Ml II I llllt llf Illli; tf f tlllllllit II tllllMIIIMMIIIttf Illltllllf IIIKIlllf lllill tttlllllilltttllw4M
We Salute You
The editorial page generally leaves all sports com
ment to the Sports Editor. However, this does not mean
that it is not concerned with and proud of the Cornhusker
The Cornhuskers have given national prestige to this
campus. They have added to the prestige of Lincoln. In
addition, they have contributed to Lincoln's economic sit
uation. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce recently ran
an article stating just how much additional income was
brought into the city on days of home games. The amount
was phenominal.
But more than that, they have added an element to
the individual student's composition pride and enthusi
asm. Maybe athletic scholarships aren't really so bad after
all. They are self supporting and they have produced.
That point could still be questioned, and probably will be
time and time again. But the point is that the athletes
have given a great deal to this campus.
Athletes used to be The big heroes. They used to be
the ones elected to every honorary post. They used to be
the idol of the youngsters and oldsters of our society.
But then someone decided that they were getting too
much credit, were sliding through too easily.
Their recognition has now been reduced to the cover
age they receive in Sunday's sports page and, if the last
few years can be set to set tradition, to having one of
their members elected Prince Kosmet.
Coeds may stand in awe at the sight of a red hood,
but are cautious at the sight of a handsome football play
er. To swoon over one of that breed merely as a status
symbol just isn't the thing to do these days.
However, every afternoon they sweat and slave
through long hours of practice.
On Friday nights when everyone else is out party
ing, they are relaxing, building up strength for the next
day's ordeal.
On Saturday afternoons they work and grind while
providing entertainment for thousands of fans.
We yell and holler and scream at our football team, but
we love them.
They are out there not for the yelling, hollering,
screaming and praise although this does add glamour to
the sport. They are out there because they like to play.
Congratulations, team. We are proud of you. The Daily
Nebraskan salutes you.
Pancakes And Progress
The editor of a school newspaper is invited to several
press conferences. Within four days were two conferences
that rather related.
One was a meeting explaining the University budget
as it was given to the Governor. The other was a break
fast of potato pancakes and very good pancakes at that.
After recovering from the jolt of seeing a ten million
dollar increase in the asking of the budget, one began
breaking the amount down into categories.
One half of the budget will go for agriculture and med
icine. Broken down another way, one half will go for non
teaching expenses, such things as research, extension
service and so on.
The question came to mind "Does the agriculture pro
gram really give that much aid to the state and to the
The answer is yes.
The other press conference launched the sale of Ne
braska potatoes in Nebraska. They have been sold else
where, but not to any great extent in the home state.
The University of Nebraska developed the potato that
is now being sold .The potato industry in Nebraska has
grown to a $3.5 million a year income.
The product of the University added versatility to the
common place potato. The same potato can be used for
both table use and for processing into such things as
potato chips, French fries, etc.
This product has brought money to the industry in
Nebraska and used to boost Nebraska's economy.
This is only one of many of the projects completed in
our own agriculture research departments. There are
more now under way.
They are directed at many industries cattle, hogs,
torn, wheat. You name it, there is or has been a project
on this on our campus.
Research is expensive. But research is producing. It
is the only way that Nebraska can continue to advance.
This money is being utilized well by our research experts.
It is money badly needed.
Where From?
In Monday's editorial the editor stated that It would
be nice if the Betas wrote their own skit rather than leaving
that chore to a Beta chapter on another campus. It should
be clarified that the Betas got their IDEAS from a Beta
chapter in Pennsylvania.
Gary Martin, skit director, wrote the songs and dia
logue. The editor was informed by members of the Beta
chapter that the main content of the skit came from Penn
sylvania. It still stands, however, that the Nebraska chapter
has enough potential to come up with their own ideas or
to get their ideas from a source rather than another chap
ter. This reflects a general attitude of the State of Nebras
ka that no idea is as good as that originated in another
place. We are afraid to use our imaginations.
Why Church?
Explore the Significance
of the Church
With Mr. Jerry Melim
in a Credit Course
at Coiner Seliool of Keligion
1237 "R" 477-6909
Cotton has problems.
Now if we'd gone to New
Orleans something could be
done with sugar. Or how
about Bourbon Street? The
best we can do is cotton gin.
But cotton's okay. The
girls could all pull out their
cotton sundresses and
And then there is the pos
sibility of doing something
with the Arkansas razor
backs. Of course, in t h i s
day of modern appliances,
everyone knows razors went
out of style a long time ago.
Or the campus may be
come a mad mania of tame
razorfoack hogs being 1 e d
around on a leash. We could
all eat pork to get in prac
tice. It would be fun to be King
of Cotton.
Made a trip to the new
East campus library the
other day. What a place.
I spent half an hour just
walked around in amaze
ment and another half hour
deciding to spend every Fri
day afternoon out th e r e
It was built with study
area in mind not cramped
little holes but desks bor
dering big windows; with a
view of the beautiful cam
pus. The atmosphere is un
believable. And the desks
The Daily
,1WH HALBERT, manafim editor; FRANK PARTSCH, editor;
Junior staff writers; RICH EISKR, photographer; I'KGOY SPEECE. aporU
5" YN:ARS()N. bUHlnes assiMnnls; LYNN RATHJEN. circulation man
aer; JIM DICK, ubscription manager.
SubecrirXinD ralaa $3 per etmeater or t5 per yi-ar.
Entered aa oeconri clum mader at the putt olflcc In Uncolo Nebraska.
Under Uie act of August 4, :912.
The Daily Nebraskan n published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, on
Monday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday by University of Nebraska students
under Ike jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommitte on Student Publications,
publications shull be fr from censorship I"- he Subcommittee or any person
outside the t'luversily. Members of the Nebraskan ara responsible for what
they cause to be printed. It Is printed Monday, Wednesday. Thursday and
Friday, riurinc the school year with the exception of vacation and exemina
Uon periods.
t200 'O'
MteialkHbU JkAtLtHS
are large enough to provide
room to study. So many
times one becomes so mixed
up in a pile of notes and
research material that noth
ing can be accomplished.
There's an interesting lit
tle feature that I have not
quite figured out yet, but it
sure is nice. It's a sun win
dow on top, with walls ex
tending all the way to the
basement floor. In the base
ment there's a court that
leads into a lounge area.
Nothing like a warm out
door court in the middle of
the winter.
The rooms are so sunny
and warm that, though I'm
not sure, it seems that one
could walk in from a very
cloudy, dreary day into the
sunshine of June.
Has anyone noticed the
holes in the sidewalks late
ly? Theories as to their use
may include a bear trap,
planting area for trees, or
maybe it's just where the
razorbacks have been root
ing. Have to check into that.
A Lake
A quiet lake,
Seen under the moon,
Is a different lake
Seen in an afternoon.
By Nick Partsch
Ctvcijo So".-''-
Because of our climate,
We all feel and know,
We'll soon be covered
With a blanket of snow.
We do not care,
It's happened before.
The cold snow will come
And cover earth's floor.
By Nick Partsch
2iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii .iij
I About Letters I
readers U H far cipnwnloM 2
o( opinloi earrent lo(ci retard. j
lens t wlewaalat. Latter matt ba
elrned contain a fcriflabla aa
dress, and ba fraa of llbeloue ma- 35
tertal. Pea namea mar ba ta- S
the rhance of publication. Lenitnr
s letters mar b edited ar emitted. S
Tom Huck
t. LI 4-
1 : 1
V ff awiar' "te
. eT"
He's finding it at Western
Ohio University conferred a B.S.E.E. degree on
C. T. Huck in 1956. Tom knew of Western Elec
tee's history of manufacturing development. He
realized, too, that our personnel development pro
gram was expanding to meet tomorrow's demands.
After graduation, Tom immediately began to
work on the development of electronic switching
systems. Then, in 1958, Tom went to the Bell Tele
phone Laboratories on a temporary assignment to
help In the advancement of our national military
capabilities. At their Whippany, New Jersey, labs,
Tom worked with the W.E. development team on
computer circuitry for the Nike Zeus guidance sys
tem. Tom then moved on to a new assignment at
W.E.'s Columbus, Ohio, Works. There, Tom is work
ing on the development of testing circuitry for the
memory phase of electronic switching systems.
Western Electric
Principal manuUcturm location . in 1J c
Engineering R(' jparrh Onler, VrmnHon,
By Frank Partsch
Back in the days before
my mind was dulled by the
vices of the world my
freshman year I drew up
a plan that I thought would
rank with the perfect crime
in durability, effectiveness
and honor to its inventor.
Not needing durability, ef
fect nor honor at the time,
I filed it away in the pig
eonholes of my cobweb and
nearly forgot it. Now, be
ing hard-pressed for column
subjects, I will relate it to
you. I call it The Great
Propriety, more commonly
known as Plan X.
Seeing that sudents are
as hurt for time as t h e
Republicans are for votes,
I uttered the long standing
comment "There should just
be more hours each day."
And then, when I realized
what a gooder I had said,
I thought it over and drew
up Plan X, otherwise known
as the 26-hour day.
Plan X is simply this:
each day, instead of com
prising two 12 hour cycles,
will be made of two 13
hour cycles, leaving us with
a 26 hour day.
Now this will bring with
it certain problems, which
I have decided to solve by
making each month 27.6
days long to keep months
and years consistant with
history and to keep the
seasons in the correct
months. The leap year
$3 h
If if" It 1
sought scientific
' ' ...(
t n
N. J, :
i Opcvdi-iR f.:'-r. "n m.,o;fM e
'T-K.tyu,.Cor.1 kikok.e, III , L.tti, Rock,
problem can be loft as It
Let's consider the advan
tages. Each day would have
two extra hours. Now who
wouldn't give his left eye
tooth for two extra hours
to study, sleep or build
Homecoming displays?
It would make the human
race more healthy and well
adjusted, giving them mor
sleep and more time to
read, relax and concentrate
on trying to figure out pol
itics. It would boost the econ
omy tremendously look
at all the clocks and
watches that will have to
be rebuilt, the staff that
will have to be hired by
calendar companies, the
printing of schedules, tic
kets. Because of the extra tima
provided by Plan X, the
golf courses, theaters, clubs
and the entire entertain
ment industry will benefit.
We will truly be envel
oped in the age of The
Great Propriety.
One problem bothered me
quite a bit about Plan X:
the fact that the sun will
keep coming up and doing
down at all kinds of funny
times during the day.
Now that I think about it,
the dark will be no prob
lem, what with our good
modern lighting and all.
And you can take your
girl to the drive-in movia
on Saturday mornings.
32 CAY
, . 4
J ' t , -
This constant challenge of the totally new,
combined with advanced training and education
opportunities, make a Western Electric career
enjoyable, stimulating and fruitful. Thousands of
young men will realize this in the next few year$.
How about you?
If responsibility and the challenge of the future
appeal to you, and you have the qualifications w
are looking for, talk with us. Opportunities for fast
moving careers exist now for electrical, mechani
cal and industrial engineers, and also for physical
science, liberal arts and business majors. For more
detailed information, get your copy of the Western
Electric Career Opportunities booklet from your
Placement Officer. And be sure to arrange for an
interview when the Bell System recruiting team
visits your campus.
:.;,-, p, j-, ,-,0 otnor tnrou ht-ut tho U
Ark. Genial Hfitmart N,.wYorl City